Part 1 - Recommendations
Part 2 - Guidance and Explanatory Material
Global Action Plan for the
Prevention of Runway Excursions
Organisations that supported the initiative
Patrick Ky, Executive Director EASA
Gilberto Lopez Meyer,
Senior Vice President, Safety and Flight Operations
Luis Felipe de Oliveira, Director General ACI World
Simon Hocquard, Director General CANSO
Hassan Shahidi, President and CEO FLIGHT SAFETY FOUNDATION
Eamonn Brennan, Director General EUROCONTROL
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 3
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We would like to acknowledge the following people and organisations that led the working groups and validation process
of this Action Plan and without which it would not have been possible:
We would like to acknowledge the following people and organisations that have actively contributed to the production of
this Action Plan:
Thomas Landers, Gulfstream Aerospace
Khalid Abaran, Groupe ADP
Yannick Malinge, Airbus
Shayne Campbell, CANSO
Dragos Munteanu, IATA
Captain Tom Becker, TUI y
Alexander Krastev, EUROCONTROL
Andrew Badham, UK CAA
Gerard van Es, NLR
Aigars Krastins, EASA
Michelle Low, EASA
Jim Fee, FAA
Mark Millam, VP FSF
Lisa Sasse, Chair FSF BAC
Captain Harry Nelson, Chair FSF IAC
Captain Pascal Kremer, Chair FSF EAC
Captain Mike Gillen, United Airlines
Dai Whittingham, UKFSC
Ian Witter, Heathrow Airport
Harald De Borger, Brussels Airport
Davy Van Hyfte, Brussels Airport
Patricia Fellay, Geneve Airport
Nele De Greef, Brussels Airport
Pieter Schaap, Amsterdam Airport
Pedro Reis, Lisbon Airport
Karel Mündel, Prague Airport
Corina Stiubei, EBAA
Peter Rix, ECA
Moritz Bürger, ECA
Captain Johan Glantz, EBAA
Captain Andrew Elbert, Ryanair
Captain Simon Player, Ryanair
Captain Christopher Williams, easyJet
Captain Peter Malady, easyJet
Captain Sven Paesschierssens, easyJet
Captain Bill Curtis, Presage Group
Captain Mattias Pak, Cargolux
Captain Chris Beaumont, BALPA
Richard, Weeks, NetJets
Captain Ed Pooley, FSF EAC
Florence-Marie Jegoux, DGAC/DSAC/MEAS
Oliview Teyssandier, DSNA
Ruben Marco, ENAIRE
Antony Delclos, DGAC/DSAC/MEAS
Arkadi Merkulov, ICAO
Stijn de Graa, EUROCONTROL
Patricia Ithier, DSNA
Captain André Vernay, DGAC/DSAC/MEAS
Paul Adamson, ICAO
Günter Kind, DFS
Steve Carlson, NATS
Daryl Rowlands, NATS
Alberto Ottomaniello, EASA
Emmanouil Vardakis, EASA
Emmanuel Isambert, EASA
Giovanni Cima, EASA
Hette Hoekema EASA
Vasileios Stefanioros, EASA
Daniel Ivan, Romanian CAA
Diego García, AESA
Olga Maria Martinez Canovas, AENA S.M.E.
Gregory Bulkley, Boeing
Stephen Burrington, Boeing
Gunter Ertel, Boeing
Cedric Descheemaeker, Airbus
Lars Kornstaedt, Airbus
Daniel Lopez Fernandez, Airbus
Thierry Bourret, Airbus
Captain Gilbert Savary, Airbus
Captain Shaun Wildey, Airbus
Olivier Donchery, NAVBLUE
Djamila Bunouf, NAVBLUE
Ratan Khatwa, Honeywell
Caio Cramer, Embraer
Stéphane Picaut, Dassault
Captain Rick Wynen, NAV Canada
Captain Paul Bombala, NAV Canada
Ray Gélinas, NAV Canada
Captain Rafael Rastrello, Latam Airlines
Captain Ricardo Virgílio, Latam Airlines
Virginio Corrieri, ALTA
Captain Graeme Smyth, NAV Canada
Jose R. Fernandez, IATA
Rodolfo Volpini, ENAV
Felice De Lucia, ENAV
Damon Knight, Air Navigation Solutions
The Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions initiative is coordinated by:
Tzvetomir Blajev, Operational Safety Coordinator EUROCONTROL, FSF Regional Director Europe.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 5
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Notwithstanding specic aviation risks in 2020 associated
with the COVID-19 pandemic, the rate and number of runway
excursions worldwide remained steady in the last decade.
Data show the industry has reduced the rate of commercial
aviation runway excursion accidents, but the absolute num-
ber of accidents and incidents and their severity still indicate
a very high risk.
In a study of incident and accident data dedicated to this
action plan process, the International Air Transport Associa-
tion (IATA) reported that between 2005 and the rst half of
2019, 23 percent (283) of accidents in IATAs global accident
database involved a runway excursion. This was the most
frequent end state, followed by gear-up landing/gear collapse
(15 percent) and ground damage (12 percent).
Managing the runway excursion risk is one of the best exam-
ples of how dierent aviation segments cannot achieve success
alone. Runway excursion risk and resilience management rely
on a system of tightly coupled factors for success, and that
system depends on a joint and coordinated eort of all the avi-
ation players. The complexity of runway excursion prevention
comes also from the fact that the eect of the risk and resilience
factors is highly cumulative — runway condition maintenance
and reporting, aircraft performance and operations, collabo-
rative approach path management and adherence to robust
policies for safe descent and approach planning, stabilised
approach, safe landing and go-around are some examples.
The jointly owned risk requires joint solutions. This is why the
industry came together, within a dedicated working group, to
discuss and agree on the most important actions to address
the runway excursion risk. The result is a list of recommenda-
tions that represent the industry consensus on the best prac-
tices and intervention beyond simple regulatory compliance.
The recommendations are mainly generic, and it will be up
to the responsible organisations to decide specic details for
possible implementation, after taking local conditions and
specic context into account.
Addressing both the risk and the resilience factors has been
a guiding principle of the working group that reviewed acci-
dent and incident data, single scenarios and best practices,
and suggestions on risk and resilience management.
The recommendations are the result of the combined and
sustained eorts of organisations representing all segments
of aviation. The organisations that contributed to this action
plan are committed to enhancing the safety of runway op-
erations by advocating the implementation of the recom-
mendations that it contains. These organisations include,
but are not limited to, aerodrome operators, air navigation
service providers, aircraft operators, aircraft manufacturers,
R&D organisations, regulators, international organisations
and associations.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 7
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Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 9
This document contains Part 1 and Part 2 of the Global Action
Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions (GAPPRE).
Part I contains the agreed recommendations to the following
civil aviation organisations: aerodrome operators, air navi-
gation service providers (ANSPs), aircraft operators, aircraft
manufacturers, regulators, the International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) and addressees of the research and de-
velopment (R&D) recommendations (States, international
organisations and the industry).
Part 2 provides explanatory and guidance material, and re-
lated best practices for the recommendations listed in this
document. The guidance and explanatory material (GEM) are
provided as appendixes to this document.
The recommendations and the (GEM)were developed by six
dedicated working groups and were extensively reviewed
and validated by:
Airports Council International — World (ACI World);
The Civil Air Navigation Services Organisation (CANSO);
The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EAA); and,
The International Air Transport Associaon (IATA).
The development of the GAPPRE recommendations is based
on the following principles:
Provide recommendations that address actions beyond
regulatory compliance — the recommendations in this
action plan are not exhaustive in managing the runway
excursion risk and resilience. It is fundamental that organ-
isations shall be compliant to international, regional and
national rules and regulations.
Base recommendations on consensus — a recommen-
dation is included in the action plan only if there was a
consensus for it during the drafting and the subsequent
validation process.
Embrace further data analytics — suggest to actors that
they make better use of existing data and fuse and analyse
larger volumes of heterogeneous data.
Address both longitudinal and lateral runway excursions.
Include runway excursion mitigations.
Promote technology embedded in systemic solutions —
promote technological solutions that are clearly integrated
with the respective training, procedures, standardisation,
certication and oversight.
Provide R&D recommendations for issues with clear poten-
tial high-risk mitigation benets but without the maturity
to be implemented within the next 10 years.
Promote a set of selected proven ecient solutions, which
are not yet standard (still not used by all actors) but that
have been proven to be ecient in reducing the risk of run-
way excursions, based on data analysis and lessons learnt.
Provide functional recommendations — leave the design
of specic implementation solutions to the industry.
The verb “should” is used to signify that, while a recom-
mendation does not have the force of a mandatory pro-
vision, its content has to be appropriately transposed at
the local level to ensure its implementation.
The development of the GEM is based on the following
Provide further context to the targeted audience in order
to facilitate the implementation of the recommendations
contained in Part 1.
Provide explanation, wherever possible, of the recom-
mendation drivers.
Incorporate advice for both normal and non-normal op-
eration within the GEM targeted at the operational actors.
Use the principles of conservatism and defence in depth.
Address organisations such as aircraft operators, airports
and ANSPs rather than individuals like pilots and air trac
The GEM content should not be seen as limiting or prescrip-
tive. It is based on best practices and materials shared by the
industry in support for GAPPRE implementation. The bound-
aries set by national regulators and internationally accepted
provisions should be respected.
The GEM will be continually updated and made available
through the safety knowledge management process of SKY-
brary (
The organisations to which this action plan is addressed
Organise a review of the respective recommendations
and assess their relevance against their local conditions
and specic context.
Consult the best practices for implementing the selected
recommendations and seek support, if needed, from the
GAPPRE coordinating partners.
Conduct an appropriate impact assessment (including
safety assessment) when deciding on the specic action
to implement the recommendations.
Implement the specic action/change and monitor its
Share the lessons learnt with the industry.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 11
Recommendations to Aerodrome Operators 12
Recommendations to Air Navigation Service Providers 14
Recommendations to Aircraft Operators 16
Recommendations to Aircraft Manufacturers 22
Recommendations to Regulators and ICAO 25
R&D recommendations for States, international organisations and the Industry 28
List of abbreviations and acronyms 29
REF Recommendation Action by
Ensure that runways are constructed, resurfaced and repaired
in accordance with the national or regional (e.g. EASA) reg-
ulations, so that eective friction levels and drainage are
Aerodrome Operator Ongoing
ADR2 An appropriate program should be eectively implemented
to ensure the removal of contaminants from the runway sur-
face as rapidly and completely as possible to minimize accu-
mulation and preserve friction characteristics.
Aerodrome Operator End of 2023
ADR3 If provided, ensure that approach radio navigation aids (e.g.
ILS) and visual aids (e.g. AGL, PAPIs and surface markings) are
maintained in accordance with ICAO Standards and Recom-
mended Practices.
An appropriate method for the inspection and assessment of
markings deterioration should be implemented.
Aerodrome Operator End of 2023
ADR4 Ensure that the runway holding positions are clearly marked,
signed and if required, lit. If intersection takeos are conduct-
ed, install at the relevant runway holding positions signs to
indicate the Takeo Run Available (TORA).
Aerodrome Operator End of 2023
Ensure robust procedures are in place for calculating tem-
porary reduced declared distances e.g. due to work in pro-
gress on the runway. When reduced declared distances are
in operation, ensure that the temporary markings, lighting
and signs accurately portray the reduced distances and that
they are well communicated in a timely manner to the state's
aeronautical information services for publication and to the
relevant ATS units.
Aerodrome Operator End of 2023
Ensure that the procedures to assess runway surface con-
ditions according to ICAO Global Reporting Format include
reactive as well as proactive surface assessment to make sure
hazardous changes are all identied and communicated in a
timely manner.
Aerodrome Operator End of 2021
ADR7 Ensure robust procedures are in place for communicating in-
formation regarding changing surface conditions as frequent-
ly as practicable to the appropriate services according to the
ICAO Global Reporting Format. Roles, responsibilities of stake-
holders and coordination procedures should be formalised.
Aerodrome Operator End of 2021
ADR8 In accordance with ICAO standards (and regional, e.g. EASA
regulations), wind sensors and wind direction indicators
(wind socks) should be sited to give the best practicable indi-
cation of conditions along the runway and touchdown zones.
Aerodrome Operator End of 2025
ADR9 Consider equipping for digital transmission of ATIS as appro-
priate to ensure that ATIS information is updated in a timely
Aerodrome Operator. End of 2025
REF Recommendation Action by
If installed, RWY centreline lights should also be used togeth-
er with the runway edge lights whenever runway edge lights
are switched on and when the runway is in use.
Aerodrome Operator End of 2023
Ensure appropriate coordination with the meteorological
service provider, the ANSP and the aircraft operators to reg-
ularly assess the relevancy of weather data, in particular at
large aerodromes where there could be spatial dierences
in weather data.
Aerodrome Operator End of 2023
ADR12 Ensure runway exits are appropriately named according to a
logic of succession of numbers and letters avoiding possible
Aerodrome Operator End of 2025
Runway surroundings should be considered when designing
or modifying strips or RESA. It is necessary to consider the
local constraints against ICAO provisions and regional (e.g.
EASA) regulations so as to ensure relevant mitigation.
Aerodrome Operator Ongoing
Information related to air operations hazard or specicities
in the airport vicinity should be identied and addressed to
pilots in the Local Runway Safety Team (LRST) and published
through an appropriate means.
Aerodrome Operator End of 2023
Runway condition codes assessed should be compared
against braking action reports by the pilots to ensure the ac-
curacy of the information provided to the pilots.
Aerodrome Operator End of 2023
Consider using Approach Path Management (APM) in coordi-
nation with local ATC and aircraft operators. Associated issues
should be addressed by the LRST.
Aerodrome Operator End of 2023
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 13
REF Recommendation Action by
ANSPs should ensure the importance of stabilised approach,
its elements and compliance with nal approach procedures
and aircraft energy management are included in initial and
refresher training of ATCOs conducted by ANSPs and ATCO
Training Organisations, as well as in AFISOs training, as
Air Navigation
Service Provider
End of 2023
With regard to assignment of or change to runway assign-
ment for arriving or departing trac:
ANSP2 a. Whenever the runway change is pre-planned, notify
it as early as practicable together with the expected time of
the change to ight crews, including by adding relevant in-
formation in ATIS, where available.
ANSP2 b. As far as practicable, avoid changing the assigned
runway to aircraft on approach or taxiing for departure.
ANSP2 c. ANSPs should ensure ATCOs are aware that RWY
changes create additional workload, increase vulnerability to
error and ight crews need time to re-brief and prepare for it.
ANSP2 d. ANSPs should ensure that the runway conguration
change procedure/process takes account of the above points
and of the tailwind information as appropriate.
ANSP2 e. When operationally possible, accept the ight crew
preference for a runway when requested due to performance
Air Navigation
Service Provider
End of 2023
ANSPS should:
ANSP3 a. Review available data (e.g. occurrence reports, go-
around / missed approach data etc.) with the aim of identify-
ing the ANSP-related runway excursion contributing factors
and relevant mitigations, for example enhanced airspace
design and procedures and ATCO training and procedures.
ANSP3 b. Share at network level the identied runway excur-
sion contributing factors and relevant mitigations.
Air Navigation
Service Provider
End of 2023
Review processes covering the provision of essential infor-
mation on aerodrome conditions such as weather, wind and
runway surface conditions (e.g. when ‘wet’ or contaminated)
to ensure:
ANSP4 a. A consistent, timely and accurate broadcast of aer-
odrome information.
ANSP4 b. The integrity of the essential information supply
chain from the originator (e.g. Met Oce/Aerodrome Opera-
tor) to the user (e.g. ight crews, ATS, Met Oce, aerodrome
operator and AIS provider).
ANSP4 c. Training on the use of ATIS/D-ATIS is provided to
relevant operational sta.
ANSP4 d. Compliance with the ICAO Global Reporting Format
for runway surface conditions assessment and reporting, in-
cluding the training of the relevant ANSP personnel.
Air Navigation
Service Provider
End of 2021
REF Recommendation Action by
ANSP5 a. ANSPs should ensure that ight crews are informed
of the Takeo Run Available (TORA) or the Landing Distance
Available (LDA) if these dier from the published data using
appropriate means. The information should include any alter
native runways which may be available.
ANSP5 b. ATS providers should collaborate with the aero-
drome operators to determine the runway entries from which
intersection takeos may be performed, and develop coordi-
nated procedures for such operations.
Air Navigation
Service Provider
End of 2023
Participate in runway excursion safety information sharing
at network level to facilitate, using just culture principles, the
free exchange of relevant information on actual and potential
safety deciencies.
Air Navigation
Service Provider
End of 2023
If installed, RWY centreline lights should also be used togeth-
er with the runway edge lights whenever runway edge lights
are switched on and when the runway is in use.
Air Navigation
Service Provider
End of 2023
Consider equipping for digital transmission of ATIS, as appro-
priate (e.g. via telephone or other means).
Air Navigation
Service Provider
End of 2025
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 15
REF Recommendation Action by
Aircraft operators should participate in safety information
sharing networks with all relevant stakeholders. This should
facilitate the free exchange of relevant runway safety informa-
tion including identied risks, safety trends and good practices.
Aircraft Operator Ongoing
Aircraft operators should include and monitor aircraft parame-
ters related to potential runway excursions in their Flight Data
Monitoring (FDM) programme.
Whenever standardised FDM markers are provided by the
industry, aircraft operators should use them with priority to
ensure the eectiveness of risk mitigation and safety assur-
ance associated with runway excursion barriers and to allow
comparability on an industry level.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
Aircraft operators and training providers should include re-
alistic, evidence- and competency-based scenarios into their
training programmes requiring threat and error management
for runway excursion prevention during both takeo and
This should include evidence- and competency-based recur-
rent simulator training programmes which are representative
in terms of environmental conditions, including crosswind,
landing on contaminated/slippery runways and poor visibility
adapted with simulator representativeness.
Representativeness of simulators should be assessed and their
limitations communicated (in order to avoid negative training)
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
Aircraft operators should incorporate appropriate technical
solutions to reduce runway excursion risks, where available
(including Runway Overrun Awareness and Alerting System
(ROAAS), and runway veer o awareness and alerting systems,
when and if available). If technical solutions are not available,
operators should implement appropriate SOPs and TEM strat-
egies which support ight crews in eectively preventing run-
way excursions.
Aircraft Operator End of 2027
If technically feasible, aircraft operators should equip their air-
craft eet with data-link systems (e.g. ACARS) enabling them
to digitally obtain the latest weather information (e.g. D-ATIS
or METAR). The use of this technical means has to be support-
ed by adequate SOPs enabling all pilots on the ight deck to
familiarise themselves with the latest weather conditions with-
out impeding aircraft and ight path monitoring.
Aircraft Operator End of 2025
Aircraft operators should implement policies for ight crews
not to accept ATC procedures and clearances which have the
potential to decrease safety margins to an unacceptable lev-
el for the ight crew thereby increasing the risk of runway
excursions. This includes such procedures and clearances
which increase the likelihood of having an unsafe approach
path management with consequences for safe landing, e.g.
which bear the risk of being unstabilised at the landing gate
or high-energy approaches.
Aircraft Operator End of 2027
REF Recommendation Action by
These policies should be further supplemented by the imple-
mentation of eective SOPs and ight crew training.
Flight Crews should be required to report such risks within
their operators SMS and the aircraft operator should further
report such risks to the ANSPs via established reporting sys-
tems. (see OPS1)
Aircraft operators should implement policies for safe descent
and approach planning, stabilised approach, safe landing and
go-around and should ensure that these are implemented
in their training. Aircraft operators should dene which ele-
ments of these policies have to be included and highlighted
during the approach briengs by ight crews.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
Aircraft operators should implement policies or SOPs for
ight crews not to conduct takeo or approach following
any runway change until the appropriate set-up, planning,
performance calculations (for multi-pilot operations this in-
cludes independent calculations and cross-checks by at least
two pilots) and re-briengs are completed. When a takeo
runway change is received whilst taxiing, the above should
be performed by ight crew without rushing and when the
aircraft is stationary.
Runway-excursion related TEM should be addressed in the
brieng every time a runway change is expected, probable
or actually occurs.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
Aircraft operators should implement policies or SOPs for
ight crews to request a more favourable runway for takeo
or landing for any reason, which may aect the safety of the
ight and to advise the safety reasons to ATC.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
OPS10 Aircraft operators should implement policies or SOPs requir-
ing ight crews to conrm prior to commencing the takeo
or landing phase that the actual conditions (weather and air-
craft conguration) are better or at least correspond to the
values used for performance calculations. When conditions
are predicted to approach operational limitations, ight crews
should be required to identify the limiting parameters and
incorporate this into their TEM brieng.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
Aircraft operators should dene company cross- and tailwind
limits which are specic to each type of aircraft operated.
Moreover, specic guidance on the runway conditions and
the gust components should be claried.
Aircraft operators should establish clear policies to allow
their ight crews to reduce the established limits whenever
deemed necessary for safety reasons in actual ight operation.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 17
REF Recommendation Action by
OPS12 Aircraft operators should publish specic guidance and training
for their ight crews on crosswind takeo and landing techniques,
especially in wet, slippery or contaminated runway conditions.
This should include the correct touchdown and stopping tech-
niques, which incorporate all available control and deceleration
devices as well as TEM topics and methods for eective monitor-
ing and intervention by the PM.
Aircraft manufacturers advice should be incorporated, if available.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
OPS13 a. Aircraft operators should ensure their policies or SOPs
require ight crews to perform independent performance cal-
culations. This should also include independent cross-checks of
the load and trim sheet and the actual TORA/TODA from the AIS
(e.g. if reduced by NOTAM) with TORA/TODA used to calculate the
takeo performance. This independent calculation should also be
applied following a runway change.
OPS13 b. Aircraft operators should ensure their policies or SOPs
include ight crew gross-error checks and crew cross-checks prior
to any data input and prior to executing any data input in the FMS.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
Aircraft operators should publish SOPs and guidance which in-
corporate runway excursion mitigation associated with rejected
takeo decision making and rejected takeo manoeuvres.
Appropriate training should be provided.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
OPS15 Aircraft operators should develop SOPs which include an assess-
ment, possibly prior to the top of descent, of landing performance
based upon latest and best-available weather information. This
calculation should not be performed using dispatch weather in-
formation. Flight crews should be informed of the type of landing
distance data available (factored or unfactored) and of which cor-
relating safety factors are used.
When possible, the crew should complete descent, approach,
landing planning, set-up and briengs prior to the top-of-descent.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
OPS16 Aircraft operators should develop a clear go-around policy which
should be further supplemented by a set of SOPs and guidance
materials to put this policy into action. This go-around policy
should enable every ight crew member on the ight deck to
call for a go-around at any time unless an emergency situation
dictates otherwise.
In all cases, the SOPs should require both pilots to have and retain
the required visual reference below DA/MDA with a go around
call mandatory if either pilot loses it. A go-around should also
be mandatory if the approach becomes unstabilised below the
specied approach/landing gate.
Recurrent simulator training should be provided on the compe-
tencies of safe go-around in various stages during the approach
and landing, including shortly prior or during touchdown (before
activation of thrust reversers).
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
REF Recommendation Action by
Aircraft operators should require the ight crew to carefully
evaluate operational safety before selecting/accepting an ap-
proach and landing runway including the following: weather
conditions (in particular cross and tailwind), runway condition
(dry, wet or contaminated/slippery), inoperable equipment and
aircraft and ight crew performance in order to reduce runway
excursion risks.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
Aircraft operators should clearly dene stabilised approach,
landing and go-around polices in their operations manual.
These polices have to be aligned with regulations requirements
and manufacturers guidance. Supplementing SOPs should in-
clude the requirement for completion of the landing checklist
and ying with the nal approach speed latest at the dened
approach/landing gate. These SOPs should include appropriate
means for the pilot monitoring (PM) to eectively monitor and,
if needed, intervene.
To properly implement the dened policies and SOPs, aircraft
operators have to deliver appropriate training.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
OPS19 Aircraft operators should publish SOPs and guidance and pro-
vide training highlighting the importance of active monitoring
and eective intervention by the pilot monitoring (PM) during
descent, approach, approach path management and landing.
Actions to be taken by the PM and required reactions by the PF
should be clearly documented in the ocial publication (e.g.
SOPs or Operations Manual, FCOM, etc). These publications
should include guidance how to achieve eective PM perfor-
mance, independent of rank and experience.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
OPS20 Aircraft operators should publish SOPs and guidance for their
pilots not to conduct auto-land approach manoeuvres at air-
ports when low visibility procedures (LVP) are not in force,
the ILS critical and sensitive areas are protected,
ATC had been informed and reassurance of ILS sensitive
area protection had been received
specic precautions have been taken and risk analysis has
been performed. More information is available in the guid-
ance material.
the aircraft is demonstrated as robust to non-protection of
ILS sensitive area.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 19
REF Recommendation Action by
OPS21 Aircraft operators should clearly dene their policy for a safe
landing and publish it in their SOPs and Operations Manuals.
This policy should clearly dene acceptable touchdown limits
and prohibit intentional long and short landings, e.g. to mini-
mise runway occupancy or minimise taxi time to the gate. The
supplementing SOPs and guidance should include means,
methods and responsibilities with regard to how a crew will
identify and act on such limits.
Appropriate classroom and simulator training should be
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
OPS22 Aircraft operators should publish SOPs and guidance for land-
ing techniques that are aligned with ICAO Global Reporting
Format and manufacturers guidance for all runway states and
environmental conditions.
Aircraft operators should require their ight crew to always fa-
vour a go-around or diversion rather than to attempt a land-
ing when approaching wet, slippery/contaminated runways
without appropriate stopping margin and/or in limiting wind
Appropriate training should be provided including training in
the ICAO Global Reporting Format.
Aircraft Operator End of 2021
Aircraft operators should publish SOPs for their ight crews
when runway conditions are uncertain or actual or anticipated
slippery wet, slippery or contaminated, to fully use all decelera-
tion means, including speed brakes, wheel braking and reverse
thrust irrespective of noise-related restrictions, until a safe stop
is assured, unless this causes controllability issues.
Aircraft Operator End of 2021
OPS24 Aircraft operators should publish SOPs and guidance and pro-
vide training highlighting the importance of active monitoring,
including monitoring of the activation of the stopping devices
on landing, and eective intervention during landing associat-
ed with pilot monitoring duties and performance.
Appropriate training should be provided.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
Aircraft operators should dene policies and procedures to ad-
dress bounced landings. Whenever available, aircraft operators
should take into account and include manufacturers guidance.
Moreover, aircraft specic and appropriate training, including
simulator training, should be provided for ight crews.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
Aircraft operators should develop guidance on whether a
change of control during landing roll out has to take place and
require their ight crews to brief and agree on the planned run-
way exit, taking into account the friction status of both runway
and runway exit, whenever available.
When a change of control is necessary during roll-out, this
should be performed below taxi speed and when the aircraft
trajectory is stable.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
REF Recommendation Action by
Aircraft operators should implement policy, technical solu-
tions or SOPs which conrm that the aircraft is lining up on the
planned runway, its centreline and via the correct intersection.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
OPS28 Aircraft operators should publish SOPs and guidance for their
ight crew not to accept line-up, backtrack or takeo clear-
ances until pre-takeo preparation (including cabin secure),
procedures and checklists are completed to the appropriate
point which permits the accomplishment of the associated
manoeuvre without delay and until they have reported “ready
for departure” to ATC.
Aircraft operators should publish an explicit SOP for rolling
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
OPS29 Aircraft operators should foster a culture that stimulates safe
behaviour, which encourages risk-averse decision-making by
ight crews.
Aircraft Operator Ongoing
OPS30 Aircraft operators should, when determining their TEM strate-
gies and SOPs, identify runways with a remaining safety margin
of less than 400m/1200ft after application of all required safety
factors as safety critical.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
Aircraft operators should monitor go-around policy compli-
ance through their FDM programmes and establish go-around
safety performance indicators (SPIs) for monitoring through
their SMS. In addition to monitoring go-arounds, aircraft oper-
ators should also monitor discontinued approaches.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
OPS32 Aircraft operators should:
1) Dene an unstable approach followed by landing as a man-
datory reporting event by the ight crew and;
2) Minimise the need to report a go-around due to an unstable
approach unless there is another signicant event in relation
to the go-around, e.g. ap overspeed.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
Aircraft operators, for aircraft equipped with EFBs and when
technically feasible, should systematically compare the EFB
takeo performance loggings with the relative FDM data to
identify the takeo runway excursion risks.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
Aircraft operators, for aircraft equipped with EFBs and when
technically feasible, should visualise on the EFB the FULL RWY
with its planned TO RWY holding position to increase the sit-
uational awareness of the crew for the intended T/O position.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
Aircraft operators should consider observational procedures
(e.g. Line Operations Safety Audits) to identify runway excur-
sion safety risks precursors and best practices which cannot be
captured by the traditional reporting or FDM.
Aircraft Operator End of 2023
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 21
REF Recommendation Action by
Aircraft manufacturers should present takeo and landing
performance information for dispatch and time-of-arrival for
the full range of reportable runway conditions, using com-
mon and shared terminology and to agreed standards, set
out in FAA ACs 25-31 and 25-32.
Aircraft Manufacturer End of 2025
Training material promulgated by aircraft manufacturers and
aircraft training providers should emphasize the necessity
of making best use of deceleration means, including speed
brakes, wheel braking and reverse thrust in a timely manner,
until a safe stop is assured, and in particular when conditions
are uncertain or when runways are wet or contaminated by
applying full braking devices, including reverse thrust, until
a safe stop is assured.
Aircraft Manufacturer End of 2023
On-board real time performance monitoring and alerting sys-
tems that will assist the ight crew with the land/go-around
decision and alert when more deceleration force is needed
during the landing roll should be made widely available.
Aircraft Manufacturer End of 2027
The aviation industry should develop systems and ight crew
manuals to help ight crews calculate landing distances easily
and reliably in normal and non-normal conditions. Systems
should have a method to apply recommended assumptions.
All landing distance computing tools available for the aircraft
(FMS, EFB) and on-board real time performance monitoring
and alerting systems (e.g. ROAAS, etc.) should be consistent
with the overall harmonized set of data used for landing
performance assessment. Whenever consistency between
on-board alert triggering thresholds and landing distance
computation methods available to the crew cannot be en-
tirely achieved, means to determine these thresholds for the
planned conditions and guidance to the ight crew on a rec-
ommended course of action should be provided.
Aircraft Manufacturer End of 2025
Electronic Flight Bag manufacturers and providers should de-
velop user interfaces for the calculation and data entry of the
takeo and landing performance data, designed to minimise
the possibility of errors introduced by the pilot.
EFB systems should enable the ight crew to perform inde-
pendent determination of takeo and landing data and to im-
plement, where possible, an automatic cross-check of inputs
and to ensure correct insertion of the data in the avionics.
EFB systems should use terminology and presentation of data
consistent with aircraft systems and aircraft documentation
to the extent practical.
Standard Operating procedures should be developed to sup-
port a cross-check of performance data by both pilots
Aircraft Manufacturer End of 2025
Manufacturers should monitor and analyse (worldwide) run-
way excursions involving the aeroplanes they support and
share the lessons learned – where feasible.
Aircraft Manufacturer Ongoing
REF Recommendation Action by
Manufacturers should provide information about eective
crosswind landing and takeo techniques including in low
visibility when required.
Aircraft Manufacturer End of 2023
Manufacturers should consider a function able to:
Use aircraft data to compute braking action (i.e. maximum
achievable tire-runway friction when braking is friction
Display it to the crew to assist pilot's braking action report
to air trac control (PiRep).
Convey it, just after landing, to airport operators and to
the aircraft operator(s).
Aircraft Manufacturer End of 2027
Manufacturers should consider to make available ight deck
functionality enabling an accuracy of the 3D aircraft trajectory
with regards to the runway (including the touch-down point),
especially for degraded visibility landings.
For example, in order to satisfy this recommendation manu-
facturers could consider to make available:
Expanded automatic landing.
Functions that provide additional information to the ight
crew to improve positional awareness of the aircraft rela-
tive to the landing runway.
Aircraft Manufacturer End of 2027
Aircraft manufacturers and FDA service providers should pro-
vide adequate interfaces and consider developing additional
services for Flight Data Analysis, to help operators identify
precursors to runway excursions.
For example, this could include services to identify:
Discrepancies on runway surface conditions (comparing
experienced conditions with ATC reported ones)
Reduced aircraft performance margins at landing
or takeo,
by comparing actual data (such as deceleration and distanc-
es) with the expected aircraft performance according to man-
ufacturer models.
Aircraft Manufacturer End of 2027
Manufacturers should consider a real-time takeo perfor-
mance monitoring function in order to reduce the risk of run-
way excursion during takeo, including aircraft performance
related or wrong position scenarios.
Aircraft Manufacturer End of 2027
Manufacturers should consider to make available systems
that provide ight path and energy state awareness in order
to aid the ight crew to better anticipate and maintain stabil-
ity throughout the entire approach.
Aircraft Manufacturer End of 2027
Manufacturers should provide recommendations in their
operational documentation for the use of automatic braking
when landing on wet or contaminated runways, when appro
priate, to minimize delays in brake application.
Aircraft Manufacturer. End of 2021
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 23
REF Recommendation Action by
Manufacturers should consider to make available on-board
real time stabilized approach monitoring systems that pro-
vide alerts when there is a deviation from stable approach
criteria. In those cases where other alerting systems are used
in combination (e.g. ROAAS), the alerting systems must be
consistent to avoid unnecessary go-arounds.
Aircraft Manufacturer End of 2027
Manufacturers should provide on-board real time means to
enhance position awareness with respect to runways on nal
approach and ground operations to addresses risks of aircraft
lining up on:
The incorrect runway for landing or departure.
A taxiway for landing or departure.
The incorrect intersection for departure.
Aircraft Manufacturer End of 2027
Whenever new functionality is created that is not supported
by existing regulatory guidance, that functionality should be
preferably supported by development of a MOPS by a stand-
ards organization.
Aircraft Manufacturer Ongoing
REF Recommendation Action by
Regulators should ensure that:
The national/regional regulations are in line with the rel-
evant ICAO standards and recommended practices; and
All infrastructure, practices and procedures relating to
runway operations are designed and remain in compli-
ance with such national/regional regulations.
Regulators Ongoing
Regulators should enhance the focus on the prevention of
runway excursions in their oversight activities by taking into
account best practices (e.g. GAPPRE), in addition to their na-
tional/regional regulatory requirements.
Regulators Ongoing
Ensure that the risk of runway excursion is included as part
of runway safety in the State Safety Plan and provide safety
performance indicators to monitor/demonstrate the eec-
tiveness of any State or industry initiatives.
Regulators Ongoing
As part of their oversight activities, Regulators should ensure
close cooperation between ground handling service provid-
ers, aircraft operators, aerodrome operators and air naviga-
tion service providers, with regard to the prevention of run-
way excursions. This cooperation will be a part of an eective
implementation of SMS of the relevant organisations, veried
by the respective regulator through regular assessments and
safety performance indicator monitoring.
Regulators Ongoing
Ensure that any noise mitigation rules required to be imple-
mented by aerodromes should be subject to regular and co-
ordinated hazard identication and risk assessment, to ensure
they do not increase the likelihood of runway excursions, in
particular in relation to operations on contaminated runways.
Regulators Ongoing
Ensure a continued focus on training for pilots, air trac con-
trollers, AFISOs, and aerodrome personnel, which includes
runway excursion prevention. Ensure the continuous review
and improvement of the respective training programmes by
the regulator and Training Organisations, through the use of
performance indicators.
Regulators End of 2022
Assess the performance of aircraft operators processes for:
Safety data collection (e.g. ight data monitoring and
Identication and analysis of precursors and causal
Ensure that aircraft operators are participating in safety data
sharing programs, e.g. Data4Safety.
Regulators End of 2022
As part of safety promotion, ensure GAPPRE is shared with
relevant stakeholders to ensure that the causal and contrib-
utory factors of runway excursion continue to be understood,
enabling organisations to further enhance eective runway
excursion prevention measures.
Regulators Ongoing
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 25
REF Recommendation Action by
States should assess the performance and success of safety
information sharing networks among all users of the aviation
system including the extent of free exchange of information
on actual and potential safety deciencies.
Regulators Ongoing
States should establish a national runway safety forum/net-
work which includes representatives from aircraft operators,
ANSPs, aerodromes and regulators where best practices and
learning can be shared. The National forum/network should
include key representatives from Local Runway Safety Teams.
National best practices should be shared regional/globally
through regional/global knowledge platforms.
Regulators End of 2022
States should measure the eectiveness of the GAPPRE rec-
ommendations, for example by collaboratively developing
harmonised performance indicators or success factors.
Regulators End of 2022
REG12 a. Regulators and ICAO should consider and adopt
regulatory measures for preventing visual confusion during
line-up between runway edge and centreline lights leading
to misalignment with the runway centreline. This should also
take into account the eects of low visibility and runway
contamination and the eect of using various light colours
and patterns to dierentiate the runway centreline and edge
lighting systems.
REG12 b. Regulators and ICAO should consider the guidance
needs of the individual aircraft, and adopt provisions that dis-
associate the installation of taxiway centreline lights from the
aerodrome trac density.
ICAO and Regulators End of 2025
Except where runway TDZ lights are provided, regulators and
ICAO should upgrade to a standard the use of simple TDZ
lighting as an aid to enhance landing (touch down point)
ICAO and Regulators End of 2025
ICAO should investigate improvements in marking and light-
ing systems that may enhance the simple TDZ lighting system.
ICAO End of 2025
ICAO should consider to upgrade to a standard the introduc-
tion of runway centreline lights for:
CAT I runways;
Runways used for takeo with RVR of the order of 400m
or higher when the runway is used by high-speed aircraft,
particularly where the width between the runway lights is
greater than 50 m.
ICAO End of 2025
Support the development of approved signal in space SBAS
models to allow certication of automatic landing on LPV 200
procedures as part of a broader initiative to promote and en-
courage the development of LPV 200 IFR procedures on a
wider set of runways.
REF Recommendation Action by
Regulators and ICAO should launch initiatives or working
groups having the objective to dene a rulemaking base-
line for video based navigation to supplement (and/or re-
place) traditional navigation means in the visual segment.
Such capacity would allow enhancing availability of advance
functions such as automatic landing and veer-o prevention
ICAO and Regulators End of 2025
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 27
REF Recommendation Action by
Investigate a awareness and alerting system when an aircraft
experiences abnormal/signicant lateral deviation during -
nal stages of the landing.
States, international
organisations and
the Industry
End of 2030
Conduct research on transport-category aircraft, to extend
automatic landing capacity to any runway states.
States, international
organisations and
the Industry
End of 2030
Improve methods for assessing runway micro texture.
Make pilots and aerodrome operators aware of the impact of
a poor micro texture and of the shortfalls of current industry
States, international
organisations and
the Industry
End of 2030
Develop models for assessing runway wetness, particularly
the depth.
States, international
organisations and
the Industry
End of 2030
Explore the accuracy of and develop new automatic runway
condition monitoring systems.
States, international
organisations and
the Industry
End of 2030
Research ways to improve graded area of wet runway strips
to mitigate the damage to aircraft when veering o a runway.
States, international
organisations and
the Industry
End of 2030
Research and develop functions that provide additional ight
path and energy information (e.g. such as FPV symbology) in
order to help the ight crew to better anticipate and maintain
stability at the gate and below
States, international
organisations and
the Industry
End of 2030
R&D eorts should be conducted to develop on-board real
time stabilised approach monitoring (upstream of ROAAS
function at higher altitudes eg FL 200). Such systems should
ensure that they are harmonized with other systems such as
ROAAS and Runway Awareness and Advisory System (RAAS).
States, international
organisations and
the Industry
End of 2030
ACARS Aircraft Communications Addressing and Reporting System
AFISO Aerodrome Flight Information Service Ocer
AGL Aeronautical Ground Lighting
ANSP Air Navigation Service Provider
APM Approach Path Management
ATC Air Trac Control
ATCO Air Trac Control Ocer
ATIS Automatic Terminal Information System
ATS Air Trac Services
DA Decision Altitude
EASA European Union Aviation Safety Agency
EFB Electronic Flight Bag
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FCOM Flight Crew Operating Manual
FDA Flight Data Analysis
FDM Flight Data Monitoring
FL Flight Level
FMS Flight Management System
FPV Flight Path Vector
GAPPRE Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions
GNSS Global Navigation Satellite System
GRF ICAO Global Reporting Format
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organisation
IFP Instrument Flight Procedure
ILS Instrument Landing System
LDA Landing Distance Available
LPV Localiser Performance with Vertical Guidance
LRST Local Runway Safety Team
LVP Low Visibility Procedures
MDA Minimum Descent Height
METAR Meteorological Terminal Air Report
MOPS Minimum Operational Performance Standard
NOTAM Notice to Airmen
PAPI Precision Approach Path Indicator
PM Pilot Monitoring
R&D Research and Development
RAAS Runway Awareness and Advisory System
RESA Runway End Safety Area
ROASS Runway Overrun Awareness and Alerting System
RWY Runway
SBAS Satellite-based Augmentation System
SMS Safety Management System
SOPs Standard Operating Procedures
SPI Safety Performance Indicators
TDZ Touchdown zone
TEM Threat and Error Management
TODA Takeo distance available
TORA Takeo Run Available
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 29
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 31
Appendix A — Aerodrome Operators 33
Appendix B — Air Navigation Service Providers 43
Appendix C — Aircraft Operators 59
Appendix D — Aircraft Manufacturers 111
Appendix E — Regulators and ICAO 123
Appendix F — R&D recommendations 125
Intentionally left blank
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 33
GEM Recommendation ADR1 34
GEM Recommendation ADR2 34
GEM Recommendation ADR3 35
GEM Recommendation ADR4 36
GEM Recommendation ADR5 36
GEM Recommendation ADR6 36
GEM Recommendation ADR7 37
GEM Recommendation ADR8 38
GEM Recommendation ADR9 39
GEM Recommendation ADR10 39
GEM Recommendation ADR11 39
GEM Recommendation ADR12 40
GEM Recommendation ADR13 40
GEM Recommendation ADR14 41
GEM Recommendation ADR16 41
34 Appendix A — Aerodrome Operators
Recommendation ADR1: Ensure that run-
ways are constructed, resurfaced and repaired
in accordance with the national or regional
(e.g., EASA) regulations, so that eective fric-
tion levels and drainage are achieved.
Recommendation ADR2: An appropriate
program should be eectively implemented
to ensure the removal of contaminants from
the runway surface as rapidly and complete-
ly as possible to minimise accumulation and
preserve friction characteristics.
Regarding runway surface characteristics, design surface ele-
ments are included in regulations. Those design targets give
specications which ensure the runway surface is suitable
for takeos and landings. Regulations usually include more
stringent design targets as recommendations. These would
usually ensure even safer conditions and therefore should
be met as closely as possible. The basic surface elements
consist of:
The slopes;
Grooves features; and,
The texture of pavement.
Regarding the slopes
Runways should meet the slope specications in order to
support aircraft manufacturer performance limitations and
enable the safe movement of aircraft, in addition to facili-
tating water drainage. The latter acts towards the preser-
vation of required adherence when braking/turning on the
runway surface at the appropriate speed. In particular, the
transverse slope enables the water to drain away from the
runway centreline.
Regarding runway grooving
Grooved surfaces reduce both dynamic and viscous hydro-
planing by further diminishing the watery surface area in
contact with the tyre.
Regarding the texture of pavement
Adequate macro and micro texture ensure a minimum coef-
cient of friction and therefore enough adherence.
Recommendations concerning surface slopes and other
physical features are provided in International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) Annex 14 and ICAO Aerodrome Design
Manual, Doc 9157, Part 1.
Removal of contaminants on the runway should be per-
formed as soon as possible. Means of removal should be
adapted to ensure eciency, and the surface condition
should then be checked against pre-determined minimum
requirements. Three types of contamination are concerned:
Temporary contamination that build up due to weather phe-
nomenon (snow, ice, etc.), long term contamination such as
rubber deposits with oily particles, and contamination that
may or may not fade over time, depending on its nature and
the environmental conditions (for example, sand).
During periods of continuous contamination, it is essential
to stay ahead of the curve so as not to get overwhelmed
by accumulated contamination over time. Rapid removal
should help in preserving the friction characteristics of the
runway. If performed well, it will ensure that braking actions
and steering capabilities of aircraft are not adversely aected
when taking o or landing.
Each type of contamination should be considered separately
if necessary (for water contamination, refer to Recommenda-
tion ADR1).
Winter contaminants
Ice, frost, snow and slush should be removed to enable safe
operations. A combination of mechanical, chemical or other
means can be used to ensure as much as possible is removed
according to:
The nature of the contamination (slush, ice, snow, frost);
The depth of the contaminant;
The solidity of the contaminant;
The time of protection needed;
The frequency and intensity of the contamination; and,
Temperature and humidity evolution.
Rubber deposits
Among other parameters, rubber deposit accumulation de-
pends on the trac (number of landings), runway tempera-
ture and runway roughness. The severity of the phenomenon
is also increased when dealing with heavy aircraft.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 35
Supposing no change in the trac pattern, contaminant
removal should be planned regularly at a given frequency.
One should be careful regarding the means used to re-
move the rubber deposits: For example, very high pressur-
ised water can accelerate the runway surface deterioration
if the removal is performed too frequently. Less aggressive
approaches exist to remove the rubber deposits:
Cryogenic removal, which is suitable for small surface
accumulation as no “runway size” means are known
today; and,
Chemical spreading (environmentally friendly).
One way to dene the most appropriate action could be
by assessing the rubber deposit accumulation over time,
matching the trac (i.e., utilization of the runway) against
friction characteristics. On a graph, a curve could be drawn
where friction starts to deteriorate over time. This curve
could be used to determine the best moment to start the
removal. Over time, and when the trac changes, the
frequency of removal should be adapted.
The recommendation emphasizes the necessity to follow
ICAO standards and recommendations for visual and radio
navigation aids maintenance and consolidate best practices
for the inspection of markings.
The availability of location information supported by signs,
lights and markings, both along the runway and at the hold-
ing points, provides the ight crew with enhanced situational
awareness as they indicate where the aircraft is relative to the
airport layout. This information is benecial in reducing the
likelihood of runway excursions, particularly as the presence
of the aids will assist ight crew in ensuring the takeo roll
commences at the correct location. Also, lighting, radio navi-
gation aids (e.g., instrument landing system (ILS), aeronautical
ground lighting (AGL), precision approach path indicator
(PAPI)) and runway markings all help ight crews to y an
adequate ight path to the expected touchdown point on
the runway, thus avoiding long and short landings.
Lightings and signs are already thoroughly covered through
the current regional regulations. Markings should also be
inspected for any sign of changes:
Rubber deposits
Markings should be inspected visually to ensure they are
not becoming obscured by rubber deposits, specically
in the touchdown zone, with a frequency that must be
related to the trac density, the use of the runway and
the meteorological conditions at the airport.
Degradation of markings
Not all markings shall be assessed equally during inspection:
The emphasis should be on critical areas where marking is
known to deteriorate quickly. Again, touchdown zone (TDZ)
markings and the runway centreline should be inspected
at a higher frequency; runway centerline markings help in
reducing the risk of veer-os, and TDZ markings can reduce
the risk of overruns. In any case, the frequency should be
adequate to ensure visual identication is maintained. The
rest of the markings not subject to an accelerated deterio-
ration, or critical in regard to veer-os and overruns risks,
can follow a program of planned maintenance based on
the age of the marking, the weather conditions and the
volume of trac.
Here is some guidance that can help in performing eective
inspection of markings:
Inspections are realised by individuals familiar with char-
acteristic deteriorations of markings (training);
Sucient light is present for adequate visual assessment;
For aerodromes where markings are deteriorating ab-
normally fast (aggressive environmental conditions or
excessive run-over), further advanced methods based on
chromaticity and retro-reectivity can be developed.
The inspection of markings can take into account the fol-
lowing references:
“Development of Methods for Determining Airport Pave-
ment Marking Eectiveness”, DOT/FAA/AR-TN03/22.
Aireld Marking Handbook, in APPENDIX D: Criteria for
Maintenance, in dened a threshold pass/fail limit for
white and yellow paint.
Radio-navigation and lighting
Radio-navigation aids and lighted visual aids should be
checked periodically for alignment and synchronicity in order
to ensure there are no conicts in the information provided
to the ight crew.
Recommendation ADR3: If provided, ensure
that approach radio navigation aids (e.g., ILS)
and visual aids (e.g., AGL, PAPIs and surface
markings) are maintained in accordance with
ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices.
An appropriate method for the inspection and
assessment of markings deterioration should
be implemented.
36 Appendix A — Aerodrome Operators
All intersecting taxiways intended to be used for departure
should be equipped with signs properly illuminated and vis-
ible, indicating the takeo run available (TORA).
The updated TORA from the entrance taxiway should be indi-
cated as a last resort prior to takeo. As such, any inadequacy
with the required distances calculated for performance can
be addressed during the takeo brieng.
Implementation of TORA information signs in conformity with
the applicable regulation (Figure 1).
Refer to ICAO Annex 14 for signage implementation and de-
sign standards.
Should the runway declared distances be temporarily reduced
for any reason, for example during maintenance or construction
work, signs, markings and lighting should be carefully planned
to ensure the correct temporary information is displayed. These
reduced distances need to be carefully determined as they
are used in aircraft performance calculations by the aircraft
operators. Temporarily reduced runway distances must also be
carefully communicated to ight crew by Notices to Airmen
(NOTAMs) and/or Aeronautical Information Publication Sup-
plements (AIP SUP), to air trac services (ATS) for inclusion in
automatic terminal information service (ATIS) broadcasts, ight
brieng material or live radio communication.
Temporarily reduced declared distances require extra atten-
tion. A number of occurrences have taken place in which
ight crews had not detected a change and planned a takeo
or landing based on the normal declared distances.
Variable message signs displaying text specic to temporary
changes may be useful in certain circumstances. It is also
good practice to cover any previous and permanent signs
that present conicting information, so there is only one
sign present.
When a meteorological degradation is expected, the aero-
drome operator will ensure that it is prepared to evaluate
the surface conditions promptly to transmit relevant data to
the air navigation services provider (ANSP) and through the
appropriate aeronautical information channels.
Pilots aware of the latest runway surface conditions perform
more relevant preparations for takeo and landing.
Proactive aspects of assessment should include:
A regular and formalized monitoring of the weather to
ensure prompt reactivity; and,
Assessments should be performed at least when there
is a change according to the signicant change criteria
stated in ICAO Doc 9981. Additional occasions, when the
assessment should be performed in the aftermath of any
removal of the contaminant, should be identied and for-
malized in clear procedures.
Recommendation ADR4: Ensure that the
runway holding positions are clearly marked,
signed and if required, lighted. If intersection
takeos are conducted, install at the relevant
runway holding positions signs to indicate the
Takeo Run Available (TORA).
Figure 1. The design specications are in line with
the corresponding ones of ICAO Annex 14, Volume I
2500 m 2500 m
Extracted from EASA CS-ADR-DSN
Recommendation ADR5: Ensure robust pro-
cedures are in place for calculating temporary
reduced declared distances (e.g., due to work
in progress on the runway). When reduced de-
clared distances are in operation, ensure that
the temporary markings, lighting and signs ac-
curately portray the reduced distances and that
they are well communicated in a timely manner
to the states aeronautical information services
for publication and the relevant ATS units.
Recommendation ADR6: Ensure that the
procedures to assess runway surface condi-
tions according to the Global Reporting For-
mat (GRF) include reactive as well as proactive
surface assessment to make sure hazardous
changes are all identied and communicated
in a timely manner.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 37
A combination of additional means of assessments can be
used to support visual observations by trained personnel:
Friction measurements along the runway with adapted
mobile equipment;
Probe alerts (directly implemented on the runway) meas-
uring humidity/temperature and depth of the contami-
nants; and,
Pilot reports.
Data transmission
Friction measurements are not used by ight crews to calcu-
late landing performance requirements. Therefore, the airport
operator and the ANSP should not provide them with this
information for states following EASA regulations: Only GRF
shall be used. Item “S” of a SNOWTAM shall be lled with “NR”
in this case (see below).
If the contamination is asymmetrical on the runway (with
the left side or right side of the runway more prominent), it
could be specied as additional information in item T of a
SNOWTAM (see below).
When a equipment or a procedure are required to be used
only during a part of the year, ensure that personnel are
trained outside of that season for that equipment/procedure
so that skills can be maintained. This should be emphasised
right before that season, especially when new approaches
are introduced for the rst time. Seasonal training is nec-
essary to:
Identify all personnel involved in the process of assessment
and transmission;
Identify the role of all personnel; and,
Plan for multiple training sessions if necessary, in advance
and with practical tests until the entire process demon-
strates error-proof transmission.
Runway condition codes (RCCs) should be compared against
braking action reported by the pilots to ensure improvement
of the involved processes. This is especially important when
reports are converging and do not match RCC.
Enhance the assessment and transmission cycles of runway
surface conditions.
It is necessary to ensure ecient cycles of transmission.
Therefore, roles of all stakeholders must be dened and
agreed upon to avoid possible missing steps contributing to
increased delay. Delays generate hazardous situations when
operational readiness is regularly impacted. Transmission of
data during changing conditions may benet from more fre-
quent cycles of measurement. However, it should be carefully
balanced with higher risks generated by the frequent inter-
ruptions of movements as a consequence of the unavailability
of the runway during measurement.
Methods are being developed that cannot supplant “usual”
assessment but can give additional information on runway
conditions without impacting the arrival or the departing
sequence. They rely on the use of aircraft braking action data
collected from actual landings. The data are automatical-
ly updated and made available to airports and/or air trac
Recommendation ADR7: Ensure robust pro-
cedures are in place for communicating infor-
mation regarding changing surface conditions
as frequently as practicable to the appropriate
services, according to the GRF. Roles, responsi-
bilities of stakeholders and coordination pro-
cedures should be formalised.
(DATE/TIME O F ASSESSMENT (Ti me of complet ion of assess ment in UTC))
(if present, di stance from the runway c entre line (m) followed by “ L”, “R” or “ LR” as applicab le)
1. *Ente r ICAO nationali ty letters a s given in ICAO Doc 7910, Par t 2 or otherw ise applic able aerodr ome identifi er.
2. Info rmation on oth er runways, rep eat B to H
3. Info rmation in th e situationa l awareness se ction repea ted for each runw ay, taxiway and apr on. Repeat as ap plicable w hen report ed.
4. Word i n brackets ( ) not to b e transmit ted.
5. For le tters A) to T) ref er to the Instru ctions for th e completi on of the SNOWTAM For mat paragrap h 1, item b).
(Observed on e ach runway third, star ting from thresho ld having the lower run way designation nu mber)
(From Runway C ondition As sessment Ma tric (RCAM) 0, 1, 2,3, 5, or 6)
(Serial nu mber)
Aeroplane performance calculation section
Situational awareness section
T) )
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
Item “S” Highlighted
(DATE/TIME O F ASSESSMENT (Ti me of complet ion of assess ment in UTC))
(if present, di stance from the runway c entre line (m) followed by “ L”, “R” or “ LR” as applicab le)
1. *Ente r ICAO nationali ty letters a s given in ICAO Doc 7910, Par t 2 or otherw ise applic able aerodr ome identifi er.
2. Info rmation on oth er runways, rep eat B to H
3. Info rmation in th e situationa l awareness se ction repea ted for each runw ay, taxiway and apr on. Repeat as ap plicable w hen report ed.
4. Word i n brackets ( ) not to b e transmit ted.
5. For le tters A) to T) ref er to the Instru ctions for th e completi on of the SNOWTAM For mat paragrap h 1, item b).
(Observed on e ach runway third, star ting from thresho ld having the lower run way designation nu mber)
(From Runway C ondition As sessment Ma tric (RCAM) 0, 1, 2,3, 5, or 6)
(Serial nu mber)
Aeroplane performance calculation section
Situational awareness section
T) )
/ /
/ /
/ /
/ /
Item “T Highlighted
38 Appendix A — Aerodrome Operators
control (ATC). The data can be considered provided there is
appropriate access to the information in a timely manner and
that the information is accurate enough. Communication
between actors should be clearly dened to ensure the role
of each stakeholder in the process is clearly understood.
Wind sensors consist of multi-directional anemometers meas-
uring the direction of the wind and its speed. Their location
may inuence their measurements, and that should be tak-
en into consideration when they are positioned. Windsocks
should follow equivalent requirements with the objective to
give information directly to pilots.
Provision of accurate wind data is important for both landings
and takeos. Tail winds and crosswinds have contributed to
numerous runway excursions and accidents.
Figure 2. Example automatic braking action data collection and transmission process
Medium to poor
ACARS message automatically
sent to NAVBLUE
Runway condition information
Runway condition information
Air trac controller
Incoming aircraft
Courtesy of NAVBLUE – RunwaySense/
Figure 3. Example of braking action data monitoring
Medium to poor
2 minutes ago
Medium to poor
runway average
Medium to poor
0 250 500 750 1000 1250 1500 1750 2000 2250 2500 2750 3000
Medium to poor Medium
A321 | 11:27
A320 | 11:18
A320 | 11:08
A320 | 11:03
A320 | 10:56
Courtesy of NAVBLUE – RunwaySense
Recommendation ADR8: In accordance
with ICAO standards (and regional, e.g. EASA
regulations), wind sensors and wind direction
indicators (wind socks) should be sited to give
the best practical indication of conditions
along the runway and touchdown zones.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 39
In order to ensure appropriate indication of winds, imple-
mentation of the equipment should take into consideration
the following ICAO references:
ICAO Manual 8896: Manual of Aeronautical Meteorological
Practice; and,
ICAO Annex 3: Meteorological Service for International
Air Navigation.
An aeronautical meteorologist should lead related imple-
mentations in coordination with the aerodrome operator
and the ANSP.
ATIS may still be prepared manually in some large aero-
dromes. ATIS should be prepared and published automat-
ically on the basis of a computerized program scheduled at
a known frequency rate.
Having automatic D-ATIS (digital ATIS) ensures that:
Pilots will receive the information in the same format every
time, as digital ATIS reports are standardized;
There will be a greater frequency of publication to ensure
up-to-date information to pilots;
The ATC workload will be reduced; and,
The report has an increased range and can be consulted
long before getting close to the airport.
The aerodrome operator or ANSP (whoever is in charge of
this type of equipment) should consider equipping the aer-
odrome with data link systems that allow ight crews to ob-
tain the latest weather without one pilot leaving the active
frequency (e.g., D-ATIS using an Aircraft Communications,
Addressing and Reporting System (ACARS)). ATIS shall be
issued at least every 30 minutes.
When it is required to switch on the runway edge lights,
during the night or in reduced visibility conditions, runway
centreline lights should also be switched on, even though the
visibility conditions do not necessarily call for the centreline
lights to be on. Of course, this applies to aerodromes already
equipped with centreline lights.
It improves the awareness of the pilot as to where he/she
is positioned relative to the centreline of the runway when
visibility is reduced but still above CAT II minima or at night. It
gives additional information about aircraft not lined up with
the runway and hence reduces the risk of lateral excursion.
Two approaches can be followed:
When the aerodrome lighting system is being designed,
updated or recongured, it is possible to couple the
centreline lights with the edge lights to make sure they
can only be switched together.
For airports not equipped with a coupled system, where
groups of lights can only be switched separately, opera-
tional procedures should be in place for ATC so that edge
lights are not illuminated without the centreline lights.
Note: Whatever the approach used, associated technical re-
quirements such as the switch-over times must be according to
the more restrictive centreline lights.
Meteorological data such as wind or visibility data may some-
times dier from what the pilots observe. When such dierenc-
es are abnormally frequent, appropriate coordination involving
the meteorological services oce, the ANSP and the aero-
drome operator should be in place to ensure discrepancies
are analysed for possible recommendations to be established.
The objective is to ensure that the data transmitted to the
pilots describe appropriately the conditions they will en-
counter when taking o or landing. As such, takeos and
landings do not present hazards generated by the possible
diverging information.
Recommendation ADR9: Consider equip-
ping for digital transmission of ATIS as ap-
propriate to ensure that ATIS information is
updated in a timely manner.
Recommendation ADR10: If installed, run-
way centreline lights should also be used to-
gether with the runway edge lights whenever
runway edge lights are switched on and when
the runway is in use.
Recommendation ADR11: Ensure appro-
priate coordination with the meteorological
service provider, the ANSP and the aircraft
operators to regularly assess the relevancy of
weather data, in particular at large aerodromes
where there could be spatial dierences in
weather data.
40 Appendix A — Aerodrome Operators
It is essential to encourage pilots and ANSPs to report any
gap observed by pilots between actual conditions and trans
mitted conditions.
The transmission of these operational feedbacks to the mete-
orological oce can be formalized in an appropriate protocol
in coordination with the ANSP.
Recommendations could include actions such as the rede-
ployment of a directional anemometer.
Taxiways connected to the runway should be named in a
logical order represented by successive letters or successive
numbers (associated with the same letter) so that the latest
number or letter matches the end of the runway.
Providing a logical sequence of taxiway intersections assists
pilots in determining their position on the runway and identi-
fying the correct entry/exit point. This may support both the
correct identication of the start of roll and the approximate
estimation of the runway length left.
The sequencing of the taxiways should appear in the name of
these taxiways along the runway in a clear and unambiguous
logical order of succession.
Example: Z5-Z6-Z7-Z8 representing the four exits of the
runway from the rst to the last, Z8 is at the runway end. Z1 to
Z3 are only used for line-ups (Figure 4).
Refer to “from the brieng room document: A case study
established for Paris-CDG airport:
When designing or modifying RESA and/or strips at an airport,
it is important to take into consideration runway surround-
ings, including the area beyond graded strips.
Runway surroundings can mitigate the consequences of an
excursion if they are properly taken into consideration in the
design process.
Local ground consideration
Unmodied grounds should be taken into consideration
when designing runway surroundings beyond the graded
runway strip so as to mitigate the eects of a runway excur-
sion. A safety assessment should be done to reach the best
scenario development for the strips and RESAs as regard
safety objectives.
Aircraft arresting system
The assessment of the implementation of an aircraft arresting
system (AAS), in accordance with the most recent ICAO deter
minations on AAS implementation, can be initiated as it could
prove to be an appropriate solution where RESA distances
are not enough to reach safety objectives. A detailed set of
mitigation measures to runway excursion risks (operational,
physicals) can be found in the ICAO PANS-ADR Appendix to
Chapter 4: Physical characteristics of aerodromes.
Recommendation ADR12: Ensure runway
exits are appropriately named according to
a logic of succession of numbers and letters
avoiding possible ambiguity.
Figure 4. Extract of Paris-CDG AD 2 LFPG ADC 02 (aeronautical information)
Recommendation ADR13: Runway sur-
roundings should be considered when design-
ing or modifying strips or runway end safety
areas (RESAs). It is necessary to consider the
local constraints against ICAO provisions and
regional (e.g., EASA) regulations so as to en-
sure relevant mitigation.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 41
Communication and publications
Auxiliary sources of aeronautical information available to
pilots highlighting specic hazards not necessarily men-
tioned in the AIP can be developed locally by an aerodrome
in coordination with ANSPs, and local operators. They cannot
and should not replace the regulated reference aeronautical
information (AIP, AIC, NOTAMS, etc.).
The “CASH” solution in France is an example. Developed by the
French civil aviation authority, CASH (Collaborative Aerodrome
Safety Highlights) is a collective safety initiative, which aims to
draw the attention of commercial and general aviation pilots to
the aeronautical context and the main threats associated with
an aerodrome. The identication of these threats is the result
of collaborative work between platform operators (air opera-
tors, aerodrome operator, ANSP, ying clubs, meteorological
services, etc.) obtained by comparing the elements of their
safety management systems (SMS). The members of the local
safety team of each platform validate this information and it
is published on Internet, accessible to all users of the platform.
More information can be found at:
Other examples of this kind of initiative in Europe include:
The familiarization manual for air operators at the
Andorra-La Seu d’Urgell Airport. It includes relevant and
detailed information about airport procedures, aerodrome
ight information service, special orography and distur-
bances in the vicinity. It involves a detailed study of par-
ticular factors that may aect the operation.
At Gstaad Airport (LSGK), pilots wishing to y in must be
familiar with the various peculiarities associated with air
trac operations into and out of LSGK, including the rela-
tively short landing runway with nearby obstacles around
and along its axes and the non-standard trac pattern
with regular glider activity.
More information can be found at:
The decision-making processes involving the aerodrome
operator and the ANSPs regarding the occupancy of the
runways and any other factors possibly aecting the arrival
sequence, should be assessed and optimized to reduce the
impact of such decisions on approach path management and
any last-minute alterations of the approach path.
Aircraft energy management during the approach in reaction
to last-minute changes, short windows, etc. can drastically
aect the speed, braking and control of the aircraft during
Runway interventions such as runway inspection, snow
removal, intertwined departures and arrivals on the same
runway or interdependent runways should be addressed,
and their impact assessed, in coordination with ANSPs and
the major based airlines.
A dedicated collaborative decision-making cell (CDM) can be
developed; it would include the major stakeholders stated
above. When degrading conditions are expected (weather,
abnormal trac, etc.), the CDM could be summoned. The
stakeholders would then assess data and implement in real
time the appropriate course of action collaboratively to en-
sure the impact on the arrival sequence is kept to a minimum.
More information regarding the establishment of a CDM can
be found in the following:
Recommendation ADR14: Information re-
lated to air operations hazards or specicities
in the airport vicinity should be identied and
addressed to pilots in the local runway safety
team (LRST) and published through an appro-
priate means.
Recommendation ADR16: Consider using
approach path management in coordination
with local ATC and aircraft operators. Associ-
ated issues should be addressed by the LRST.
Left intentionally blank
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 43
Preface 44
Stabilised approach and correct departure performance calculation and aircraft set up 45
Learning from data analysis and safety information exchange 49
Provision of safety critical information to ight crew 51
Correct alignment on the runway 57
44 Appendix B — Air Navigation Service Providers
Recognising that aircraft operators are the subject of most
of the safety recommendations included in the current edi-
tion of the Action Plan, it is also important to realise that air
navigation service providers (ANSPs) have a role to play and
should contribute to runway excursion risk reduction.
Air trac controllers (ATCOs) routinely contribute to the
prevention of runway excursions by helping ight crews y
stabilised approaches by adhering to procedures and, for
instance, avoiding short-cuts that prevent ight crews from
losing necessary altitude and speed during the approach.
Moreover, through the provision of safety-signicant, es-
sential information about changes to surface wind, reduced
runway lengths and runway surface conditions, ATCOs and
aerodrome ight information service ocers (AFISOs) ensure
that ight crews have the latest aerodrome information avail-
able to enable safe takeos and landings.
However, breakdowns in these ATC/FIS functions can have
undesired outcomes. For instance, sub-optimal control tech-
niques, such as late descent and inappropriate speed control,
can contribute to aircraft ying unstabilised approaches with
an increased risk of runway excursion. In addition, interrup-
tions, omissions or errors in the ow of essential information
may deprive ight crews of operational safety decision-
making information at critical stages of ight.
The following guidance material is intended to explain the ra-
tionale behind the relevant recommendations of the GAPPRE
and to provide guidance on their practical implementation.
The guidance material refers to relevant International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards and recommend-
ed practices (SARPs), meant to be transposed in national/
regional regulations. In some instances, case study examples’
are provided to amplify and provide additional reference to
the issue being considered.
ANSPs, AFIS providers and ATCO/AFISO training organisations
are invited to review the guidance material and, where ap-
propriate, amend their training programmes and operating
procedures and/or practices, as well as related information
processing and dissemination tools.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 45
Stabilised approach and correct departure performance calculation and aircraft set up
Why should ANSPs follow the recommendations?
Its well accepted throughout the aviation industry that a
prerequisite for a safe landing is a stabilised approach. Re-
gional and national regulations, as well as ICAO Procedures
for Air Navigation Services – Aircraft Operations (PANS OPS,
Doc 8168) or International Air Transport Association (IATA)
Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) standards clearly demand
stable approach policies and reect the criteria for a stable
approach concept as sparked by the Flight Safety Foundation
Approach and Landing Accident–Reduction (ALAR) Tool Kit
more than 20 years ago.
Approach path management is a collaborative task shared
by ight crews and ATCOs/AFISOs. It includes aircraft tra-
jectory and energy management. Although pilots play the
major role and have the overall responsibility for it, air trac
services (ATS) can aect both elements by timely provision
of information to ight crews that will help them anticipate
the approach path to be own, speed restriction, vectoring
(including short cuts) and altitude clearances. Thus, ATCO/
AFISO can contribute in a positive (uneventful approach and
landing) or negative way (unstabilised approach that may
be followed by a go-around or, in the worst case, a runway
excursion) to the execution of this critical phase of ight.
Investigations of numerous incidents and accidents have
led to the conclusion that mismatch of actual runway con-
ditions and pilots’ aircraft performance calculations and air-
craft set-up for departure could inuence the risk of runway
excursions. ATS pressure on ight crew and late runway
changes can be a contributing factor.
What can ANSPs do to implement the recommendations?
ATCO/AFISO should be aware of the following elements of
a stabilised approach indicating an aircraft is on the correct
ight path:
Instrument landing system (ILS) approach — ILS within
1 dot of the localiser and glide slope on primary ight
display/navigation display;
Visual approach — wings level at 500 feet above ground
level (AGL);
Circling approach — wings level at 300 feet AGL;
Only small heading and pitch changes required;
Speed within +20/-0 knots of reference speed;
Aircraft must be in proper landing conguration;
Maximum sink rate of 1,000 feet per minute; and,
In instrument meteorological conditions — stable by 1,000
feet AGL; in visual meteorological conditions — stable by
500 feet AGL.
ATC procedures and techniques should take into account
the following:
Vectoring versus published arrival procedures. Routine
vectoring of aircraft o a published arrival procedure to shorten
the ight path should be avoided. Unexpected shortcuts may
Recommendation ANSP1: Ensure the importance of a stabilised approach, its elements, compliance
with nal approach procedures and aircraft energy management are included in initial and refresher
training of ATCOs conducted by ANSPs and ATCO training organisations, as well as in AFISOs training,
as applicable.
Recommendation ANSP2: With regard to assignment of or change to runway assignment for ar-
riving or departing aircraft:
ANSP2 a: Whenever the runway change is pre-planned, notify it to the ight crews as early as prac-
ticable, together with the expected time of the change, including by adding relevant information in
automatic terminal information service (ATIS) broadcasts, where available.
ANSP2 b: As far as practicable, avoid changing the assigned runway to aircraft on approach or taxiing
for departure.
ANSP2 c: Ensure ATCOs are aware that runway changes create additional workload, increase vulner-
ability to error, and that ight crews need time to re-brief and prepare for them.
ANSP2 d: Ensure that the runway conguration change procedure/process takes account of the
above points and of the tailwind information, as appropriate.
ANSP2 e: When operationally possible, accept the ight crews preference for a runway when re-
quested due to performance limitations.
46 Appendix B — Air Navigation Service Providers
lead to insucient time and distance remaining to maintain
the desired descent prole and may result in the aircraft being
high on the approach. Close-in turns to nal, including visual
approach positioning, which does not permit the ight crew
to execute a stabilised approach, should be avoided.
Speed control instruction. Inappropriate speed control
instructions that are incompatible with aircraft performance
should be avoided. When assigning a speed restriction,
the ATCO should take into account the distance to go, the
required vertical prole below Flight Level (FL) 100 and any
signicant head wind or tail wind components at altitude.
The objective is to allow the pilot to manage the energy
state of their aircraft in a way that will ensure a stabilised
approach. Assigning speed control close-in to the runway
may lead to unstable approaches. ANSPs, when developing
stabilised approach training, should consider the need to
include specic training on aircraft energy management and
its limits. Involvement of aircraft operators in the design and
delivery of the training will enhance ATCO knowledge of the
impact of speed restrictions and energy management on the
overall approach path management by ight crew and ATC.
Distance to go information. When providing vectors, it
is necessary to initially advise (and where appropriate,
periodically provide) ight crews with estimated track miles
to go. In terminal manoeuvring areas/control zones (TMAs/
CTRs) where a standard’ vectoring pattern for nal approach
is used and this is well known to ight crews, provision of
estimated track miles to go may be limited to non-standard
situations, short cuts and ights by aircraft operators that
do not operate regularly to that aerodrome. Misinformation
on track miles prevents crews from managing their descent
eectively, and where the actual track miles are less than
advised, this can lead eventually to circumstances conducive
to an unstabilised approach.
Descent instructions. Delaying descent and keeping aircraft
unduly high may result in ight crews requesting additional
track miles, which may interfere with the planned sequence
of landing and departing aircraft and/or contribute to high-
energy unstabilised approaches.
Flight crew brieng. ATCOs and AFISOs should understand
the importance of the ight crew approach brief. This has a
single common objective — to preview what will or might
happen during an imminent approach and landing. There is
no such thing as a typical brieng, but the time to complete
the majority of them might be within the range of two to six
minutes, and it can be expected to be conducted 10 minutes
before reaching the top-of descent point. Any approach re-
brieng that might have to be conducted later would be at
risk of being interrupted by either ATC communications and/
or aircraft management priorities.
Approach type change. A change of instrument approach
without adequate prior notication is undesirable at any
time after an aircraft has left the higher of cruise altitude or
(typically) FL100 in descent to destination. A ‘late change from
a precision to a non-precision approach can be signicant and
may not always be feasible unless additional track miles are
Runway change. Last minute runway changes, even to a
parallel runway, should be avoided. To comply with the
company’s operating procedures and requirements, the
ight crew must have time to properly brief the approach
and missed approach procedure to the runway to be used.
Even though a pilot may accept a runway change, the result
may be an unstable approach.
Runway selection. Runway selection for operations should be
based on safety considerations (e.g., best length and/or wind
conditions) and not primarily on capacity, ATC convenience
or environmental/noise abatement reasons. However, it is
recognised that at some locations for a variety of reasons, the
latter factors do inuence the selection of the runway in use.
In these circumstances, it is incumbent on ATC to monitor the
situation carefully and advise ight crews, for instance, about
tail winds. There is a balance to be struck, but when in doubt,
safety considerations must assume primacy.
Controllers should accommodate crew requests for runways
most aligned with the wind. When changing the runway con-
guration due to wind, ATCO should follow a dened proce-
dure, articulate the last aircraft to land on the current runway
and rst aircraft to land on the ‘new’ runway. The procedure
should be implemented promptly. When AFIS is provided at
an aerodrome, the AFISO should timely communicate to the
ight crew the runway being used at the aerodrome.
Compliance with nal approach procedures. It includes but
is not restricted to the following:
According to ICAO Doc 4444, PANS ATM (PANS – Air Traf-
c Management)§, Only minor speed adjustments
not exceeding plus/minus 40 km/h (20 kt) IAS [indicated air-
speed] should be used for aircraft on intermediate and nal
According to ICAO Doc 4444, PANS ATM §, Speed
control should not be applied to aircraft after passing a point
7 km (4 nm) from the threshold on nal approach.
According to ICAO Doc 4444, PANS ATM §, Aircraft
vectored for nal approach should be given a heading or a
series of headings calculated to close with the nal approach
track. The nal approach vector should enable the aircraft to
be established in level ight on the nal approach track prior
to intercepting the specied or nominal glide path if an MLS
[microwave landing system], ILS or radar approach is to be
made, and should provide an intercept angle with the nal
approach track of 45 degrees or less.
NOTE: The ight crew has a requirement to y a stabilised
approach (airspeed and conguration) typically by 5 km (3
nm) from the threshold (Doc 8168, PANS-OPS, Volume I, Part
III, Section 4, Chapter 3, 3.3 refers).
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 47
According to ICAO Doc 4444, PANS ATM in, Re-
quirements and procedures for independent parallel ap-
proaches §, When vectoring to intercept the ILS
localizer course or MLS nal approach track, the nal vector
shall enable the aircraft to intercept the ILS localizer course
or MLS nal approach track at an angle not greater than 30
degrees and to provide at least 2 km (1.0 nm) straight and
level ight prior to ILS localizer course or MLS nal approach
track intercept. The vector shall also enable the aircraft to be
established on the ILS localizer course or MLS nal approach
track in level ight for at least 3.7 km (2.0 nm) prior to inter-
cepting the ILS glide path or specied MLS elevation angle.
ILS-sensitive area during CAT II/III training approaches when
LVO [low visibility operations] are not in force. Some aircraft
operators conduct ILS CAT II/III approaches during non-LVO
for training purposes. The presence of vehicles or aircraft in the
ILS sensitive area can cause undesirable autopilot behaviour
at low altitude. In addition, these operations may compromise
the regular ow of trac/sequencing. Permission to conduct
a training ight (e.g., CAT II/III training approach) in good
weather may be requested by the aircraft operator/ight crew
as advised in the aeronautical information publication (AIP).
If required to protect an ILS-sensitive area, ATC may reject
such a request or interrupt the current procedure according
to the trac situation at the time.
ANSP radar display marker. In some ATC facilities, controllers
are provided with a ‘Screen Interception Marker’. The marker
arrow is displayed on the radar approach screen to support
the interception of the nal approach track. The marker is
located in accordance with ICAO PANS ATM (so as to provide
30 seconds of straight and level ight at 180 kts). Operational
procedures specify that it should be considered as the nal
point for the ATCO to provide a straight and level ight
(Figure 5).
To complement the stabilised approach awareness train-
ing for controllers, many ANSPs utilise their routine brieng
facilities (e.g., operational information folders) to highlight
runway excursion prevention issues (including stabilised ap-
proaches) to controllers on a periodic basis. Further to that:
Immediate post-runway-excursion incident/accident
awareness can be provided by means of a written or oral
brieng by supervisors/watch managers as part of watch
Information gathered in the context of recommendations
ANSP3 and ANSP6 can also be analysed and the outcomes
(e.g., lessons learnt, operational changes, etc.) notied to
ATS sta through the routine brieng processes.
ATCOs/AFISOs should be aware of the ight crew task de-
mand and workload during the approach phase of ight.
To this end, familiarisation ights and/or ight simulator
sessions for ATS sta should be considered.
Important note. Recommendations ANSP1 and ANSP2
(and the guidance material provided above) are closely
linked to the following three (3) recommendations for
aircraft operators. ANSPs should also review the relevant
guidance material provided in Appendix C, which contains
additional information and guidance that can help achieve
the objectives of recommendations ANSP1 and ANPS2.
Recommendation OPS6. Aircraft operators should
implement policies for ight crews not to accept ATC
procedures and clearances which have the potential
to decrease safety margins to an unacceptable level
for the ight crew, thereby increasing the risk of run-
way excursions. This includes such procedures and
clearances, which increase the likelihood of having
an unsafe approach path management with conse-
quences for safe landing, e.g. which bear the risk of
being unstabilised at the landing gate or high- energy
These policies should be further supplemented by
the implementation of eective SOPs and ight crew
Flight crews should be required to report such risks
within their operator’s safety management system
(SMS), and the aircraft operator should further re
port such risks to the ANSPs via established reporting
Recommendation OPS8. Aircraft operators should
implement SOPs or policies for ight crews not to
conduct takeo or approach following any runway
change until the appropriate set-up, planning, per-
formance calculations (for multi-pilot operations, this
includes independent calculations and cross-checks
by at least two pilots) and re-briengs are completed.
When a takeo runway change is received whilst tax-
iing, the above should be performed by ight crew
without rushing and when the aircraft is stationary.
Figure 5. Example the ‘Screen Interception Marker’
arrow (in the red circle)
48 Appendix B — Air Navigation Service Providers
Runway-excursion related threat and error man-
agement (TEM) should be addressed in the brieng
every time a runway change is expected, probable
or actually occurs.
Recommendation OPS9. Aircraft operators should
implement policies or SOPs for ight crews to request
a more favourable runway for takeo or landing for
any reason which may aect the safety of the ight
and to advise the safety reasons to ATC.
Further guidance/advice in support of the recommendations
ANSP1 and ANSP2, and the points addressed in this section
1 of Appendix B, can be found in the reference materials
listed below.
Reference materials
ICAO Doc 4444 - PANS ATM.
European Commission Regulation No 923/2012 on Standard-
ised European Rules of the Air – SERA, and associated Accept-
able Means of Compliance and Guidance Material.
European Commission Regulation 2017/373 on ATM/ANS
Common Requirements and associated Acceptable Means of
Compliance and Guidance Material.
SKYbrary resources
Stabilised Approach Awareness Toolkit for ATC;
Flight Deck Procedures – A Guide for Controllers;
Top 10 Stabilised Approach Considerations for Air Trac
Controllers; and,
Runway Excursion Portal.
Runway Excursions – An ATC Perspective on unstable
Avoiding unstable approaches – Important Tips for ATCOs.
DGAC, France: Three (3) documents (accessible on
Unstabilised Approaches;
Synthesis on Unstabilised Approaches; and,
Stabilised Approaches Good Practice Guide.
Flight Safety Foundation (FSF) ALAR Toolkit, brieng notes:
4.1, 4.2, 7.1 and 8.1.
FSF, Runway Excursion Risk Awareness Tool, May 2009.
IATA, Runway Excursion Risk Reduction Toolkit.
EUROCONTROL HindSight 12 and HindSight 19 magazines.
International Federation of Air Line Pilots Associations
(IFALPA) Position Paper: IFALPA Runway Safety Policy – Ref
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 49
Learning from data analysis and safety information exchange
Why should ANSP follow the recommendations?
Accidents and incidents in the aviation industry are rare
events and in order to achieve the desired further improve-
ment in safety, it is necessary to learn from normal operations
(e.g., from go-around and missed approach events). Moreo-
ver, even a large ANSP may not have sucient information to
make reliable conclusions from the investigation of reported
safety occurrences. Therefore, it is important to analyse the
available data from normal operations, which can reveal po-
tential systemic contributors to runway excursions, such as
airspace design and procedures (e.g., controlled airspace/
sector boundaries, standard instrument arrival procedures
(STARs), nal approach procedures). In addition, it may be
helpful for the ANSP to pool knowledge of the runway ex-
cursion risk and identify risk reduction measures based on
other ANSPs experience and lessons learnt.
In most runway excursion related events, ANSPs do not have
the full picture. Therefore, it is necessary to cooperate with
aircraft and aerodrome operators in order to identify all rel-
evant causal and contributory factors and design successful
risk mitigation strategies. This approach provides huge safety
and economic benets, not only for ANSPs, but also for the
entire industry. It allows stakeholders that contribute to run-
way risk to learn from each other, understand the dierent
perspectives of runway safety events and create a shared
mental picture of the threats and hazards that pilots and air
trac controllers have to cope with in daily operation.
What can ANSP do to implement the
Sector interfaces and the ability to control the speed and
descent proles should be taken into consideration while
trying to remove or minimise airspace design contribution
to excursion risk. ANSPs should consider utilising reported
data from aircraft operators about unstabilised approaches
in order to consider systemic changes to sector management
(e.g., handover and ow rates), airspace design and associ-
ated procedures and runway conguration management
to reduce the runway excursion risk. This pre-supposes that
aircraft operators are willing to provide this information to
ANSPs in the rst instance. Cooperation through local runway
safety teams (LRSTs) may assist in this regard and ANSPs can
address the issue within the wider context of their SMS.
Some runway excursions can be prevented by ight crews
executing a go-around when needed. Safe and timely go-
arounds are dependent on two main factors: ight crew
decision-making and execution. However, ATC actions can
also inuence both of these processes, for instance, when
initiating the execution of a go-around, ATCOs should use the
standard PANS ATM ( phraseology, ‘GO-AROUND’
(ight crew response ‘GOING AROUND’), and in European
airspace, applicable Standardised European Rules of the Air
(SERA) phraseologies, rather than alternatives such as ‘break-
o the approach or execute missed approach, which may
lead to misunderstanding.
Some ANSPs record and then analyse go-arounds/missed
approaches; any ATS contribution to unstabilised approaches
may be identied qduring this process. Event replays that
include surveillance information and audio recordings are
another useful source of information to help ATCOs learn
lessons from reported events.
Exchanging runway safety information provides signicant
safety benets to all stakeholders. It allows ANSPs to learn not
only from their own experiences but also from the experienc-
es of others. Having direct contact with other stakeholders
allows ANSPs to get rst-hand information. It also provides
an opportunity to ask specic questions and communicate
on specic issues related to runway excursions without losing
precious time.
ANSPs can participate in safety information sharing in several
ways as part of ongoing SMS activities, such as:
Set up safety information exchange with other ANSPs;
Recommendation ANSP3: ANSPs should:
ANSP3 a:. Review available data (e.g., occurrence reports, go-around/missed approach data) with the
aim of identifying the ANSP-related runway excursion contributing factors and relevant mitigations;
for example, enhanced airspace design and procedures and ATCO/AFISO training and procedures.
ANSP3 b: Share at network level the identied runway excursion contributing factors and relevant
Recommendation ANSP6: Participate in runway excursion safety information-sharing at network
level to facilitate using just culture principles and the free exchange of relevant information on actual
and potential safety deciencies.
50 Appendix B — Air Navigation Service Providers
Set up safety information exchange agreements with air-
craft operators or other stakeholder groups;
Register and use internet safety information exchange
facilities, such as SKYbrary (;
Join one of the existing safety information exchange
networks, such as EVAIR (EUROCONTROL Voluntary ATM
Incident Reporting); IATA STEADES; Flight Safety Foun-
dation; and,
By being an active member of LRSTs.
Important note: Recommendations ANSP3 and ANSP6 (and the
guidance notes provided above) are closely linked to the following
recommendation for aircraft operators. ANSPs should also review
the relevant guidance material provided in Appendix C, which
contains additional information and guidance that can help
achieve the objectives of Recommendations ANSP3 and ANSP6.
Recommendation OPS1. Aircraft operators should
participate in safety information sharing networks
with all relevant stakeholders. This should facilitate
the free exchange of relevant runway safety infor-
mation including identied risks, safety trends and
good practices.
Reference materials
European Commission Regulation No 923/2012 on Standard-
ised European Rules of the Air – SERA, and associated Accept-
able Means of Compliance and Guidance Material.
European Commission Regulation 2017/373 on ATM/ANS
Common Requirements and associated Acceptable Means of
Compliance and Guidance Material.
ICAO Doc 9981 Procedures for Air Navigation Services
– Aerodromes.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 51
Provision of safety critical information to ight crew
Why should ANSPs follow the recommendations?
For the safe execution of approach, landing and takeo,
a ight crew relies largely on the information supplied by
ATS. Provision of timely, accurate and up-to-date informa-
tion about the aerodrome weather, wind, runway surface
conditions and declared distances (e.g., TORA and LDA) will
enable ight crew to assess correctly the situation and take
safe decisions for takeo, approach and landing or diversion
to an alternate aerodrome.
Use of automated information transmission tools (e.g., ATIS,
D-ATIS) increases the reliability of the information delivery
process and contributes to reduced likelihood of ight crew
distraction during the most critical phases of ight – approach
and landing and takeo.
What can ANSPs do to implement the
Essential information is provided through three main types of
media: (AIPs, NOTAMs); ATIS/D-ATIS; and radio telephony. In
certain circumstances, aerodrome signage can supplement
the written and/or oral data.
ICAO Doc 4444, PANS ATM provisions on the
provision of essential information:
7.5.2 Essential information on aerodrome conditions shall
include information relating to the following:
a) construction or maintenance work on, or immedi-
ately adjacent to the movement area;
b) rough or broken surfaces on a runway, a taxiway
or an apron, whether marked or not;
snow, slush or ice on a runway, a taxiway or an
d) water on a runway, a taxiway or an apron;
e) snow banks or drifts adjacent to a runway, a taxi-
way or an apron;
other temporary hazards, including parked aircraft
and birds on the ground or in the air;
failure or irregular operation of part or all of the
aerodrome lighting system;
h) any other pertinent information.
7.5.3 Essential information on aerodrome conditions shall
be given to every aircraft, except when it is known
Recommendation ANSP4: Review processes covering the provision of essential information on
aerodrome conditions such as weather, wind and runway surface conditions (e.g., when ‘wet or con-
taminated) to ensure:
ANSP4 a: A consistent, timely and accurate broadcast of aerodrome information.
ANSP4 b: The integrity of the essential information supply chain from the originator (e.g., Met Oce/
aerodrome operator) to the user (e.g., ight crews, ATS, Met Oce, aerodrome operator and aeronau-
tical information service (AIS) provider).
ANSP4 c: Training on the use of ATIS/D-ATIS is provided to relevant operational sta.
ANSP4 d: Compliance with the ICAO Global Runway Format for runway surface conditions assessment
and reporting, including the training of the relevant ANSP personnel.
Recommendation ANSP5:
ANSP5 a: Ensure that ight crews are informed of the takeo run available (TORA) or the landing
distance available (LDA) if these dier from the published data using appropriate means. The infor-
mation should include any alternative runways, which may be available.
ANSP5 b: ATS providers should collaborate with aerodrome operators to determine the runway
entries from which intersection takeos may be performed, and develop coordinated procedures
for such operations.
Recommendation ANSP8: Consider equipping for digital transmission of ATIS, as appropriate (e.g.,
via telephone or other means).
52 Appendix B — Air Navigation Service Providers
that the aircraft already has received all of or part of
the information from other sources. The information
shall be given in sucient time for the aircraft to make
proper use of it, and the hazards shall be identied as
distinctly as possible.
Note: “Other sources” include NOTAM, ATIS broadcast,
and the display of suitable signals.
7.5.4 When a not previously notied condition pertaining
to the safe use by aircraft of the manoeuvring area
is reported to or observed by the controller, the ap-
propriate aerodrome authority shall be informed and
operations on that part of the manoeuvring area ter-
minated until otherwise advised by the appropriate
aerodrome authority.
It is incumbent on all personnel involved in the ow of es-
sential” information to ensure not only the quality of the data
but also the integrity of the processes and procedures that
ensure its onward transmission to ATS.
Formal arrangements between data providers and ANSP/
aerodrome operators/AIS providers (e.g., in the form of a con-
tract or service level agreement [SLA]) should be introduced
to support and enable the relevant data exchange.
In turn, ATS working together with partners, should ensure
the timely provision and delivery of the information to ight
crews to assist in their operational decision-making.
The reception of ATIS via data link allows both pilots to listen
to ATS communications during critical high workload phases
of ight, thus increasing situational awareness and reducing
the likelihood of distraction-induced mistakes, lapses or con-
fusion. Furthermore, depending on the trac density and the
complexity of the approach, it may assist ight crews with the
go-around/landing decision-making process by providing the
latest changes to the runway condition and local weather,
which is subject to the equipment being set up to allow this
data to be send to the pilot automatically.
Annex 11, Air Trac Services, Chapter 4 (Flight Information
Services) states variously that ATIS/D-ATIS broadcasts shall
signicant runway surface conditions (e.g. when the run-
way is ‘wet or the presence of other contaminants such
as snow, slush, ice, rubber, oil) and, surface wind direction
and speed, including signicant variations;
any available information on signicant meteorological
phenomena in the approach and climb-out areas includ-
ing wind shear, and information on recent weather of op-
erational signicance;
other essential operational information. Reduced run-
way lengths for landing and takeo fall into this category
of data.
In accordance with section 4.1.3 of Appendix 3 to ICAO Annex
3, the surface wind direction and speed is to be averaged
over two minutes for wind displays in ATS units. The wind
information is to refer to conditions along the runway for
departing aircraft and to conditions at the touchdown zone
for arriving aircraft. Specically, according to ICAO Annex 11,
Chapter 4, ATIS broadcasts shall include: surface wind direc-
tion and speed, including signicant variations and, if surface
wind sensors related specically to the sections of runway(s) in
use are available and the information is required by operators,
the indication of the runway and the section of the runway to
which the information refers.’
To ensure that ATIS/D-ATIS provide operational and safety
benets, it is essential that the relevant operational AIS/ATC
sta is competent to use ATIS/D-ATIS equipment and under-
stand and apply the broad principles for the operation of
these systems as described in Annex 11, Chapter 4.
ATIS/D-ATIS Note: Depending on the organisational/
operational structure, ANSPs or AISPs may be responsible for
the provision of ATIS/D-ATIS.
Weather/wind data update. According to ICAO Doc 4444 –
PANS ATM, paragraph 6.6.4:
At the commencement of nal approach, the following infor-
mation shall be transmitted to aircraft:
Signicant changes in the mean surface wind direction
and speed;
Note. Signicant changes are specied in Annex 3,
Chapter 4. However, if the controller possesses wind
information in the form of components, the signicant
changes are:
Mean headwind component: 19 km/h (10 kt);
Mean tailwind component: 4 km/h (2 kt);and,
Mean crosswind component: 9 km/h (5 kt).
the latest information, if any, on wind shear and/or
turbulence in the nal approach area; and,
c) The current visibility representative of the direction of
approach and landing or, when provided, the current
runway visual range value(s) and the trend.
Furthermore, ICAO Annex 3, § states that wind gusts of
5 kts or more above the mean wind speed shall be reported
when noise abatement procedures are in force, otherwise
wind gusts of 10 kts or more above the mean wind speed
shall be reported. A wind below 1 kt will be considered as
calm’. This information is essential to pilots in their process
Example case study
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 53
Runway surface condition assessment and reporting. The
ICAO methodology envisages:
Assessment by trained runway assessors (aerodrome oper-
ator’s personnel) and reporting — by means of a uniform
runway condition report (RCR) — of the runway surface
conditions, including contaminants, for each third of the
runway length. This includes contaminants categorisation
according to their eect on aircraft braking performance
and information coding in a runway condition assessment
matrix (RCAM).
RCAM use by aircraft manufacturers to determine the ap-
propriate performance data for specic runway surface
conditions and provision of approved data and guidance
material to aircraft operators for the safe operation of the
aircraft on dry, wet and contaminated runway surfaces.
Provision of the RCR information to the end users (by AIS)
in an improvedSNOWTAMform.
Provision of the RCR information to the ight crews by ATS
by means ofATIS, voice communication andCPDLC. The
information shall be presented according to the direction
of the aircraft movement, with the rst runway third being
the one nearest to the aircraft approaching to land.
Use of the reported runway condition data in conjunc-
tion with the performance data provided by the aircraft
manufacturer to determine — along with other informa-
tion such as, but not limited to,weatherconditions and
theweightof the aircraft — if landing or takeo operations
can be conducted safely.
Flight crews shall report the braking action experienced
when dierent from the expected one.
This solution shall be applied as of 5 November 2021. In the
EU, it is to be implemented as of 12 August 2021.
Runway surface condition reporting. The need to report and
promulgate runway surface conditions is specied in Annex
14, Volume I, 2.9.1, which stipulates that information on the
condition of the movement area and the operational status
of related facilities will be provided to the appropriate AIS
units, and similar information of operational signicance to
the ATS units, to enable those units to provide the necessary
information to arriving and departing aircraft.
Currently, the primary means of communication are ATIS and
ATC Radiotelephony, in addition to SNOWTAM.
In addition to normal operational and weather information in
the ATIS message, the following information about the run-
way condition should be mentioned whenever the runway
is not dry (Runway Condition Code [RWYCC] 6):
Operational runway in use at time of issuance;
RWYCC for the operational runway, for each runway third
in the operational direction;
Condition description, coverage and depth (for loose
Width of the operational runway to which the RWYCC
applies, if less than the published width;
Reduced length, if less than the published runway length;
Drifting snow;
Loose sand;
Operationally signicant snowbanks;
Runway exits, taxiways and apron if POOR; and,
Any other pertinent information in short, plain language.
One inherent weakness in the ATIS system is the currency of
the information. This is because ight crews generally listen
to ATIS on arrival, some 20 minutes before landing, and in
rapidly changing weather, the runway conditions may alter
dramatically in such a time span.
The aerodrome operator usually transmits information of
operational signicance relating to runway conditions to
ATC, and ATC, in turn, provides this information to the ight
crew if dierent from the ATIS. At present, this procedure
appears to be the only one that is able to provide timely
information to the ight crew, especially in rapidly changing
According to the ICAO Doc 9981 PANS Aerodromes, Part II: When the runway is wholly or partly contaminated by
standing water, snow, slush, ice or frost, or is wet asso-
ciated with the clearing or treatment of snow, slush,
ice or frost, the runway condition report should be
disseminated through the AIS and ATS services. When
the runway is wet, not associated with the presence of
standing water, snow, slush, ice or frost, the assessed
information should be disseminated using the runway
condition report through the ATS only. Where available, the pilot reports of runway braking
action should be taken into consideration as part of
the ongoing monitoring process, using the following
a pilot report of runway braking action is taken
into consideration for downgrading purposes;
a pilot report of runway braking action can be
used for upgrading purposes only if it is used in
combination with other information qualifying
for upgrading.
Note 1. The procedures for making special air- reports
regarding runway braking action are contained in the
Procedures for Air Navigation Services — Air Trac
Management (PANS-ATM, Doc 4444), Chapter 4, and
Appendix 1, Instructions for air- reporting by voice
communication. Two consecutive pilot reports of runway braking action
of POOR shall trigger an assessment if an RWYCC of 2
or better has been reported.
54 Appendix B — Air Navigation Service Providers When one pilot has reported a runway braking ac-
tion of LESS THAN POOR, the information shall be
disseminated, a new assessment shall be made and
the suspension of operations on that runway shall be
According to provision 6.6.1 of ICAO Doc 4444 – PANS ATM,
ATC shall transmit to an arriving aircraft current runway surface
conditions, in case of precipitants or other temporary hazards
as early as practicable after the aircraft has established com-
munication with the approach control unit, unless it is known
that the aircraft has already received this information. Further-
more, according to provision 6.6.5 of PANS ATM, signicant
changes in runway surface conditions shall be transmitted
without delay during nal approach.
According to provision of PANS ATM, information
on aerodrome conditions shall be provided in a clear and
concise manner so as to facilitate appreciation by the pilot of
the situation described. It shall be issued whenever deemed
necessary by the ATCO/AFISO on duty in the interest of safety,
or when requested by an aircraft. If the information is provid-
ed on the initiative of the ATCO/AFISO, it shall be transmitted
to each aircraft concerned in sucient time to enable the
pilot to make proper use of the information.
Phraseology. The following phraseology provided in Doc
4444 PANS ATM shall be used for provision of aerodrome
a) [(location)] RUNWAY (number) SURFACE CONDITION [CODE
(three-digit number)], followed as necessary by:
1) ISSUED AT (date and time UTC);
3) DEPTH ((depth of deposit) MILLIMETRES or NOT
12) TAXIWAY (identication of taxiway) SNOWBANK (num-
14) TAXIWAY (identication of taxiway) POOR;
15) APRON (identication of apron) POOR;
16) Plain language remarks.
c) LANDING SURFACE (condition);
e) CAUTION (specify reasons) RIGHT (or LEFT), (or BOTH SIDES)
OF RUNWAY [(number)];
and any necessary advice);
g) BRAKING ACTION REPORTED BY (aircraft type) AT (time)
h) TAXIWAY (identication of taxiway) WET [or STANDING
WATER, or SNOW REMOVED (length and width as applicable),
i) TOWER OBSERVES (weather information);
j) PILOT REPORTS (weather information).
TER RUNWAY are used in the EU.
Pilot report of runway braking action. The braking action
observed by the pilot depends on the type of aircraft, aircraft
weight, runway portion used for braking and other factors.
Pilots will use the terms GOOD, GOOD TO MEDIUM, MEDIUM,
When receiving a routine pilot report of in-ight weather
conditions (AIREP), the ATCO/AFISO should consider that
these terms rarely apply to the full length of the runway and
are limited to the specic sections of the runway surface
in which sucient wheel braking is applied. Since AIREPs
are subjective and contaminated runways may aect the
performance of dierent aircraft types in dierent ways, the
reported braking action may not be directly transferable to
another aircraft.
If an ATS unit (e.g., ATC tower) receives an AIREP by voice
communications concerning braking action that is found
not to be as good as that reported, ATCO/AFISO shall forward
the AIREP without delay to the aerodrome operator. This is a
prerequisite for using the AIREP for downgrading purposes
when assessing the RWYCC.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 55
ANSPs and aerodrome operators shall have coordinated (e.g.,
by means of an SLA) operating procedures for the distribution
of AIREPs to aerodrome operators.
Radio Telephony. Time-critical aerodrome information (such
as weather, surface conditions, wind, etc.) that may aect
runway operations shall be provided to pilots in ‘real time’
using radiotelephony communication.
Use of ‘non-essential’ information. ATCOs/AFISOs should
understand that some well-intentioned actions, clearances
and instructions, or information passed to ight crews to
improve the ow of air trac may not always have the
planned consequences. For instance, using phrases such as
‘landing long available might induce pilots to touchdown
further down the runway than they had originally intended/
calculated. Furthermore, depending on ight crew experience
and constraints, the surface conditions and the time/
position in the landing sequence where the manoeuvre is
executed, the use of expedite vacate may trigger pilots to
travel too fast for the conditions and/or aerodrome layout.
Of course, in many situations, the use of these phrases may
be perfectly legitimate (and safe). Nevertheless, to lessen
the risk of runway excursion, controllers should use them
with care. The timing of the messages is a key consideration,
and they should be used only in circumstances that are
appropriate to the prevailing runway surface conditions and/
or aerodrome layout.
Declared distances. ICAO Annex 14, Aerodromes, §2.8
requires that distances shall be calculated to the nearest
metre or foot for a runway intended for use by international
commercial air transport. These declared distances include:
takeo run available (TORA); takeo distance available
(TODA); accelerate-stop distance available (ASDA); and
landing distance available (LDA).
Note: Guidance on calculation of declared distances is given
in Attachment A, Section of ICAO Annex 14 and in local rules,
where available.
TORA and LDA for a particular runway may vary from those
published for a variety of reasons (e.g., construction work
or snow clearing operations, which may reduce the takeo
and landing distances available). This essential information
must be made available to ight crews via an appropriate
mechanism and format, in accordance with ICAO Annex 15,
Aeronautical Information Services, ICAO Doc 4444 PANS ATM
and ICAO Doc 10066 PANS AIM. In addition, the temporary
reduction of the declared distances should be included in the
ATIS messages. Nonetheless, ATS may also consider it appro
priate to provide this information in ‘real-time, even when the
changes have been notied in aeronautical publications and/
or ATIS/D-ATIS. At aerodromes, where ATIS is not available,
ATS should proactively inform the ight crew by means of a
radiotelephony (R/T) exchange of the reduced takeo and
landing distances available.
Intersection departures. Flight crews may opt for, or ATS
may suggest, a departure from a runway intersection that
eectively reduces the runway length available for ight
operations. Intersection departures should be appropriate
to the aircraft type and take into account work in progress
and other relevant factors limiting operations.
ATS should provide alternative runway(s) to the assigned
intersection runway in case the ight crew report not able to
perform a takeo from the assigned intersection.
The ultimate decision regarding intersection departure
rests with the ight crew; however, ATC actions assist in the
decision-making process. To ensure that the intersection
TORA distances are known, ATS should inform pilots of the
takeo run available (in metres) from the runway intersection
position if this diers from the signage.
According to ICAO Doc 7030, European Regional Supplemen-
tary (EUR SUPPs) §, Runway declared distances for an
intersection take-o position shall be published in the relevant
AIP, clearly distinguishable from full runway declared distances’.
Best practice exists concerning the associated phraseology
to be used by ATS, which is in line with the guidance in the
ICAO EUR SUPPs, namely:
TORA (to be pronounced as TOR-AH’) replaces the words
TAKEOFF’ in the R/T message.
Thus, an example ATC R/T message to advise of the takeo
run available from an intersection will be: ‘Call sign, Tora
runway 09, from intersection alpha, 2800 metres’.
When an ANSP plans for intersection departure procedures,
the development of these procedures should be coordinat-
ed with the aerodrome operators. This is to ensure that the
procedures of both organisations do not contain inconsist-
encies or discrepancies and that they take into account op-
erational needs and limitations, especially with regard to
the interfaces of the two organisations, irrespective of how
they are organised internally. In the EU, from an ATM point
of view, this recommendation is based on the requirement
ATS.OR.110 contained in Reg. (EU) 2017/373 (as amended
by 2020/469). It says, An air trac services provider shall
establish arrangements with the operator of the aerodrome
at which it provides air trac services to ensure adequate
coordination of activities and services provided as well as
exchange of relevant data and information.
Example case study
To supplement the oral message, ICAO Annex 14, Aero-
dromes, recommends that an intersection takeo sign should
be provided when there is an operational need to indicate
the remaining TORA for an intersection takeo. In addition,
according to provision of Annex 14, Volume I, ‘the
inscription on an intersection take-o sign shall consist of a nu-
merical message indicating the remaining take-o run available
56 Appendix B — Air Navigation Service Providers
in metres plus an arrow, appropriately located and oriented,
indicating the direction of take-o’.
The GAPPRE recommendation ADR4 takes the above Annex
14 provision further by recommending provision of takeo
run available (TORA) signs at all runway holding positions
from which intersection takeos are conducted.
In the EU, the installation of an intersection takeo sign, indi-
cating the remaining takeo run available (TORA), is consid-
ered a prerequisite wherever intersection takeos are allowed
ANSPs should cooperate with aerodrome operators to clarify
the signage requirements on individual aerodromes.
Construction/Work in Progress. The runway length available
for takeo or landing may change during construction or
other work in progress. If the revised runway lengths available
(TORA/LDA) dier from published data, the revised TORA/LDA
should be made available by the aerodrome operator to ight
crews via changes to the AIP and/or NOTAM. ATIS/D-ATIS (data
link ATIS) should also be used to re-enforce the message.
For short-notice reductions when the necessary aeronautical
information amendments have not been promulgated, it is
important to clearly state that the TORA/LDA is dierent from
published and it will be necessary for ATS to broadcast the
essential information via R/T and/or ATIS/D-ATIS. In addition,
ATS may also consider it appropriate to provide this informa-
tion in real-time even when the changes have been notied
in aeronautical publications and/or ATIS/D-ATIS.
ICAO Doc 4444, PANS ATM, Phraseologies § provides
the phraseology to be used by ATCO to notify the ight crew
of on-going construction work:
CAUTION (specify reasons) RIGHT (or LEFT), (or BOTH SIDES
OF RUNWAY [Number]); and,
and any necessary advice).
Example case study
Landing distances. With regard to reduced landing distances
(displaced threshold), Annex 14, Attachment A, §3.5 states:
Where a runway has a displaced threshold, then the LDA will be
reduced by the distance the threshold is displaced. … A displaced
threshold aects only the LDA for the approaches made to that
threshold; all declared distances for operations in the reciprocal
direction are unaected.’
Reference materials
ICAO Annex 3, Meteorological Services for International Air
ICAO Annex 11, Air Trac Services.
ICAO Annex 14, Aerodromes.
ICAO Annex 15, Aeronautical Information Services.
ICAO Doc 4444 – PANS ATM.
ICAO Doc 10066 – PANS AIM.
ICAO Doc 9981 – PANS Aerodromes.
ICAO Doc 7030, Regional Supplementary Procedures
ICAO Doc 9432, Manual of Radiotelephony.
ICAO Circular 355 - Assessment, Measurement and Report-
ing of Runway Surface Conditions.
European Commission Regulation No 923/2012 on Standard-
ised European Rules of the Air – SERA, and associated Accept-
able Means of Compliance and Guidance Material.
European Commission Regulation 2017/373 on ATM/ANS
Common Requirements and associated Acceptable Means of
Compliance and Guidance Material.
European Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 – Aer-
odromes, and associated Acceptable Means of Compliance,
Certication Specications and Guidance Material.
EASA SIB No 2018-02: Runway Surface Condition Reporting,
18 January 2018.
EASA SIB No 2015-25: Publication of declared distances for
runways where intersection take-os take place, 18 Novem-
ber 2015.
FAA AC 150/5200-30D: Airport Field Condition Assessments
and Winter Operations Safety, of 29 October 2020.
RCAM Braking Action Codes and Denitions for Pilots, AC 91-
79A CHG1 Appendix 1, April 2016.
Flight Safety Foundation (FSF) ALAR Toolkit, brieng notes:
8.1, 8.3, 8.5, 8.6 and 8.7.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 57
Correct alignment on the runway
Why should ANSPs follow the recommendations?
The runway edge lights provide an overall perspective to
both landing and taking o aircraft. This is enhanced by the
centreline lights that provide information to the ight crew
by supporting better alignment on the runway centreline
and by providing information about the remaining runway
distance by means of alternate red and white lights, where
The runway centreline lights could help prevent aircraft from
lining up for departure with the edge lights, while they pro-
vide valuable visual cues for landing aircraft, too.
What can ANSPs do to implement the
Runway centreline lights are usually installed on precision
CAT II/III approach runways to facilitate landing under ad-
verse visibility conditions. They are located along the runway
centreline and are normally spaced at approximately 15 m
(50-foot) intervals. When viewed from the landing threshold,
the runway centreline lights are white until the last 3,000 feet
(900 m) of the runway. The white lights begin to alternate with
red for the next 2,000 feet (600 m), and for the last 1,000 feet
(300 m) of the runway, all centreline lights are red.
ICAO Annex 14, § recommends also that Runway
centre line lights should be provided on a precision approach
runway category I, particularly when the runway is used by air-
craft with high landing speeds or where the width between the
runway edge lights is greater than 50 m.In addition, Annex 14
§ recommends that ‘Runway centre line lights should
be provided on a runway intended to be used for takeo with an
operating minimum of an RVR of the order of 400 m or higher
when used by aeroplanes with a very high takeo speed, par-
ticularly where the width between the runway edge lights is
greater than 50 m.
Typically, all lights are controlled by the ATC tower, a ight
service station or another designated authority. This also
avoids the cost of having the lighting system on for extended
Use of the runway centreline lights along with the runway
edge lights will, on the one hand, support the correct runway
visual acquisition and positioning by ight crew and reduce
the likelihood of wrong aircraft alignment on the runway or
on the wrong runway or on a taxiway; and on the other hand,
it will provide for better alignment with the runway centreline
during landing operations.
Important note: Recommendation ANSP7 and the guidance
notes provided above are closely linked to the following rec-
ommendation for aerodrome operators. ANSP should also re-
view the relevant guidance material provided in Appendix B,
which contains additional information and advice that can help
achieve the objectives of recommendation ANSP7.
Recommendation ADR10. If installed, runway
centreline lights should also be used together with
the runway edge lights whenever runway edge lights
are switched on and when the runway is in use.
ICAO Annex14, Volume 1 Aerodrome Design and Operations’.
ICAO Doc 9157 Aerodrome Design Manual Part 4, Visual Aids‘,
chapter 16.
ICAO Doc 4444 PANS-ATM, Chapter 7.
UK CAA, CAP 637 Visual Aids Handbook (2007).
ICAO Runway Excursion Risk Reduction Toolkit - Aerodrome
Best Practice (2nd edition).
ACRP Report 148: LED Aireld Lighting System Operation and
Maintenance, J. Burns et al., Transportation Research Board
(U.S.), 2015.
European Commission Regulation 2017/373 on ATM/ANS
Common Requirements and associated Acceptable Means of
Compliance and Guidance Material.
European Commission Regulation (EU) No 139/2014 – Aer-
odromes, and associated Acceptable Means of Compliance,
Certication Specications and Guidance Material.
Recommendation ANSP7: If installed, runway centreline lights should also be used together with
the runway edge lights whenever runway edge lights are switched on and when the runway is in use.
Left intentionally blank
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 59
1 General considerations for aircraft operators 61
1.1 Collaboration with other industry stakeholders/safety information sharing (OPS 1) 61
1.2 Aircraft operators safety culture (OPS 29) 62
1.3 Training ight crews in preventing runway excursions (OPS 3) 63
1.4 Dealing safely with challenging ATC clearances (OPS 6) 64
1.5 Dealing safely with (late) runway changes (OPS 8) 66
1.6 Safety reasons for ight crews requesting runway changes (OPS 9) 68
1.7 Understanding wind limitations (OPS 11) 68
1.8 Flight technique in crosswind operations (OPS 12) 69
1.9 Technical solutions helping to prevent runway excursions (OPS 4) 71
1.10 Flight data monitoring (FDM) and other means of detecting runway excursion risks
(OPS 2, 31, 33, 35)
1.11 The use of data-link systems (OPS 5) 74
1.12 Check of current conditions versus planned conditions (OPS 10) 75
2 Special considerations for the departure phase 77
2.1 Takeo performance and the use of EFB (OPS 13, 34) 77
2.2 The rejected takeo decision process (OPS 14) 80
2.3 Correct line-up for departure (OPS 27, 28) 82
3 Special considerations for the arrival phase 84
3.1 Safe descent, approach, landing and go-around policies (OPS 7) 84
3.2 Landing performance — correct assessment and implications for aircraft stopping
(OPS 15, 23, 24, 30)
3.3 Runway and approach type selection (OPS 17) 93
3.4 Autoland without protection of ILS critical/sensitive areas (OPS 20) 94
3.5 Stabilised approach and landing (OPS 18, 19, 32) 96
3.6 Go-around policy, decision-making and pilot monitoring duties (OPS 16) 101
3.7 Where and how should ight crews touchdown? (OPS 21, 22) 105
3.8 Bounced landing recovery (OPS 25) 108
3.9 Change of controls during landing and taxi-in (OPS 26) 109
4 References 110
60 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
1 Glossary
ASIAS Aviation Safety Information Analysis and Sharing
ATC Air trac control
ATCO Air trac controller
ANSP Air navigation service provider
CDO Continuous descent operation
EASA European Aviation Safety Agency
EBAA European Business Aviation Association
ERA European Regions Airlines Association
EOFDM European Operators Flight Data Monitoring Forum
EOSID Engine-out standard instrument departure
EVAIR EUROCONTROL voluntary ATM incident reporting
FAA Federal Aviation Administration
FMC Flight management computer
FSF Flight Safety Foundation
GRF Global Reporting Format
IATA International Air Transport Association
ICAO International Civil Aviation Organization
IDX Incident Data eXchange (IATA)
ILS Instrument landing system
LDA Landing distance available
LDA Low drag approach
LOFT Line-oriented ight training
LOSA Line Operations Safety Audit
LPV Localiser performance with vertical guidance
MRVA Minimum Radar Vectoring Altitude
MTOW Maximum takeo weight
OAT Outside air temperature
OPC Operator prociency check
RAAS Runway Awareness and Advisory System
RCC Runway condition code
RNP Required navigation performance
ROAAS Runway Overrun Awareness and Alerting System
RTO Rejected takeo
PF Pilot ying
PIREP Pilot report
PM Pilot monitoring
PIC Pilot in command
SIC Second in command (Copilot)
SID Standard instrument departure
SMS Safety management system
SOP Standard operating procedure
STAR Standard arrival route
TEM Threat and error management
TOW Takeo weight
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 61
2 General considerations for aircraft operators
Each aircraft operator is invited to review and prioritise the
proposed recommendations. The following guidance mate-
rial is provided to assist with implementation.
2.1 Collaboration with other industry
stakeholders/safety information
sharing (OPS 1)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
In order to eectively prevent runway safety events, it is nec-
essary that all stakeholders in aviation work together and
exchange safety-relevant information. This allows aircraft
operators and other stakeholders to learn from each other,
understand dierent perspectives and create a shared mental
picture of the threats and hazards that ight crews and air
trac controllers have to cope with in daily operation.
Aircraft operators have the best source of information avail-
able to gain knowledge about what works well and what
needs improvement in order to mitigate runway excursion
risks in daily operation — the ight crews. Aircraft operators
can actively encourage ight crews to report not only occur-
rences but also their experiences in routine operation, both
positives and negatives (e.g., on approach path management,
trac spacing or actual braking action at an airport during
wet runway operation).
By exchanging safety reports and information about their
safety risk areas with other aircraft operators, airports and
air navigation service providers (ANSPs), aircraft operators
might even be able to receive additional relevant information
on top of what their ight crews experience, making them
aware of hazards which would otherwise be hidden to them.
Being proactive in safety information sharing can help the
whole industry to become preventative in runway excursion
risk reduction.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
In order to build or receive the required level of trust needed
to establish a safety information exchange with other aircraft
operators or other industry stakeholders, aircraft operators
should consider the following steps:
Aircraft operators should be proactive in establishing pro-
fessional contacts between the safety, ight operations
and training departments of their organisation and those
of other industry stakeholders such as ANSPs and other
aircraft operators. Professional contacts and direct coop-
eration will help to build trust and will enable the ow of
safety-relevant information.
Aircraft operators should include their senior and board
management as well as communication departments in
the process of setting up safety information-sharing net-
works in order to increase their understanding of how the
benets of such exchange outweighs the manageable
risks of reputational problems, especially as safety informa-
tion exchange does not only include negative events but
positive ones as well. If necessary, consider setting up for-
mal agreements for the exchange of sensitive information.
Aircraft operators should make it as easy as possible to
allow external stakeholders direct safety reporting of rel-
evant safety events or safety risk areas into their safety
management systems (SMS) (e.g., by proactively promul-
gating the relevant email address or website information),
while at the same time requesting the relevant addresses
from the others to enable communication between the
SMS on specic issues without losing precious time and
to get rst-hand information on relevant safety topics.
(See OPS 6.)
Aircraft operators should consider proactively distribut-
ing their safety newsletter or magazine to other industry
stakeholders and promulgating relevant information re-
ceived via safety information-sharing networks to their
ight crews to enhance their awareness on industry safety
issues and encourage their own safety reporting.
Aircraft operators should consider registering or joining
existing safety information-sharing networks or relevant
organisations, which are currently the following:
European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA)
European Operators Flight Data Monitoring (EOFDM);
U.S. Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Aviation
Safety Information Analysis and Sharing (ASIAS);
Flight Safety Foundation;
European Regions Airline Association;
International Air Transport Association (IATA) (Flight, In-
cident and Accident Data eXchange (FDX, IDX and ADX);
Local runway safety teams (LRST);
Eurocontrol Voluntary Air Trac Management (ATM)
Incident Reporting (EVAIR); and,
European Business Aviation Association (EBAA).
Recommendation OPS 1: Aircraft operators
should participate in safety information shar-
ing networks with all relevant stakeholders.
This should facilitate the free exchange of
relevant runway safety information includ-
ing identied risks, safety trends and good
62 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
2.2 Aircraft operators safety culture
(OPS 29)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
Many runway excursion events happen in normal operation,
meaning with technically fully operational aircraft and without
any (impending) abnormal or emergency situation, and are
caused by ight crews’ mismanagement of threats. However,
these human failures often originate from organizational and
operational pressures ight crews face in their daily operation. It
is therefore of utmost importance that ight crews feel psycho-
logically safe to always behave in a risk-averse (i.e., defensive/
conservative) manner with regard to their safety-relevant deci-
sion-making. This includes feeling free to intervene, for exam-
ple, within their ight crew or toward their operations control
and air trac control (ATC), if required. For this, ight crews need
the backing of their aircraft operator as an employer, which
should make clear to them that such risk-averse behaviour is
not only tolerated but explicitly expected and encouraged.
Always prioritising safety over eciency, and thereby being
risk-averse, is the ultimate tool which ight crews have in daily
operation to prevent complex and error-prone situations, to
always work as intended and to deal safely with all threats
on their ights. Especially for the prevention of runway ex-
cursions, this includes, but is not limited to:
Taking the time needed to perform aircraft performance
calculations and doing pre-departure or approach set-
up/briengs in a calm and thorough manner, even if this
causes delay or holding; and,
Performing a missed approach whenever not stabilised on
approach or reduce wind limits (see OPS 11), depending
on the ight crew’s experience, prociency or fatigue level,
even if this leads to a diversion.
There are many more examples reecting the need for a psy-
chologically safe environment which ight crews need to en-
sure safe ights. Because individual pilots may have diering
risk perceptions and risk appetites, there is an additional need
to clarify that eective prevention of unsafe events requires
safe (team) decision-making, meaning that the more risk-
averse (that is, the more defensive or conservative) option
will always be preferred as demanded by any of the pilots in
a ight crew, irrespective of rank or experience.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
As set out by the structure of an aircraft operators SMS,
the safety policy, whether standing alone or incorporated
into other policy texts, is the highest-ranking policy in the
organisation, governing all of their activities and those of
their employees. Writing and formulating this policy in such
a way as to leave no doubt to anyone that aircraft operators
expect everyone in their organisation to always prioritise
safety over eciency, even if this means accepting nancial
losses or delay, will create a common baseline for their oper-
ations. Although a SMS looks for a balance between safety
and eciency using risk management principles, it has to be
made clear, especially to the frontline sta, that their duty is
to always prioritize safety over eciency in order to ensure
safety and, in this context, to prevent runway excursions.
The following passages might serve as a guideline for a word-
ing of such a policy:
‘Safety is our most important business function as (airline/
organisation) highly depends on safe and reliable oper-
ation. All levels of management and all employees are
responsible for the delivery of the highest level of safety
performance, starting with me, the (accountable man-
ager/CEO). The adherence to these standards is more im-
portant than economic or other matters. To achieve these
standards, I (accountable manager/CEO) will support the
management of safety through the implementation of
all necessary measures and the provision of all nancial,
material and human resources which are required for safe
day-to-day operation. This will result in an organisation-
al culture that fosters safe practices and encourages or
even rewards open and eective safety reporting and
‘Our mutual goal shall be to apply our “Safety First” princi-
ple in our strategic and day-to-day decision-making and
to manage safety in a proactive and systematic manner
in order to ensure an always ecient, reliable and resilient
operation of (airline/organisation) and its related activi-
ties. You and I can contribute to this by learning from our
mistakes; sharing best practices; reporting hazardous or
unsafe situations or problems; applying critical thinking
with regard to our policies, standards and procedures;
and reporting any possibility for improvement via our
established reporting systems.
Writing policies alone will be insucient to foster the re-
quired culture. However, by exemplifying these values and
educating and training their ight crews on how to meet
this common standard, aircraft operators will create the
work environment required to make it easy for their ight
crews to deal safely with all everyday threats and eectively
prevent runway excursions. Furthermore, aircraft operators
can convey a positive message to foster safe behaviour by
presenting good examples of safe decision-making in their
safety promotion (e.g., the eective intervention by a pilot
monitoring (PM) on an unstable approach leading to a go-
around. Aircraft operators can even choose to reward pilots
directly for positive safety behaviour.
Recommendation OPS 29: Aircraft oper-
ators should foster a culture that stimulates
safe behaviour, which in turn encourages
risk-averse decision-making by ight crews.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 63
2.3 Training ight crews in preventing
runway excursions (OPS 3)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
Runway excursions can happen during takeo or landing.
There can be overruns or veer-os, on both takeo or landing,
after or during a non-normal situation (e.g., a takeo abort
or a brake failure upon landing). They can also happen in
normal operation owing to ight crews’ mismanagement of
ight-related threats. The prevention of runway excursions
requires a holistic approach towards pilot training covering
both pilot’s technical and non-technical competencies as
well as the promotion of a safety-oriented company culture
throughout the training. In order to eectively prevent run-
way excursions, ight crews need training which increases
their condence in handling their aircraft safely, even in de-
manding and complex situations (e.g., in gusty crosswinds).
It is also important that they require training in how to safely
manage threats and hazards as a team without using up their
own and their team members safety margins. Runway excur-
sion prevention training therefore requires special emphasis
on team decision-making and eective monitoring and in-
tervention, including safely taking away control by the PM in
complex situations, if required, irrespective of considerations
of rank or experience.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
Flight operations, crew training and safety departments
should develop common strategies to address the issue of
runway excursion prevention. The aircraft operator’s SMS
can deliver case studies and insights from investigations.
The training department can use those for building eec-
tive lesson plans both for their simulator and crew resource
management/threat and error management (CRM/TEM) and
accident prevention trainings. This should also bear in mind
the necessity for appropriate presentation of the cases in
order to avoid negative training. The ight operations de-
partment can use the training feedback to critically reassess
their policies and standard operating procedures (SOPs).
Additionally, the safety promotion part of the SMS can be
used to distribute data and raise ight crews’ awareness of
the prevention of runway excursions. Lessons learned from
past incidents or accidents can easily be distributed using
safety promotion tools (e.g., internal safety journals, email
briengs, memos).
Flight crew training for runway excursion prevention should
include, among other things:
Train ight crews in takeo and landing performance cal-
culation and assessment (See OPS 29 and OPS 13);
Expose ight crews to changing weather situations in
simulator missions which require recalculations and/or
changes to previous decisions (e.g., increasing tailwind
requiring a change of runway direction);
Train ight crews in takeo decision-making, including
simulator scenarios which help to establish resilience to
startle during takeo (e.g., when dealing with loud tyre
bursts, engine stalls) (See OPS 14);
Train ight crews in recovering the descent prole safely
(e.g., resulting from late descent clearances);
Train ight crews in ways to increase the descent distance
with ATC (e.g., by using intervention wordings like ‘una-
ble’ or requesting appropriate mileage) (See OPS 9, OPS 7,
OPS 19);
Train ight crews in go-around decision-making and ex-
ecution in various situations, including early or late go-
arounds on approach or landing (even during are and
touchdown) (See OPS 16);
Train ight crews in eective monitoring and intervention,
including safely taking away control from the pilot ying
(PF) by the PM, if required, irrespective of rank or experi-
ence (See OPS 19);
Brief ight crews on how simulator representativeness
regarding aircraft behaviour, fault generation or environ-
mental conditions may restrict or inuence the training
objective with regard to runway excursion prevention (e.g.,
diering simulator crosswind behaviour, restrictions in
simulating brake failures or dierent runway contamina-
tion or slipperiness) in order to avoid negative training; and
Highlight the availability of aircraft arresting systems
such as engineered materials arresting systems (EMAS),
if available.
In the event that aircraft operators outsource such training to
a training provider, they should make sure that the training
methods and scenarios used full their needs with regard
to runway excursion prevention training. In general, aircraft
operators should rethink the amount and structure of their
ight crew training for preventing runway excursions. Com-
plying only with the minimum legal requirements in terms
Recommendation OPS 3: Aircraft operators
and training providers should include realis-
tic, evidence- and competency-based scenar-
ios in their training programmes requiring
threat and error management for runway
excursion prevention during both takeo
and landing. This should include evidence-
and competency-based recurrent simulator
training programmes which are represent-
ative in terms of environmental conditions,
including crosswinds, landing on contami-
nated/slippery runways and poor visibility
adapted with simulator representativeness.
Representativeness of simulators should be
assessed and their limitations communicated
(in order to avoid negative training).
64 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
of the amount and frequency of simulator events for ight
crews might not be sucient to compensate for a possi-
ble reduction in ight crews manual ying skills owing to
today’s increased use of automation. Training ight crews
regularly and thoroughly in ying stabilised approaches and
landings in demanding weather situations such as chang-
ing or gusty (cross)winds, low ceiling/visibility or turbulence
conditions and using dierent levels of automation (with or
without ight director guidance), including manually own
go-arounds, might be worth considering for maintaining and
possibly improving ight crews’ ability to eectively prevent
runway excursions.
2.4 Dealing safely with challenging ATC
clearances (OPS 6)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
The aviation industry is a complex sociotechnical system
of which aircraft operators and ANSPs are equal parts. Both
entities, and thereby, their management and sta, have the
primary duty to ensure safe ights. This mutual goal, and
especially the eective prevention of runway excursions,
can only be achieved if ight crews and air trac controllers
(ATCOs) prioritise safety over eciency in their daily opera-
tion, meaning that they are always TETO
-minded and aim to
operate with adequate safety margins.
However, there might be situations in which ight crews
and ATCOs have dierent perspectives on the safety margin
TETO – Thoroughness Eciency Trade O (the opposite of ETTO – Eciency Thoroughness Trade O) – see
actually needed, leading to a dierent perception of what is
safe and what is not. While ight crews cannot have a global
picture of the collision risk with other trac, especially in
crowded airspace, ATCOs cannot have the full picture of the
threats which ight crews have to cope with on the ight
deck. For instance, applying minimum separation only or
vectoring an aircraft along a regularly used descent prole
does not necessarily guarantee that this separation or this
vectoring is always safe. There may be individual threats to
a ight which are invisible to ATCOs but visible to the ight
crews, who might therefore require more safety margins than
the ATCOs would expect. This could be ight crew fatigue, lack
of prociency or training, changing winds aloft leading to a
reduced speed-reduction capability, or aircraft-type-related
threats, like gross weight or performance limitations. There-
by, ight crews are often confronted with ATC clearances or
instructions which they are not comfortable with. Examples
of this are:
A tight base-turn;
An instruction to keep the speed up;
Late descent clearance;
Requests to expedite vacating the runway;
Requests for immediate/rolling takeos;
Late runway changes, on both takeo or landing;
Late handing over from approach to tower (<9 nm nal);
Instructions to increase the rate of descent and reduce the
speed at the same time; and,
Instructions for an early level-o, on both takeo or
These clearances are often well intentioned but do not always
take into consideration the high workload and complexity
they pose to the ight crew during the last minutes of the
ight. They might even lead ight crews to accept a clearance
which will make the safe operation of the aircraft a challenge.
Flight crews should be encouraged to intervene and reject
such challenging clearances (e.g., by using the wording un-
able’). Nevertheless saying ‘no or ‘unable might be a highly
dicult and demanding task for ight crews, if they do not
feel psychologically safe to do so. There are many dierent
reasons for this:
Flight crews do not know that they are ‘allowed’ to refuse
an instruction;
Flight crews might not realise which situation they are
being pushed into;
Flight crews do not want to oend the controller by re-
fusing the instruction;
Flight crews fear reprisal either from aircraft operators
or ATC;
Recommendation OPS 6: Aircraft operators
should implement policies for ight crews
not to accept ATC procedures and clearances
which have the potential to decrease safety
margins to an unacceptable level for the ight
crew thereby increasing the risk of runway ex-
cursions. This includes such procedures and
clearances which increase the likelihood of
having an unsafe approach path manage-
ment with consequences for safe landing, e.g.
which bear the risk of being unstabilised at
the landing gate or high-energy approaches.
These policies should be further supplement-
ed by the implementation of eective SOPs
and ight crew training.
Flight crews should be required to report
such risks within their operator’s SMS and the
aircraft operator should further report such
risks to the ANSPs via established reporting
systems (see Recommendation OPS 1).
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 65
Cultural issues might give the ATC instruction the status
of an ‘order’;
There may be felt or real commercial pressure to accept
The deviation has become the standard;
Status hierarchy eects on the ight deck; and,
Lack of intervention/assertiveness training.
The same applies, of course, to ATCOs, who should also have
the possibility and backing by their management to always
reject any unacceptable request by ight crews and even
challenge and intervene in ight crews ight path manage-
ment if it is deemed too risky by the ATCO. This mutual inter-
vention and concept of ‘prevention by intervention needs to
be accepted by the ANSPs and the aircraft operators. There
should be consensus in our industry that the more defensive
and conservative (i.e,. more risk-averse) option should always
be that preferred in a given situation, irrespective of whether
demanded by ight crews or ATCOs.
Especially for ATC, it is important to understand that air-
craft operators expect their ight crews to always adhere to
stabilised approach criteria or be risk-averse in their safety-
relevant behaviour, which might require them to refuse ATC
clearances. Having a written ocial policy and related SOPs
in their documentation gives ight crews and the persons
in contact with the ANSPs (e.g., safety sta during meetings
with local runway safety teams) sucient arguments and
backing to promote a common risk perception of ight crews
and ATCOs in daily operation. Furthermore, such interchange
of arguments might even provide aircraft operators with the
opportunity to critically reassess their own ight procedures
and learn from others.
Meetings with the ANSP (e.g., those attended by your
safety department sta in local runway safety teams) are a
proactive way of increasing understanding of each other.
The knowledge gained during these meetings should be
disseminated to all crews to raise their awareness of the
matters discussed. This will enable crews to know about
safety issues at dierent locations and thus be prepared for
the unexpected’. Furthermore, aircraft operators can put in
place an exchange programme between ANSPs and aircraft
operators. This means that controllers will be allowed to
conduct familiarisation ights in the ight deck or in a ight
simulator and that ight crews will visit the ANSP facilities.
This will help to improve their understanding of each other’s
work constraints.
In the scope of their respective SMS, it is important that ight
crews and ATCOs understand the importance of reporting any
issue with challenging clearances or requests which reduce
or eliminate required safety margins in daily practice. Safety
departments will need data in order to be able to address
such issues so that both groups can mutually learn from each
other and so that hazards or negative trends can be identied
and acted on early.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
An aircraft operator’s duty is to make clear to all their ight
crews via policies, SOPs and training that they are allowed
to reject any ATC instruction which may create an unsafe
situation. Their ight crews need to understand that they are
ultimately responsible for the safe operation of their aircraft
in its entirety, while ATCOs are only responsible for the safe
separation of trac in their individual airspace. The following
should be considered when establishing such policies, SOPs
and training practices:
Aircraft operators should provide their ight crews with
documented tools (e.g., procedures describing when and
how to use wordings like unable’), which may help them
to overcome psychological barriers for intervention, as
mentioned above. When formulating procedures, make
it clear that the decision to refuse a clearance should be
communicated as soon as possible to allow the ATCO to
review his/her trac sequencing. Reference for such tools
can be taken from already established best practices (e.g.,
as outlined in the Civil Air Navigation Services Organi
sation (CANSO) paper with important tips for pilots and
ATCOs, or IATAs paper on unstable approaches.)
Aircraft operators should consider restricting high speed
ying (>250 kts) below Flight Level (FL) 100, except for
non-normal or emergency situations.
Aircraft operators should incorporate ATC intervention
scenarios in their simulator programme and during CRM/
TEM/accident prevention courses.
Aircraft operators should require their ight crews to pro-
actively provide hazard reports about potentially unsafe
departure or approach procedures as well as challenging
ATC clearances in order to gain knowledge about aected
airports in their route network. These reports should also
be used to inform all of their ight crews about issues with
challenging ATC clearances via their airport briengs or
similar means. Additionally, aircraft operators should get
in contact with other stakeholders (e.g., EVAIR, IATA-IDX,
ANSPs or other aircraft operators directly) in the scope
of safety information exchange programmes in order to
obtain information on challenging clearances at specic
Aircraft operators should explore how they can improve
the mutual awareness between their ight crews and air
trac controllers through coordinated publications, meet-
ings, familiarisation ights or visits to ATC facilities.
66 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
2.5 Dealing safely with (late) runway
changes (OPS 8)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
ATCOs may try to keep the runways which are optimal for their
capacity planning in use for as long as possible. Moreover,
they are often not aware of the tasks involved and consid-
erations required to safely prepare an aircraft for takeo or
landing in case of a runway or departure/approach change.
These tasks include a new TEM review and brieng, new
navigation and ight management computer (FMC) set-up
and performance calculation. Consequently, if not previous-
ly anticipated and prepared by the ight crew, late runway
changes (including intersection changes for departure or
changes in the type of standard instrument departure [SID]
or approach) can easily become a safety problem as they may
lead to increased workload on the ight deck. The problems
which might arise from this are in Table 1.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
In order to help ight crews dealing safely with the threat
of (late) changes such as runway, intersection, departure or
approach changes, an aircraft operators duty is to provide
their ight crews with adequate policies, SOPs, tools and
training. The following should be considered when estab-
lishing these:
Aircraft operators should communicate proactively to the
ANSPs (e.g., via local runway safety teams and/or via their
commercial contacts) that they expect their ight crews
and the ANSP to always prioritise safety over eciency.
Aircraft operators should make clear to the ANSP that
capacity and eciency is not their primary concern but
rather the safe conduct of their ights. They should also
explain that delay vectoring to achieve better descent
management or time for runway/approach changes is
preferred rather than tight-and-high approach vectoring
or late runway changes for capacity reasons.
Aircraft operators should support their ight crews in an-
ticipating runway, intersection, SID or approach changes
by implementing the following via their policies, SOPs
and training:
Recommendation OPS 8: Aircraft operators
should implement policies or SOPs for ight
crews not to conduct takeo or approach fol-
lowing any runway change until the appropri-
ate set-up, planning, performance calculations
(for multi-pilot operations this includes inde-
pendent calculations and cross-checks by at
least two pilots) and re-briengs are complet-
ed. When a takeo runway change is received
whilst taxiing, the above should be performed
by the ight crew without rushing and when
the aircraft is stationary. Runway-excursion
related TEM should be addressed in the brief-
ing every time a runway change is expected,
probable or actually occurs.
Table 1.
Takeo Landing
Runway excursion–related:
Errors in takeo performance calculations (e.g., using the
wrong runway, a wrong intersection or incorrect wind status);
Errors during entry of performance data into the FMC and
in V-speed/N1/EPR settings (settings for specic aircraft
Line-up via the wrong intersection; and,
Procedural shortcuts (e.g., not waiting for both engines to
stabilize symmetrically before applying takeo power when
being rushed).
Non-Runway excursion–related:
Crews following the wrong taxi route;
Runway incursions; and,
Crew confusion or SID violations due to discrepancies in the
stored SID in the FMC.
Runway excursion–related:
Rushed and unstabilised approaches;
Errors in landing performance calculations which might lead
to runway excursions;
Unawareness of actual runway status and resulting stopping
Unawareness of optimum runway exit, leading to taxi-o with
inappropriate taxi speed; and,
Flying the wrong approach or to the wrong runway.
Non-Runway excursion –related:
Wrong radio and navigation settings for approach;
Preparing or ying the wrong go-around route;
Discrepancies in the stored FMC data leading to crew
confusion; and,
Not intercepting the cleared approach in time – this is
especially critical at airports with parallel runway operations.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 67
Flight crews should be advised to gain awareness of
the wind prole (e.g., by means of information from
the operational ight plan, outside cues or pilot reports
[PIREPs] from other crew) in order to prepare for a prob-
able runway change. This can already be done during
pre-ight preparation even in regard to the landing
(e.g., by viewing the wind prole in the last 5,000 feet
shown in the operational ight plan, if available).
Flight crews should be provided with any relevant in-
formation regarding which runway, SID or approach
they can usually expect at an airport (e.g., by means of
specic airport brieng/information provided by the
aircraft operator).
Flight crews should be required to consider a possible
runway, intersection, SID or approach change already
in their TEM brieng for every departure and approach
brieng. Actively asking ATC about any planned change
of runway, SID or approach should be encouraged, if
deemed useful.
Flight crews should be required in their taxi and take-
o brieng to identify the correct runway intersection
and line-up point also by visual cues, if available (e.g.,
wind socks, ramps, re station). During complex taxiway
arrangements, a step-by-step taxi route conrmation
should be used in order to line-up the runway using
the correct intersection or line-up point.
Aircraft operators should support their ight crews in
dealing safely with (late or sudden) runway, intersection
or approach changes by implementing the following via
their policies, SOPs and training:
Flight crews should refrain from accepting approach
or line-up clearance for a runway until the appropriate
set-up, planning, performance calculations and re-brief-
ings are completed. Encourage ight crews to request
delay vectors, or even holding or other time-generating
means, if required, instead of rushing for departure or
approach and landing.
Passenger cabin-secure readiness should also be a re-
quirement for acceptance to line up and for nal ap-
proach completion.
Accept departure and arrival delays, especially in the
event of late changes. Support ight crews to withstand
the operational pressure to go o-block or land with-
out having prepared the runway, intersection, SID or
approach change properly, just to avoid delay.
Consider providing ight crews with a ‘Late change
– checklist covering items for the FMC and NAV set-
up, performance considerations and a re-brieng (see
Figure 6).
Require each pilot of the active ight crew to in-
dependently verify performance calculations and
On ground: During taxi, ight crews should direct their
full attention to the position and movement of the air-
craft at the airport. If the runway, intersection or SID
change for takeo was not anticipated by the ight
crew, this might require them to do relevant work like
performance calculations, new FMC and NAV set-up and
re-brieng when the aircraft is stationary. Therefore, the
aircraft operator’s policies and SOPs should clarify that
adhering to this SOP takes precedence over any time
pressure like airport slots, night curfews or ight duty
time restrictions in order to allow their ight crew to ac
complish the necessary tasks without rushing, thereby
eectively mitigating runway excursion risks.
In ight: Managing and monitoring the aircraft and
its ight path is of utmost importance for accident
prevention. If not anticipated by the crew, a late run-
way or approach change (e.g., below FL100), requires
a concerted set of tasks accomplished by the PF and
PM. In normal operation, there is no need to accept or
even request rushed approaches. Building a shared
mental model, especially with regard to the approach
and go-around, weather, trac and other threats, is
more important than on-time performance. Ideally,
ATC should not issue runway changes to aircraft below
FL100 and crews should avoid accepting them, unless
required for safety reasons. If a runway change is ac-
cepted below FL100, the crew should enter a holding
Figure 6. Example late change checklist
FMS RWY/SID change?
FMS vs IAC WYPT x-check?
SID PDG change
New ALT / SPD constraints
RWY HDG change?
1. STOP ALT change?
MEOAA change?
V-SPEEDS change?
T/O N1?
(correct bleed setting?)
EOSID special? (e/o holding?)
New CHART X-CHECK required?
New SID/EOSID Brieng?
New TAXI Route?
New Threats/Hazards?
FMS RWY/APP change?
FMS vs IAC WYPT x-check?
New ALT / SPD constraints
APPG/A NAV-SET change?
RWY HDG change?
G/A ALT change?
MDA/DA change?
OPTIMUM FLAPS? (reverse/a/b?)
V-REF SPEED change?
(optimym rwy exit?)
EO-G/A special? (eosid/vis.escape?)
New CHART X-CHECK required?
New APP/G/A Brieng?
New TAXI Route?
New Threats/Hazards?
68 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
pattern (if necessary) and not commence the approach
until the set-up, briengs and checklists are completed.
If their aircraft are equipped with a ight management
system (FMS) capable of storing two ight plans, ight
crews should consider using this feature when prepar-
ing for a departure or arrival and there is a possibility for
one of two dierent runways to be assigned for takeo
or landing. The ight plan on standby can be easily
activated without a signicant increase in workload.
2.6 Safety reasons for ight crews
requesting runway changes (OPS 9)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
ATCOs often try to keep runways which are optimal for capac-
ity planning and/or for adherence to local noise abatement
restrictions in use for as long as possible. This may lead to
signicant tail wind and/or crosswind operation or operation
on shorter, slipperier or more performance-limited runways,
despite better options being available at an airport. All of these
risks can be contributing factors to runway excursion events.
In order to proactively prevent safety-critical events, there
should be consensus in the industry that ight crews are
allowed to request a more favourable runway for any reason
which may aect the safety of their ight, even if granting
such requests might lead to departure or landing delays.
Safety reasons which might lead ight crews to request an-
other runway providing them with a greater safety margin for
their departure or arrival may include, among other things:
Wind proles leading to reduced safety margins (e.g., a tail
wind, crosswind or variable winds). It is important to un-
derstand that while the surface wind might still be within
the limits, the winds at altitude are often well beyond these
limitations, making it harder for ight crews to stabilise
their aircraft until touchdown;
A runway condition status estimated by the ight crew to
be worse than reported (e.g., the ight crew expects the
runway to be slippery wet, when only reported to be wet);
Technical or special performance reasons (e.g., when op-
erating with minimum equipment list [MEL] items like a
locked reverser);
Human factors reasons (e.g., fatigue when operating in a
pilot’s window of circadian low or a lack of prociency);
Approach and runway lighting considerations (e.g., at
night and in marginal weather conditions);
Engine-out or go-around climb considerations (e.g.,
weather, crosswind or trac on engine-out SIDs (EOSID)
or go-around);
Crosswind limitations (e.g., in gusty winds or when using
reduced crosswind limits);
Sun-blinding at the approach minimum or during go-
around and initial EO tracking; and,
Bird concentration or signicant visual ight rules (VFR)
In these cases, ight crew should not be reluctant to ask for
a more appropriate runway, clearly stating that this is for
safety reasons, even if this means delaying the departure
or approach.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
An aircraft operator’s duty is to provide their ight crews with
adequate policies, SOPs and training, especially in safety rel-
evant decision-making, to support them in always choosing
the most appropriate runway for takeo and landing. The
following should be considered when establishing these:
Aircraft operators should communicate actively to the
ANSPs (e.g., during meetings with local runway safety
teams) that they expect their ight crews and the ANSP
to always prioritise safety over eciency.
Aircraft operators should require their ight crews to
make their performance calculations also taking into ac-
count the maximum foreseeable tailwind for the takeo
or landing runway in order to gain awareness of resulting
stopping margin in the event that a runway change is not
possible or the weather creates variable winds (e.g., during
Aircraft operators should require their ight crews to use
a conservative strategy when assessing the need for a
runway change request in their TEM brieng.
Aircraft operators should consider informing ANSPs in ad-
vance via their operations control if certain ights need to
take o in the opposite direction or in a dierent direction
than usual (e.g., due to performance limitations). This will
give ATCOs and ight crews the chance to plan ahead and
coordinate the best departure time or runway allocation.
(See also OPS 6.)
2.7 Understanding wind limitations
(OPS 11)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
Environmental threats like crosswind and tail wind compo-
nents need to be safely managed by ight crews in order to
prevent runway excursions. Operations in tail wind and cross-
wind conditions require not only specic handling techniques
Recommendation OPS 9: Aircraft operators
should implement policies or SOPs for ight
crews to request a more favourable runway
for takeo or landing for any reason, which
may aect the safety of the ight and to ad-
vise the safety reasons to ATC.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 69
but also good knowledge of and strict adherence to the ap-
plicable cross- and tail wind limitations, depending on run-
way status. Aircraft manufacturers publish only an aircraft’s
maximum demonstrated crosswind capability as shown in
the certication process. Using such values as actual aircraft
limitations in routine operation may pose additional threats
to the operation for the following reasons:
The conditions prevailing or used during the ight tests
from which such values result may be dierent from the
conditions that ight crews may experience in daily prac-
tice (e.g., values have been achieved by test pilots).
Only providing ight crews with recommended instead of
denite crosswind or tail wind limits may put additional
operational pressure on ight crews to accept and try to
cope with challenging environmental conditions, despite
being unable to safely do so.
In the absence of denite company crosswind or tail wind
limitations, there is an increased need for the ight opera-
tions and safety departments to conduct risk assessments
of all airports in the route network and to publish limits
with regard to maximum wind limits individually, irrespec-
tive of airport classication.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
Aircraft operators should support ight crews in safely man-
aging threats from crosswinds and tail winds by considering
at least the following when determining policies, SOPs and
training regarding wind limitations:
Aircraft operators should provide their ight crews with
denite wind limitations, taking into account dierent
runway states. These should include any gusts. These lim-
itations should be aligned with the aircraft ight manual
(AFM), ight crew training manual (FCTM) and manufac-
turers guidance and include any further restrictions or
guidance on wind limitations given by the manufacturers.
Implementing specic drift limits for touchdown should
be considered (see OPS 21).
Aircraft operators should provide their ight crews with
the freedom to reduce these limits whenever they deem
necessary in actual ight operations (e.g., due to fatigue,
prociency issues or other safety reasons) in order to en-
sure safe takeos and landings.
Aircraft operators should highlight in their CRM/TEM
that xed wind limits may have the potential to develop
a normative goal eect, which means that ight crews
think they always have to be able to take o or land up
to this given wind-limit, irrespective of their actual crew
performance in terms of prociency, fatigue or other safety
reasons. Training, including simulator training, should be
provided to enable and encourage ight crews to consider
reducing the wind limits when necessary.
Aircraft operators should request recommendations and
non-technical objections from the manufacturer when
developing policy and procedures concerning wind limits
in the event that no manufacturer’s guidance on wind
limitations is published.
Aircraft operators should consider imposing further re-
strictive limitations for specic airports or situations based
on the operator’s risk assessments (e.g., imposing limits
based on crew experience, crew composition or training).
Communicating their crosswind limits for specic airports
to aerodrome operators and ANSPs (e.g., via participation
in local runway safety teams or via their commercial con-
tacts) may help to achieve a common risk picture of their
ight crews and ATCOs in daily operation, making it easier
for both groups to deal safely with environmental threats.
2.8 Flight technique in crosswind
operations (OPS 12)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
Crosswinds not only contribute to runway veer-os, on both
takeo and landing, but they can also contribute to runway
overruns because the actual are distance will be inuenced
by the crosswind technique used by the ight crew, thereby
eventually leading to signicantly reduced stopping margins.
Moreover, crosswinds can also inuence controllability after
touchdown so that the ight crew is required to reduce their
Recommendation OPS 12: Aircraft oper-
ators should publish specic guidance and
training for their ight crews on crosswind
takeo and landing techniques, especially
in wet, slippery or contaminated runway
conditions. This should include the correct
touchdown and stopping techniques, which
incorporate all available control and decel-
eration devices as well as TEM topics and
methods for eective monitoring and inter-
vention by the PM. Aircraft manufacturer’s
advice should be incorporated, if available.
Recommendation OPS 11: Aircraft opera-
tors should dene company cross- and tail-
wind limits which are specic to each type
of aircraft operated. Moreover, specic guid-
ance on the runway conditions and the gust
components should be claried. Aircraft op-
erators should establish clear policies to allow
their ight crew to reduce the established
limits whenever deemed necessary for safety
reasons in actual ight operation.
70 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
reverse thrust, which also may lead to signicantly reduced
stopping margins, especially in cases when performance cal-
culations assumed uninterrupted and full use of maximum
reverse thrust.
Although crosswind landings and engine-out recoveries in
crosswinds on takeo might be highly complex manoeu-
vres, it should be ensured that the PM is always eective in
cross-checking the PF and ready to intervene with callouts or
even by taking over control, if necessary, irrespective of rank
and experience. This needs to be trained not only via class-
room training but also via appropriate simulator intervention
sessions, and appropriate documentation on the intervention
SOP should be provided.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
Owing to dierences in ight technique between y-by-wire
and conventional aircraft, only general guidance is presented.
Aircraft manufacturers publish specic guidance on cross-
wind techniques in their respective ight crew training man-
uals, which take precedence. The following considerations
may supplement existing recommendations:
Crosswind during takeo:
Initial runway alignment and smooth symmetrical thrust ap-
plication result in good crosswind control capability during
takeo. For some types of aircraft, a rolling takeo procedure
may even be advised in certain crosswind or tail wind con-
ditions to avoid engine surge. To support their ight crews,
it might be helpful to inform ANSPs (e.g., via participation
in local runway safety teams) about such a necessity, order
to allow appropriate trac spacing in such conditions and
increase awareness and knowledge among ATCOs of specics
in aircraft operation.
Especially in wet or slippery runway conditions, special
attention should be paid to ensure the engines are spool-
ing up symmetrically before advancing the thrust levers
further for takeo. Light forward pressure on the yoke or
side stick increases nosewheel steering eectiveness. Any
deviation from the centreline during thrust application
should be countered with immediate smooth and posi-
tive control inputs. Aircraft operators documentation and
training should therefore also cover the use of nosewheel
steering, especially with regard to whether and to what
extent the use of a tiller is recommended during the initial
takeo run.
Aircraft operators SOPs and training should ensure that
their ight crews TEM brieng for departure covers cross-
wind considerations for both normal and non-normal sit-
uations. Flight crews can set their own crosswind limits for
their takeo, depending on other threats like their pro-
ciency, experience, fatigue or runway state and can also
gain awareness of the expected wind correction angle
after lifto or options for aircraft position in the event of
a rejected takeo associated with re or smoke situations.
Crosswind during approach:
Depending on the orographic or weather situation on
approach, high crosswind situations may be accompanied
by a changing wind prole from the start of the approach
until landing. Aircraft operators’ SOPs and training should
therefore incorporate guidance for their ight crews to
establish nal landing conguration early on. This ena-
bles them to concentrate on their tracking, consciously
perceive wind information and gain awareness of their
margin for possible wind limits without being distracted
by conguration changes or checklist reading.
Aircraft manufacturers consider several factors such as
aircraft geometry, aileron and rudder authority when rec-
ommending a crosswind approach technique. This can be
the wings-level or crabbed approach, the steady sideslip
approach or a combination of both in strong crosswind
conditions. Aircraft operators’ documentation should in-
clude SOPs on disconnecting the autopilot at an appro-
priate altitude to allow their ight crews sucient time
to establish manual control of the aircraft well before the
de-crab phase and are.
Crosswind during landing:
Aircraft operators SOPs and training should highlight
that on wet or contaminated runways in particular, a
rm touchdown is recommended to minimise the risk
of aquaplaning and ensure a positive touchdown. When
touching down with a residual crab angle on a dry runway,
the aircraft automatically realigns with the direction of
travel down the runway. This does not happen on a wet
or contaminated runway.
A residual crab angle on the runway also has some impli-
cations when reverse is selected. In the event that a lateral
control problem occurs in high crosswind landings, ight
crews might have to reduce reverse thrust to reverse idle
and release the brakes to correct back on the centreline. This
will minimise the reverse thrust side force component and
provide the total tyre cornering forces for realignment with
the runway centreline. Aircraft operators’ documentation
and training should also cover the use of nosewheel steering,
especially with regard to whether and to what extent the
use of a tiller is recommended during the nal landing run.
Stable approach criteria have to be met throughout the
stable gate until touchdown. As crosswind situations, es-
pecially in combination with gusts and turbulence, may
easily lead to lateral or vertical path deviations, it is of ut-
most importance that aircraft operators’ SOPs and training
for the PM lead to eective monitoring and intervention
behaviour, irrespective of rank and experience. Their SOPs
and training should also highlight that a go-around is always
the favoured option instead of taking over control (e.g., by
the pilot-in-command [PIC]) in order to force a landing. Their
classroom and simulator intervention training should cover
various situations during approach and landing requiring
intervention by the PM. This should include mandatory call-
outs, go-arounds from various stages of the approach and
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 71
landing — even during touchdown (as long as reversers are
not deployed) — as well as taking over control by the PM
in order to perform a go-around, if necessary.
2.9 Technical solutions helping to
prevent runway excursions (OPS 4)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
There are generally two types of runway excursion events:
those that happen in non-normal operation (e.g., due to an
aircraft malfunction like a brake or gear failure), and those
that happen in normal operation, meaning with technically
fully operational aircraft and no (impending) abnormal or
emergency situation. Abnormal events are sometimes almost
impossible for ight crews to foresee and prevent, making
additional technical solutions barely eective. However, those
events which occur in normal operation could be to a large
extent eectively prevented by appropriate safety-relevant
decision-making on the part of the ight crew. In normal op-
eration, ight crews always have the option to make more risk-
averse decisions (e.g., delay their takeo, go around or divert).
Additional supporting systems like an airport moving map
(AMM), industry solutions such as the runway awareness and
advisory system (RAAS), runway overrun awareness and alert-
ing system (ROAAS), or a head-up guidance system (HGS) can
have a positive inuence on ight crews situational aware-
ness and risk perception, thereby improving their safety-
relevant decision-making (see Figure 7).
Some automated systems such as RAAS provide aural and/
or visual alerts when approaching a runway, when a runway
is too short or when stabilised approach criteria are being
violated (e.g., too fast, too high). Some systems like ROAAS
are recognised safety nets (now mandated in Europe begin-
ning in January 2025 for new aircraft) providing an alert in
ight and on the ground when there is a risk of not being
able to stop within the available landing distance, thus ad-
vising to either go around when still possible, or to deploy
on the ground all deceleration means. The use of a head-up
Recommendation OPS 4: The aircraft op-
erator should incorporate appropriate tech-
nical solutions to reduce runway excursion
risks, where available (including ROASS,
and runway veer-o awareness and alerting
systems, when and if available). If technical
solutions are not available, operators should
implement appropriate SOPs and TEM strate-
gies which support ight crews in eectively
preventing runway excursions.
Figure 7. Example synthetic vision system
Courtesy of Honeywell
72 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
guidance system for all approaches may help the ight crews
in their decision-making as well because most HGS provide
for a 3-degree slope indication, indicate the ight path and
have a guidance line for the touchdown point. Using HGS for
all approaches may assist the ight crews in ying stabilised
approaches. This is especially true for visual approaches when
no vertical guidance (e.g., instrument landing system [ILS],
precision approach path indicator [PAPI], visual approach
slope indicator [VASI]) is available. Most HGS systems also
have the feature showing the runway remaining after touch-
down. Note also th at some synthetic visions systems (SVS)
also incorporate similar energy management cues on head-
down displays such as the primary ight display (PFD) (e.g.,
ight path vector, acceleration and speed cues, ight path
reference line, runway distance remaining).
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
As not all aircraft are already tted with such systems in their
basic conguration, aircraft operators will have to make joint
business and safety cases to decide on additional investment.
When considering the topic of technical solutions for the
prevention of runway excursions, the following may support
the decision-making process:
Aircraft operators should make themselves aware of the tech-
nical solutions currently available or which might become
available in the near future. The active involvement of their
pilot workforce will help to determine which technical solu-
tions might be helpful in daily practice. Aspects to be con-
sidered are the experience and prociency level of the pilot
workforce, the number of complex and challenging airports
(e.g., with short or multiple runways, steep approaches) and
the amount of operational pressure on the ight crews (e.g.,
during high/frequent/tight schedule operations) in the route
network which may suggest a benet of additional safety
When installingadditional technical solutions,their use
should be clearly documented in the company procedures.
The documentation should also contain any useful back-
ground information to enable ight crews to understand
the limitations of such systems. In addition, provisions
for appropriate pilot training for the introduction of new
technical solutions will need to be addressed.
Irrespective of the technical solution, and especially if no
such technical solutions are available for a particular air-
craft to aid ight crews in preventing runway excursions,
the most important measure to ensure runway excursion
prevention is to support the ight crews in the defensive
management of threats by means of appropriate policies,
SOPs and training. Therefore, operators’ SOPs and brieng
procedures should focus on making it easy for ight crews
to gain complete awareness of threats to their operation
and provide them with the power and freedom to take
defensive decisionswithout operational pressure. Further
information can be found throughout the document. An
example of a threat/hazard awareness checklist to in-
crease ight crews’ awareness of threats can be found
on Figure 8 (p. 73).
2.10 Flight data monitoring (FDM) and
other means of detecting runway
excursion risks (OPS 2, 31, 33, 35)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
Flight data monitoring (FDM) can be a very helpful and eec-
tive tool for enhancing safety. Especially in regard to runway
Recommendation OPS 2: Aircraft operators
should include and monitor aircraft param-
eters related to potential runway excur-
sions in their Flight Data Monitoring (FDM)
programme. Whenever standardised FDM
markers are provided by the industry, aircraft
operators should use them with priority to
ensure the eectiveness of risk mitigation
and safety assurance associated with runway
excursion barriers and to allow comparability
on an industry level.
Recommendation OPS 31: Aircraft opera-
tors should monitor go-around policy com-
pliance through their FDM programmes and
establish go-around safety performance in-
dicators (SPIs) for monitoring through their
SMS. In addition to monitoring go-arounds,
aircraft operators should also monitor discon-
tinued approaches.
Recommendation OPS 33: Aircraft oper-
ators, for aircraft equipped with EFBs and
when technically feasible, should systemat-
ically compare the EFB takeo performance
loggings with the relative FDM data to iden-
tify the takeo runway excursion risks.
Recommendation OPS 35: Aircraft oper-
ators should consider observational proce-
dures (e.g. Line Operations Safety Audits) to
identify runway excursion safety risks pre-
cursors and best practices which cannot be
captured by the traditional reporting or FDM.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 73
excursion prevention, aircraft operators can use it to track rel-
evant safety performance indicators (SPI) such as go-around
rates from unstable or discontinued approaches or precursors
leading to unstable approaches. Setting runway excursion–
related SPIs for both takeo and landing helps operator’s
management to ensure safety performance.
Another option providing useful data to assess an aircraft
operator’s runway excursion risk is the use of line operations
safety audits (LOSA). As with FDM, data collection depends
heavily on ight crews’ trust in and buy-in to the tool. To
help them introduce and carry out a LOSA project, aircraft
operators may choose to use International Civil Aviation Or-
ganization (ICAO) Doc 9803 as guidance material.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
The main objective when using FDM, LOSA or other tools in
the context of runway excursion prevention is to gain aware-
ness of precursors for runway excursion risks in aircraft op-
erators operations. The focus of attention should therefore
be on nding safety issues associated with takeo, approach
and landing operations. The following proposals may help to
set up the tools properly:
Figure 8. Example threat/hazard awareness checklist
Departure Threat/Hazard Awareness
NO ILS / RNP APP (lighting?)
RCFF< 7 / PCN restricted
T/A < 50min / LATE CREW ARR
SECURI TY SEARCH r equi r ed
STAFF / EQPMT. missing (s hi ft?)
PUSHBACK DELAY pr oba bl e
DE-/ANTI -I CI NG requi red
N/A min (gnd ai r?)
CWC / TWC (a c t. limit ? trend ?)
WI N D >1 5k t
(ops restrictions?)
GUSTS (orography or roll cloud?)
WI ND-SHEAR / LLWS (sa fe t/o?)
(twc? wca?)
(line-up / tora / view?)
RWY - TORA<2500m (oppos. td z?)
RWY - SLOP E (uneven rwy ? bi rds?)
RWY - WIDTH <40m (cwc? loa d?)
wx / rwy / g w?)
(rotat io n / eo?)
NADP 1 OR SPEC. / V1/R > 4 kts
STO P MARGIN < 200m (line-u p? )
LIM: 25 / 0
EOSID - COMPLEX (wca? navs?)
EOSID - LATE ACCEL. (msa? turn? )
EOSID - WX / TFC / TERR critical
NADP / COMFAIL special
BACKTRACK required
RWY CROSSI NG req ui r ed
SUN POSITION (sid turns?)
VISIBILITY < 5000m (trend?)
LOW SP R EAD (mist / fog?)
LOW CLOUDS (<1000? / rtn app?)
PRECIPITATION (wiper? c ontam.?)
CB / TCU / THERM. (t/o / sid / cl b?)
RTE 2 REQ (rwy / si d / sfx c hange? )
NO IMM. T/O (atc-unable info!)
T/O NEAR MINTOF (t/o queue?)
BIRDS / VFR / DRONE (360view?)
/ M.T H R .
S I D-COM P LEX (early a/p? exp. wca?)
SID-EARLY TURN (sun pos.? m rva?)
SID-EARLY LVL-OFF (ea rly a/ p? )
SID-PDG > 3,3%
(able? nad p?)
SID-OPPOS. TFC (early a/p / v/s?)
SID-WX c ri tical (cb, tcu ts, w/s, ice?)
RTN - OVERWT (max t/d v/s? ldr?)
RTN - LDA < 2500m
RTN - WX / TFC / TERR critical
RTN - NO ILS/RNP (exp. app?)
RTN - APP: EO G/A special
TERRAI N cri tical (high. obs tacle?)
WATER IN VC (ponds / sea?)
BIRDS (flocks? mig rat io n tim e? )
VFR / DRONE TFC (contro lle d?)
PEAK / HUB TFC (wk/time of day?)
DEP-NCF / RTD (outbound tfc?)
SNOW REMOVAL proba bl e
H.O.T LIMITED (precipitat. tren d?)
INCOMING WX (remain. time?)
THUNDERSTORM (vc? embd?)
OAT <10° (cold wx ops? )
AWAKE > 10h (time in wocl?)
PROFICIENCY (self o r cre w)
ALT - NO ILS/RNP (exp. app?)
ALT - LDA < 2500m
ALT - WX / TFC / TERR cri tical
ALT - NOTAM rel evant
DI V - RTE WX / ICE / TERR (mfa?)
DI V - EET > 30mi n
Arrival Threat/Hazard Awareness
NO ILS/RNP APP (light ing?)
RCFF< 7 / PCN restricted
DES - TFC (belo w / s low / op pos ite?)
DES - TURB / WX (cat / cb/tcu / ice )
SNOW REMOVAL probabl e
CWC / TWC (act. limit? trend?)
WI ND >1 5k t
(ops res t ri ct ions? )
GUSTS (orog rap hy or ro ll clou d? )
WI ND-SHEAR / LLWS (safe ldg?)
(twc? Wca?)
DISPLACED THRHLD (lda? vis.ill.? )
RWY - LDA < 2500m (tpl? mgn?)
RWY - SLOP E (uneven rwy? flare?)
RWY - WIDTH < 40m (cwc? )
HEAVY / LO W GW (config timing?)
STO P MARGIN < 200m (tpl req.?)
LIM : 33 / 15
G/A - EARLY TURN (wx / sun?)
G/A - EARLY LVL OFF (tfc?)
G/A - WX / TFC / TERR critical
G/A - GRADIENT > 2,5%
APP: RNAV: B P RNP: 2 1 .3
NADP / COMFAIL special
BACKTRACK required
RWY CROSSI NG req ui r ed
SUN POSITION (app / g/a / turns?)
VISIBILITY < 5000m (trend?)
LOW SP R EAD (mist / fog?)
LOW CLOUDS (<1000?)
PRECIPITATION (wiper? c ontam.?)
CB / TCU / THERM (des / app / ga?)
RTE 2 REQ (rwy / ap p / sfx c hange?)
G/P > 3° (v/s >1000?, ea rly conf.?)
TWC ON FINAL (wind-cha nge?)
I AN / L/V-NAV (g/s-off? gps? rnp?)
F/D OFF / RAW DATA (wca? p/ p?)
BARO RA (rising / falling terrain?)
DIV RTE - WX / ICE / TERR (mfa?)
TERRAI N cri tical (high. obs tacle?)
WATER IN VC (ponds / sea?)
BIRDS (flocks? mig rat io n tim e? )
VFR / DRONE TFC (contro lle d?)
PEAK / HUB TFC (wk/time of day?)
NEXT T/A < 50min / AC CHANGE
DEP-NCF / RTD (outbo un d tfc?)
N/A min (gnd ai r?)
INCOMING WX (remain. time?)
THUNDERSTORM (vc? embd?)
OAT <10° (cold wx ops? )
AWAKE > 10h (time in wocl?)
PROFICIENCY (self o r cre w)
D. ALT - NO ILS/RNP (exp. app?)
D. ALT - LDA < 2500m
D. ALT - WX / TFC / TERR cri tical
D. ALT - NOTAM relevant
D. ALT - NCF / PARKING limited
D. ALT - OPS / HOTAC limited
74 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
Aircraft operators should target a 100 percent coverage
of ights by their FDM programme. Precursors for run-
way excursion events might be relatively rare and missing
some may easily distort the understanding of an aircraft
operator’s actual risk.
Aircraft operators should consider using industry best prac-
tices on FDM (e.g., as described by the EOFDM forum, a
voluntary and independent safety initiative). Aircraft op-
erators thus have the option to obtain precursors which
have already been subject to a risk-based analysis, receive
additional information on their implementation, or com-
pare their operation with that of others in order to share
lessons learned and mutually improve their operations. The
EOFDM’s work
provides a list of precursor factors for several
types of runway excursion accidents and several ight data
measurements. In total, the report lists 34 precursors for
runway excursion and more for other high-risk events which
can be used to develop safety performance indicators.
Aircraft operators should be transparent and promulgate
among their pilot workforce relevant material on FDM,
LOSA or other data collection tools. They should explain
and make clear which precursors and methods aircraft
operators use and what their targets are. This enhances
trust in aircraft operators and their FDM. In a healthy and
positive safety culture, FDM can then even serve as an
individual feedback tool for their ight crews. Insights
gained can be used for simulator and classroom CRM/
TEM/accident prevention training as well.
2.11 The use of data-link systems (OPS 5)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
Preventing runway excursions is primarily a matter of ight
crews safety-relevant decision-making. This, in turn, requires
that all pilots on the ight deck possess a shared and realistic
mental picture of the actual and expected environmental
conditions for takeo and/or landing, such as weather and
runway conditions. In order to enable ight crews to receive
this information on time for use in their briengs and result-
ing decision-making (e.g., in the event of an (impending)
runway change), it should be made as easy as possible for
them to obtain and understand such information. Voice
only methods (e.g., VHF-ATIS or meteorological information
for aircraft in ight [VOLMET]) can be time-consuming and
error-prone due to impaired VHF-reception and dierences
in handwriting quality. This method should therefore only
be used as a backup solution. Using digital means (e.g., via
ACARS or the Internet) simplies the process of information
gathering and ensures that the information documented is
not outdated, misunderstood, wrong or illegible.
Moreover, the use of data-link systems allows the ight crew
to obtain current weather information without a single pilot
losing situational awareness. It also allows for an improved
follow-up in a rapidly changing weather environment, there-
by again enhancing the ight crews awareness and deci-
sion-making. By requiring all ight crew members on a ight
deck (e.g., on enlarged ights) to familiarise themselves with
the actual and expected conditions, their potential to detect
and correct unsafe situations (e.g., failing to go around if re-
quired) can be increased as additional ight crew members
(e.g., supernumerary or enlarged crew) are able to monitor
the active ight crew’s decision-making with regard to the
actual conditions and can also intervene, if required.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
If not already implemented, aircraft operators should con-
sider a business case for the investment in digital means
for weather information reception on the ight deck. This
should be underpinned by a realistic safety case or risk as-
sessment taking into account aspects such as route prole,
age structure of the pilot workforce, etc.
When installing data-link systems, their use should be
clearly documented in the company procedures. The pro-
cedures should also contain limitations on phases of ight
during which data-link systems should not be used by the
active ight crew (e.g., during the nal approach phase).
In general, procedures or policies may require the active
ight crew to share safety-relevant information with observ-
ers or additional crew members on the ight deck, provided
they are judged as qualied, and invite them to support and
monitor the active ight crew’s decision-making. Digital
means may facilitate that ight crews use this option.
In the event that aircraft operators consider not provid-
ing the technical means to print the digitally obtained
weather/airport information, specic procedures should
be implemented ensuring continuous monitoring of the
aircraft and its ight path by at least one pilot, while the
other familiarises him/herself with the information, espe-
cially if the presentation format of the weather information
on the display unit makes it hard to read or understand
Recommendation OPS 5: If technically fea-
sible, aircraft operators should equip their air-
craft eet with data-link systems (e.g. ACARS)
enabling them to digitally obtain the latest
weather information (e.g. D-ATIS or METAR).
The use of this technical means has to be sup-
ported by adequate SOPs enabling all pilots
on the ight deck to familiarise themselves
with the latest weather conditions without
impeding aircraft and ight path monitoring.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 75
(e.g., ATIS information being meshed or covering several
pages on an FMS control display unit [CDU]).
2.12 Check of current conditions versus
planned conditions (OPS 10)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
Runway excursions, and runway overruns in particular, are of-
ten caused by more than one factor.
These include, among
others, tail winds, long landings, high touchdown speeds, late
or inappropriate use of reverse thrust or speed brakes, and
reduced runway friction or contamination. For the prevention
of runway excursions, it is therefore of utmost importance that
the environmental conditions and aircraft conguration used
during the takeo and landing performance calculations are the
same as the actual conditions during takeo and landing. Oth-
erwise, the actual takeo or landing might be conducted with
signicantly reduced or even no safety margins (e.g., if there is
a tail wind instead of no wind or a head wind, runway status is
worse than calculated, autobrake is used instead of maximum
manual braking or idle reverse is used instead of maximum
reverse thrust as assumed in the performance calculations).
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
Make sure (e.g., by means of appropriate training and easy-
to-use and understandable documentation) that ight
crews and operations sta (when doing performance
calculations) know exactly what they are calculating with
regard to the safety factors used and assumptions made
by the performance calculation program or tables.
Allow ight crews and operations sta to make conservative
calculations based on their knowledge and experience (e.g.
incorporating changes in wind, temperature, QNH, runway
status), even if this might lead to operational restrictions
(e.g., diversions, reaching ight duty time limits). At the
actual time of departure or arrival, weather conditions can
be dierent from those at the time of dispatch or even
from those at the time of the approach brieng. Although
it might be commercially sound to use exact environmental
parameters at the time of calculation, this might, in reali-
ty, lead to takeos or landings with reduced or no safety
margins. The following list may be used as a guideline to
cope with this threat. Implementation will make it easier
for ight crews to assess their actual safety margin shortly
before takeo and landing, thereby avoiding time consum-
ing re-calculations, unnecessary go-arounds or diversions:
In headwind situations, ight crews may be allowed
to do performance calculations based on zero wind.
In calm or variable wind situations, ight crews may
use a minimum of 5 kts tailwind for their calculations.
If a variable range of wind direction is given (e.g., 330/5
300V360), ight crews should use the most negative
value for the given runway direction.
In tail wind situations, ight crews may consider eects
causing increasing tail winds (e.g., by incoming weather
or land/sea wind eects).
For every takeo, ight crews may search for cues (e.g.,
operational ight plan wind information at SID way-
points, trails of smoke or clouds, PIREPs) to estimate the
wind aloft to get an idea of possible wind shifts (e.g., to-
wards tail wind) aecting the takeo path or their EOSID.
Gross weight and temperature values used for calcu-
lation should reect actual or realistic numbers at the
time of break-release or touchdown (e.g., actual takeo
weight [TOW] higher than load-sheet value due to short
taxi-out or higher landing weight [LW] due to shortcuts
on approach).
During their TEM brieng, ight crews should pay special
attention to signicant changes or trends in wind direction
and/or runway surface conditions (e.g., due to incoming
or deteriorating weather situations). They should try to
anticipate relevant changes as early and as comprehen-
sively as possible. Options which might help to gain the
necessary awareness may include, in addition to ATIS or
METAR information, to ask for PIREPs or ATC information,
or even to use certain smartphone weather apps providing
more detailed weather information (if approved by the
operator). If it is foreseeable that operational limits will be
reached (e.g., wind or runway contamination limits) they
should discuss alternatives for their departure or landing
as well as dening their acceptable limits, if dierent from
published limits. (see OPS 11).
When approaching the runway, either before takeo or
before landing, ight crews should mention any updates
to their takeo or approach brieng focussing on possible
dierences to the planned versus actual conditions.
Ensure through SOPs and training that ight crews always
verify (and possibly call out) before line-up that they have
Recommendation OPS 10: Aircraft oper-
ators should implement policies or SOPs
requiring ight crews to conrm prior to com-
mencing the takeo or landing phase that
the actual conditions (weather and aircraft
conguration) are better or at least corre-
spond to the values used for performance cal-
culations. When conditions are predicted to
approach operational limitations, ight crews
should be required to identify the limiting
parameters and incorporate this information
into their TEM brieng.
76 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
identied and are using the correct runway, the correct
intersection and the correct line-up procedure, as used in
their takeo performance calculations (see recommenda-
tion OPS 27, OPS 28)
Ensure through SOPs and training that ight crews are
aware of the wind and runway conditions given with the
takeo or landing clearance and that they check that these
conditions are consistent with those used for the perfor-
mance calculations.
Flight crews should check the latest weather information
before their in-ight landing distance assessment is con-
ducted. If sucient time remains and cockpit duties allow
it, crews should always try to get the latest available weather
information just prior to starting the approach. If during
the approach, the crews feel that the weather conditions
have changed, they may seek clarication on the actual
conditions with the ATCO.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 77
Recommendation OPS 13 a: Aircraft op-
erators should ensure their policies or SOPs
require ight crews to perform independent
performance calculations. This should also
include independent cross-checks of the load
and trim sheet and the actual TORA/TODA
from the AIS (e.g. if reduced by NOTAM) with
TORA/TODA used to calculate the takeo
performance. This independent calculation
should also be applied following a runway
Recommendation OPS 13 b: Aircraft op-
erators should ensure their policies or SOPs
include ight crew gross error checks and
crew cross-checks prior to any data input and
prior to executing any data input in the FMS.
Recommendation OPS 34: Aircraft oper-
ators, for aircraft equipped with EFBs and
when technically feasible, should visualise
on the EFB the FULL RWY with its planned T/O
RWY holding position to increase the situa-
tional awareness of the crew for the intended
T/O position.
3 Special considerations for the departure phase
Nudges are interventions that preserve the freedom of choice but that nonetheless inuence people’s decisions.
3.1 Takeo performance and the use of
EFB (OPS 13, 34)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
Many runway safety events stem from erroneous or inade-
quate takeo performance calculations and errors made dur-
ing transfer and input of data into the FMC. Such errors are all
preventable if ight crews are supported by customised SOPs,
appropriate training and a safety-focussed work environment.
Load and trim sheet as well as takeo performance calcu-
lations are usually performed just before departure when
the ight crew is exposed to various distractions. Therefore,
the eective prevention of errors in takeo performance
calculations very much depends on the ability and freedom
of the ight crew to safely manage external threats like time
pressure, distraction or fatigue.
A rst step in preventing runway excursion is a critical check
of the load and trim sheet data, irrespective of whether it
is provided by a third party or generated in the cockpit by
the ight crew. Only if a check is carried out to ensure that
the load and trim sheet values match reality in terms of
passenger/baggage/cargo weights, seating and load distri-
bution, including a check of the pre-dened values such as
dry operating weight/index and takeo, trip and taxi fuel, and
all resulting values are within the allowed limits, can this data
serve as the basis for takeo performance calculations. This
check should always be done independently by all active crew
members on the ight deck. For the following calculation of
takeo performance either using electronic means such as
EFB solutions or paper versions, it is again highly recommend-
ed that all active crew members on the ight deck verify their
own performance calculations independently and then cross-
check them with each other, even if this is time-consuming.
EFB solutions incorporating navigational charts and ap-
plications for ight planning such as takeo and landing
performance calculation programs are already widely used
in the industry as they not only save costs but also can sim-
plify processes for ight crews (e.g., by making performance
calculations easier and faster). However, their use requires
up-to-date and accurate databases as well as an adequate
user interface. If threats like runway shortenings, intersection
closures, etc., are not incorporated in time into the database
used for performance calculations, the probability of the
ight crew failing to detect such errors is high, especially
as current NOTAM format and presentation in aviation in
combination with fatigue, time pressure or complacency
may lead to ight crews sometimes not reading or checking
NOTAM information properly.
In order to make it as easy as possible for ight crews to pre-
vent input errors (e.g., environmental or aircraft conguration
data) and as easy as possible to understand the calculation
results in terms of the safety margin provided for their take-
o, the EFB solution should incorporate nudges
(that may
be reminders such as pop-ups and triggers) and means of
visualisation. Visualisation in particular is a great tool to en-
able ight crews to easily build a correct risk picture for their
takeo in terms of runway excursion prevention. Being aware
of the additional stop margin resulting from their calculation
and being able to easily cross-check that the takeo position
and line-up procedure used for the calculation matches the
one expected or used is key for ight crews’ safety-relevant
decision-making (e.g., deciding on a re-calculation or accept-
ing or rejecting line-up clearances). If technically feasible,
visualisation of this information should therefore combine
results of performance calculations and airport layouts.
Regardless of whether an FMC or non-FMC equipped air-
craft is used, the subsequent process of setting the takeo
speeds (V
, Vr, V2) and respective engine parameters (e.g., N1,
Derate, Flex/AssTemp) or bug setting needs to be done in a
coordinated manner to reduce input error and allow eective
cross-checking. Again, these steps require an environment
78 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
which allows safe management of distraction and time pres-
sure by the ight crew. There should be consensus in the
industry that safety considerations always take precedence
over time or eciency considerations. As correct takeo per-
formance calculations are one of the top priorities for runway
excursion prevention, ight crews should be encouraged by
aircraft operators to accept a departure delay, if required, in
order to always perform these tasks properly.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
To enable awless and time-saving processes with load sheet
and takeo performance calculations in daily operation, air-
craft operators should put in place customised SOPs support-
ing their ight crews in eectively preventing or detecting
errors during calculation, cross-checks and data-input.
Below is some guidance on how this could be achieved:
In general aircraft operators should:
Provide special guidance to cabin crew and handling
agents stipulating that they should not disturb ight
crews while they are performing load sheet perfor-
mance calculations, data insertions or briengs. This
could be achieved by incorporating relevant guidance
or regulations into service contracts with ground han-
dling companies and by making this matter a topic in
CRM training for cabin crews. Aircraft operators’ ight
crew CRM/TEM training should provide guidance on
how to mitigate the risks posed by distraction and time
pressure before departure.
Consider promoting safety reporting on frequent errors
by ight crews with regard to performance calculations
and use line check or LOSA data to detect aws in the
input design of EFB or EFB SOP. They should also use
their pilot workforce actively to nd the best SOP set
for their EFB solution in their operation.
Ensure that EFB back-end processes are able to cover
safety-relevant changes to performance databases in
order to provide safe and valid data to the front-end
at all times.
Use company NOTAMs or equivalent means to inform
ight crews and dispatch sta about short-term chang-
es to runway and performance data.
Use highlighting or marking’ of relevant NOTAM in-
formation in ight preparation tools to make it easy
for their ight crews to detect safety-relevant changes
to runway data and ultimately detect errors in perfor-
mance databases more easily.
Provide ight crews with sucient time for pre-ight
preparation in order to enable them to read and analyse
NOTAM information properly (consider establishing a
delay code for extended ight preparation).
Load and trim sheet
When designing the SOPs for preparing and cross- checking
the load and trim sheet, aircraft operators should consider
the following:
All information which ight crews relay or use for pre-
paring the load and trim sheet (e.g., trip or load sheet
data information such as takeo, trip and taxi fuel, dry
operating weight/dry operating index [DOW/DOI])
should be cross-checked by the pilot who did not ll
in the form in question.
Before the aircraft doors are closed, ground handling
sta, or equivalent, should be required to report to the
ight crew the nal number of passengers who went
through the departure gate (or nal load data in the
case of cargo ights) and the nal load distribution
as per information provided by the gate and loading
personnel (by intentionally not referring to the latest
edition of the load sheet) in order to make it possible to
detect any load sheet errors before departure. Timing
of ground processes and setting of turn-around times
should incorporate margin for error detection and clar-
ication in case of deviations.
At least the nal version of the load and trim sheet
should be checked independently by all active crew
members on the ight deck.
Performance calculation
When designing the SOPs for calculating safe takeo per-
formance, aircraft operators should consider the following:
Irrespective of the source of the performance data pro-
vided to aircraft operators, aircraft operators should en
sure that these data are correct and safe for use. This can
be ensured by eective auditing processes. However, if
aircraft operators are not using active ight crews which
have direct experience with the use of the audited EFB
solution as auditors, it is important to incorporate feed-
back and experience from line operation into the audit
checklists and brieng for the auditors. Otherwise, they
will not be able to detect aws in the use nor ensure
the unambiguity, clarity, validity and preciseness of the
performance data and EFB processes.
To allow ight crews to consider dierent scenarios
already in the takeo/TEM brieng, the aircraft oper-
ators SOP should require the ight crew to calculate
preliminary takeo performance prior to the brieng
using the most realistic and expectable values in terms
of gross weight and environmental conditions. In some
cases, it might also be necessary to consider assessing
the landing performance in case of immediate return or
to consider a takeo alternate. SOPs should require that
takeo performance calculations be performed prior to
the brieng with most realistic and expectable values.
In case of enlarged crews, aircraft operators should
consider how to incorporate the additional ight
crew members in the process of takeo performance
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 79
calculation, too, in order to ensure a best use of all re-
sources available.
Aircraft operators should ensure that the performance
calculation, its cross-check and the following steps for
preparing the aircraft for departure can be accom-
plished by the ight crew without rushing. Therefore,
timing of processes, denition of departure delay and
turn-around times should incorporate sucient mar-
gin to mitigate time pressure and hurry-up syndrome,
especially in cases when the nal load and trim sheet
is received only shortly before scheduled/planned de-
parture times.
The SOP for cross-checking the results of the calculation
should allow ight crews to carry out the cross-check
intuitively and easily. It should require ight crews to
check not only the results but also the input data, such
as aircraft tail sign, runway, intersection and environ-
mental and aircraft conguration data. The scan pattern
should be prescribed and follow an intuitively recog-
nizable reason.
However, the use of cross-checks alone is often a weak
risk control measure to ensure that ight crews correctly
insert all relevant environmental and aircraft congu-
ration data. The inuences of fatigue, lack of procien-
cy, good SOPs or training, distraction or time pressure
may lead to inadequate cross-checks by ight crew.
Little nudges or triggers throughout the input process
are helpful and eective in ensuring that ight crews
make the correct inputs right away (e.g., a pop-up if
wet runway was selected together with a low outside
air temperature [OAT], but without engine anti-ice).
The following list of nudges/triggers might be useful:
Pop-up for engine anti-ice;
Pop-up for wind limits;
Pop-up for weight limits;
Pop-up for information on remaining stop margin;
Pop-up for minimum equipment list (MEL) items
and considerations.
In cases where a class 1 EFB is used for the performance
calculation, each crew member should be provided
with an EFB to ensure proper independence of calcu-
lation and cross-check.
When using paper-based takeo performance cal-
culations, special considerations should be given
to readability of tables and charts and the need for
In any case, the actual TORA/TODA, especially if being
altered by NOTAM, should be checked against the val-
ue used in the takeo performance program or table/
chart individually and independently by each ight
crew member. If it is not technically feasible to combine
the results of takeo performance calculations and
airport/runway layout in one visualisation, at least the
EFB solution should make it possible to visualise the
available stop margin in relation to the TORA. The SOP
should then require the ight crew to visually conrm
the runway and takeo position used during the cal-
culation on the airport layout chart and estimate the
available stop margin.
Data entry into the FMC
In order to ensure an error-proof SOP for transferring or
entering data into the FMC, aircraft operators should con-
sider the following:
This data insertion is usually done just before departure
when the ight crew is exposed to various distractions.
Aircraft operators should encourage ight crews to be
assertive in not allowing themselves to be distracted or
feel time pressure when accomplishing this task.
The load and trim sheet data and the takeo perfor-
mance data can be entered via a single process or a
split process. In any case, the data input should be
performed by the pilots together in a concerted man-
ner to avoid errors like entering the zero fuel weight
(ZFW) as takeo weight/gross weight (TOW/GW), or
entering the wrong aps setting or takeo parameters.
Therefore, it is suggested that one pilot states the value
to be entered rst before the other pilot enters it into
the FMC. This allows for initial gross error checks for
plausibility (e.g., the ZFW, the TOW and fuel loaded).
Before executing the entry, the pilot who gave the value
should again conrm that it has been entered correctly
in terms of value and box/position in the FMC before
giving the execution command or signalling agreement
for execution.
SOPs which allow one pilot to enter nal weight or
performance values without supervision and cross-
checking should be avoided, even if single cross-checks
are used and the values to be entered are given by the
other pilot in any later step. Mutual entry and cross-
checks are more eective and thereby safer. They may
even save more time, especially in cases when errors are
made and new calculations/entries have to be made.
In any case, each pilot should also be required to crit-
ically check the reasonableness’ of the combination
of aps settings, takeo reference speeds and thrust
settings by using their experience and intuition. ‘Doubt
is a fact — if any pilot feels unsure about the values,
they should be recalculated, even if it takes time. Air-
craft operators should give special consideration to
this when operating mixed eets and should consider
providing their ight crews with guidelines or standard
values to make checking the reasonableness of takeo
data simpler.
Wherever technically possible, cross-checks should be
performed between independently calculated values
80 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
by the FMC and performance calculation tools, EFB or
paper-based (e.g., characteristic minimum manoeu-
vring speeds such as minimum clean speed).
As a backup, aircraft operators should consider invest-
ing in safety by using technology that automatically
checks the data entered into the FMC for consistency
between the takeo parameters (e.g., takeo securing
(TOS) by Airbus).
Additional material is provided in the IATA “FMS Data Entry
Prevention Errors – Best Practices.
(Late) changes
The same precautions and thoroughness in safe takeo
performance calculations as mentioned above are valid
in the event of any (late) changes. The following list pro-
vides an overview of situations requiring the ight crew
to recalculate and reinsert takeo performance data:
Runway and/or intersection changes;
Obvious environmental changes (e.g., wind, tempera-
ture, runway status);
Unplanned selection of performance-inuencing sys-
tems (e.g.. anti-ice);
Prolonged idle time (e.g., in case of waiting time for
de-icing, slot, etc.);
Reasonable doubt of either pilot regarding the correct-
ness of the data;
Load and trim sheet changes; and,
Aircraft defects (e.g., MEL items).
Additional considerations
Flight crew training is based on monitoring and respond-
ing to the attainment of takeo reference speeds. How-
ever, crews have few options of detecting reduced or
degraded takeo acceleration until approaching the end
of the runway. Technology providers have an important
role to play in developing systems that provide alerts to
the ight crew when the actual acceleration is too low
in order to enable a safe takeo (e.g., takeo monitor-
ing (TOM) by Airbus. Furthermore, the FDM programme
should be used to identify issues in relation to perfor-
mance calculations, slow acceleration, etc. In the scope
of the SMS promotion, any issues discovered relating to
takeo performance calculations should be fed back to
the crews to raise their awareness and share the lessons
learned (e.g., study insights about increased passenger
weights, study insights on erroneous takeo performance
calculations or incident/accident examples).
(See OPS 8.)
3.2 The rejected takeo decision
process (OPS 14)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
Flight crews can prevent runway excursions during takeo
through proper takeo decision-making. This includes the
decision-making involved in both initiating and rejecting
a takeo.
Runway veer-os typically occur at low speed owing to a
ight crew’s mismanagement of the beginning of the takeo
roll (e.g., if ight crews mishandle the transfer of directional
control from tiller to rudder or between either pilots or if they
do not ensure symmetrical engine spool up before applying
takeo power.) This frequently happens during rolling take-
os, when ight crews are under actual or perceived time
pressure for reasons including actual time constraints such
as night curfews or slots or from perceived time pressure
resulting from ATC’s spacing.
Runway overruns are often the result of attempts to reject
a takeo above V1 (the maximum speed at which the pilot
must take the rst action to reject a takeo [e.g., apply brakes,
reduce thrust, deploy speed brakes]), errors in takeo perfor-
mance calculations or aircraft being aerodynamically unable
to y owing to loading errors or ice build-up. To guarantee
safe aircraft stopping within the calculated accelerate-stop
distance during a rejected takeo (RTO), it is of utmost im-
portance that the takeo performance calculations are made
using a conservative strategy or that they at least reect the
actual conditions during takeo in terms of aircraft weight
and runway status. Therefore, not only are the takeo speeds
key elements for a safe takeo, but also the ight crews
awareness of additional threats inuencing the available
stop margin in case of an abort, too. Factors like fatigue, lack
of prociency or possible distractions during the takeo run
(e.g., by radio/telephony [R/T] trac, emotional stress owing
to time pressure, pressure from ATC or a negative work at-
mosphere in the cockpit) may lead to incorrect recognition
of failures or delayed abort initiation.
The most important speed range for failure management and
takeo abort decision-making is the high-speed segment of
the takeo run, which is typically between 80 kts and 100 kts
(depending on the operator and aircraft type) and just before
V1. When rejecting a takeo near V1, a pilot’s reaction time to
Recommendation OPS 14: Aircraft opera-
tors should publish SOPs and guidance which
incorporate runway excursion mitigation
associated with rejected takeo decision-
making and rejected takeo manoeuvres.
Appropriate training should be provided.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 81
initiate the stop is critical. Considering a typical medium to
large turbofan aircraft’s V1 is to150 kts, this would mean using
up the available stopping margin by a minimum of 80 m per
second of delayed abort initiation. Given the fact that today
many takeos are calculated as balanced eld takeos, giving
no or only around 150 m additional stopping margin, and that
factors like rudder deposit in the opposite touchdown zone
(especially on short runways) may signicantly reduce run-
way friction, policies or SOPs requiring conservative takeo
performance calculations are needed.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
Ensuring that takeos and (RTOs) do not lead to runway ex-
cursions is also a matter of aircraft operators’ policies and
SOPs on takeo performance calculations and takeo and
reject initiation, as well as the associated pilot training. The
following should be considered when establishing such SOPs
and training practices:
Aircraft operators should provide SOPs requiring that
ground sta and ight crews cross-check actual passen-
ger, baggage or cargo loading arrangements before the
closure of aircraft doors in order to guarantee that the
aircraft is loaded as stated on the load and trim sheet used
by the ight crews for takeo performance calculation.
Aircraft operators should provide SOPs for ight crews de-
ning under which conditions rolling takeos are allowed.
This should include considerations regarding runway sta-
tus, crosswinds and requirements for handover of control,
as well as dierences in engine spool up behaviour (e.g.,
after an engine change). These SOPs should require ight
crews to use a conservative strategy when considering roll-
ing takeos and should encourage them not to accept any
time pressure (e.g., from schedule considerations or ATC).
Aircraft operators should provide clear and robust SOPs for
RTOs, in particular based on clearly documented criteria for
mandatory RTO up to 80/100 knots and from there to V1.
The SOPs should specify who may call out a stop decision
in both ranges and explicitly require that an RTO attempt
above V1 should only be made when it is impossible to get
airborne (e.g., owing to signicant centre of gravity load-
ing issues). RTO actions for the high-speed case should be
unequivocally stated, including maximum braking unless
there is a very clear indication that this would cause other
control problems. If using the terms unsafe or unable to y”
as a criterion to reject a takeo, aircraft operators should
consider dierentiating or explaining them further in their
procedures and training, as this may include inuences such
as aircraft icing, load issues, errors in takeo performance
calculations, large negative speed trends due to tire failures
or go-around trac above. This will help to reduce psy-
chological barriers which might be stopping ight crews
from rejecting a takeo because of possible self-induced
mistakes, thus helping to avoid unsafe takeo attempts.
Although the PIC has the nal responsibility for the safety
of a ight, that does not necessarily mean that the PIC has
to make the decision to abort a takeo. Both pilots on a
ight deck have to be trained in safe RTO decision-making
and RTO execution to ensure proper reaction in the event
of obvious or subtle incapacitation or a delayed failure rec-
ognition by either pilot at any stage during the takeo run,
including the high-speed portion up to V1. For the sake
of runway excursion prevention, it is more important that
the allocation of the reject decision, the reject execution
and the task sharing between the PF and PM guarantee
safe takeo decisions and a minimum failure recognition
and reaction time on every ight.
The RTO manoeuvre is a mandatory item in the operators
prociency check (OPC). Flight crews are therefore trained
in and assessed on the manoeuvre on a regular basis. How-
ever, this assessment is mostly focussed on the correct ex-
ecution of the manoeuvre and not on the decision-making
process. Therefore, aircraft operators should consider the
following concerning ight crews RTO training:
It is strongly recommended that recurrent training and
checking, as well as initial pilot training (e.g., operator
conversion courses, type ratings and command up-
grading courses) also include simulator exercises that
require the ight crew to detect and identify abnormal
situations that are not the result of a clear and distinct
loss of thrust, such as tyre burst close to V1, nose gear
vibrations, engine stalls, bird strikes at high speed, wind
shear or uneven aircraft acceleration, opening of side
window, instrument failures, or ight control issues.
These exercises can also be used to provide training
in dealing safely with startle eects.
In all cases, both
pilot roles (PIC or second-in-command [SIC]) should
be equally trained in deciding on and making RTOs at
various stages throughout the takeo, including dier
ent scenarios (e.g., low speed/high weight, high speed/
high weight, wind shear induced, incapacitation at low
speed and at high speed) in order to guarantee safe
takeo decisions.
The training goal should be to make ight crews con-
dent in taking the right decision (to reject or not to
reject) in every case. Therefore, specic training on the
topic of RTO with regard to TEM awareness and brief-
ings is also recommended. Items like the additional
stop margin available on takeo, taking into account
specic hazards aecting an RTO (e.g., strong cross
winds, low speed aborts in high thrust/low weight sit-
uations), should be part of every ight crew’s departure
brieng. This should not only be documented but also
taught both in classroom CRM/TEM training and sim-
ulator training.
Irrespective of to whom the decision and task of an
RTO is allocated, the essential supporting and monitor-
ing task of the other pilot should be emphasised. This
82 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
includes monitoring of thrust parameters, monitoring
the speed trend, performing timely standard callouts,
detecting and identifying abnormal conditions, moni-
toring the use of all braking and stopping devices, and
verifying maximum braking is applied continuously
unless control issues dictate otherwise.
3.3 Correct line-up for departure
(OPS 27, 28)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
Unclear markings/lighting of runways and taxiways are haz-
ards which may be encountered in operation, and ight crews
can make unintended errors. Either combination of imper-
fections can result in misjudgement or failures, leading ight
crews to take the wrong runway or intersection, lining up
using a dierent line-up technique than calculated, thereby
losing or reducing their additional stopping margin, or lining
up for takeo despite not actually being ready for departure,
both procedure-wise and mentally.
Maintaining good situational awareness is one of the most
important ways that ight crews can operate safely and pre-
vent incidents and accidents. In order to enable ight crews
to do so, they need good policies, SOPs or technical solutions
as well as good training. Otherwise, common threats like
schedule or ATC pressure, impaired teamwork on the ight
deck due to steep cockpit authority gradients, mismanaged
distractions, confusing or ambiguous airport/chart layouts or
missing runway markings/lighting/signing may contribute to
runway excursion events in their operation.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
In order to make it easy for their ight crews to avoid line-up
errors, aircraft operators have the following options:
Technical solutions: Modern EFB solutions provide airport
moving map (AMM) functions allowing ight crews to
monitor their position at all times. This increases situational
awareness and might help prevent errors during taxi and
takeo briengs, and reduces the risk of taking wrong run-
way intersections for takeo. Other tools like the runway
advisory and awareness system or takeo securing func-
tion (e.g., TOS by Airbus) may provide additional support
for ight crews by using aural advisories on runway entry
or FMS messages by issue alerts if discrepancies on runway
usage are detected. The proper use of such tools should
be documented and trained, including hints on how to
use marking or highlighting of taxi routes, hotspots or
Airport briengs: Complex airports and layouts leading
to long and complicated taxi routes and several options
when selecting dierent runway intersections may pose
more runway excursion risks to ight operation than air-
ports with only one runway and no intersections availa-
ble. By providing comprehensive airport briengs, aircraft
operators can ensure that all their ight crews, including
those which have not visited a specic airport before, are
suciently aware of any hotspots or runway excursion
risks like taking the wrong runway or intersection. Good
airline processes to implement or maintain airport brief-
ings include the proactive involvement of the aircraft op-
erator’s and airport’s safety departments, which may add
valuable information on frequent errors or occurrences
reported by ight crews, ATCOs or airport sta.
SOPs: A rst step in preventing runway excursion is the
pre-ight procedure. Therefore, the following should be
included as a minimum for runway excursion prevention
in aircraft operators SOP:
During their TEM brieng, the ight crew should posi-
tively identify the aircrafts parking position in relation
to the expected runway and/or intersection for take-
o, considering possible late runway or intersection
changes in order to avoid any taxi and line-up errors.
Especially in cases of very short taxi times, ight crews
should consider planning their o-block, start of taxi
as well as the taxi speed to allow all necessary duties
and reports (e.g., cabin secure) to be accomplished
without rushing.
Flight crews should be required to consider the line-up
procedure available or expected by ATC for the respec-
tive runway or intersection and to include this in their
takeo performance calculations. Especially in cases
when ATC expects, and the ight crew accepts, a roll-
ing takeo, this may signicantly use up the stopping
margin and therefore needs to be considered in the
Recommendation OPS 27: Aircraft opera-
tors should implement policy, technical solu-
tions or SOPs which conrm that the aircraft
is lining up on the planned runway, its centre-
line and via the correct intersection.
Recommendation OPS 28: Aircraft opera-
tors should publish SOPs and guidance for
their ight crew not to accept line-up, back-
track or takeo clearances until pre-takeo
preparation (including cabin secure), proce-
dures and checklists are completed to the
appropriate point which permits the ac-
complishment of the associated manoeuvre
without delay and until they have reported
ready for departure to ATC. Aircraft opera-
tors should publish an explicit SOP for rolling
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 83
calculations. In any case, ight crews must be aware of
which line-up technique is incorporated in their take-
o performance calculations (e.g., 90 or 180 degrees,
rolling via the taxi line, backtrack).
As there are dierent interpretations by manufacturers,
ight crews and ATCOs of what a rolling takeo means,
aircraft operators should clarify this in their documen-
tation and with the ANSPs of their route network, if
required (e.g., via participation in local runway safety
teams or via their commercial contacts). As a rolling
takeo may not always leave sucient time for the
ight crew on the runway to identify correct line-up,
this type of line-up requires special considerations by
the ight crew. These could be to identify the correct
line-up position, to review the RTO case or to gain ad-
ditional awareness of the actual runway/wind status or
the weather/trac in the departure sector. Additional
threats like night or low visibility operation, no or bad
taxi or runway markings/lighting may contribute to
errors in correct line-up and should be dealt with in
the TEM brieng and considered before accepting or
requesting a rolling takeo. ANSPs should also be ad-
vised that time for engine spool up may vary according
to aircraft type. Therefore, they should bear in mind in
their sequence planning that departing aircraft might
need up to 30 seconds on the runway before starting
to move. This time span may be even longer in winter
operation if engine checks or run-ups are needed.
The SOP for a rolling takeo should therefore ensure
that ight crews accept or plan such a manoeuvre only
if they are certain that they do not need additional
time on the runway (e.g., for weather radar scanning,
adjusting sun visors, waiting for winds to be in limits
or reviewing RTO or engine out procedures). This SOP
should help to prevent any active pilot in the ight
crew from being mentally distracted when starting the
takeo run and any procedural task in the pre-take-
o procedure from being missed (e.g. switching on
a trac-alert and collision avoidance system (TCAS),
weather radar, receiving cabin secure report)
Make sure via the SOP that ight crews report ‘ready for
departure’ to ATC only if all required tasks, including the
cabin secure’, if applicable, have been accomplished.
Frequently used alternatives like ‘ready upon reaching’
should be explicitly avoided. Consider making cabin
secure an item for ight crews pre-takeo checklist
or allow reading of the pre-takeo checklist only after
the cabin secure information has been received. Allow
and encourage ight crews to reject any request or
instruction by ATC for an immediate line-up or takeo
if not all pilots on the ight deck are actually ready for
such a procedure, both mentally and procedure-wise.
To prevent or detect any line-up errors, aircraft opera-
tors’ SOP should ensure that ight crews have to posi-
tively identify and call out the runway and intersection
before line-up (e.g., the PF or PM calls out: ‘RWY 08R,
Intersection A4 – identied’). Consider adding a trig-
ger or nudge for ight crews to mentally recheck the
takeo performance calculation by the latest at this
stage as well, if this was not already required during
review of the takeo brieng when approaching the
takeo runway.
Aircraft operators SOP should also give guidance for
ight crews on how to deal with cases requiring long
backtracks (e.g., half the runway or more). Such situa-
tions are connected with time pressure due to incoming
trac and can pose additional threats to their ights
(e.g., forgetting procedural items due to distraction
or even missing turn-around taxi guidance at turning
bays or runway beginnings). They can even contribute
directly to runway excursions.
Training: Preventing runway excursions is not only a mat-
ter of pilots’ technical competencies in dealing with threats
like crosswinds, slippery runways or technical failures but
also, more often, it is a matter of pilots’ non-technical com
petencies like safety-relevant decision-making, situational
awareness and clear communication within the ight crew
and ATC. Therefore, ight crew training and checking with
regard to runway excursion prevention should focus on
the following elements:
Encouraging and rewarding assertive behaviour (e.g.,
being reluctant to accept challenging ATC clearances like
immediate takeos and being persistent when having
doubts — for example, when unsure about the wind
information in a takeo clearance or when unsure about
the status of cabin preparation — doubt is a fact”.)
Training in anticipative behaviour and thorough TEM
Training in dierent line-up techniques
(See OPS 4, OPS 8.)
84 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
4 Special considerations for the arrival phase
This includes ights with dispatched MEL items
4.1 Safe descent, approach, landing and
go-around policies (OPS 7)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
According to the 2018 Boeing statistical summary, 60 percent
of all fatal accidents between 2008 and 2017 happened in the
arrival phase of a ight, which includes the descent, initial
approach, nal approach and landing. Even the numbers
of the 2019 EASA annual safety review show that runway
excursions are still one of the two top key risk areas in the risk
portfolio for commercial air transport (CAT) airlines, air taxi
and non-commercial complex businesses based on accident
data from 2014–2018. Although the rst version of our action
plan for the prevention of runway excursions (EAPPRE 2013)
might have already had some positive impact, as shown by
the analysis by the NLR (Figure 9), we still need to make fur-
ther eorts to improve our industrys safety performance,
especially with regard to the prevention of runway excursions.
In terms of runway excursion prevention on landing, all meas-
ures taken by aircraft operators, ANSPs, airport operators,
manufacturers and regulators should have one primary and
common goal which is to enable ight crews/unmanned
aircraft to land on a runway safely and leave it safely via a
taxiway. The role of an aircraft operator is to provide its ight
crews (including remote operators) with appropriate policies,
SOPs and training to achieve this common goal. Its policies,
SOPs and training determine to a very large extent whether
ight crews can eectively prevent runway excursions on
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
Aircraft operators policies, SOPs and training should provide
a holistic and practical set of guidelines and actions for their
ight crews which make it as easy as possible for them to cre-
ate the required safety margins throughout the arrival ight
phase, including the sub-ight phases of descent, approach,
landing and go-around. The following should be considered
when establishing such SOPs and training practices:
First of all, the aircraft operator’s safety policy and there-
by their SOPs should aim to eliminate any operational
pressure on ight crews which could encourage them to
rush briengs or performance calculations, land from an
unstable approach or take unnecessary risks in challenging
weather conditions.
This is especially important for the prevention of runway
excursions in normal operation (i.e., with technically fully
operational aircraft
and no (impending) non-normal or
emergency situation). In normal operation, ight crews
always have the option to handle all relevant threats to
their ights (e.g., weather, trac, fatigue, distractions) in
a defensive/conservative (i.e., risk-averse) manner, and
can thus reduce complexity in given situations and work
as intended by their SOPs. In non-normal operation, this
freedom may be limited, depending on the nature of the
non-normal or emergency situation (e.g., during land-
ing with known or unknown tyre failure, a re or medical
emergency on board).
For ight crews, the work of ensuring a safe descent, ap-
proach, landing and taxi-in begins during their pre-ight
preparation when considering and anticipating the threats
to be managed during the arrival phase of their ight.
Aircraft operators policy for determining the block fuel
should therefore require that ight crews consider specic
threats (which increase the risks of runway excursions) in
their fuel decision before departure in order to ensure that
they always have sucient options to take safe decisions
during arrival and approach (e.g., delay the approach, hold
or go-around). At least the following common threats
which increase the risk of runway excursions should be
considered in the fuel decision:
Figure 9. Worldwide RE occurrence rate,
commercial ights
Rate per million ights
2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019
Acccidents and incidents
data 2019 preliminary
Source: NLR
Recommendation OPS 7: Aircraft oper-
ators should implement policies for safe
descent and approach planning, stabilised
approach, safe landing and go-around and
should ensure that these are implemented
in their training. Aircraft operators should de-
ne which elements of these policies have
to be included and highlighted during the
approach briengs by ight crews.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 85
Destination and/or destination alternate have perfor-
mance-limiting runways in combination with unfavour-
able weather conditions;
Destination and/or destination alternate have no 3D
(e.g,. ILS, required navigation performance [RNP] and
localizer performance with vertical guidance [LPV]) ap-
proach) available, which increases the risk of unstable
Destination and/or destination alternate have ATC en-
vironments which tend to lead to ‘hot and high’ vec-
toring or tight spacing, increasing the risk of unstable
approaches and landings; and,
Destination and/or destination alternate operate with
tailwind components TWC or may impose (late) runway
The aircraft operator’s policy for determining the land-
ing performance limits during dispatch should require
dispatch personnel and ight crews to use conservative
values (e.g., for wind components and runway conditions
according to the latest weather report and forecast availa-
ble) in order to dispatch a ight legally, even if this results
in reducing the allowed trac load, ight diversions or
cancellations. (See also 4.2 for a detailed explanation.)
Safe arrival planning and descent
Aircraft operators should require their ight crews to
prepare each approach and landing thoroughly, even if
they y into an airport frequently or within short intervals.
The structure of this preparation, especially in terms of
a thorough TEM analysis, should be the same for every
approach and landing attempt, although the time needed
for this may vary, depending on the structure used for
the approach brieng (e.g., when using the T-P-C brieng
). Therefore, ight crews should be required to
start the approach preparation suciently early during
cruise ight in order to be nished with the approach
brieng before the top of descent, considering also early
or step descents or increased ATC communication when
nearing the destination. On ights with longer cruise seg-
ments, the ight crews should be required to agree on an
approximate time when the approach brieng will start
so that every ight crew member can manage his/her
other duties and tasks in time to be fully attentive for the
approach brieng. In order to guarantee thoroughness of
approach preparation and reduce distractions to aircraft
operation and monitoring, especially on short ights, the
ight crew might need to do parts of the approach plan-
ning and brieng already on the ground or incorporate the
TEM analysis for the approach into their pre-ight prepa-
ration. Aircraft operators’ processes should incorporate
such circumstances (e.g., by adapting reporting times or
allowing the ight crews to make or accept departure
delays). In any case, aircraft operators’ policies or SOPs
should provide an option for their ight crews to enter
Threat – Plans – Considerations: A threat-based brieng method see: https://ng/
holdings or take delay vectoring if not able to complete
the approach preparation before starting an approach
(e.g., in case of last-minute runway changes or on ights
with only little or even no cruise time).
In order to eectively mitigate any runway excursion risks,
the approach preparation and brieng should cover at
least the following:
A thorough threat analysis for the descent, approach,
landing, go-around and taxi-in, including the aircraft
status, human factors, weather and trac situation,
approach and runway/taxiway specics (see more de-
tails and a list of common threats leading to runway
excursions in Figure 10 (p. 86). Flight crew brieng
should focus especially on revising conditions that
would require a go-around and/or rejected landing
instead of focussing mainly on approach, landing and
rollout procedure.
A joint landing performance assessment by the ight
crew based on individual (by each ight crew member)
and conservative calculations, especially with regard
to runway status and wind components, in order to
determine the additional stop margin and go-around
performance available (see OPS 15).
A joint ight crew decision on when to start the descent
or plan for alternatives, if dierent from the FMC top of
descent (e.g., due to trac or weather).
A joint ight crew decision on the runway, the touch-
down point limit and conguration used for landing
(See OPS 21).
A joint ight crew decision on the type of approach and
methods used (e.g., use of automatic modes or from
which point in the approach manual ight is planned).
A joint ight crew decision on whether and to what
extent operational limits such as crosswind limits have
to be reduced (e.g., due to fatigue, prociency and ex-
perience) and whether and which additional gates have
to be set throughout the approach (e.g., for approach
continuation regarding wind limits, runway friction val-
ues, visibility). This should include canned decisions in
marginal conditions.
A review of those items which have to be rehearsed in
the approach brieng (e.g., the go-around procedure
to achieve psychological priming for go-around or the
point of rst conguration change, gear selection or
nal conguration).
Aircraft operators should require ight crews to perform
the descent with a conservative strategy, especially with
regard to energy management and thus distance needed
for losing altitude. Although air trac controllers have a
basic understanding of aircraft performance, they might
not be aware of aircraft–type-specic or environmental
threats which can reduce the descent and speed reduction
86 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
capability of an aircraft (e.g., ineective speed brakes, a
high aircraft gross weight and changing wind proles or
thermals). Therefore, ight crews should be encouraged
by policy or SOPs to reject any challenging clearances
(e.g., by using the wording ‘unable, and to request or plan
more mileage for descent instead. Aircraft operators SOPs
should specify that high speed ying (>250 kts) below
10,000 ft, early gear extension or interception of the ap-
proach glide path from above in order to match an ATC
given or planned descent path should not be used, if not
required for non-normal or emergency procedures.
Although continuous descent operations (CDO) and low
drag approaches (LDA) may be favourable for economic,
ecological and noise reasons, their safe conduct requires
many optimal conditions to be present, which might not
always be the case in reality. Inuences of changing wind
proles during descent, intermediate level-os due to
airspace structure, aircraft-related factors or human fac-
tors on the ight deck, like fatigue or prociency, may
unnecessarily increase complexity for a ight crew dur-
ing CDO or LDA. In order to always ensure safe approach
path management by ight crews, aircraft operators may
wish to consider establishing further mileage/altitude/
speed gates as a baseline for a safe approach path to sup-
port ight crews in achieving stable approaches, thereby
preventing runway excursion events. The following values
for medium to large aircraft (e.g., A320/B737) may serve as
an example (adaptions for dierent operations or aircraft
type may be needed) (see OPS 18):
Last 18–15 nm from touchdown: speed reduction (de-
pending on aircraft gross weight, wind, aircraft’s speed-
reduction capabilities) from 250 kts to 210 kts or minimum
clean speed should be initiated;
Last 12 NM from touchdown: the aircraft should be ying
at a maximum speed of 210 kts. A ‘12 miles to touchdown
callout by the PM could be a helpful tool to raise aware-
ness for the PF, especially on approaches without a direct
indication of mileage to the runway. Flight crews should
be required to plan a level segment for further speed re-
duction and start of initial conguration.
Last 9 NM from touchdown/3,000 ft above aerodrome level
(AAL): the aircraft should be ying at a maximum speed
of 180 kts and an initial ap setting;
Last 6 NM from touchdown/2,000 ft AAL: the gear should
be lowered and an intermediate ap setting selected; air-
speed should be around 150 kts;
Last 3 NM from touchdown/1,000 ft AAL: nal aps should
have been selected, landing checklist completed and the
aircraft should have reached nal approach speed.
Figure 10. Example safe arrival planning (based on medium to large turbofan aircraft (e.g., A320/B737),
adaptions for dierent aircraft type may be needed
Last 400m
Last 200m
Last 400m
Last 200m
Variable/calm winds
• Wind>15kts/Gusts
• Wind-shear
Wind change aloft
Darkness/Sun Position
Visibility <5000m
Low Clouds
• CB/TCU/Thermals
Incoming WX/Det. trend
OAT < 10°C/OAT > 30°C
APP/RWY Change
TWC/Windshift on nal
G/P > 3°
• PAPI ≠ G/P
TDZ low density
• Wakes
• Weather/Turbulence/Updrafts
WX RADAR/ required
LDG Threats
RWY – LDA < 2700m
STOP MGN < 200m
G/A – WX/TFC/TERR critical
G/A – GRAD. > 2.5%
BALKED LDG special
GPS outage predicted
NOTAM relevant
EXTRA-FUEL < 10 min
DIV. RTE – EET < 15 min
D.ALTN Threats
D.ALTN – LDA < 2700m
D.ALTN – WX/TFC critical
D.ALTN – NOTAM relevant
D.ALTN – NCF/PARK. limited
D.ALTN – OPS/HOTAC limited
Human Factor threats
• Fitness/Fatigue
• Prociency
• Complacency
• Distractions
• Emotions
• Unfamiliarity
Work Atmosphere
Low Role/Type Experience
Training/Check Flight
Best Destination Alternative
Planned Destination
Approach Preparation, incl. Brieng (T – P – C*) completed
before T.O.D. (*Threats – Plan – Considerations)
10,000' 250kts
Min. Clean
Final App Speed
Start Speed
to Min. Clean
Min. Clean
Green Dot
Init. Flaps
Gear Down
Intmed. Flaps
On Final Speed
LDG Flaps Set
LDG CKL done
9NM 6NM 3NMDistance to Touchdown: 12NM
Final Approach
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 87
Recommendation OPS 15: Aircraft oper-
ators should develop SOPs which include
an assessment, possibly prior to the top of
descent, of landing performance based on
the latest and best-available weather infor-
mation. This calculation should not be per-
formed using dispatch weather information.
Flight crews should be informed of the type
of landing distance data available (factored
or unfactored) and of which correlating safe-
ty factors are used. When possible, the crew
should complete descent, approach, landing
planning, set-up and briengs prior to the
Recommendation OPS 23: Aircraft opera-
tors should publish SOPs for their ight crews
when runway conditions are uncertain or
actual or anticipated slippery wet, slippery
or contaminated, to fully use all decelera-
tion means, including speed brakes, wheel
braking and reverse thrust irrespective of
noise-related restrictions, until a safe stop
is assured, unless this causes controllability
Recommendation OPS 24: Aircraft opera-
tors should publish SOPs and guidance and
provide training highlighting the importance
of active monitoring, including monitoring
of the activation of the stopping devices on
landing, and eective intervention during
landing associated with pilot monitoring du-
ties and performance. Appropriate training
should be provided.
Safe approach, landing and go-around
Aircraft operators should require ight crews to always
choose the type of approach which best suits the indi-
vidual crew composition in terms of the tness, abilities
and prociency of the PF and the tness and assertiveness
of the PM. This may lead to choosing a complex manual
own circling or visual approach by a very t and pro-
cient crew which collaborates well or opting for a standard
ILS approach using automation if the ight crews team
performance may be degraded. It is important that air-
craft operators policy for approach selection does not
only cover external factors like weather or facilities, but
also human factors in the cockpit, like fatigue, procien-
cy or work atmosphere. Furthermore, aircraft operators
should consider classifying 2D non-precision approaches
as non-normal manoeuvres and require special consider-
ations for such approaches (e.g., early nal conguration,
autopilot coupling (see also OPS 17).
Aircraft operators should require ight crews to actively
observe and highlight signicant wind changes below
10,000 ft until touchdown in order to anticipate possible
inuences on the descent path and speed reduction capa-
bility (e.g., strong tail winds on base leg or nal or positive
wind on nal which requires an earlier conguration).
Aircraft operators should require ight crews to take
into account the weather and trac situation along the
missed-approach routing in their decision to start or con-
tinue an approach. Such policies or SOP should ensure that
ight crews always retain an option for a safe go-around,
even if this means not starting an approach or discon-
tinuing it early. Low-level turns below minimum radar
vectoring altitude (MRVA), even in visual conditions, often
considered as an alternative option (e.g., to avoid nearby
thunderstorms or trac) should be avoided.
Safe taxi-in
Aircraft operators should require ight crews to include the
taxi-in brieng in the approach brieng, considering especially
the surface condition and maximum speeds when leaving the
runway (e.g., when using slippery wet high-speed turno).
Special considerations should be given to a change of control,
if necessary, during landing rollout (see also OPS 26).
Flight crew training
Aircraft operators should consider critically reviewing their
training philosophy on a recurrent basis to ensure that it
clearly prioritises safety in all its components and incor-
porates the items mentioned above. An aircraft operators’
ight crew training personnel, such as line training pilots,
type rating instructors or examiners, should be required
to always act as role models for line pilots, focussing on a
defensive and conservative approach to ight operations
and thoroughness in SOP adherence. Moreover, their role
and status may inhibit cockpit team members from be-
having assertively. In general, ight crew training should
incorporate intervention training, both in the simulator and
classroom CRM/TEM training, using scenarios which require
ight crews to practice assertive behaviour, both in the cock-
pit within the ight deck team and outside the cockpit (e.g.,
towards ATC or towards their operations control) in order
to always guarantee safe team decision-making by ight
crews in daily practice.
4.2 Landing performance — correct
assessment and implications for
aircraft stopping (OPS 15, 23, 24, 30)
88 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
Why should aircraft operators follow this
Aircraft operators main duty in the aviation system is to
ensure safe transport. Ensuring Guaranteeing safe ights is
not only a goal, but an obligation for everybody working in
this high-risk environment to always put safety in front of
other objectives like on-time performance, trac capacity,
fuel eciency, noise or passenger comfort. This is especially
important with regard to the industrys approach to landing
performance, its calculation and its assessment. There should
be consensus in our industry that a defensive and conserva-
tive (i.e., risk-averse) approach to landing performance should
be promoted and applied even if this leads to an increase in
go-arounds, diversions or ight cancellations.
In practice, even the landing performance on a relatively long
runway (e.g., >2,500 m/>8200 ft) can easily be limited for a
ight crew by the aircraft type, the actual status of the runway
and other factors like wind, touchdown point, aircraft system
degradations or human performance variations. Although
dispatch and some operational landing distance values in-
clude certain safety factors to absorb some deviations, the
dispatch as well as any operational landing distance or actual
runway available may not be adequate when more than one
deviation from the reference conditions come together. The
shorter the runway, the more safety-critical these deviation
eects may become.
The following data show the eect of relatively minor devi-
ations from a baseline calculation of landing distance for a
wet runway. The reference condition is a reasonably attain-
able performance level following normal operational prac-
tices on a nominal wet runway surface. The Quick Reference
Handbook (QRH) data on the bar chart below is based on:
1,500-foot touchdown, VAPP=VREF+5, 5 knot speed bleed-
o to touchdown, sea level, standard day (15°C), no wind,
no slope, recommended all engine reverse thrust, braking
action – good, consistent with FAA wheel braking denition
of a wet non-grooved runway.
The vertical line in Figure 11 and Figure 12 represents the
dispatch requirement that is 1.92 times the dry runway ca-
pability of the aeroplane. Each downward bar demonstrates
the cumulative eect of the operational variation listed. In
overrun incidents, there are usually a number of factors that
contribute to using up the margin available, especially if the
runway has poorer wet runway friction capability.
Figure 11 shows that, in general, the dispatch landing dis
tance is conservative enough to absorb some deviation from
the expected conditions. However, when enough deviations
from the reference conditions occur, the dispatch landing
distance or actual runway available may not be adequate.
For example, wheel braking may be reduced on the wet run-
way because of questionable runway conditions caused by
rubber build-up, polishing, or puddling due to heavy rain or
poor drainage. The following charts show the same infor-
mation as above, but assuming a ‘braking action – medium’
runway, which is consistent with data that has been seen in
some overrun accidents and incidents where the runway’s
maintenance condition is in question.
Figure 12 shows that if there is a possibility of a runway be-
ing wet, one can very quickly use up the entire margin in
the dispatch wet runway calculation. Therefore, dispatchers
and ight crews should perform dispatch landing perfor-
mance calculations using conservative values (e.g., for wind
components and runway conditions, according to the latest
weather report and forecast available) in order to dispatch
a ight legally, even if this results in reducing the allowed
trac load for a ight.
Time of landing/in-ight assessment of landing performance
Taking a conservative approach to ight operations becomes
an even more valuable tool for preventing runway excursions
when determining, while still in ight, the landing perfor-
mance. Flight crews need to be able to know what weather
conditions they can accept for the landing to be performed
Figure 12. Wet landing distance – BA: Medium
Reference QHR
landing distance slippery
Landing distance
Temperature increased by 15C
5 knots above planned V
10 knot tailwind
Touchdown at 2500'
Dispatch wet
eld length =
1.92 x actual
dry eld length
Figure 11. Wet landing distance – BA: Good
Reference QHR
landing distance wet
Landing distance
increased by 15C
5 knots above
planned V
10 knot tailwind
Touchdown at 2500'
Dispatch wet
eld length =
1.92 x actual
dry eld length
Recommendation OPS 30: Aircraft oper-
ators should, when determining their TEM
strategies and SOPs, identify runways with
a remaining safety margin of less than 400
m/1,200 ft after application of all required
safety factors as safety critical.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 89
safely, so that they can decide in time on possible holdings,
diversions or go-arounds.
With the introduction of the ICAO Global Reporting Format
(GRF), an at-time-of-landing assessment of landing perfor-
mance is becoming mandatory or already is mandatory (e.g.,
in the European region; see EC965/2012 CAT.OP.MPA 303
303 — check of landing distance at time of arrival). There
are good reasons to comply with this requirement for every
approach and landing:
The dispatch calculation usually yields results in weight
limitation only and not the runway length required, mak-
ing it hard for ight crews to estimate the additional stop
margin available in relation to runway length available.
Landing an aircraft without knowing its exact perfor-
mance and safety margin reduces situational awareness
of ight crews and may lead to inappropriate ight crew
decision-making. (Providing results in runway length re-
quired for dispatch calculations would have two advantag-
es: It requires the crew to be aware of the runway length
available at the destination airport, and it is possible to
compare it with the in-ight landing performance that
gives results in length also.)
Weather forecasts are not describing precisely the actual
weather at the time of arrival. Especially in demanding
weather situations, ight crews need an assessment of
landing performance (e.g., during the approach prepara-
tion, which is based on latest weather information and not
on that used for dispatch calculations) in order to make
informed decisions such as which landing ap congura-
tion or which type of braking (e.g., autobrake or manual
braking) or which amount of reverse thrust is needed to
land safely.
Some approaches require special go-around considera-
tions in case of engine failure upon initiation or during
the go-around (e.g., due to bird strike), and landing perfor-
mance does not only cover landing distance assessment
but also go-around climb gradient assessment.
If an in-ight landing performance assessment is not
required, landing-performance-relevant information
(e.g., a locked reverser or a failed autobrake) may not be
considered or may be inappropriately considered by a
ight crew during their approach preparation or follow-
ing a late runway change (e.g., due to fatigue, distraction,
Weather situations and/or runway status can change,
sometimes more quickly than expected by ight crews and
air trac controllers, leading to the landing performance
being limited on a runway, even if previous calculations
did not show this. Consequently, ight crews might risk
landing on a runway which does not provide an adequate
stopping margin if they did not assess in advance what
their actual limits for landing on a specic runway are, as
the following example highlights:
The ATIS states ‘runway in use 33 RWY dry, wind 250/10
gusting 25, visibility 9999 Vicinity RaSh, cloud sct 2500 sct
3000 Cb, temperature 32/25, QNH 1009’.
The crew has two options: Either they take into account
the actual weather (i.e., runway dry, no wind component)
or they consider the possibility of a shower passing on
the runway when they will be landing (i.e., runway wet,
or contaminated) and a wind component of 5 to 10 kts
tail wind.
The rst option is the more favourable case (in terms of
short-time economic considerations) but does not pre-
pare the crew for the decision to be taken in the event of
weather deterioration on short nal. The second option
will allow the crew to assess whether the landing can be
conducted safely in the worst case (e.g., what is the maxi-
mum tail wind and the worst runway condition that they
can accept). Thus, if on nal, ATC says the conditions are
‘runway wet and 230/15 gusting 20 clear to land runway
33’, the decision to land or not will be based on a sound
performance calculation in the case of the second option
and on guesswork only in the case of the rst option.
While most ight crews are familiar with the dispatch re-
quirements on landing performance which are based on
unfactored actual landing distances (ALD), multiplied with a
regulatory factor, it is important that ight crews are aware of
when manufacturers are basing their in-ight landing perfor-
mance on unfactored or factored operational landing distanc-
es (OLD), and that they know and understand which safety
factors their operator has implemented, both for normal and
for non-normal conditions. This is especially important for
ight crews when landing on a short (e.g., £ 2500 m/£ 8200
ft), slippery wet or contaminated runway.
Considerations regarding the correct use of stopping devices
On top of the considerations above, there are further threats
which could contribute to a reduction or disappearance of
the safety margin leading to runway excursions. Figure 13
(p. 90) gives an overview of frequent contributing factors to
runway overruns. It shows that especially after touchdown,
some specic factors inuencing the stopping margin (e.g., a
late or inadequate use of stopping devices) may signicantly
aggravate the risk of a runway overrun.
The other reasons behind such ight crew errors are very often
not aircraft system malfunctions but systemic deciencies like
improper ight crew training, improper or missing SOPs or TEM
guidance, or even complacency by ight crews. Organizational
pressure driven by economic reasoning may inuence a ight
crew’s decision-making not only on approach (e.g., to land in-
stead of going around) but also during the landing roll. The use
of reverse thrust above idle or heavy braking in the high-speed
portion of the landing run might have become a less common
practice among ight crews (e.g., due to considerations on
fuel savings and brake wear, noise abatement requirements at
airports or passenger comfort reasons). Consequently, there
is currently a risk in the industry that ight crews may feel
90 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
inhibited or reluctant to make full use of all deceleration means
upon landing. The resulting runway excursion risk can be mit-
igated if ight crews know and understand the assumptions
which underlie the results of their landing performance calcu
lations (e.g., if any reverse thrust or maximum manual breaking
is required to achieve the calculated stopping performance).
Additionally, aircraft operators should encourage and provide
ight crews with the freedom to ignore any noise, economic or
ATC requirements whenever they deem it necessary to main-
tain their safety margin.
In order to ensure that the incorporated safety factors can
provide the expected stopping margin, ight crews need to
understand that they must apply the necessary procedural
steps (e.g., brake application, spoiler and reverser activation)
in the assumed time and to the expected extent in order to
keep deviations from the reference conditions as small as
possible — especially in situations when operating near or
at the calculated landing performance limit. Moreover, with
regard to the safety factors used, it is important for ight
crews to know that in some cases, the results of landing per-
formance calculations are advisory only (e.g., contaminated
landing performance on some aircraft). This means they are
calculated only and not ight-tested, so that it depends on
the manufacturer or company policy which additional mar-
gin, if any, is or has to be applied to provide an additional
safety margin in practice.
Incident and accident reports often reveal that ight crews,
controllers and airport operators tend to overestimate the
actual runway friction capability and underestimate the
inuence and presence of factors which could lead to reduced
stopping performance (e.g., rubber build-up; polishing or
puddling due to heavy rain or poor drainage; prolonged are
due to crosswinds; the need to reduce reverse in crosswinds,
etc.). Although the new ICAO GRF will introduce an improved
set of measures for determining runway status, its applica-
tion still relies on human assessment and continuous critical
review by operations personnel or AIREPs/PIREPs by landing
ight crews. (AIREPs are dened by Eurocontrol as reports
from aircraft in ight that are prepared in conformity with
requirements for position, and operational and/or meteoro-
logical reporting.) As this might not always be a given in prac-
tice, especially in challenging and rapidly changing weather
situations, and not all runways provide good braking action
when not dry, it should be obvious that ight crews should
be required to always assess the weather using a conservative
strategy. This applies in particular to the runway condition
and the wind component as well as to the crews’ making full
use of all deceleration means when landing on a slippery wet,
slippery or contaminated runway, irrespective of any noise
or other restrictions unless they cause controllability issues.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
Whether ight crews can eectively prevent runway excur-
sions in their ight operation or not depends largely on air-
craft operators’ policies, SOPs and training with regard to
landing performance. The following should be considered
when establishing such SOPs and training practices:
Figure 13. Overrun characteristics
No approved
landing distance
Overruns often are
caused by more than
one factor!
Decision height
Unstable approach
(too high, too fast)
Long landing
touchdown speed
Reverser level too low/reduced too soon
Reversers late/
not deployed
Friction limited/
runway contamination
too low
Preparation Stability “Floating Conguration
Source: International Coordinating Council of Aerospace Industries Associations
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 91
Aircraft operators might choose to categorise their landings by analogy with the remaining stop margin available (e.g., orange landings if the dierence
required between LDA and OLD is less than 400 m/1,200 ft, or red landings if the dierence is only 200 m or less) in order to simplify ight crews’ risk aware-
ness when landing on performance critical runways. These values may of course change depending on the aircraft type used.
Aircraft operators policies and SOPs should clearly high-
light that landing at the originally planned destination is
not the default option for a ight, but that go-arounds,
diversions or even ight cancellations are encouraged if
ight crews do not consider it safe to start an approach or
to land at the destination airport. Aircraft operators can
do this by requiring ight crews and dispatchers to always
base their assessment of landing performance on a con-
servative strategy, in particular concerning the assessment
of the runway condition and wind components, even if
this leads to go-arounds, diversions or ight cancellations.
This operational conservatism should incorporate policies
or SOPs which allow a ight crew to further reduce oper-
ational limits (e.g., crosswind, tail wind or weight limits),
whenever they deem it necessary. (See OPS 11 and OPS 29.)
Performance calculation at the time of landing preferably
should be performed during the approach preparation in
cruise ight before reaching the top of descent. It should
take into account the actual aircraft status (e.g., MEL items
like an inoperative thrust reverser, failure of autobrakes or
auto-spoiler), the most realistic landing weight and the
latest weather and runway information available. Flight
crews should be required to always assess the weather
using a conservative strategy, in particular with regard to
the runway condition and the wind component. In order
to cover deteriorating weather trends or sudden runway
changes, ight crews should be required to conduct a
worst-case analysis to dene the performance limits for a
landing (e.g., in terms of maximum crosswinds or lowest
braking action value allowed [canned decisions]), as well
as a calculation for realistically expectable conditions (e.g.,
for planning the expected runway exit).
In order to support ight crews in assessing the landing
performance correctly, aircraft operators should provide
unambiguous landing performance information. At least
the following information concerning the landing perfor-
mance data should be provided to ight crews:
What level of reverse thrust was assumed;
The assumption of the wheel braking;
Whether the data was factored or not;
If the data was factored, then by what amount; and,
What the air distance allowance in the data was.
Aircraft operators’ TEM guidance with regard to runway
excursion prevention should require ight crews to always
brief and agree on at least the following seven items:
The type of braking intended to be used (e.g., autobrake
setting, manual or no braking);
The amount of reverse thrust to be used (e.g., idle, in-
termediate or full);
The additional stop margin available* (after application
of all safety factors) and those limits resulting from the
in-ight assessment of the landing performance (e.g.,
maximum tail wind or crosswind limits which are below
the ight crew operating manual’s[ FCOM’s] values);
The limits set by the crew, if dierent from given oper-
ational limits or if airport/aircraft specic;
The touchdown point limits (see OPS 21);
The planned runway exit and expected taxi-in, includ-
ing the expected surface condition; and,
Factors which may lead to a reduction in the stop mar-
gin (e.g., crosswinds, single reverse only, high Vref wind
increments, thermal eects).
Brieng these items will not only lead to improved team
decision-making prior to and during the approach and
landing but also enable the PM to eectively monitor and
provide timely advice or intervene if he/she observes any
changes in environmental conditions or a lack of activation
of the required stopping devices upon touchdown (e.g., no
automatic ground spoiler activation or no or insucient
reverse thrust). Furthermore, using the method of canned
decisions’ (i.e., what will we do if this or that happens, set-
ting clear decision gates) makes it possible to determine
up to what level of deterioration a landing can still be
safely accomplished and enables the ight crew to agree
on denite limits and clear gates for the continuation of
the approach or landing (e.g., maximum crosswind or tail
wind limits, minimum visibility or runway friction values).
This makes it easier for the PM to eectively monitor and
intervene, irrespective of rank and experience.
Aircraft operators should consider incorporating a policy
or SOP clearly stating that ight crews are allowed, and
are encouraged, to disregard any noise abatement restric-
tions or to refuse any ATC instructions when they deem it
necessary for safety reasons. This should incorporate the
requirement to make full use of all deceleration means
when landing performance is limited, both on actual or
assumed slippery wet, slippery or contaminated runways,
unless this causes controllability issues.
Aircraft operators philosophy and policies with regard to
the role of the PM should clearly specify that the function
of the PM includes monitoring, providing directive assis-
tance and both passive and active intervention. Passive
intervention requires the PM to make callouts, including
callouts on items missed by the PF upon touchdown.
However, in the event that the PF does not react in time,
the PM is required to actively intervene, for example, by
taking over control. With regard to landing performance
and runway excursion prevention, the following items
should be monitored by the PM, specically:
92 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
Stabilised approach criteria to be maintained until
touchdown, with a special focus on airspeed;
Touchdown within and before the dened lateral
touchdown limit;
Immediate or timely brake application, depending on
the selected braking method;
Immediate deployment of ground spoilers;
Immediate and symmetrical application of thrust re-
verse, if required; and,
Centreline adherence and remaining stopping margin.
On top of monitoring the technical tasks of the PF, it
is critical for the prevention of runway excursions that
the PM also monitors, assists and intervenes in the PF’s
safety- relevant decision-making, irrespective of rank or
experience. Preventing runway excursions requires clearly
safety-oriented team decision-making, which means that
it should always be based on a conservative strategy, in
particular when assessing the runway condition, wind
components and the ight crew’s ability to land safely.
Therefore, aircraft operators’ policies and SOPs should, in
normal operation, require the PIC to always choose the
more conservative option as deemed necessary by any
ight crew member (including enlarged crew) and to ac-
cept any interventions by the SIC which provide a greater
safety margin for the approach and landing. This should
include all decisions regarding the approach and landing
but should not aect the PIC’s emergency authority in the
event of (impending) abnormal or emergency situations.
Aircraft operators ight crew training is crucial for the
eective prevention of runway excursions in their ight
operation because it fosters the implementation of their
policies and SOPs and can support their ight crews in
understanding the sensitivity of the topic of landing per-
formance and its associated safety aspects. While ensuring
that ight crews have adequate knowledge and under-
standing of how to prevent runway excursions, their train-
ing should strive to make them condent in dealing with
complex or challenging weather and landing situations. It
should also, however, promote the required conservative
mind-set, enabling ight crews to easily decide on go-
arounds or diversions, if required. This can be trained by
means of line-oriented ight training (LOFT) sessions as
well as specic runway excursion prevention lessons in the
recurrent simulator and CRM/TEM trainings. These should
include the following topics:
Team decision-making based on a conservative assess-
ment of landing performance calculation results;
Go-arounds from various situations (e.g., due to unsta-
ble approaches below the approach minimum, due to
changing weather leading to approaching or exceeding
Intervention scenarios, including taking over control
before and after touchdown; and,
Landing and braking on dierent runway surface
Training ight crews should be reminded of the impor-
tance of showing conservative behaviour in practice in
order to be good role models for runway excursion pre-
vention. Furthermore, aircraft operators’ theoretical and
recurrent training for runway excursion prevention should
focus on at least the following topics:
The use of ground spoilers/speed brakes
Ground spoilers primarily reduce lift and increase drag.
Reducing lift increases the weight on the wheels, and thus
improves braking performance. The eect of the ground
spoilers is even greater on wet or contaminated runways,
where brake performance is already lower, and the risk
of aquaplaning is increased. Ground spoilers are usually
automatically extended, and their automatic extension
should be monitored by ight crews. If they do not extend,
a callout should be made by the PM and where possible,
they should be extended manually without delay, either
by the PF or PM.
The use of reverse thrust
The deceleration eect of thrust reversers is more eective
at high speed, so the selection should be made as soon as
possible, generally at main landing gear touchdown. The
reverse thrust should be maintained until a safe taxi speed
is achieved or the stop is assured, all the while considering
the controllability eects of crosswinds and the possible
reduction in visibility if snow is blown up in front of the
aircraft. It is also important to understand that if the reverser
is stowed early, the reapplication of reverse thrust from
forward idle can take up to 10–15 seconds to reach eec-
tive reverse thrust level (depending on the aircraft type);
however, the reapplication from reverse idle will take only
3–5 seconds to reach an eective reverse thrust level. Similar
to ground spoiler extension, the immediate, correct and
symmetric application of reverse thrust should also be mon-
itored by the PM. The importance of monitoring symmetric
deployment should be emphasised, especially during ight
crew training. If dispatch with a thrust reverser locked out
is permitted and use of a single reverser is permitted, then
an explicit SOP for its use should be provided.
The use of brakes/autobrake
Selecting an autobrake level means selecting a deceler-
ation rate rather than a braking eort. Selecting reverse
thrust with an autobrake level will not increase the decel-
eration eort on a dry runway, assuming ground spoilers/
speed brakes are extended; it will simply reduce the energy
applied to the brakes. Selecting reverse thrust on a dry
runway provides minimal additional deceleration with
maximum manual braking and no additional deceleration
with autobrakes. On slippery runways, the target decelera-
tion associated with the selected autobrake level may not
be achievable with braking alone, in which case reverse
thrust use is essential for stopping the aircraft even with
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 93
Figure 14. Additive thrust reversers
Poor runway
Poor runway
No reverse thrust
With reverse thrust
Reverse thrust
Less More
Braking applied Max manual braking (advisory) POOR RUNWAY
Recommendation OPS 17: Aircraft op-
erators should require the ight crew to
carefully evaluate operational safety before
selecting/accepting an approach and land-
ing runway including the following: weather
conditions (in particular cross- and tailwinds),
runway condition (dry, wet or contaminated/
slippery), inoperable equipment, and aircraft
and ight crew performance in order to re-
duce runway excursion risks.
Special considerations for landings on runways with a braking action
of less than medium
Many runway excursion incidents and accidents happen on
runways providing only medium or even less breaking action
(e.g., GRF RCC 2 or 3). Landing on runways with a braking
action of less than medium should therefore be treated with
reluctance both by aircraft operators and ight crews.
Flight crews are confronted with adverse weather (e.g., heavy
rain showers or severe winter operation), leading to runway
conditions providing less than medium braking action. Air-
craft operators should consider individual risk assessments
for the use of these airports as destination or destination-
alternate airports and provide valuable information in their
airport briengs or operational ight plans for their ight
crews — e.g., with regard to PIREPs or frequently made mis-
takes, special (orographic) factors which inuence speed
control on short nal, general weight limitations based on
the risk assessment.
In such special cases, the need cannot be overemphasised for
an immediate, symmetrical and full use of reverse until reach-
ing a safe taxi speed or full stop is assured. As Figure 14 shows,
when using maximum manual braking, thrust reversers are
additive. While deceleration due to drag does not change for
all runway conditions, the deceleration eects from reverse
thrust increase signicantly; brake eciency decreases due
to slippery runway conditions.
(See R&D3.)
4.3 Runway and approach type
selection (OPS 17)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
The type of operation (normal or non-normal) may inuence
a ight crew’s safety-relevant decision-making. Being opera-
tionally conservative (e.g., by requesting another approach, a
longer runway or a runway oering better wind conditions)
is often easier for ight crews in non-normal operation (e.g.,
in cases when an aircraft has a technical failure or an emer-
gency) than in normal operation, because the need for the
request is obvious and thereby easier to justify to air trac
controllers as well as to the aircraft operator’s management.
Nevertheless, threats like tail winds or crosswinds, fatigue,
reduced or lack of approach/runway lighting, a non- precision
approach, lack of prociency, etc. may lead to the same critical
94 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
reduction in the safety margin for a ight as a major technical
failure would. Therefore, there should be consensus in the
industry that ight crews, who have nal authority over the
safe operation of their aircraft, should have the freedom to
always choose the type of approach and landing runway
which provide the highest level of safety and operational
assurances for their ight, especially with regard to runway
excursion prevention. The risk appetite for a given situation
may dier according to individual ight crews and their air-
craft and its performance, equipment or technical status, as
well as the individual human and team factors on the ight
deck, such as the pilots prociency, airport familiarity, fatigue
levels or type of ight (e.g., training, check or maintenance
test ight). Consequently, some ight crews may be able to
accept a specic approach or landing runway whereas others
may not. There should be no pressure on ight crews (e.g.,
due to trac, capacity, schedule, noise or other reasons) to y
approaches and attempt landings which expose them to run-
way excursion risks which they are not able to control safely.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
Aircraft operators can support their ight crews in preventing
runway excursions by providing them with policies or SOPs that
encourage and embolden them to withstand any economic
or other peer pressure which could lead to unsafe decision-
making. This is especially important when selecting the landing
runway and the associated approach. The following should be
considered when establishing such policies or SOPs:
Aircraft operators should require ight crews to critically
assess during their approach preparation and continu-
ously during their arrival whether the landing runway and
associated approach in use can still assure a landing with
sucient safety margin to prevent a runway excursion (op-
erational safety). This assessment should be accomplished
jointly by the ight crew using a conservative strategy and
be based on at least the following ve items:
The runway length, width and surface condition, includ-
ing deteriorating trends (e.g., during winter operation
or in heavy rain showers);
The weather at the time of arrival, especially with regard
to wind components, precipitation and icing, consid-
ering also deteriorating trends;
The aircraft status, including the landing performance in
relation to the gross weight at the expected touchdown
time, the functionality of deceleration devices and the
equipment available for approach (e.g., area navigation/
required navigation performance [RNAV/RNP]);
The ight crew’s status in relation to tness, prociency,
airport and aircraft/variant familiarity as well as the
individual work atmosphere; and,
The alternative options available at the airport in terms
of approaches and landing runways available.
Aircraft operators should allow and encourage ight crews
to choose the approach and runway which provide the
highest level of safety and operational assurances based
on their own individual local rationality, even if this leads
to delay, increased fuel consumption or the violation of
noise restrictions. Flight crews should be allowed and
encouraged to cater for such circumstances if they are
able to anticipate such threats (e.g., by taking extra fuel or
accepting delay on approach). Policies should make clear
that decisions concerning approach and runway selection
should always be joint ight crew decisions based on the
most conservative option as preferred by either ight crew
member, unless a non-normal or emergency situation may
require the PIC to decide otherwise.
Aircraft operators should require ight crews to generally
prefer 3D approaches over 2D approaches and, where
deemed applicable, to always use the highest level of auto-
mation in order to reduce crew workload and increase the
ight crew’s situational awareness. However, aircraft oper-
ators policies and SOPs should provide guidance for their
crews on the circumstances and accompanying precau-
tionary measures under which deviations from the above
are allowed (e.g., to maintain the prociency of manual
ying skills for ight crews). This may include restrictions
like the necessity to brief and agree on the use of manual
ight in the approach brieng, imposing requirements
to also use partial automation (e.g., auto thrust) and to
require reversion to automatic ight as soon as request-
ed by the PM to safely cope with complex situations and
avoid task overloading (e.g., during nal approach or base
turns with simultaneous conguration changes, checklist
reading and ATC calls).
Aircraft operators should support ight crews by proac-
tively exchanging information with ANSPs and airport
operators on airports in their route network where tail
wind/crosswind operation is prevalent (e.g., in combina-
tion with relatively short runways) or to explain why ight
crews might need to request approach and/or runway
changes (e.g., during local runway safety team meetings
or via their commercial contacts).
4.4 Autoland without protection of ILS
critical/sensitive areas (OPS 20)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
Although use of the autoland capability of an aircraft, if in-
stalled and approved, can aid a crew in landing safely under
protected conditions (e.g., during low visibility operation),
this method may pose signicant threats to a ight when
used without protected ILS critical/sensitive areas. The reason
for this is that rapid and unpredictable signal deections
from localiser or glideslope antennas may be induced by
any aircraft or vehicle which is positioned in or crossing the
critical and sensitive areas, leading to unpredictable autopilot
behaviour, which may be catastrophic at very low altitudes
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 95
Recommendation OPS 20: Aircraft op-
erators should publish SOPs and guidance
their ight crews not to conduct auto-land
approach manoeuvres at airports when low
visibility procedures (LVP) are not in force,
the ILS critical and sensitive areas are
ATC had been informed and reassurance
of ILS sensitive area protection had been
specic precautions have been taken and
risk analysis has been performed.
the aircraft is demonstrated as robust to
non-protection of ILS sensitive area.
and during landing rollout. The best-known example of such
an event was an accident in Munich in 2011 when a Boeing
777 veered o the runway. Although manufacturers generally
allow the practice of autoland approaches without protected
critical and sensitive areas under the assumption that ight
crews could take over manually in case of ight path devia-
tions, this option should be used with the greatest reluctance
and only under very special and risk-assessed conditions.
Depending on the aircraft type and the point of reversion
to manual ight, the aircraft may be inadequately trimmed
for manual ight, the ight crew might not be aware of the
actual aircraft status and its go-around capability, the ight
crew’s cognitive performance may be reduced by fatigue or
surprise/startle, or there may be a risk of approach instability
by large and abrupt control inputs, which may, in turn, lead
to unnecessarily complex situations in close proximity to
the ground.
The autoland function of an aircraft is a safety feature which
allows the ight crew to ensure safe landings either in de-
graded weather situations or in the event of degraded ight
crew abilities to safely y the airplane manually, (e.g., due to
fatigue, lack of prociency or incapacitation of a crew mem-
ber). However, this requires certain conditions to be met,
including proper ground protection, a certain wind envelop
or other aircraft-type-specic restrictions.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
Flight crews need proper training and safe policies/SOPs
enabling them to ensure safe autolands. When establishing
such SOPs and training practices, aircraft operators should
consider at least the following:
Aircraft operators should restrict the use of autoland to
conditions when the ILS critical/sensitive areas are pro-
tected. This should apply to both routine line ights and
training ights.
Aircraft operators should require ight crews to consider
during their pre-ight preparation whether an autoland
may be required or desired for landing (e.g., due to weath-
er or human performance limitations). In such cases, the
ight crew should ensure that the airplane carries su-
cient fuel for possible delay/holding in case protection of
the ILS critical/sensitive areas cannot be guaranteed by
ATC at the estimated arrival time.
Aircraft operators should require ight crews to advise ATC
as early as possible of the need for protected ILS critical/
sensitive areas during approach and landing, as the neces-
sary trac spacing and system setup may take some time.
Before starting the autoland approach, the ight crew
should have received acknowledgement by ATC that the
protection has actually been given during their landing.
The protection of ILS critical/sensitive areas is currently the
most eective measure to mitigate the risk of signal disrup-
tions during autolands. If aircraft operators consider using
the autoland function in their operation without any ground
protection (e.g., during certication processes or in marginal
weather conditions), they need to prove to their regulator
in a safety case or formal risk assessment that any proposed
alternative guarantees at least the same level of safety as the
ground protection. At least the following should be consid-
ered for such a risk assessment:
The aircraft operator should check that the ILS beam
quality and the eect of terrain prole before the runway
have no adverse eect on autopilot/ight director (AP/
FD) guidance. In particular, the eect of terrain disconti-
nuities within 300 m before the runway threshold have
to be evaluated.
The aircraft operator should consider the amount and
scope of training needed to train ight crews in safe
aircraft recovery in the event of autopilot misbehaviour
and osets due to signal disruption, especially at low lev-
el and during touchdown and landing rollout. Therein,
ight crews should be made aware that localizer (LOC)
or glideslope (GS) beam uctuations, independent of air-
craft systems, may occur, and the PF must be prepared
to immediately disconnect the AP and take appropriate
action should unsatisfactory guidance occur. This should
also include establishing proper intervention SOPs (e.g.,
go-around call) and initiation by the pilot detecting signal
disruptions rst (this may be the PM or PF) and the provi-
sion of practical training in the simulator.
The aircraft operator should consider the simulator rep-
resentativeness (i.e., whether such failures or disruptions
can be realistically simulated.
The aircraft operator should specify clear limits and re-
strictions for the use of autoland without protected areas
(e.g., with regard to weather, daylight, aircraft systems or
96 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
information from ATC about the intended landing using
autoland without protected areas). As an example: On an
Airbus aircraft, at least CAT2 capability should be displayed
on the ight mode annunciator, and CATII/III procedures
should be used. Visual references should be obtained at
an altitude appropriate to the performed CAT I approach;
otherwise go-around should be initiated.
The aircraft operator should seek guidance from the air-
craft manufacturer regarding possible tools to make the
aircraft robust to non-protection of ILS sensitive areas by
technical means (e.g., the Airbus Exact Landing Interfer-
ence Simulation Environment (ELISE) software for airports
and ANSPs), which can eectively eliminate interference to
an ILS due to aircraft, vehicles, buildings and other objects
in close proximity to the runway.
4.5 Stabilised approach and landing
(OPS 18, 19, 32)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
It is well accepted throughout the industry that a prerequi-
site for a safe landing is a stabilised approach. All worldwide
applicable regulations like ICAO Procedures for Air Naviga-
tion Services – Aircraft Operations (PANS OPS), Doc 8168, or
IATA Operational Safety Audit (IOSA) standards, as well as
national regulations, clearly demand stable approach policies
and implemented the criteria for a stable approach concept
as sparked by the Flight Safety Foundation Approach and
Landing Accident Reduction (ALAR) Tool Kit more than 20
years ago.
Nevertheless, there are still ight crews in today’s worldwide
ight operation taking the risk of continuing to land from an
unstabilised approach. Flight crews need to be made aware of
the risks associated with unstabilised approaches, especially
in regard to runway excursion prevention. Continuing to land
from an unstabilised approach, even though the landing
might be perceived as uneventful, is a safety-critical event.
According to a safety study by IATA on accidents in the pe-
riod from 2012 to 2016, an average of six accidents per year
were preceded by an unstable approach. The analysis also
revealed that unstable approaches were cited as one of the
contributing factors in 50 percent of hard landings, 27 per-
cent of runway/taxiway excursions, 9 percent of tail strikes,
6 percent of undershoots, and 3 percent of loss of control, of
in-ight damage or of controlled ight into terrain. As run-
way excursions are still one of the key risk areas in aviation,
and as shown by the preliminary gures regarding the latest
accidents in 2019 and 2020, there is still a strong need across
the industry to support ight crews in complying with stable
approach policies in daily practice.
Although the criteria which dene a stable approach may
dier among aircraft operators, depending on their type of
operation, their route network or type of aircraft used, the
common key element is the requirement for a go-around if
an approach or landing becomes destabilised at or below
the stable approach gate. The problem, faced in particular by
commercial aviation today, is that there might still be barriers
in the aviation system which lead to a reluctance among some
ight crews to call for or to execute go-arounds (see recom-
mendation OPS 16). At the same time, capacity and approach
Recommendation OPS 18: Aircraft opera-
tors should clearly dene stabilised approach,
landing and go-around policies in their op-
erations manual. These policies have to be
aligned with regulations requirements and
manufacturers guidance. Supplementing
SOPs should include the requirement for
completion of the landing checklist and y-
ing with the nal approach speed latest at
the dened approach/landing gate. These
SOPs should include appropriate means
for the pilot monitoring (PM) to eectively
monitor and, if needed, intervene. To properly
implement the dened policies and SOPs,
aircraft operators have to deliver appropriate
Recommendation OPS 19: Aircraft opera-
tors should publish SOPs and guidance and
provide training highlighting the importance
of active monitoring and eective interven-
tion by the pilot monitoring (PM) during de-
scent, approach, approach path management
and landing. Actions to be taken by the PM
and required reactions by the PF should be
clearly documented in the ocial publication
(e.g. SOPs or Operations Manual, FCOM, etc.).
These publications should include guidance
how to achieve eective PM performance,
independent of rank and experience.
Recommendation OPS 32: Aircraft opera-
tors should:
1) Dene an unstable approach followed by
landing as a mandatory reporting event
by the ight crew and
2) Minimise the need to report a go-around
due to an unstable approach unless there
is another signicant event in relation to
the go-around, e.g. ap overspeed.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 97
Table 2
Nudges between the PM and PF Nudges between the ight crew and ATC
Asking/advising the PF on the use of speed brakes;
Asking/advising the PF on the estimated shortest distance to go
(even at regular intervals);
Stating out loud actual wind or gross weight and its inuence on
the descent path; and,
Calling out anticipation of an unstable approach.
Pilot: asking ATC for the planned track miles to go;
Pilot: advising ATC on the required track miles to go;
ATCO: stating the planned track miles to ight crews on initial
contact or asking for the required track miles; and,
ATCO: asking/challenging ight crews if their approach path or
approach speed appear higher than usual.
management is sometimes eciency-oriented instead of
safety-oriented. Therefore, the strategy for the industry to
cope with the problem of ‘unstable approaches – landed’
should be twofold:
It should be made as easy as possible for ight crews to
achieve stable approaches; and,
It should be made as easy as possible for ight crews to ex-
ecute a go-around if their approach becomes destabilised.
Achieving stable approaches as well as go-arounds from un-
stable approaches requires a joint eort and collaboration
throughout our industry. While regulators, aircraft manufac-
turers, ANSPs, aircraft operators and training organisations
can inuence ight crews stable approach performance by
providing useful policies, approach procedures, SOPs and
training, frontline personnel like ight crews and ATCOs can
achieve stable approaches by applying a defensive/conserv-
ative strategy in their energy and trac management and by
strictly adhering to SOPs and limitations, as well as through
early mutual intervention, if required.
(Early) intervention in particular is a key to achieving stable
approaches and to preventing ‘unstable approaches – landed’,
thus reducing the risk of runway excursions signicantly. An
unstable approach often largely originates prior to starting
the approach (e.g,. due to hot and high approach vectoring
by ATC, energy mismanagement by the PF or the ight crews
lack of or inappropriate threat analysis with regard to relevant
threats like signicant tail wind components or restrictions
associated with weather, terrain or trac during descent.
Many runway excursion events involve the aircraft ying
higher or lower than the desired vertical ight path and/
or faster or slower than the desired airspeed. Therefore, the
role of the PM (and other qualied ight crew members on
the ight deck, if available, like supernumerary or enlarged
crew) is not only of paramount importance throughout the
approach phase but also during the descent.
Contrary to hard intervention measures on nal approach,
like calling for a go-around or taking over control from the
PF (which may require tremendous psychological eort for
the PM, depending on the cross-cockpit authority gradient,
the cockpits work atmosphere or the airline’s culture and
its training quality), the PM has various opportunities in the
descent, arrival and initial approach to use soft intervention
measures, like deviation callouts, rejecting shortcuts by ATC
or using nudges vis-à-vis the PF. Nudges are interventions
that preserve the freedom of choice but that nonetheless
inuence peoples decisions. Human decisions are often
heavily inuenced by cognitive and behavioural biases. We
tend to favour default options, to make contextual instead
of objective decisions and we are deeply aected by social
norms. Therefore, nudging is an elegant and useful tool which
can be used either within the ight deck team or in the team
formed by the ight crew and the relevant ATCO.
Achieving a stable approach is a collaborative eort by the PF,
PM(s) and ATCO(s) which requires that mutual intervention
between ight crews and ATCOs, as well as mutual inter-
vention within the ight deck team, is accepted by all team
members. The old notion of ‘my leg, your leg (single-pilot at-
titude on the ight deck whereby the PM is viewed merely as
an assistant to the PF) or the idea that ATC is not responsible
for an aircrafts energy management are counterproductive to
achieving safe descents, approaches and landings, and thus
to preventing runway excursions. In order to provide appro-
priate intervention throughout the descent and approach,
the following nudges could help to ensure that neither the
PM, nor the PF or ATCO, feel uncomfortable or lacking in
condence when it comes to the safe operation of the aircraft
(Table 2).
With regard to achieving stable approaches, it is worth noting
that there might still be signicant dierences between ight
crews and ATCO’s perspectives on safe aircraft operation.
As ATCOs handle many dierent types of aircraft which are
operated by many dierent aircraft operators, it is sometimes
hard for them to understand why some ight crews require
more mileage or declare ‘unable, while others seem to be able
to follow their instructions, especially if dealing with aircraft
types belonging to the same approach category (e.g, A320
and B737). If ATCOs could see that ight crews sometimes
undertake unsafe practices, such as ying near or at the edge
of their operational speed and ap envelope, diving for the
required descent path with high nose down pitch, extending
the gear early just to be able to reduce their speed below aps
extension speed or risk ying high speed in low level, only
to heed ATC instructions, ATCOs would maybe refrain from
providing challenging clearances. Moreover, the inuences of
varying descent and speed reduction capabilities of dierent
aircraft types and the inuences of dierent gross weights or
tailwind components also need to be considered. Therefore,
98 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
there should be consensus in the industry that ight crews,
who are ultimately responsible for the safe operation of their
ights, have the right to intervene in ATC instructions, and
that ATCOs have the right to intervene in ight crews air-
craft handling if they believe there to be any threat to a safe
approach and landing (e.g., when ight crews intercept an
approach path exceptionally high or fast).
In order to achieve acceptance of intervention among team
members and to avoid this having a negative impact on the
work atmosphere on the ight deck or damaging the repu-
tation of aircraft operators among ANSPs, it is important that
intervention methods and their associated expected and
permitted reactions are documented and standardised. For
nudges or soft interventions like deviation callouts, common
wordings such as ‘Checked’, ‘Roger’ or Thank you’ might be
sucient. However, for hard interventions like expressing
concerns, calling for a go-around or taking away aircraft con-
trol, clear procedural guidance and training for ight crews is
required. There are tools already in use by some aircraft oper-
ators like intervention cascades (e.g., ‘I feel uncomfortable, I
feel concerned, I feel unsafe, or the ‘CUS’ method which uses
callouts like ‘Concerned – Uncomfortable – Safety. These have
in common the fact that they are usable during all phases
of ight. With regard to the descent, approach and landing
phase, they can most certainly help assure stable approaches,
too, but there are circumstances when only a go-around call
or taking away control from the PF is the best option for the
PM to prevent an accident.
The Foundation safety study on go-around decision-making
reports that more than 50 percent of runway excursions follow
a stable approach which becomes unstable after threshold
crossing. This may happen due to wind shear, thermals, the
PF’s lack of prociency, overcontrolling, fatigue, etc. In such
cases, it is important that ight crews initiate a go-around,
even during are and touchdown (until the selection of reverse
thrust) instead of forcing a landing. Eective intervention by
the PM in such situations by calling for a go-around or even
by taking away controls from the PF in order to initiate the
go-around may be necessary. According to a joint paper on
stable approaches by IATA and the International Federation of
Air Line Pilots Associations (IFALPA), the idea that either pilot
can call for a go-around is an essential part of CRM, which is
the core concept of TEM, and in fact should be an important
element in an aircraft operator’s TEM training (IATA, 2016). The
circumstances for such intervention by the PM should be clear-
ly stated in the SOP, and appropriate guidance and training
should be provided which also highlights possible dierential
risk perception of the PF/PM, depending on whether the role of
the PF is fullled by the PIC or the SIC. Training for taking over
control from the PF safely (e.g., in case of macho behaviour (not
accepting a go-around call) or (subtle) incapacitation, possibly
by fatigue, startle or tunnel vision of the PF, should be included
already in the initial pilot and type rating training and should
also be a standing topic of recurrent simulator training for all
ight crews, irrespective of rank and experience.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
Aircraft operators should provide ight crews with policies,
procedures and training which make it as easy as possible for
them to conduct stable approaches and as easy as possible
to decide for a go-around in the event that the approach
or landing becomes unstabilised. The following should be
considered when establishing the associated policies, SOPs
and training practices:
Aircraft operators should dene a combined stable approach
and landing policy, making clear that certain stable criteria
must be met until touchdown. The guidelines and limitations
should make operational sense for both ight crews and
management, resulting in greater acceptance of the policy.
The nal report of the FSF Go-Around Decision-Making and
Execution Project (FSF, 2017) or the third edition of IATAs
unstable approach paper (IATA, 2017)
may include useful
hints and ideas. If aircraft operators are considering chang-
ing their stable approach SOP, it may be advisable to run an
awareness campaign to explain the philosophy behind the
new SOP. Examples of incidents or accidents that could have
been prevented with the SOP would certainly strengthen its
case. In general, at least the following items for dening a
stable approach SOP should be considered:
Denition of approach gates
In order to always achieve a stable approach, the following
gates could provide helpful guidance for ight crews. The
following values for medium to large aircraft (e.g., A320/
B737) may serve as an example (adaptions for dierent
operations or aircraft type may be needed):
Last 18–15 nm from touchdown (depending on aircraft
gross weight, wind, aircraft’s speed reduction capabil-
ities): reduction from 250 kts to 210 kts or minimum
clean speed should be initiated;
Last 12 nm from touchdown: the aircraft should be
ying at a maximum speed of 210 kts. A “12 miles to
touchdown callout by the PM could be a helpful tool
to raise awareness for the PF, especially on approaches
without a direct indication of mileage to the runway.
Flight crews should be required to plan a level seg-
ment for further speed reduction and start of initial
Last 9 nm from touchdown/3,000 ft AAL: the aircraft
should be ying at a maximum speed of 180 kts and
on an initial ap setting;
Last 6 nm from touchdown/2,000 ft AAL: the gear
should be lowered, and an intermediate ap setting
selected, airspeed should be around 150 kts; and,
Last 3 nm from touchdown/1,000 ft AAL: nal aps
should have been selected, landing checklist complet-
ed and the aircraft should have reached nal approach
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 99
Further check heights to help ight crew in their deci-
sion management are the outer marker/ xed distance
check, the stabilisation height, and 100 above/approach-
ing minimum or minimum. Compliance with all required
ight parameters within tolerance at one gate means the
ight can continue until the next gate, where again an
assessment will be made. It should be emphasised that
the ight crew should not become complacent when a
gate’ is passed successfully. In fact, they should be con-
tinuously prepared for a go-around until the point of no
return’: the selection of reverse thrust. Aircraft operators
of aircraft without reverse thrust should dene their own
specic policy.
Criteria of a stabilised approach
These must be clearly dened and easily assessable by
the ight crew and should be reached by the latest at the
stabilisation height. Examples could be:
1. Aircraft is on the correct prole (lateral and vertical
ight path):
CAT I ILS: aircraft within +/− 1 dot vertical path and
RNAV: within ½ -scale deection of vertical and lat-
eral scales and within RNP requirements.
Localiser/VHS omnidirectional radio (LOC/VOR):
within 1 dot lateral deviation.
Visual: within the ‘slightly high and slightly low’ in-
dications visual approach path indicators and lined
up with the runway centreline not later than 300 ft.
2. Aircraft is properly congured to land:
The aircraft is in the landing conguration (gear and
aps set, speed brakes retracted).
No more changes to a dierent ap setting due to
unexpected wind change in approach.
3. Aircraft is at the correct speed:
Airspeed is stabilised within Vref + 10 kts to Vref
(without wind adjustments).
Thrust is stabilised to maintain the target approach
Note that the use of an auto thrust system (ATS)
for approach and landing can modify the previous
recommendations. Aircraft operators should also
specify whether it is possible to use the ATS without
autopilot for approach and landing. If it is possible,
they should promote the use of ATS in manual y-
ing as it may reduce the pilot workload in monitor-
ing speed and adjusting thrust, therefore freeing
mental capacity for situational awareness. This may
also prevent aircraft carrying excess speed over the
Sink rate is no greater than 1,000 fpm.
4. Checklists completed:
The landing checklist is completed. This will allow
the PF to fully focus on ying duties and the PM to
fully focus on monitoring duties.
The stabilised approach gates should be observed,
and the stabilisation height must be complied with.
Normal bracketing corrections in maintaining sta-
bilised conditions occasionally involve momentary
overshoots made necessary by atmospheric condi-
tions; such overshoots are acceptable. Frequent or
sustained overshoots are not.
Unique approach procedures or abnormal condi-
tions requiring a deviation from the above elements
require a special brieng.
Denition of stabilisation height
Stabilisation heights are limits and ‘must’ gates where
all of the stable criteria must be fullled at the latest.
Flight crews should not view the stabilised height as a
target as this may result in some overrun of the height.
Common stabilisation heights used throughout the
industry are 500 ft above the aireld elevation in visual
meteorological conditions (VMC) and 1,000 ft in instru-
ment meteorological conditions (IMC). Note that some
operators use only the 1,000 ft requirement whatever
the weather conditions. This not only simplies the
operating procedures but also simplies the process
for verifying compliance (e.g., by FDM) and is recom-
mended to provide a better safety margin.
Actions at stabilisation height
When passing the stabilisation height, the PM performs
the compliance check and calls out the result (for in-
stance, ‘stable’/’not-stable’/’go-around’); the PF only
has the choice between two possibilities: continue
the approach or discontinue it, using the appropriate
call out (i.e., continue’ or go-around’. In the event that
the approach is not stabilised, the PF must initiate a
go-around manoeuvre. If the PF does not perform it,
the PM has to take over control and perform the go-
around. In such cases, SOPs should be provided for the
PM to call all go-around–related memory items once
actioned and include the required response/action if
not performed by the other pilot.
Actions in the event of destabilisation below stabi-
lisation height
While the criteria and SOP mentioned before protect
against high-energy or rushed approaches, this SOP
concerns destabilisation after passing the stabilisation
height. Usually this is a transient condition often caused
by changing wind velocity or direction, thermals, lack
of PF’s prociency, overcontrolling or fatigue. Provided
100 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
the PF can regain the stabilised approach criteria, the
approach may continue. During the later stages of the
approach, the PF’s focus usually shifts from inside the
ight deck to outside. Depending on the level of auto-
mation used and the philosophy of the airline, either
the PF or PM will start looking for the visual references
needed to continue the approach beyond the decision
height (DH). Monitoring for possible excessive devia-
tions from path, speed, vertical speed, pitch or bank is
crucial in this phase of transition from approach to land-
ing as well as during are and touchdown. Timely and
eective callouts by the PM are necessary to guide and
support the PF, who can easily become task saturated
at this time and may not have the required capacity to
exercise complex judgement. Especially in this phase,
the PM should be ready to intervene hard by calling for
a go-around or taking away control from the PF in order
to go around in case deviations are excessive or the
PF does not correct the deviations appropriately. This
philosophy has consequences for the decision-making
process and CRM; training is needed to enable the PM
to consistently judge the situation and take the proper
decision on short nal.
Aircraft operators should consider installing stable ap-
proach and energy management monitoring and alerting
systems when available for the type of aircraft.
Aircraft operators should implement an open policy on
go-arounds, making a go-around a normal procedure and
not an abnormal issue (see OPS 16).
Aircraft operators safety policies and commitments should
contain a general requirement for frontline personnel
to always use a defensive/conservative strategy in their
safety-relevant decision-making. The role descriptions for
the PIC and SIC should specically contain the requirement
for these roles to always use a defensive/conservative strat-
egy in their ying and safety-relevant decision-making.
This will foster a general safety-oriented ight operation
which, in turn, will support their ight crews in achieving
stable approaches while at the same time reducing the
need for interventions and go-arounds.
Aircraft operators should implement standardised inter-
vention methods to be used by the ight crew both for
mutual intervention within the cockpit team and towards
ATC. These methods should be incorporated as SOPs in
the aircraft operators published operations manuals and
should clearly describe when and how the PM should
intervene, depending on the situation, including taking
away control from the PF, and the permitted reactions by
the PF. On the one hand, this will help to reduce barriers
preventing the PM from using interventions appropriately
without fear of jeopardising the cockpit work atmosphere
(‘nit-picking or status considerations). It will also ensure
timely and eective intervention which otherwise could
CUS – method based on the approach of TeamSTEPPS” (Team Strategies and Tools to Enhance Performance and Patient Safety), a healthcare solution for
improving patient safety
be inhibited by the PM possibly worrying about perform-
ing an intervention too early (e.g., if the PM wants to give
the PF time to correct, which may be inadequate in some
situations. On the other hand, this will ensure that the
reactions by the PF are appropriate (e.g., by correcting
eectively, going around or handing over the controls
without reluctance). An example of intervention cascades
on top of the usual deviation callouts are the use of ‘CUS’
wordings by the PM like ‘I’m concerned’, ‘I’m uncomforta-
ble’, This is a safety issue’ or ‘Stop the line’.
Other wordings
might be useful, depending on the culture and maturity
of the pilot workforce. The role description in the opera-
tions manual for the SIC and PM roles should include the
authority for eective intervention, including taking away
controls from the PF, if required, irrespective of rank and
experience. Any intervention policy should incorporate
additional crew members on the ight deck like qualied
supernumerary, enlarged crew or training sta. The scope
of intervention towards ATC should include the wording
unable’ as promoted by CANSO, the International Feder-
ation of Air Trac Controllers’ Associations (IFATCA) and
The topic of mutual intervention to guarantee
stable approaches should be discussed jointly by aircraft
operators and ANSPs (e.g., during local runway safety team
meetings, or by inviting ATC personnel to attend the oper-
ator’s CRM/TEM/accident prevention trainings.
Aircraft operators automation and checklist philosophy
should require ight crews to plan conguration changes
and checklist reading in such a way that the PM’s tasks
will not be impaired by task overloading, also taking into
account requirements for ATC communication.
Aircraft operators should dene an ‘unstable approach –
landed’ as an incident which must be reported by ight
crews and which should be dealt with under just culture
principles. The mandate to report go-arounds from unsta-
ble approaches should be restricted to those events where
another reportable incident component was present (e.g.,
a aps overspeed) in order to foster the attitude that the
go-around itself is a normal procedure and is encouraged
by the aircraft operator in all cases.
Aircraft operators should use their safety promotion tools
to continuously promote the stabilised approach principle
and the need for defensive/conservative ying, as well as
the need for early intervention and go-arounds, to their
ight crews and management personnel in order to im-
prove the buy-in of both groups to these concepts and
to foster a mature safety culture. Compliance with the
relevant policies and SOPs should be veried using means
such as an FDM system which is guarded by a gatekeeper
and air safety reports in line with just culture practices.
An open reporting culture in the scope of the SMS will
help to identify precursors to unsafe practices or design
aws in SOPs or approach procedures. Flight crews and
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 101
Recommendation OPS 16: Aircraft opera-
tors should develop a clear go-around policy
which should be further supplemented by
a set of SOPs and guidance materials to put
this policy into action. This go-around policy
should enable every ight crew member on
the ight deck to call for a go-around at any
time unless an emergency situation dictates
otherwise. In all cases, the SOPs should re-
quire both pilots to have and retain the re-
quired visual reference below DA/MDA with a
go-around call mandatory if either pilot loses
it. A go-around should also be mandatory if
the approach becomes unstabilised below
the specied approach/landing gate.
Recurrent simulator training should be provid-
ed on the competencies of safe go-around in
various stages during the approach and land-
ing, including shortly prior or during touch-
down (before activation of thrust reversers).
management should receive feedback on analytics and
investigation results at regular intervals (e.g., bi-monthly).
Aircraft operators training on stabilised approaches should
be provided in the simulator and in the classroom. Crews
should not be allowed to y unstabilised approaches dur-
ing their simulator training. Instead training ight crews
should encourage and reward defensive/conservative
ying and decision-making. During simulator training,
instructors should put the same emphasis on following the
go-around procedures as in the real world. Their simulator
training should contain intervention trainings covering
various situations requiring soft and hard interventions by
the PM, which should include various situations requiring
go-around calls and taking away control from the PF. Such
training should be given to every pilot irrespective of rank
and experience. De-identied incidents from their airline
or airline group should be used as examples during recur-
rent training to highlight the need for compliance with
the stable approach policy and eective intervention, if
required. This helps to show that incidents/accidents do
not only happen to others. Using other real case studies
may help to further increase understanding of the po-
tential risk of a runway excursion after an unstabilised
approach. The SKYbrary accident and incident database,
among others, may serve as a library for such case studies.
(See OPS 31 to include go-around/discontinued approach
observation via FDM.)
4.6 Go-around policy, decision-making
and pilot monitoring duties (OPS 16)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
A go-around is a normal ight procedure. It is one of the most
eective tools in aviation to prevent approach and landing
accidents. A Flight Safety Foundation study of 16 years of run-
way excursions determined that 83 percent could have been
avoided with a decision to go around. As approach and landing
accidents account annually for approximately 65 percent of all
accidents, as much as 54 percent of all accidents could poten-
tially be prevented by going around (FSF, 2017).
For each aircraft, there are distinct procedures in place
for performing a go-around safely, and at least each pub
lished instrument approach provides a predetermined
and safety-risk-assessed go-around path and routing for
approaching aircraft. Like other normal ight manoeu-
vres such as takeo, approach or landing, go-arounds are
mandatory manoeuvres in any pilot’s initial and recurrent
training/ checking. Nevertheless, this safety tool may still,
even in today’s aviation, be stigmatised as being dangerous
or undesired, when in fact the opposite is true.
It is even in the economic interest of airlines that their ight
crews execute go-arounds, if required. Promoting of go-
arounds will not only invest in the airlines safety culture
but may prevent incidents and accidents in the long run
(e.g., if a go-around prevents a hard landing which results
in damage that could contribute to a landing gear event
some years later, for example). Even in the short term, it is
economically more desirable for an airline to use some fuel
for a go-around instead of having to deal with the costs
and negative outcomes of mishaps during landing (e.g., a
hard landing, a runway excursion or an abnormal runway
contact), which may not only have a signicant impact on
an operator’s schedule but also may create huge follow-on
costs, negative brand reputation or regulatory restrictions.
Go-around compliance rates are therefore not only a key
safety performance indicator for an aircraft operators safety
management but also a key performance indicator for air-
craft operator’s general management.
Go-arounds are even of benet to the ATM system because
they may reveal system and procedure design deciencies
such as hot and high approach vectoring, excessively tight
spacing or inappropriate approach design. Possible separa-
tion issues arising due to go-arounds (e.g., during simultane-
ous landing and departure operation or during unsegregated
parallel runway operation) will reveal where the ATM system
is working at or above its safe capacity limits. They can even
be anticipated and their risks mitigated in advance.
While the go-around manoeuvre is not hazardous in itself, it
becomes hazardous when executed improperly (IATA, 2016).
As this applies to other ight manoeuvres like takeo, ap-
proach or landing as well, it is obvious that go-arounds need
the same attention and focus in terms of pilot training. There-
fore, go-around training should not only include training in
the technical competencies required by a pilot to perform
102 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
the go-around manoeuvre correctly but should also incor-
porate training in non-technical competencies associated
with the go-around manoeuvre like situational awareness,
communication and decision-making.
Flight crews have to be made aware of adverse eects on
decision-making and cross-monitoring of several cognitive
biases like anchoring bias, attentional tunnelling (tunnel vi-
sion), conrmation bias and plan continuation bias. Moreover,
disorientation or startle eects may cause human performance
to deteriorate further during go-arounds if unexpected air-
craft or system behaviour occurs. Expectancy and conrmation
biases strongly inuence individuals mental models of their
current situation. The rst step in countering cognitive biases
is to identify them. For example, ight crews might be trained
in de-biasing techniques, such as imaging how a planned
course of action might fail, before committing to that plan.
Critical thinking and a willingness to search for information
that is contrary to ones mental model and other methods
for de-biasing like mutual cross-monitoring and early chal-
lenging/intervention (noticing/alerting/taking over control),
pattern matching as well as mental priming for go-around can
be lifesaving. The decision-making process associated with
go-arounds starts during pre-ight preparation and should
be reviewed by the ight crew continuously during the ight
as shown in Figure 15.
In a recent safety study, more than 65 percent of the ight
crews reported that they had experienced a situation in their
career in which neither pilot on the ight deck called for a go-
around even though it was required, which might explain why
a go-around, although being a normal procedure, is still not
a frequent occurrence. Even today, there may still be barriers
within the aviation system which prevent ight crews from
initiating go-arounds, despite being required to perform one
(e.g., individual pilots risk perception that landing is the safer
option, schedule or fuel consumption considerations, author
ity gradient on the ight deck, non-acceptance of stabilised
approach policies, lack of training/go-around prociency or
get-there-itis”). Get-there-itis or plan continuation bias is a
proclivity to continue a planned or habitual course of action
past the point when changing conditions require altering the
plan. This is the strong unconscious tendency to forge ahead
with the original plan in spite of changing conditions. This
bias grows stronger near the end of the mission as the crew
anticipates landing the aircraft and completing the ight. Plan
continuation bias may have the eect of obscuring subtle
cues which indicate that original conditions and assumptions
have changed. In addition, numerous incidents and human
factors studies have revealed that once an individual has se-
lected a particular course of action, it takes very compelling
cues to alert them to the advisability of changing their plan.
Figure 15. The decision-making process associated with go-arounds
with SOPs
potential of
Brief STAR,
task sharing,
call outs for
Prepare for
From this
point until
decide to
continue or
Decide to
continue or
Decide to
continue or
Pre-flight Pre-depart Cruise Top of
Descent Pre-
Approach Stabilised
DH/DA Below
Decisions can be planned and
rehearsed and relative merits tested for
benefit in a variety of situations
Decision making is dynamic,
and relies on situational
information, policies, and
Decision making is
dynamic and relies
on procedures and
previously briefed
Cognitive activity Motor programme activity
Time available for decision making
Mental capacity available
Ability to handle change
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 103
This is why the role of the PM and other qualied crew mem-
bers on the ight deck (supernumerary or enlarged crew) is
so important, especially for the prevention of approach and
landing accidents such as runway excursions. In contrast to
the PF, who may easily become task saturated, especially in
manual ight, the PM (and the other crew members on the
ight deck, if applicable) may have more mental capacity and
thus better situational awareness to detect trends and ight
path deviations. If the PM or the other qualied ight crew
members are feeling uncomfortable or not condent with
the safe outcome of the approach and landing, they should
intervene (e.g., by speaking up and nally calling for a go-
around, if required). With regard to the prevention of runway
excursions in particular, it is important to promote that any
ight crew member may call for a go-around at any time and at
any stage during the approach and landing (until the selection of
reverse thrust), unless abnormal or emergency situations dictate
otherwise. There should be consensus in the industry that at
least the following apply to go-arounds in normal operation:
A go-around must be performed as soon as any ight
crew member calls for it, irrespective of the callers rank
or experience;
Go-around execution should neither be delayed nor
discussed; the go-around should be applied without
A go-around can be initiated at any time during approach
and landing until the selection of reverse thrust;
Once initiated, a go-around must be completed; and,
A pilot should never have to justify a go-around decision.
The philosophy that either pilot can call for a go-around is
vital and should be an important item in aircraft operators’
role descriptions and ight crews initial and recurrent train-
ings. Status hierarchy and status generalisation eects (e.g.,
attributing a general low status to copilots or thinking that a
pilot without a PIC rating is a less competent pilot than a pilot
with a PIC rating) might still be present in todays aviation and
act as a barrier to eective and safe team decision-making.
Aircraft operators culture, policies, SOPs and training should
ensure that it is not more dicult for a less experienced co-
pilot to call for a go-around than for an experienced com-
mander, and that both pilots are equally open to accepting
intervention from each other when working together. Indeed,
especially the cockpit role of the PM is more that of a super-
visor for the PF than of an assistant, irrespective of rank or
experience of the pilot fullling this role.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
Aircraft operators should have a go-around policy which is
separate from other policies such as their stable approach
policy. The rst reason for this is that go-arounds might be
necessary for various reasons besides an unstable approach.
The second reason is that the go-around decision is one of
the most important decisions for the prevention of runway
excursions and requires clear and unambiguous SOPs, guid-
ance and training. The policy underlying these SOPs, guidance
and training should therefore be comprehensive. The follow-
ing should be considered when establishing the policy, SOPs
and training practices:
Aircraft operators go-around policy should dene the go-
around as a normal procedure which should, as soon as
the need is identied by any of the ight crew members,
neither be delayed nor discussed, and which should be
applied without hesitation. Once the go-around decision
has been initiated, it must be completed.
Aircraft operators SOPs should not contain any restrictions
for the PM and/or the SIC(s) to call for a go-around at any
time during approach and landing, until the selection of
reverse thrust. This should not aect the emergency au-
thority of the PIC. The role descriptions for the PM and
for the copilot roles (e.g., second/rst/senior rst ocer)
should contain a formulation providing unrestricted au-
thority for mandating go-arounds. Overruling a SIC’s go-
around call by the PIC should only be allowed in the event
of previously briefed abnormal situations or (impending)
emergencies. The denitions and regulations for super-
numerary and enlarged ight crew members should also
specify the means by which they can intervene eectively,
if required, depending on their qualication and possibil-
ities on the type-specic ight deck.
Aircraft operators go-around policy should explicitly ex-
press the senior management’s commitment that ight
crews are always free in their decision to go around and
divert without having to justify the decision, even if this
leads to operational impacts such as delay, missing night
curfews, additional fuel consumption, diversion, etc. In-
stead, go-arounds should be promoted and rewarded by
management in order to encourage the ethos of go-around
as a safety manoeuvre. The operator’s fuel policy should
ensure that ight crews have the freedom to uplift sucient
extra fuel if they foresee that a go-around may be needed at
the destination or destination alternate. Nevertheless, the
go-around compliance rate should be monitored by safety
management. Aircraft operators should consider, based on
the maturity of their safety culture, whether ight crews
should generally report go-arounds or reasons for them,
according to whether this would have an inhibiting eect
on ight crews go-around decision-making.
Aircraft operators go-around policy should require their
ight crews to always be go-around-prepared and go-
around-minded. In order to always be suciently prepared
for a go-around and to cope with complex missed approach
procedures or demanding environmental conditions (e.g.,
weather, terrain and trac), which can easily result in high
workload, mental overload and task saturation, especially if
the ight crew’s mental capacity has already been reduced
(e.g., by fatigue, distraction or lack of prociency), the fol-
lowing should be considered when determining the policy
and SOPs associated with go-arounds:
104 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
The go-around policy should contain a list of possible
scenarios which may mandate ight crews to discon-
tinue or go around from an approach or a landing (until
the selection of reverse thrust) and include, at least,
the following:
Go around, if the visibility or ceiling is below the
minimum required for the type of approach at the
specied gates (e.g., outer marker, 1,000’ AAL or
Go around, if the appropriate visual references are
not obtained or are lost at or below MDA (or min-
imum descent height)/DA (or decision height) by
either pilot. This includes the are and touchdown;
Go around, if prior to touchdown the wind is above
the operational or pre-determined wind limit or the
runway status is below the limit determined by the
ight crew’s landing performance assessment;
Go around, if the criteria for a stable approach are
not met at the relevant approach gate(s) or can no
longer be maintained until touchdown;
Go around, if technical defects or failures occur dur-
ing approach which might inhibit a safe continua-
tion of approach, landing or go-around;
Go around, if doubts by either pilot exist about the
aircraft’s geographic or spatial position;
Go around, if confusion by either pilot exists about
the use or behaviour of the automation;
Go around, if it is foreseeable that the go-around
routing and path will not be suciently clear of ad-
verse weather or restricting trac;
Go around, if instructed to do so by ATC;
Go around, if required by type-specic reasons as
outlined in the respective FCOM; and,
Go around, if required by special considerations as-
sociated with CATII/III operation.
Flight crews should be required to check in advance the
missed approach in the FMC to match the published or
expected missed approach procedure on the approach
chart for the approach to be own.
Flight crews should be required to include an assess-
ment of the expected fuel status at go-around initia-
tion, the expected threats during the go-around (e.g.,
expected weather and winds on the go-around route,
eects of aircraft weight, complexity of the missed
approach procedure, go-around prociency and expe-
rience, trac in the missed approach area) and the re-
maining options after the go-around in their approach
brieng, highlighting in particular circumstances that
PICMA – PIC monitored approach; see
One-team-cockpit-concept, see Schmidt,T. A.; Nixon, J.; Kourdali, H. K.; Kemény,C.; and Popp, C. OneTeamCockpit — Enhancing the Flexibility of Flight Deck
Procedures during the Go-around.
might require them to adapt the go-around proce-
dure (e.g., to avoid altitude busts or speed exceedances
in case of early level os). If deemed necessary (e.g.,
for prociency reasons), the sequence of actions, the
task-sharing and callouts can be rehearsed in the ap-
proach brieng as well.
Flight crews should be provided with guidance on how
to proceed after two consecutive approaches to the same
runway at one airport and on the requirements for an
exceptional third attempt or the necessity for a diversion.
Flight crews must acquire the visual reference at the latest
at the minima and maintain it until landing. If at any time
after passing the minima, one of the ight crew members
loses sight of the required visual references or is not sure
about the safe outcome of the landing, a go-around must
be initiated or called for. It should be highlighted that this
option remains available until the aeroplane touches the
ground and up to the selection of reverse thrust.
Aircraft operators should consider using a concept ight
crew’s role assignment and task-sharing supporting stable
approaches and smooth and coordinated go-arounds (e.g.,
as promoted by the PICMA
approach and go-around
concept or the one-team-cockpit concept).
When operating into special/challenging airports (e.g.,
CAT C airports) or airports with specic restrictions (e.g.,
PIC landings only), aircraft operators should consider re-
quiring special monitoring and intervention training for
SIC/copilots operating those ights, in order to guarantee
qualied and eective monitoring of such approaches and
landings in all cases.
Aircraft operators ight crew training should consider
that ight crews are traditionally trained to perform a
go-around at the approach minima. However, most go-
arounds do not happen at the approach minima. It is thus
important that the training and checking in the simulator
includes dierent go-around scenarios, both prepared
and unprepared, during dierent stages of the approach,
including go-arounds during are and touchdown (before
activation of the thrust reversers). While conducting the
go-around, adherence to the dened PF/PM task sharing
and the optimum use of crew resource management (e.g.,
for monitoring ight parameters and calling any excessive
ight parameter deviations or any change in expected
conditions) are of paramount importance and should be
a focus in the training. Nevertheless, ight crew training
should also incorporate intervention training on how the
PM can take over control from the PF, if required, in or-
der to perform the go-around. For such cases, the SOP
should require the PM to call out all go-around-related
memory items once actioned and include the required
PM action if a required memory call involved in initiating
a go-around has not been made at the appropriate time
by the previous PF.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 105
Recommendation OPS 22: Aircraft opera-
tors should publish SOPs and guidance for
landing techniques that are aligned with the
ICAO Global Reporting Format and manu-
facturers guidance for all runway states and
environmental conditions. Aircraft operators
should require their ight crews to always
favour a go-around or diversion rather than
to attempt a landing when approaching wet,
slippery/contaminated runways without ap-
propriate stopping margin and/or in limiting
wind situations. Appropriate training should
be provided including training in the ICAO
Global Reporting Format.
Recommendation OPS 21: Aircraft oper-
ators should clearly dene their policy for
a safe landing and publish it in their SOPs
and operations manuals. This policy should
clearly dene acceptable touchdown limits
and prohibit intentional long and short land-
ings, e.g. to minimise runway occupancy or
minimise taxi time to the gate. The supple-
menting SOPs and guidance should include
means, methods and responsibilities with
regard to how a crew will identify and act
on such limits. Appropriate classroom and
simulator training should be provided.
Aircraft operators should establish internal go-around
compliance rate measures, targets and goals (safety per-
formance indicators and targets (SPI and SPT). Where nec-
essary, ight crew associations and operator management
should establish a basis and/ or process in which FDM can
be used to assist in eectively managing go-around com-
pliance targets. Depending on the actual number of go-
arounds in the operation and thereby on the availability of
sucient data to analyse, it could be helpful to investigate
every go-around in order to check the correct implemen-
tation of go-around procedures. Regular feedback on the
results of such analytics should be presented to the pilot
workforce and accountable safety boards/committees.
4.7 Where and how should ight crews
touchdown? (OPS 21, 22)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
Landing excursions are of two types: overruns, in which air-
craft run o the end of the runway surface, and veer-os, in
which aircraft exit the side of the runway surface. Findings of
the FSF Go-Around Decision-Making and Execution Project
(2017) show that collective situational awareness is low during
the landing phase. Although most operators have policies
dening where the touchdown should occur, very few have
guidance or SOPs explaining how to determine where the
touchdown should occur, or how and when to determine
whether a go-around should be executed. For example, most
operators specify that the aircraft should touch down in the
touchdown zone (TDZ), on the centreline; however, they do
not train or specify how to determine if the aircraft has passed
the TDZ, who should make the determination, or how much of
a deviation from the runway centreline is permissible before a
go-around should be conducted. Most ight crews say either a
gut feeling or experience helps them to judge when an aircraft
has passed the acceptable limit, even though they readily state
that their experience does not include go-arounds from the
landing phase. The impact of improving collective situational
awareness in the landing phase could be signicant.
The landing phase is complex and therefore does not leave
crews many opportunities to make complex instantaneous
calculations. However, it is very important for the ight crew
to get the aeroplane on the ground at the right point and at
the right speed to ensure that there is the greatest amount of
distance remaining to absorb factors the pilot does not have
control over, such as unreported tail wind, late wind shifts from
crosswind to tail wind, worse-than-expected runway friction
capability, etc. While still in IMC conditions, ight crews are
expected to follow the localiser and glide slope or equivalent
indications for their approach. During an ILS approach, it would
be best to continue exactly on the localiser and glideslope, like
during an autoland, even in VMC. However, signal bending
or disruptions (e.g., due to departing aircraft, or the lack of
exact electronic guidance to the touchdown point during non-
precision approaches) require the PF, when transitioning to
VMC conditions, to gradually shift his/her attention to the visual
approach indicator or to the runway and the touchdown point
while still using the instruments as a backup. Once stabilised on
the prole and if the runway is in sight, ight crews can already
project where their ight path will intersect with the runway;
this projected visual touchdown point should be the aiming
point marking, normally resulting in the main landing gear
touching down on the second touchdown marker, 300 m from
the runway threshold. This technique ensures that the landing
complies with the assumptions made by the performance cal-
culations: stabilised 3-degree prole, appropriate threshold
crossing height (TCH, usually calculated with 50 ft) and ying
at no more than the approach speed which was used for the
calculation. The position of the runway and the touchdown
point on the windshield are important and should become a
‘reference value for the pilot. Any deviation from the approach
prole should be recognised by the pilot and corrections made.
However, visual illusions may result in diculties for ight
crews to judge the correct position of the aircraft on nal ap-
proach when the runway is in sight. A non-standard runway,
and dierent terrain and weather perceptions than ight crews
106 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
are used to may create visual illusions which may increase the
risk of missing the optimum touchdown point, thus increasing
the risk of runway excursions, if not accounted for by the ight
crew. Table 3 provides a list of typical visual/optical illusions
and their eect on runway sight and prole management.
Additionally, visual aim point versus gear touchdown point
dierences increase as the glide path angle decreases as in a
at approach. For a particular visual approach, the dierence
between gear path and eye level path must be accounted for
by the pilot. Systematically making long landings or steep
approaches would mean dierent positions of the landing
runway on the windshield and dilute the value of this visual
reference as a backup for prole deviations.
If installed at the runway, a PAPI may aid the ight crew by
providing visual descent guidance information during the ap-
proach (Remark: According to ICAO Annex 14, Part 5, dated
1.1.2020, the operation of T/AT-VASIS should be discontinued).
The PAPI on-slope signal should usually coincide with that of
the ILS to provide guidance down to are initiation. However,
even this aid does not come without restrictions. Flight crews
may have to deal with dierences between the angle of the
approach glide path and the angle of PAPI guidance, or the
PAPI may be calibrated for a certain eye-to-aerial height lead-
ing to deviation indication (e.g., one white – three red) on the
PAPI although ying exactly on the ILS glide if not using the
largest type of aircraft regularly approaching the runway. Al-
though one white – three red” should clear all obstacles in the
approach by a safe margin, this margin may provide a wheel
clearance of as low as 1.5 m, depending on the installations
made by the airport. Therefore, diving below the nominal PAPI
glideslope in order to shorten the touchdown, as often used
on short runways or those with displaced thresholds, is not
advisable. Additionally, eects by condensation, snow, ice,
dirt or bad illumination may impair the use of this generally
This may vary based on factors affecting visual approach slope obstacle clearance and PAPI positioning
useful support system for ight crews. Additional risk factors
for oating into the runway like tail wind components, excess
airspeed above the threshold, aircraft-specic ground eects
or extended ares because of crosswinds may increase the
likelihood of not touching down in the touchdown zone.
In general, touchdown zones vary in length, with a determining
factor being the total runway length. Runways of 7,990 ft and
longer have touchdown zones of 3,000 ft long (FAA), and run-
ways of 2,400 m and longer have touchdown zones of 900 m
long (ICAO). Relative positioning markings are present within
the TDZ and are clearly identiable on a non-contaminated
runway. The aiming point is the widest marking located at a
distance of 1,000 ft from the threshold (FAA), and 400 m from
the threshold (ICAO
), with the end of the TDZ being identied
by the last marking at 3,000 ft (FAA) and 900 m (ICAO) on run-
ways greater than 7,990 ft or 2400 m. Aiming point markings
are 150-ft-long white rectangular stripes, one on each side of
the runway centreline, which begin at the distances indicated
below. The width of the aim point markings varies according
to the width of the runway. ICAO also denes touchdown aim
points in reference to the available landing area in Table 4.
Approach alerting and monitoring systems such as Smart-
Landing provide aural alerts when an aircraft has passed a
company-dened touchdown area. When an aircraft passes
this area without touching down, an aural alert such as ‘long
landing, long landing is given (Honeywell International, 2019).
SOPs may then dictate a go-around. This objective warning
immediately enhances crew awareness and leads to better
decision-making. In the absence of such a system, the PM,
through SOPs, can be directed to monitor the passing of the
touchdown limit and make an active call such as TL [touch-
down limit], deep landing or end of zone after passing the last
marking indicating the passage of the TDZ. In cases in which the
runway is contaminated and markings are not visible, a couple
Table 4.
Available landing area < 800 m 800-1,200 m 1,200-2,400 m >2,400 m
Touchdown aim point 150 m 250 m 300 m
400 m
Table 3.
Visual illusion of being too HIGH on ap-
proach à may lead the PF to increase de-
scent à higher risk of short/hard landings
Visual illusion of being too LOW on ap-
proach à may lead the PF to reduce de-
scent à higher risk of long landings
Visual illusion of being too FAR AWAY from
the runway à may lead the PF to reduce
descent à higher risk of long landings
Long(er) runway than used to;
Narrow(er) runway than used to;
Bright illuminated ALS/RLS;
Upslope of runway/terrain;
Entering MIFG (shallow fog); and,
FG/BR, RA, DU (fog/mist, rain, widespread).
Wide(er) runway than used to;
Short(er) runway than used to; and,
Downslope of runway/terrain
Low intensity ALS/RLS; and,
Flying in haze.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 107
of options exist. If available, runway remaining markers or ap-
parent geographic references (e.g., crossing taxiway/ runway)
can be used, or, using the landing distance ‘rule of thumb, ight
crews can calculate that for an aircraft traveling 250 ft/76 m per
second, the normal touchdown area of 1,000 to 2,000 ft (300 to
600 m) will be passed within four to eight seconds — 250 fps x
4–8 seconds = 1,000 to 2,000 ft. Calculations also will show that
the end of the 3,000-ft-long TDZ will pass within approximately
12 seconds — 3,000 ft/250 fps = 12 seconds.
Most operators specify that the touchdown should occur on
the runway centreline, but do not say how this should happen
or who determines when the aircraft is drifting. As important
as it is to have situational awareness regarding a longitudinal
limit, it is equally important to understand lateral limits. Man-
ufacturers often provide cockpit visual cues and techniques
for determining where the main landing gear is in relation to
the aircraft centreline. As an example, Boeing says that for the
787, the view through ‘the lower outboard corner of the pilot’s
forward window to the ground is a good visual reference for
the outboard side of the main landing gear wheels on the same
side. The lower inboard corner of the pilot’s forward window is
also a good reference for the opposite side main gear wheels
(The Boeing Company, 2013). In the absence of other lateral
limits, maintaining the most outboard main landing gears on
either side of the centreline (straddling) is a reasonable limit.
Using visual cues, as in the example above, can help determine
the positioning of the main landing gear. This is considered a
rough operational guideline with its own limitations; however,
there are no known alternatives other than relying on gut
sense’. The monitoring of this positioning can be performed by
the PM during the landing, and if he/she sees that the position
of the aircraft is incorrect, he/she can make an appropriate
call: ‘Drift limit. In this case, SOPs would dictate a go-around.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
In order to support their ight crews in preventing runway
overruns and veer os, aircraft operators can publish safe land-
ing and touchdown policies and SOPs and provide appropriate
training. At least the following should be considered when es-
tablishing the associated policies, SOPs and training practices:
Aircraft operators should establish safe landing guidelines
for their ight crews which should consider at least the
Fly a stabilised approach down to the runway.
Height at threshold crossing should be 50 ft (otherwise
landing performance may not be achieved).
Speed at threshold crossing should be in accordance
with manufacturers guidance. Bleeding o additional
airspeed by wind/gust increments, added as per guid-
ance, should be started accordingly.)
Tailwind for a non-contaminated runway is generally
no more than 10 kts, or less if landing performance or
the ight crew requires lower operational limits, and no
more than 0 kts for a contaminated runway.
Touch down just beyond the touchdown aim point
following a normal are, and not beyond the touch
down limit (typically the end of the TDZ). If not touched
down within the TDZ (or revised touchdown point lim-
it), go around.
Touch down on the runway centreline with the main
landing gear on both sides of (straddling) the runway
centreline. If all main landing gear are on one side of
the centreline, go around.
After touchdown, promptly transition to the desired de-
celeration conguration: brakes, spoilers/speed brakes
and thrust reversers or equivalent (e.g., lift dump). Note:
Once thrust reversers have been activated, a go-around
is no longer an option.
Monitor both aircraft speed and runway distance re-
maining during landing roll. (Aircraft operators should
direct specic actions for the PF and PM at appropriate
distances — 900m, 600m, 300m remaining — in case
speed is higher than normally expected).
Aircraft operators should prohibit intentional short or long
(deep) landings (e.g., to minimise runway occupancy time
for ATC reasons or to minimise taxi time to the gate for
economic or schedule considerations). Flight crews should
be required to always land within a runways touchdown
zone or within the revised touchdown point limit (e.g.,
in case the TDZ of a runway cannot fully be used due to
critical landing performance).
Aircraft operators should dene procedures describing
how ight crews can jointly determine a revised touch-
down point limit (TPL; e.g,. during approach brieng). A
revised touchdown point can be determined by citing
a known distance point along the runway (e.g., taxiway
marking, runway distance marker or time period from the
time the aircraft crosses the threshold — one second ap-
proximates 250 ft (76 m) in distance.)
Aircraft operators should establish callouts to be used
during landing which alert the PF to the fact that the
touchdown point limit or the lateral drift limit has been
reached (e.g., PM: ‘End of zone and/or ‘Drift limit’. Both
callouts require an immediate go-around. If the PF does
not comply with the go-around command, the PM shall
take over control in order to perform the go-around.
Aircraft operators training should make their ight crews
aware of the dierent existing touchdown zone mark-
ings and dierent runway layouts during their initial and
recurrent training. They should also emphasise the im-
portance of good practice on all runways, long and short,
to provide a standard are and landing technique. This
training, as well as airport briengs, should include special
or unusual operational requirements at specic airports
in the company’s network (e.g., downdrafts/updrafts due
to terrain, shifting winds, and visual illusion induced by
narrow/wide runway or night operations). Training on the
use of the head-up guidance system, if installed, should
108 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
be conducted during ground courses to ensure landing
within the appropriate touchdown zone, with practical
training conducted during simulator sessions.
Aircraft operators should provide SOPs and training for
their ight crews, supporting them with the correct touch-
down techniques. These SOPs must follow corresponding
FCOM/FCTM content unless the case for alternatives or
amplication is formally documented for reference and
explicit post holder approval has been given. Clear SOPs
are required for all runway braking action circumstances
which may be encountered. Operation manuals should
cover interpretation of all runway surface condition re-
porting methods likely to be encountered (GRF and oth-
ers) and the use of pilot reports’ in any format likely to be
encountered should be subject to an SOP as well.
4.8 Bounced landing recovery (OPS 25)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
A bounced landing is when an aircraft touches down and be-
comes airborne again. This may easily contribute to a runway
excursion event because the remaining runway for another
touchdown, pilot’s sight or the aircraft’s controllability may
become limited. Bouncing at landing is usually the result of
one, or a combination, of the following factors:
Excessive sink rate;
Late are initiation;
Power-on touchdown;
Wind shear or thermal activity; and,
Lack of pilot prociency or training of manual ying skills.
Most threats which may lead to possible bouncing can be
anticipated and identied well before starting the approach
and landing, and should be considered in ight crew’s TEM
brieng (e.g., special wind eects due to orography or weath-
er, training ights, high temperature/low density overhead
the TDZ, non-ILS/RNP approaches, especially with steep PAPI
or approach glide path). These considerations could also be
taken into account during pre-ight preparation when con-
sidering extra fuel for possible go-arounds.
When a bounced landing occurs, ight crews have dierent
options, depending on the aircraft manufacturer’s and aircraft
operator’s guidance and SOPs. As there may be dierent inten-
sities of bounced landings, manufacturers and aircraft oper-
ators might dierentiate their recovery techniques between
‘light’ (<1.5 m/5 ft) and ‘high’ bounces (>1.5 m/5 ft)*. In general,
the most eective method to safely recover from a bounced
landing is to initiate a go-around while considering the aircrafts
body angle and closure to the surface in order to avoid a tail
strike and controllability issues. (Sometimes this manoeuvre
of initiating a go-around after a touchdown is called ‘rejected
landing’ which must not be confused with the actions needed
during a takeo reject, like retarding the throttles.)
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
In order to support their ight crews in dealing with bounced
landings safely, aircraft operators should provide good SOPs
and training. The following should be considered when es-
tablishing such SOPs and training practices.
Aircraft operators should make sure that their SOPs include
techniques for bounce recovery which are aligned with
aircraft manufacturers’ guidance or have been established
in coordination with the manufacturer of the aircraft used.
When operating mixed eets, their documentation and
training should clearly show dierences in bounce recov-
ery between aircraft types.
Bounced landing recovery training should be included in
initial and recurrent training, including various scenarios
with light and high bounces. This training should high-
light that safe go-around initiation and execution are the
priority, rather than trying to land, especially from a high
bounce. It should also include scenarios requiring the PM
to actively monitor and intervene in mismanaged recov-
eries, including taking over control in order to go around
safely. Emphasis should be placed on the correct reaction
of the PF to hand over controls and instantly switch to the
PM role without negative feelings.
The SOP and training should make clear that in all cases,
a go-around after touchdown (rejected landing) can still
be initiated until the selection of reverse thrust. However,
once a rejected landing is initiated, the ight crew must
be committed to proceeding and not retard the thrust
levers in an ultimate decision to complete the landing.
Runway excursions, impact with obstructions and major
aircraft damage are often the consequence of reversing
an already initiated rejected landing.
Training ights require special considerations. Training
for the instructors should focus on bounce prevention
during training ights (e.g., anticipating threats which
could lead to bounced landings and incorporating this
into their TEM briengs with the trainee). There should be
no dierence in bounce recovery techniques and training
for line ight crews and instructors in order to ensure that
a common philosophy is practiced during ight operation.
Instructors should strive to show role model behaviour (i.e.,
favouring a go-around rather than trying to land, especial-
ly from a high bounce. In order to detect possible areas
Recommendation OPS 25: Aircraft opera-
tors should dene policies and procedures to
address bounced landings. Whenever avail-
able, aircraft operators should take into ac-
count and include manufacturers guidance.
Moreover, aircraft-specic and appropriate
training, including simulator training, should
be provided for ight crews.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 109
Recommendation OPS 26: Aircraft oper-
ators should develop guidance on whether
and when a change of control during land-
ing rollout has to take place and require their
ight crews to brief and agree on the planned
runway exit, taking into account the friction
status of both runway and runway exit, when-
ever available. When a change of control is
necessary during rollout, this should be per-
formed below taxi speed and when the air-
craft trajectory is stable.
for improvement in the training system, aircraft operators
should consider using FDM to detect negative trends with-
in training and line operation.
Dierent recovery techniques
In the event of a light bounce, a typical technique for recovery
would require the pilot to maintain the pitch attitude (any
increase could cause a tail strike) and allow the aircraft to land
again. Special attention should be paid to the increased land-
ing distance. If the remaining runway length is not sucient,
a rejected landing can still be initiated until the selection of
reverse thrust.
In the event of a high bounce, a landing should not be
attempted as the remaining runway length might not be
sucient to stop the aircraft. A rejected landing initiated
from this position would typically require the pilot to apply
takeo/go-around (TOGA) thrust and maintain the pitch atti-
tude and conguration until the risk of a tail strike or second
touchdown has disappeared. Then the normal go-around
technique can be used.
4.9 Change of controls during landing
and taxi-in (OPS 26)
Why should aircraft operators follow this
Still today, many companies and some aircraft designs do
not allow the second-in-command (SIC)/copilot to taxi the
airplane. Consequently, when the SIC is PF, control must be
transferred at some point. This situation presents a great deal
of potential for the two crew members to have dierent per-
ceptions or expectations about which exit to take, when to
take over and in which aircraft conguration. Resulting inap-
propriate braking or high taxi speeds during or before turning
o the runway may lead to runway and taxiway excursions.
Remark: The need for change of control during a landing roll,
which continues to cause lateral runway excursions, can be
reduced and eventually eliminated either by the buyers of
new aircraft not selecting the cost-saving option of a left side
only steering tiller or (preferably) by aircraft manufacturers
ceasing to oer this option altogether.
What can aircraft operators do to implement the
Aircraft operators should provide ight crews with SOPs that
allow continuous deceleration upon landing, a safe change-
over of controls and a safe taxi-in. The following should be
considered when establishing such SOPs and associated
training practices:
A safe landing and taxi-out starts during the approach
brieng. Aircraft operators’ SOPs should therefore require
the ight crew to agree on the optimum runway exit and
possible alternatives based on their landing performance
calculations. The more defensive/conservative (i.e., risk
averse) option as preferred by either pilot should always be
chosen by the ight crew, irrespective of eciency consid-
erations (e.g., taxi time, break wear or ATC requirements).
In their TEM brieng and resulting autobrake selection,
ight crews should consider not only the runway status
but also the taxiway status in terms of contamination and
slipperiness (especially during wet and winter operation),
provided such information is available or can be estimated.
Aircraft operators should consider providing ight crews
with limitations and guidelines for maximum taxi speeds
when turning o the runway, depending on the kind of
taxiway used (e.g., high-speed or 90-degree turnos) high-
lighting the inuences of dierent runway/taxi surfacing
(e.g., grooved or not, de-iced or not, rubber debris, etc.).
If using a single tiller aircraft type, aircraft operators
should consider retrotting a right seat tiller, or, if they
are in the process of purchasing new aircraft, ordering a
conguration including tillers for both pilot seats. In the
event that a retrot is not possible, an explicit SOP for
changeover must be provided for ight crews considering
rudder pedal steering angles and rudder eectiveness at
low speeds. Transfer of aircraft control during the landing
rollout should be reviewed as part of the approach brief-
ing. Ideally, the handover of controls, if required, should
be accomplished after decelerating into the low speed
regime, prior to vacating the runway, even if this leads to
passing a planned exit. The control change should nor-
mally be initiated by the PF (e.g., by the call You have
control’. If the rate of deceleration is not appropriate for
the runway distance remaining, the PM should take control
of the aircraft and apply maximum deceleration devices.
In order to ensure safe team decision-making with regard to
runway excursion prevention, it is useful to train and allow
SICs to taxi the airplane as well. A taxi-trained pilot will be
able to better assess eects of dierent runway and taxi-
way friction levels, be more condent in assessing delayed
or slowed breaking during landing roll (e.g., on slippery/
contaminated runways) and will be a more eective back-up
in the event of incapacitation events. Furthermore, it might
be a positive investment in safety to stop using aircraft with
only one tiller. In any case, copilots should be trained to slow
the airplane safely until below taxi speed, including taxiing
safely into runway high-speed turnos.
110 Appendix C — Aircraft Operators
5 References
Airbus: Flight Crew Training Manual (FCTM)
Airbus: Flight Crew Operations Manual (FCOM)
Airbus: Getting to grips with aircraft performance
Airbus: Flight Operations Brieng Notes: Flying Stabilised Approaches
Airbus: Flight Operations Brieng Notes: Bounce Recovery — Rejected Landing
Australian Transport Safety Bureau: Tail strike and runway overrun Melbourne Airport, Victoria 2009
Transportation Safety Board of Canada: Runway Overrun and Fire Toronto 2005.
Joint industry/FAA Takeo Safety Training Aid
BOEING: Flight Crew Training Manual (FCTM)
IFALPA / BOEING: Brieng leaet: Certied versus advisory landing data on Boeing aircraft.
JAR/EASA Flight Crew Licensing
Flight Safety Foundation: Approach and Landing Accident Reduction (ALAR) tool kit
Flight Safety Foundation: Go-Around Decision-Making and Execution (GADM&E) Project Report
EUROCONTROL: A study of runway excursion from a European perspective
IATA: Runway Excursion Case Studies; Threat and Error Management Framework
J. O’Callaghan. Slippery When Wet: The Case for More Conservative Wet Runway Braking Coecient Models, National
Transportation Safety Board, AIAA AVIATION Forum, 2016.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 111
GEM Recommendation MAN1 112
GEM Recommendation MAN2 112
GEM Recommendation MAN3 113
GEM Recommendation MAN4 113
GEM Recommendation MAN5 114
GEM Recommendation MAN6 115
GEM Recommendation MAN7 115
GEM Recommendation MAN8 115
GEM Recommendation MAN9 116
GEM Recommendation MAN10 117
GEM Recommendation MAN11 118
GEM Recommendation MAN12 119
GEM Recommendation MAN13 119
GEM Recommendation MAN14 120
GEM Recommendation MAN15 121
GEM Recommendation MAN16 121
112 Appendix D — Aircraft Manufacturers
Signicant progress and agreement as to terminology and
standards was accomplished during the work of the U.S.
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Takeo and Landing
Performance Assessment (TALPA) Aviation Rulemaking Com-
mittee (ARC) activity that occurred in 2008 and 2009. In this
activity, six of the major manufacturers worked with the FAA,
aircraft operators, business jet operators, airport operators
and other industry interest groups to recommend a standard
terminology for reporting and evaluating runway conditions
and criteria for manufacturers to use when computing the
aeroplanes performance information for takeo and landing.
TALPA ARC recommendations pertaining to aircraft perfor-
mance data for non-dry runways have been issued by the
FAA in two Advisory Circulars, AC 25-31 for takeo and AC
25-32 for landing, as rulemaking activities were not possible
at the time. This allows exibility for manufacturers regarding
whether or how to implement this new performance infor-
mation. Some manufacturers have created operational data
using terminology and standards consistent with the TALPA
ARC recommendations.
In parallel and as part of the overall implementation of
the TALPA recommendations, the International Civil Avia-
tion Organization (ICAO) has developed Document 10064
Aeroplane Performance Manual” to combine guidelines on
certication and operational requirements regarding aero-
plane performance. It was developed in the context of the
Friction Task Force of the Aerodrome Operations and Services
Working Group on the basis of existing and proposed national
regulations and the TALPA ARC proposals. This new harmo-
nisation of the runway surface condition assessment and
reporting throughout the world is named Global Reporting
Format (GRF).
To translate the ICAO standards into European regulation,
the European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) launched
Rulemaking Task RMT.0296, which resulted in the publication
in 2016 of NPA (Notice for Proposed Amendment) 2016-11,
proposing appropriate amendments to the operational reg-
ulation, revised airworthiness standards for takeo perfor-
mance on contaminated runways and new in-ight landing
performance computation at time of arrival. The proposed
changes are expected to increase the current level of safety in
relation to aeroplane performance, to improve harmonisation
with FAA rules and to ensure alignment with ICAO Opin-
ion 02/2019 containing the proposed new EASA regulation
adopted by the European Commission.
In 2019, FAA tasked the Aviation Rulemaking Advisory Com-
mittee (ARAC) with a review on implementing TALPA ARC
recommendations as a new airworthiness standard instead
of advisory material, in order to incentivise manufacturers to
implement this new performance information. This proposal
is currently being discussed by the FAA Flight Test Harmoni-
zation Working Group (FTHWG).
Those new physics-based time-of-arrival assumptions com-
plement the existing landing distances assumptions at time
of dispatch, which are not harmonized among all runway
states. A proposal to harmonise landing distance assumptions
at time of dispatch on all runway states is also being discussed
in the context of the FAA FTHWG.
It is recommended that all certication agencies keep work-
ing to ensure that takeo and landing performance informa-
tion are proposed in similar standards.
In the meantime, for existing designs, the data provided by
manufacturers should allow ight crew to determine takeo
and landing performance for any runway surface condition as
reportable via a runway condition report (RCR) standardized
by ICAO Annex 15. The use of standard terminology facilitates
the mapping of the data to the reported condition.
While the standards for deriving the performance data are not
retroactive, it should be ensured that a minimum compliance
with the above mentioned ACs is established, in particular for
the landing distances at time of arrival (LDTA), there should be:
Data available for all six reportable braking action
Accountability for temperature and runway slope; and,
Accountability for recommended approach speeds.
It is recognised that it may not be reasonably achievable to
produce updated performance data. European operational
regulation sets minimum requirements for the availability of
performance data based on the aircraft performance class
and the type of operations. Manufacturers should ensure
that they meet or exceed these minimum requirements in
the data they provide to the operators, and that this data is
made available in a timely manner before these new rules
come into force on 12 Aug 2021.
Recommendation MAN1: Aircraft manu-
facturers should present takeo and landing
performance information for dispatch and
time-of-arrival for the full range of report-
able runway conditions, using common and
shared terminology and to agreed standards,
set out in FAA ACs 25-31 and 25-32.
Recommendation MAN2: Training mate-
rial promulgated by aircraft manufacturers
and aircraft training providers should em-
phasise the necessity of making best use of
deceleration means, including speed brakes,
wheel braking and reverse thrust, in a timely
manner, until a safe stop is assured, and in
particular when conditions are uncertain or
when runways are wet or contaminated by
applying full braking devices, including re-
verse thrust, until a safe stop is assured.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 113
This type of information is often included in the manufac-
turer’s ight crew operating manuals or ight crew training
manuals with supplemental information, possibly in bulletins
or magazine articles.
An example of a manufacturer’s guidance on operating on wet
or contaminated runways is provided later in this appendix.
Delayed application of deceleration devices has been con-
tributory in numerous runway excursions (12% per Interna-
tional Air Transport Association [IATA] Safety Trend Evaluation,
Analysis Data Exchange System [STEADES] analysis, 2019).
STEADES Incident and Accident Data 2008Q1 to 2018Q2,
International Air Transport Association, 2019.
Contributors to longitudinal runway excursions at landing
can occur during both the air phase and ground phase. These
Air phase: Unstable approach, wind shift at low altitude,
long are, long de-rotation. Without actual information
on the risk of a consequent runway overrun, the crew may
be tempted to continue an approach in the belief that
they may recover the situation, or that they have sucient
landing distance margins.
Ground phase: Late selection of engine thrust reversers,
too early cancellation of reverser, runway friction coe-
cient lower than expected, late or delayed manual braking.
One of the major enhancements recognized for longitudinal
excursion prevention is on-board technology to help the
pilot to decide to land or go around (air phase), or to pro-
vide alerting on the need to apply all deceleration devic-
es to their maximum utilisation during the ground phase.
Dierent systems are currently available or in development
to provide the ight crew information to assist with these
decisions for which references are provided below. Guidance
material can be found in — ED-250, Minimum Operational
Performance Standard for a Runway Overrun Awareness and
Alerting System.
The European Union agreed in mid-2020 to mandate instal-
lation of such functionality, termed ROAAS(Runway Overrun
Awareness and Alerting System) for future large aeroplanes,
excluding retrot.In addition to this mandate, manufactur-
ers should consider proposing solutions adapted to retrot
scenarios, when feasible. Manufacturers should also consider
implementations that provide protection for all runway con-
ditions as dened by the GRF.
Airbus Safety First #08 – July 2009 [https://safety
and FAST
Konrad G, et al. Development of a Predictive Runway Over-
run Awareness and Alerting System, Aviation Electronics
Europe (AEE) Conference & Exhibition, Munich, June 2018.
The aviation industry has changed greatly in the past decade
as to how the calculation of performance in general, and in
landing distances in particular, is done. Landing distance
assumptions have become much more complex with the
implementation of physics-based time-of-arrival dry, wet
and contaminated landing distances (assumptions detailed
in FAA AC 25-32 and EASA CS 25.1592) on top of the already
existing various landing distances assumptions at time of
dispatch (see recommendation MAN1). New assumptions
for steep approach landings or shortened wet runway land-
ing distance associated with grooved/porous friction course
surfaces have also been implemented.
Recommendation MAN3: On-board real
time performance monitoring and alerting
systems that will assist the ight crew with
the land/go-around decision and alert when
more deceleration force is needed during the
landing roll should be made widely available.
Recommendation MAN4: The aviation
industry should develop systems and ight
crew manuals to help ight crews calculate
landing distances easily and reliably in nor-
mal and non-normal conditions. Systems
should have a method to apply recommend-
ed assumptions. All landing distance com-
puting tools available for the aircraft (e.g.,
ight management system [FMS], electronic
ight bag [EFB]) and on-board real time per-
formance monitoring and alerting systems
(e.g., ROAAS) should be consistent with the
overall harmonized set of data used for land-
ing performance assessment. Whenever con-
sistency between on-board alert-triggering
thresholds and landing distance computa-
tion methods available to the crew cannot
be entirely achieved, means to determine
these thresholds for the planned conditions
and guidance to the ight crew on a recom-
mended course of action should be provided.
114 Appendix D — Aircraft Manufacturers
This diversity of landing assumptions can make the overall
set of data for landing performance assessment dicult to
understand for some operators. And those operators also
have to cope with various operational landing factors to be
applied according to the type of operations.
From the late 1990s, aircraft communications, addressing
and reporting systems (ACARS) sand laptops have started
showing up in the cockpit, and on-board avionics capabili-
ties have continuously improved. The information the ight
crew obtains from these systems is computed based on crew
input such as airport/runway, weather conditions, wind, run-
way conditions, approach type, etc. These systems replace
the need for crew to do multiple hand calculations, ipping
through paper charts and adding/subtracting/ interpolating
in cumbersome tables and charts. Often because of the num-
ber of computations required, ight crew relied on quick
checks of the numbers or didn’t do the appropriate perfor-
mance checks at all. It is now much easier for the ight crew
to get an appropriate answer with less exposure to error. It is
also easier for the crew to look at multiple scenarios so they
can have a plan in the event they obtain additional informa-
tion late in the approach that the runway has deteriorated.
Manufacturers of these devices and methods are continually
searching for better ways to do this, and in this very com-
petitive business there is no doubt that improvement will
The availability of such interactive systems, however, does not
excuse aircraft manufacturers and operators from presenting
the performance information in an intuitive format that is
error-tolerant to use. This becomes even more important
when the performance tables are only used very occasionally
as a backup to an electronic system.
It is also recommended that aircraft manufacturers provide
cross-check capabilities between landing distance computa-
tion tools available if those tools are not approved. This cross-
check can be done manually through appropriate operational
methods or automatically through direct communication
links between systems.
In the past decade, on-board real-time performance moni-
toring and alerting systems (e.g., ROAAS) have also started
being implemented in some aircraft to assist ight crew dur-
ing landing.
It is recommended that aircraft manufacturers make all land-
ing distance computing tools available for the aircraft (FMS,
EFB) and on-board real-time performance monitoring and
alerting systems consistent with the overall harmonized set
of data used for landing performance assessment (see rec-
ommendation MAN1).
However, on-board monitoring and alerting functions must
comply with specic requirements in line with ED-250, which
may necessitate the adaptation of landing distance compu-
tations to ensure that alerts are always pertinent and system-
atically triggered early enough for the crew to react.
Furthermore, real-time constraints and data availability in the
avionics environment may not permit the use of the same
performance models, input and runway data as in operational
tools (e.g., EFBs). Regulators consider that no approach should
be initiated when it can be anticipated that alerts will be
triggered because available runway length is not compatible
with triggering thresholds. Sucient margins may exist based
on the sole result of the LDTA used by the ight crew in plan-
ning the approach. There is thus a need to make available to
the pilots the criteria used by the on-board function, or to
implement automatic cross-checks of the LDTA data available
to the crew against these triggering criteria.
All providers of tools for digital takeo and landing data de-
termination are encouraged to implement safeguards for
erroneous data insertions and cross-checks between various
data sources. This is to ensure calculations are performed with
correct data inputs and that the results are appropriately
inserted in aircraft systems.
Any means should be taken to reduce the risk of input errors.
This includes the prevention of data inputs which violate air-
craft or operator limitations (e.g., maximum weights, tail wind
and crosswind limits in combination with dierent runway
states, congurations required for a certain non-normal situa-
tion). Any human factors aspects of the concerned interfaces
should be considered, along with how they integrate into
the specic cockpit environment in which they are meant
to be used.
Standard operating procedures (SOPs) should be dened for
data inputs in the calculation tools as well as for the inser-
tion of the results in the avionics. This includes independent
calculations followed by cross-checks between the crew
members and comparison of values from dierent sources
Recommendation MAN5: EFB manufac-
turers and providers should develop user
interfaces for the calculation and data entry
of takeo and landing performance data, de-
signed to minimise the possibility of errors
introduced by the pilot.
EFB systems should enable the ight crew to
perform an independent determination of
takeo and landing data and to implement,
where possible, an automatic cross-check of
inputs and to ensure correct insertion of the
data in the avionics.
EFB systems should use terminology and
presentation of data consistent with aircraft
systems and aircraft documentation to the
extent practical.
Standard operating procedures should be
developed to support a cross-check of per-
formance data by both pilots.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 115
(e.g., manoeuvring speeds from the EFB and the ight man-
agement computer).
If technically possible (e.g., through suitable databases), such
gross-error checks between dierent sources and systems
should be performed automatically.
Example guidance material may be found in FAA AC 120-
76, Authorization for Use of Electronic Flight Bags”; EASA
AMC 20-25, Airworthiness and operational consideration for
electronic Flight Bags (EFBs)”; and in the work from EUROCAE
WG-106, which at the time of publication was in the approval
stage with ED-273, “Minimum Operational Performance Stand-
ard for Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Software Applications”.
The reporting and investigation of aircraft accidents and in-
cidents is regulated by ICAO Annex 13. The results of such
investigations are sometimes shared publicly. However, due
to their much higher rate of occurrence, much more can be
learned from precursor events if they are identied as such
and acted upon.
Some manufacturers review yearly or bi-yearly the signicant
accidents and incidents as well as the causal factors and issues
highlighted by these events. This can be done at meetings
and conferences attended by operators, and in manufacturer
publications like bulletins, changes in procedures or other
Updates to this recommendation reect the reality that not
all overruns can be investigated. Not all overruns are possibly
known, especially less severe ones and/or overruns involving
older aircraft models in certain regions of the world. Also
there are possibly geo-political or conict limitations.
The eectiveness of vision enhancement technologies such as
cameras that operate outside the visible light spectrum, and
other imaging technologies used in low visibility takeos or
landings may be aected by strong crosswinds due to the nar-
row eld-of-view that may be available. Loss of this enhanced
capability and situational awareness in low visibility conditions
may adversely aect the touchdown point, either laterally or
longitudinally, and could contribute to a runway excursion.
An accurate knowledge of the runway condition is key for
the validity of landing performance computations, and
a clear case can be made for the need to improve pilot
awareness of runway surface conditions. However, today,
generating accurate, consistent and timely updated runway
conditions reports on the aerodrome side, and accurate
PIREPs on the pilot side is challenging, and there is a risk of
having runway conditions information transmitted by air
trac control (ATC) with a lack of real time and accuracy.
Methods used to evaluate the runway surface conditions
have limitations that illustrate this challenge:
Runway contaminant type and depth observations
conducted by airport personnel are based on a com-
bination of visual observations and spot-checks. It is
a generally dicult task to consolidate what may be
diering conditions across the entire width and length
of the runway into a succinct runway condition report.
In addition, during active precipitation and/or freezing/
melting conditions, the validity of the information may
become outdated soon after it is issued.
Runway friction measurements along certain points on
a runway provide a more quantitative approach and are
useful for identifying trends in runway surface condi-
tion but are not recommended for use in predicting
aircraft stopping performance.
Braking action reports from pilots:
ICAO (Annex 6 Part I mandates pilot report-
ing of braking action that is worse than previously
reported. When receiving the information, ATC is
mandated to transmit this information to the airport.
However, PIREPs of braking action are highly subjec-
tive: It is sometimes dicult for the pilot to identify
which portion of the deceleration is coming from
the wheel braking eect on the runway and which
part is due to other aircraft deceleration contributors
(aerodynamic drag forces, reverse thrust) which are
not linked to the surface condition. This is especially
true with the use of autobrake, often recommended
on contaminated runways.
Recommendation MAN6: Manufacturers
should monitor and analyse (worldwide)
runway excursions involving the aeroplanes
they support and share the lessons learned
— where feasible.
Recommendation MAN7: Manufacturers
should provide information about eective
crosswind landing and takeo techniques,
including in low visibility, when required.
Recommendation MAN8: Manufacturers
should consider a function able to:
Use aircraft data to compute braking ac-
tion (i.e., maximum achievable tire-runway
friction when braking is friction-limited);
Display it to the crew to assist pilots
braking action report to air trac control
Convey it, just after landing, to airport op-
erators and to the aircraft operator(s).
116 Appendix D — Aircraft Manufacturers
Thus, this guidance refers to a function, complementary to
the above regulatorily dened methods of runway surface
condition assessment, able to use aircraft data to compute
maximum achievable braking action. This can typically be
measured when the aircraft is braking, by determining
the component of the overall aircraft deceleration force
generated by the brakes. This allows the determination
of an observed friction coecient characteristic that can
be compared to a scale (DRY, GOOD, GOOD TO MEDIUM,
MEDIUM, MEDIUM TO POOR, POOR) standardized in ac-
cordance with the ICAO GRF.
There are systems currently available or in development to
report runway braking action to partnering airports and
airlines based on the information measured by the aircraft
during landing, for which references are provided below.
In conjunction with 3.5.3 recommendation: Knowing the
accurate runway state, together with the possibility to con-
gure (at least manually) this state in the ROAAS alerting
settings, will allow for a more timely and accurate ROAAS
alerting when runway conditions are degraded.
Guidance material available: ASTM E17.26workgroup has
been launched to produce a standard for the aircraft braking
action report generating system, which should then feed the
EUROCAE WG-109 standard covering airport runway weather
information system, using the data of such a function as an
It should also be noted that development of such solutions
will depend on multiple factors, including the avionics archi-
tecture of a specic aircraft. Not all aircraft will necessarily be
able to support this function.
Airbus Safety First [https://safety
An accurate 3D trajectory, including an accurate touchdown
point, is desirable, and dierent solutions can be used to
achieve it (e.g., expanded automatic landing capabilities) or as
an aid to better reach this objective (e.g., functions that pro-
vide additional ight crew information to improve positional
awareness of the aircraftrelative to the landing runway).
Other solutions not discussed here may be permissible as
well. The intent here is not to support means to lower landing
It is to be highlighted that intrinsic dierences between large
aircraft and bizjets exist (inertia, distance between the centre
of gravity and the cockpit, etc.) which may lead to very dif-
ferent considerations in terms of solutions to be developed
to address this intended function.
Guidance on expanded automatic landing
Some aircraft types include auto ight guidance system
functions that allow automatic landing in low visibility con-
ditions typically designed for CAT 3 operations. For these
challenging operations, usage of the auto ight guidance
system is mandatory. This system has to demonstrate ade-
quate performance in a wide range of operational conditions
(e.g., aircraft weight, airport altitude, wind) regardless of the
visibility conditions. Today, this system is rarely used outside
the intended original use (CAT 3 operations) mainly because
it is dependent on ground instrument landing system (ILS)
navigation technology that is known to be sensitive to traf-
c around the antennas. New navigation means are now
available (for example, global navigation satellite systems)
and some aircraft manufacturers have certied autoland ca-
pacities based on these navigation means. Modern systems
may include means to detect and/or compensate known
navigation means anomalies (e.g., ILS), in addition to crew
monitoring that can generally detect these behaviours.
When landings are performed in degraded visibility condi-
tions (better than CAT 2/3 minima) the usage of an automatic
landing system will support the are manoeuvre and guid-
ance during roll out and ensure appropriate management
of the aircraft lateral trajectory prior to or after touchdown.
Being in the position to monitor the aircraft trajectory, the
crew is supported in their tasks. In addition, for a crew trained
for CAT 2/3 operation, usage of the automatic landing sys-
tem outside of the CAT 2/3 operation should not require
additional training.
Therefore development of extended automatic landing sys-
tem capabilities, that can be used in degraded visibilities
condition, in particular when CAT2 or CAT 3 operations are
not required or not available (typically CAT2 or 3 runway
operated in CAT 1 or better conditions, or CAT 2 or 3 runway
with degraded light conguration, or CAT 1 runways), is one
possible way to meet the intent of this recommendation,
and to achieve an accurate nal approach trajectory and
touchdown point in such conditions.
Recommendation MAN9: Manufacturers
should consider making available ight deck
functionality enabling an accuracy of the 3D
aircraft trajectory with regards to the runway
(including the touchdown point), especially
for degraded visibility landings.
For example, in order to satisfy this recom-
mendation, manufacturers could consider
making available:
Expanded automatic landing capabilities; or,
Functions that provide additional informa-
tion to the ight crew to improve position-
al awareness of the aircraftrelative to the
landing runway.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 117
Guidance on “enhancing ight crew position
awareness relative to the landing runway during
approach” solutions
This guidance is focused on an alternative or complemen-
tary solution (i.e., enhancing ight crew position awareness
relative to the landing runway during approach). It is appar-
ent that technology maturity may vary by aircraft type (e.g.,
business and corporate operators, mainline carriers) and a
given solution may not t the needs of all operators and
manufacturers. Some solutions are already in operational
service. It also needs to be taken into account that in some
cases, the solution will be suitable only for forward-t due to
the technology and system architecture needs, whereas other
simpler solutions may also be available for retrot purposes.
The purpose here is to provide a high-level outline of the
breadth of position awareness solutions that are available,
and where they are not available, manufacturers should con-
sider maturing technology to the point where such solutions
can benet the entire eet.
Position awareness systems fall into one of two ight deck
Strategic awareness (e.g., navigation display, EFB moving
maps), and;
Tactical cues (e.g., primary ight display [PFD], synthetic vi-
sion system [SVS], head-up display [HUD]). Among tactical
cues, head-up functions can be used as an aid throughout
the approach and landing.
Examples are given below, and each solution needs to be
weighed against the current state-of-the-art and architectural
limits of a specic aircraft type or aircraft family.
Improved tactical position awareness during approach can
be provided by one of more of the following:
HUD and/or SVS that provide cues such as conformal
runway symbols, extended runway centrelines, distance-
to-go markers, conformal lateral deviation scales, ight
path symbol (FPS), and runway distance remaining upon
touchdown. Among these solutions, only head-up func-
tions should be used as an aid in the nal stages of the
approach down to the landing. Cues such as the FPS and
runway symbology provide enhanced situational aware-
ness down to the touchdown point, including during
crosswind conditions.
Systems such as enhanced vision systems can be fused
with HUD and/or SVS imagery to provide additional situ-
ational awareness.
Figure 16 shows a notional SVS with an FPS, FMS selected run-
way and airport (cyan rectangles), conformal lateral deviation
and extended centreline to the runway. All enhance position
awareness with respect to the landing runway.
Note that EUROCAE – ED-249 (Minimum Aviation System
Performance for Aircraft State Awareness Synthetic Vision
Systems) provides high-level requirements for continuous
awareness of attitude, altitude, topography and energy state
(speed, acceleration and altitude) related to the ight path
and perceived motion of the aircraft.
FDA (also designated as ight data monitoring or ight opera-
tional quality assurance) is the routine collection and analysis
of ight data to develop objective and predictive information
for advancing safety. It includes the systematic monitoring
of exceedances such as excessive vertical speed or long are,
as a means to identify operational risks and feed observa-
tions back to the concerned ight crew and evidence-based
training and may support an operator’s safety management
system. An FDA programme is prescribed by ICAO Annex 6
Part I, for commercial operators of aeroplanes with a maxi-
mum certied takeo mass of more than 27,000 kg.
Figure 16. Notional SVS depiction on approach
Courtesy Honeywell
Recommendation MAN10: Aircraft manu-
facturers and ight data analysis (FDA) service
providers should provide adequate interfaces
and consider developing additional services
for FDA, to help operators identify precursors
to runway excursions.
For example, this could include services to
Discrepancies on runway surface condi-
tions (comparing experienced conditions
with ATC reported conditions); and,
Reduced aircraft performance margins at
landing or takeo, by comparing actual
data (such as deceleration and distances)
with the expected aircraft performance
according to manufacturer models.
118 Appendix D — Aircraft Manufacturers
There is existing guidance for the implementation of ight
data monitoring precursors published by European Op-
erators Flight Data Monitoring forum, which contains 34
precursors that can be implemented by an FDA programme
to monitor the risk of runway excursion. It allows aircraft
manufacturers and FDA service providers to identify the
necessary ight parameters and FDA algorithms to monitor
this risk.
On-board alerting systems such as ROAAS recognize that, de-
spite such digressions from the expected pilot performance,
there may not be an operational risk while some operations
are inherently more exposed due to systemic issues. For ex-
ample, when operating from a long runway in good condi-
tions, a ROAAS type system may be very tolerant of reduced
braking eectiveness due to aircraft systemic issues. If a crew
were to take those conditions to a short runway, they may
nd themselves using up any safety margin. Another example
would be if an aircraft had an issue where it was not able to
produce full takeo thrust. On a longer runway, this might
not be noticed; with sucient data and models to support
an accurate prediction of aircraft performance, the issue can
be identied. The goal of this recommendation is to provide
sucient aircraft data and expected results so that degrad-
ed capabilities, such as in these examples, can be identied
during post-ight data analysis.
Technology is now available to perform more integrated
analysis of ight data and to compare the observed aircraft
performance to aircraft performance models and analyse the
results to identify operations that have objectively a higher
exposure to events such as runway excursions.
Two possible applications can directly be derived from exist-
ing on-board systems:
Energy-based ight path analysis to identify occurrences,
even momentary during the approach, of reduced margin
to stopping before the runway end (post-ight ROAAS);
Identication of reduced available runway braking action
(post ight ABAR – aircraft braking action report).
While ROAAS is designed to prevent a runway excursion on
a given ight, a statistical analysis can highlight approach
procedure design, or ATC practices, that more frequently put
the aircraft in a high-energy state during the approach that
is critical in terms of its performance capability. This allows
adapting procedures in an informed and objective way.
ABAR-generating systems are becoming available for some
aircraft types but may not be compatible with all eets. For
post-ight analysis, these compatibility issues typically do
not exist. Statistical analysis of deferred ABARs can identify
deciencies of the runway surface that create slippery con-
ditions when wet, or instances where the airport report was
not accurate as to the eect on aircraft performance. Such
information can be used for crew brieng and performance
planning, as well as fed back to the airport, which can inform
users accordingly and plan maintenance action.
These two types of observations could be combined to iden-
tify instances where performance capability would have been
marginal with regards to the available runway length for the
observed runway condition.
It should be noted that should the additional data needed
to support this recommendation be added in conjunction
with the initial design of the aircraft, or in concert with other
planned updates, the commercial impact should be minimal.
There have been several takeo performance-related events
over this last decade. Even though sucient margins were
available in most of them, these are high risk situations po-
tentially leading to a tail strike or a runway overrun.
Erroneous parameters, when used for the performance cal-
culation, can lead to incorrect takeo speeds or thrust com-
putations. On other occasions, takeo data wrongly inserted
in the ight management system or not updated following a
late runway change can lead to takeo without the correct
performance data.
In-service experience shows a number of events where air-
craft have started takeo from a taxiway intersection when
the computed performance was for the entire runway length,
where takeos have started from the opposite QFU (the op-
posite end of the assigned departure runway), from a dierent
runway than the planned runway, or even from a taxiway.
Finally, a few cases of residual braking leading to an abnormal
aircraft acceleration were reported during the takeo roll.
Most of these events can be avoided by complying with the
SOPs. Indeed, several cross-checks enable the ight crew to
identify discrepancies. These examples, however, show that
errors can still be made, typically in stressful situations, with
high crew workload, last minute changes or demanding ATC
Therefore, manufacturers should consider developing takeo
performance monitoring functions aiming at reducing the
risk of runway overrun.
These functions should timely warn the crew in case the con-
sidered takeo performance parameters (e.g., mass, speeds,
thrust, aps and runway) do not allow a safe takeo. Such
a function should consider the aircraft real-time position
within the airport at takeo initiation, in order to cover sce-
narios such as a takeo attempt from a wrong runway, a
wrong intersection or even a taxiway. These functions should
also monitor the evolution of the real measured takeo roll
against the expected one.
Recommendation MAN11: Manufactur-
ers should consider a real-time takeo per-
formance monitoring function in order to
reduce the risk of runway excursion during
takeo, including aircraft performance-re-
lated or wrong-position scenarios.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 119
Note that airport moving maps provide additional crew aware-
ness of position relative to runways and taxiways, and these
systems have the potential to mitigate errors associated with
incorrect runway, incorrect intersection, or inadvertent taxiway
takeos. Other systems (if equipped) can provide an alert if the
aircraft attempts a departure from a runway other than that
programmed in the FMS (FMS runway disagree) or attempts a
taxiway takeo (e.g., runway awareness and advisory system).
TakeoSurveillance &MonitoringFunctions — Safety
First | October 2019 — Airbus S.A.S. (https://safetyrst.-surveillance-and-monitoring-functions/)
Improving Runway Safety with Flight Deck Enhancements,
Boeing Aero Magazine, Quarter 1, 2011. (https://www.
The objective is to enhance ight crew awareness of ight
path and aircraft energy state during approach and reduce
the need for late go-arounds.
Current systems such as head-up guidance systems (HGS) can
have a positive inuence on a ight crew’s situational aware-
ness and risk perception, thereby improving decision-making.
The use of a HGS for all approaches may help the pilots in
their decision-making as well, because most HGS provide
for a 3-degree slope indication, indicate the ight path and
have a guidance line for the touchdown point. Using HGS
for all approaches may assist the pilots in ying stabilised
approaches. This is especially true for visual approaches when
no vertical guidance (e.g., ILS, precision approach path indica-
tor [PAPI], visual approach slope indicator [VASI]) is available.
Some HGS systems also have a feature that shows show the
runway remaining after touchdown.
Note also that many SVS incorporate very similar ight path
and energy cues on head-down displays such as the PFD
(e.g., FPS, acceleration and speed cues, ight path reference
line, runway distance remaining) and that such symbols may
also be present on PFDs without SVS terrain functionalities
The HUD and many SVS systems present information that is
ight path-based, and the inuence of factors such as cross-
winds, drag and power is reected in the information shown.
For example, during a crosswind condition, the FPS should
be pointing to the runway, irrespective of the current aircraft
heading during a crab (i.e., the direction the aircraft’s nose is
pointing). For FMS-coupled approaches, the HUD and/or SVS
information is an eective way to monitor the approach. HUD
and SVS energy information is typically depicted in reference
to the FPS, and both a speed error tape and acceleration cues
are presented.
The above display cues provide enhanced ight path and
speed awareness and aid the crew in maintaining a stable
Where such systems are not already available or the technol-
ogy has not matured to the required technology readiness
level, such systems should be considered and made available
to operators when benecial for aircraft operations. Evalua-
tions of the benets of such functions should be performed
based on in-service data and experience shared when and
where available. It is understood that the provision of such
technologies is inuenced by multiple factors (technology
maturity, architectural limitations, forward-t versus retrot
needs, etc.), and the necessary trade-os to provide such
capabilities will need to be made.
Figure 17 (p. 120) provides an example of SVS that provides
enhanced path and energy awareness cues.
EUROCAE – ED-249 (Minimum Aviation System Performance
for Aircraft State Awareness Synthetic Vision Systems).
Commercial Aviation Safety Team (CAST) identied Safety
Enhancement SE 200.
When landing on wet or contaminated runways, the ight
crew has to focus on multiple actions to ensure that landing
can be performed safely. One priority is to make the best use
of runway length available by targeting an accurate touch-
down point (both longitudinal and lateral) and keeping the
aircraft as close as possible to the centreline to avoid any
lateral deviation on these low-friction runway states. Flight
crew must also ensure that braking and reverse applications
are performed with minimal delays.
The use of automatic braking allows the release of constraints
on ight crew for minimising delays in brake application. It
also provides symmetrical braking during the landing roll.
It is recommended that aircraft manufacturers provide rec-
ommendations in their airplane ight manual or operational
documentation for the use of automatic braking when land-
ing on wet or contaminated runways.
Recommendation MAN12: Manufacturers
should consider making available systems
that provide ight path and energy state
awareness in order to aid the ight crew
to better anticipate and maintain stability
throughout the approach.
Recommendation MAN13: Manufacturers
should provide recommendations in their
operational documentation for the use of
automatic braking when landing on wet or
contaminated runways, when appropriate, to
minimize delays in brake application.
120 Appendix D — Aircraft Manufacturers
Stabilised approach is a key element for safe approach and
landings. Failing to establish and maintain a stabilised ap-
proach may potentially result in abnormal runway contact,
controlled ight into terrain (CFIT), in-ight damage, loss
of control in–ight (LOC-I), runway excursion, tail strike or
undershoot. During the 2009–2018 period, 49 percent of
fatal accidents in commercial aviation occurred during nal
approach and landing phases, resulting in 903 on-board fa-
talities [reference below, Boeing Statistical Summary].
An approach is stabilised only if all the criteria in company
SOPs are met before or when reaching the applicable min-
imum stabilization height. The recommended minimum
stabilization heights are 1,000 ft above airport elevation in
instrument meteorological conditions (IMC), or 500 ft above
airport elevation in visual meteorological conditions (VMC).
The stabilised approach monitoring system is intended to
increase situational awareness by monitoring stabilised ap-
proach criteria and providing timely awareness for the crew,
in order to minimize unstabilised approach occurrences.
The system should consider monitoring the approach ele-
ments presented by FSF ALAR Toolkit — Brieng note 7.1
— Stabilized Approach, as practical;
The system should automatically check elements and pro-
vide timely feedback for the crew;
The system should inform the crew which stabilised ap-
proach element is not being met during an unstabilised
The system should be harmonized with other systems
used in the same phase, in terms of alerts, pilot inputs
and procedures. Other systems examples may be list
ed, but not limited to: terrain awareness and warning
system (TAWS), ROAAS and landing gear alerts, among
others; and,
The system should not be intrusive (i.e., to preserve the
crew’s attention to ATC clearance/messages) and not
lead to unnecessary go-arounds (e.g., too frequent alerts
when not fully justied) that could risk to overcome ATC
Recommendation MAN14: Manufacturers
should consider making available on-board
real-time stabilised approach monitoring
systems that provide alerts when there is a
deviation from stable approach criteria. In
those cases where other alerting systems
are used in combination (e.g., ROAAS), the
alerting systems must be consistent to avoid
unnecessary go-arounds.
Figure 17. Example SVS with enhanced path and energy awareness
Courtesy of Honeywell
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 121
capability, and should t with existing SOPs, recommen-
dations and callouts.
BOEING: Statistical Summary 2018.
Flight Safety Foundation: ALAR Brieng Note 7.1 — Stabi-
lized Approach.
IATA et. al: Unstable Approaches — Risk Mitigation Policies,
Procedures and Best Practices, 2nd ed 2016.
NTSB, Safety Alert 077 — Stabilized Approaches Lead to
Safe Landings, 2019.
Improving Runway Safety with Flight Deck Enhancements,
Boeing Aero Magazine, Quartet 1, 2011. (https://www.
Selection of the wrong runway for takeo or landing can
invalidate any performance computations done to ensure
a safe takeo or landing. Providing the crew with improved
position awareness, or awareness when the available runway
surface appears to be atypically short, can help a crew avoid
beginning a takeo or approach to a runway that was not
Airport moving maps provide additional crew awareness
of position relative to runways and taxiways. These systems
have the potential to mitigate errors associated with incorrect
runway, incorrect intersection or inadvertent taxiway takeos.
The systems are typically part of an EFB or installed avionics
(e.g., on the navigation display).
Other ight deck systems (if equipped) provide an alert if the
aircraft attempts departure from a runway other than that
programmed in the FMS or attempts a takeo or landing
on the taxiway (e.g., runway awareness and advisory system
Improving Runway Safety with Flight Deck Enhancements,
Boeing Aero Magazine, Quarter 1, 2011. (https://www.
Runway Awareness and Advisory Sys-
New aircraft technology that is not covered by existing regu-
lations is often certied via standards that are not published
and made available to the rest of the aviation community.
This situation can make wider adoption of similar technolo-
gy more dicult for other manufacturers and can produce
products with related functionality but dissimilar operating
characteristics, including displays, controls and even basic
operating capabilities.
By collaborating with other industry organizations and reg-
ulators, common rules can be established and made known,
which permits other adopters of similar technology to have
validated requirements for design and can create a standard
level of performance for all implementations. There are many
organizations that help facilitate development of this type
of standard for aviation technology, such as the European
Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment (EUROCAE); RTCA,
formerly known as the Radio Technical Commission for Aer-
onautics; and SAE International.
Recommendation MAN15: Manufacturers
should provide on-board real-time means to
enhance position awareness with respect to
runways on nal approach and ground oper-
ations to address risks of aircraft lining up on:
The incorrect runway for landing or
A taxiway for landing or departure; or,
The incorrect intersection for departure.
Recommendation MAN16: Whenever new
functionality is created that is not supported
by existing regulatory guidance, that func-
tionality should be preferably supported by
development of minimum operations per-
formance standards (MOPS) by a standards
Left intentionally blank
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 123
Eective oversight of runway, aerodrome and ight oper-
ations should continue to form an important part of the
safety management system of the aerodrome operator, air
navigation service provider (ANSP), aircraft operator, other
stakeholders and of the state safety program activities.
Under the Convention on International Civil Aviation, States
are responsible to ensure safety, regularity and eciency of
aircraft operations, air navigation services and operations at
aerodromes under their jurisdiction. Therefore, it is essential
that the State exercises its safety oversight responsibilities
and ensures that aircraft operators, ANSPs and aerodrome
operators comply with the applicable national/regional regula-
tions, which are built on the relevant International Civil Aviation
Organization (ICAO) Standards and Recommended Practices.
The regulatory authority responsible for safety oversight
should conduct regulatory oversight and inspections on
aircraft and aerodrome operators as well as ANSPs in order
to monitor the safe provision of these operations and to verify
compliance with the regulatory requirements.
The oversight of aircraft operators, ANSPs and aerodrome
operators by their regulator should include at least the
Ensuring that aircraft operators, ANSPs and aerodrome
operators have developed, implemented and continue
to maintain an eective runway excursion prevention
programme that meets national/regional requirements;
Conducting audits and inspections to examine the in-
terfaces between the aerodrome operators and other
stakeholders involved in runway excursion prevention
(e.g., communication of safety-signicant information re-
garding changing surface conditions in real time to the
appropriate air trac services providers);
Reviewing and continuously improving the training pro-
gram for pilots, air trac controllers, aerodrome ight in-
formation service ocers and aerodrome personnel on
runway excursion prevention measures;
Reviewing operators incident prevention programs, in-
cluding occurrence reporting relating to runway excur-
sions; for aircraft operators, this should include monitoring
aircraft parameters related to potential runway excursions
from their ight data monitoring program;
Reviewing the training programs for air trac controllers
to ensure that the subject of ‘stabilised approaches and
aircraft energy management is included;
Reviewing runway maintenance programs, including re-
moval of contaminants, refurbishing programs, and the
assessment of runway contamination and friction levels in
line with the latest, national/regional requirements; and,
Reviewing the noise mitigation measures through hazard
identication and risk assessment for aerodromes ensur-
ing coordination between the organisation managing the
change and other stakeholders.
In addition to the regulatory oversight, it is benecial that
a regulator keeps a high level, national focus on the risk of
runway excursions. This can be achieved by establishing a na-
tional runway safety forum. Membership in the forum should
include representatives from aerodromes, aircraft operators
ight operations, air trac services, industry safety groups,
local runway safety teams and the regulatory authority.
Terms of reference for such a group should be to:
Address specic hazards identied nationally, coordinating
this through sub-groups or external agencies as required;
Promote good practices and information sharing, raise
awareness through publicity and educate the industry;
Actively enhance work continuing in industry and act as
a point of coordination for industry;
Identify and investigate which technologies are available that
may reduce runway excursion risks and promote their use;
Review current aerodrome, air trac control and aircraft
operational procedures and, if necessary, make recom-
mendations on future policy, guidance and advisory
material for all stakeholders to reduce the risk of runway
excursions; and,
Oversee the reporting of runway excursion incidents and
utilise the data to highlight issues and trends.
Regulators should continue to actively support and promote
the Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excur-
sions (GAPPRE) as part of state safety program activities. Al-
though GAPPRE contains recommendations only, regulators
should ensure that it is given appropriate consideration in
oversight activities by:
Promoting awareness of GAPPRE;
Conducting an operators gap analysis to ensure that all
recommendations are implemented;
Ensuring that runway safety and the prevention of runway
excursions are addressed in regular audit inspections;
124 Appendix E — Regulators and ICAO
Ensuring that the ndings and recommendations arising
from audits are implemented; and,
Working collaboratively with other regulators and ICAO
to ensure that the signs, markings and lighting systems
of the runway environment and associated procedures
are appropriate for all day, night and reduced visibility
operations and, where necessary, develop improvements
and enhancements as required.
ICAO should support and promote GAPPRE as part of the
ICAO Runway Safety Programme, its regional activities and
the work of the respective panels and working groups. This
should include but should not be restricted to:
Investigating measures to support ight crew to enable
dierentiation between the runway centreline lights and
the runway edge lights. This may include, for example,
dierentiation by colour, luminosity or pattern;
Considering provisions in Annex 14 that de-couple the
provision of taxiway centreline lights from trac density.
This is currently foreseen in recommended practice 5.3.17
of ICAO Annex 14. In practice, the taxiway centreline lights
are also used for the guidance of the individual aircraft (ir-
respective of the trac density) and not just for their con-
trol in the context of an aerodrome’s surface movement
guidance and control systems. Moreover, this should take
into account that occurrences of misaligned takeos have
taken place at aerodromes where the taxiway leading to
the runway entry was not equipped with taxiway centre-
line lights, and that the investigation of these occurrences
has shown that the misaligned aircraft (they were aligned
with the runway edge lights during their takeo) were
operating alone with no other trac present;
Investigating measures to enhance ight crew positional
awareness in the runway touchdown zone during ap-
proach and landing. Specically, the improvement of the
visual aids may include, for example, lighting systems indi-
cating the end of the touchdown zone. This will help ight
crew, especially in conditions where runway markings are
dicult to observe, to have an optimal are and to decide
whether to go around, when the timeliness of the decision
is a critical parameter aecting the runway excursion risk;
Investigating the possibility of upgrading to a standard
the use of simple touchdown zone lighting. This may en-
hance ight crew awareness of the touchdown zone and
will increase touchdown point accuracy, which is a critical
risk factor for the runway overrun risk.
Investigating the possibility of increasing the use of run-
way centreline lights to include more operations. This is
because there have been numerous runway excursions
(either high speed overruns or veer-os), during both the
landing and the takeo phase, whose investigation has
identied the existence of a runway centreline lighting
system as a measure that could have prevented the events.
Investigating potential regulatory measures to devel-
op detailed rules for the maintenance of manoeuvring
area signs.
Specic rationale and explanatory material related to recom-
mendation REG16: Support the development of approved
signal-in-space SBAS models to allow certication of auto-
matic landing on LPV 200 procedures as part of a wider initi-
ative to promote and encourage the development of LPV 200
instrument ight rules procedures on a wider set of runways.
States and/or regions developing SBAS systems capable of
supporting LPV 200 (localizer performance with vertical guid-
ance) approach procedures should support with data and/
or detailed specication the creation, validation and publi-
cation of signal-in-space models to enable the certication
of automatic landing with LPV 200. These signal-in-space
models shall include nominal performances (e.g., includ-
ing all nominal variability of the signals), and failures case
denitions. Certication authorities should recognise these
signal-in-space models as acceptable means to demonstrate
adequate automatic landing performances based on SBAS.
The rational includes:
The certication of aircraft automatic landing systems as
per all weather operation regulations requires demon-
stration of acceptable landing performance. To perform
this demonstration, acceptable means of compliance is
to rely on simulation and ight tests. The simulation re-
quires a signal-in-space model representative of nominal
distribution of errors and failure cases of the navigation
means used to support the operation.
The allowed minimums of an LPV 200 procedure are not
intended to be changed by the use of an automatic land-
ing system.
LPV 200 procedures are expected to be rapidly deployed
in regions where SBAS systems supporting LPV oper-
ations have been developed. Observed performance of
SBAS-in-space in regions where it is deployed has been
fully compatible with existing certied automatic landing
systems. However, we are currently lacking approved sig-
nal-in-space models to certify automatic landing capacity
based on SBAS. Such capacity would support the R&D rec-
ommendation R&D1, and Aircraft MAN9. Eorts to develop
such models have been constrained by the lack of data
availability and an approved methodology. In particular,
details on normal distribution of errors and ground-based
monitoring thresholds are dicult to obtain, and only the
specications may be known. Lack of a failure case model
prevents the failure case assessment from being performed
at the aircraft level (for example for ILS case and GBAS case,
the monitoring thresholds are published in standards).
As dierent SBAS systems are being deployed worldwide, it
is expected that performance of these systems might slightly
dier and that each system would require a specic signal-
in-space model.
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 125
GEM Recommendation R&D1 126
GEM Recommendation R&D2 126
GEM Recommendation R&D3 127
GEM Recommendation R&D4 127
GEM Recommendation R&D5 128
GEM Recommendation R&D6 128
GEM Recommendation R&D7 128
GEM Recommendation R&D8 129
126 Appendix F — R&D
The main reason for including recommended R&D topics
in the GAPPRE document is that the dierent experts who
participated in the development of GAPPRE felt that some
technologies needed more research and development before
they could be used in operations. Also, some technologies
must still mature for real-world systems development to en-
sure that they meet the intended function of reducing runway
excursions. The list of recommended R&D topics can help to
dene research projects in the future.
This appendix contains background information on the rec-
ommended R&D topics.
Occurrence data have shown that in a number of veer-os
during the landing phase, the aircraft had started to deviate
from the lateral track before touchdown. An example of such
cases is shown Figure 18. This shows the start of the lateral
deviation as function of time to touchdown. In most of these
runway excursions, the deviation started around or just after
passing the runway threshold. The lateral deviation was often
caused by some crosswind which was not compensated for
by the pilots or by incorrect control inputs by the pilots, often
in combination with a lack of outside visual references (e.g.,
due to sudden heavy rain, when passing the threshold). An
awareness and alerting system that informs or warns pilots
of the lateral deviation before touchdown could help reduce
these types of runway excursions.
One challenge is that such an awareness/alerting system
would need to be triggered suciently ahead of the touch-
down to allow appropriate time delay for crew action (oth-
erwise it may add confusion without allowing the required
time for trajectory correction or go-around). Expected crew
procedures for this alert would have to be dened. Nuisance
alerts should be minimised to avoid alerting if crew ade-
quately manoeuvre the aircraft to correct wind variations that
may occur in the late nal approach. Finally, the awareness/
alerting system will have to rely on navigation means to ade-
quately estimate risk of lateral excursion; this would require a
high level of navigation mean accuracy and integrity in order
to minimise the nuisance rate. Details of such a system should
be developed and the system should be evaluated (e.g., in
a simulator) to determine the actual benets. Development
of this system has not yet started.
The system would mainly benet commercial transport air-
craft that do not have automatic landing capabilities or have a
head-up display installed to help to provide lateral guidance.
It is unclear at this moment if it could be introduced as a
retrot or only for new designs.
D3.16 – Flight Data Monitoring Workshop: Runway Veer-
o Risk Monitoring Tools, Future Sky Safety, https://www.
H. Nelson, A Review of Runway Excursion, Airbus, 2015.
Lateral control of aircraft during the landing roll-out phase is
a complex interaction of rudder input and lateral forces acting
on the airframe (with crosswind) and tires. In particular, the
lateral friction forces on the aircraft tires are complex when-
ever there is a combination of cornering and brake applica-
tion (e.g., during landing in crosswind). Dierent engineering
models are used to capture these characteristics for a variety
of runway conditions. Only part of the directional control
characteristics envelope can be safely examined and vali-
dated in ight testing that is mostly limited to dry runways.
The idea is to dene standard models for lateral friction on
degraded runway states and acceptable means of compliance
to demonstrate roll-out performance for dierent runway
states and crosswind conditions. Currently, aircraft manu-
facturers use their own developed models for lateral friction
forces on tires. They do not have approved lateral friction
models for degraded runway state or sometimes even for a
dry runway. Lack of such standard models prevents automatic
landing performance demonstrations from being done by
simulation. Similar to standards for wheel braking friction
(see, e.g., EASA CS 25.109, and EASA AMC 25.1591), standard
models for the lateral friction forces should be developed for
R&D1: Investigate an awareness and alert-
ing system when an aircraft experiences ab-
normal/signicant lateral deviation during
nal stages of the landing.
R&D2: Conduct research on transport-cat-
egory aircraft, to extend automatic landing
capacity to any runway state.
Figure 18. Start of lateral deviation as function of
time to touchdown in runway veer-o accidents,
01/01/2012 to 07/07/2014
25 20 15
Time to touchdown (seconds)
Height above runway (feet)
10 –5 0
Source: H. Nelson, A Review of Runway Excursion, Airbus, 2015
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 127
dierent runway states (dry, wet and contaminated). These
models should account for the eect of brake application.
D3.2 – Shortcomings in current modelling for modern
Expansion of ight simulator capability for study and solu-
tion of aircraft directional control problems on runways,
NASA CR-145084, 1978.
Enhancement of Aircraft Ground Handling Simulation
Capability, Advisory Group for Aerospace Research and
Development, AGARDograph-333, 1998.
Over the years, a number of runway overrun accidents and
incidents have occurred after the aircraft landed on a wet
runway. An analysis of the aircraft stopping performance in
these events indicates that the wheel braking friction coef-
cient achieved during the landing roll was signicantly less
than the coecient predicted by industry-accepted models,
and less than assumed in the wet-runway landing distance
advisory data provided in the manufacturers’ airplane ight
manuals. The wheel braking friction coecient that can be as
sumed on a wet runway during an aborted takeo is specied
by 14 CFR 25.109 or EASA CS 25.109. The 25.109 model has
been proposed and used for computing landing distances on
a wet runway as well. In a number of runway overruns, there
were no clear indications that the runway would be slippery
when wet. It is believed that deciencies in the runway micro
texture have resulted in the lower wheel braking friction lev-
els. The wheel braking friction coecients specied in FAR/CS
25.109 are based on generalized curves originally developed
by engineering design organization ESDU. These ESDU curves
were based on data for runways having a sharp micro texture.
For wet runway surfaces having a smooth micro texture, the
standard curves of 25.109 overestimate the braking friction
capabilities of aircraft tires. An example of such an overesti-
mation is shown in Figure 19. In this example, a slippery wet
condition (RCR = 3) matches the achieved braking friction
levels much better. At this moment, there are no acceptable
methods for assessing the runway micro texture. Research is
therefore needed on methods that airports can use to assess
the runway micro texture. Whenever the micro texture level
is below a dened threshold, the runway could be declared
‘Slippery wet (e.g., RCR = 3). This could also initiate runway
resurfacing. Explorative research has shown that high res-
olution laser scanners can help to assess the micro texture
characteristics of a hard surface. However, further research is
needed to validate this technique for runways and to dene
thresholds that can be used by airports. Correlation of laser
scanner results with full-scale ight test data is also needed as
part of the validation process. Aircraft full braking tests on wet
runways with dierent micro textures should be conducted
and compared to results obtained with high resolution laser
J. O’Callaghan. Slippery When Wet: The Case for More Con-
servative Wet Runway Braking Coecient Models, National
Transportation Safety Board, AIAA AVIATION Forum, 2016.
Topic 9 Wet Runway Stopping, FAA Aviation Rulemaking Ad-
visory Committee FTHWG Phase 2, 2018.
EASA Research Agenda 2020
Airports often struggle to give accurate information regard-
ing the wetness of their runways during operations. Simple
empirical models have been developed over the years that
predict the water lm depth on a surface as a function of
rainfall, location and runway topography (slopes and texture).
Some of the empirical models that are currently used do not
always agree well with experimental data (other than those
data used to develop the equations) and cannot account for
surface wind. The empirical water depth models are often
developed using data obtained for road surfaces. Research
is needed to further improve the models for runway surfaces,
including grooved surfaces. Also, the concept of operations of
R&D3: Improve methods for assessing run-
way micro texture. Make pilots and aero-
drome operators aware of the impact of a
poor micro texture and of the shortfalls of
current industry practice.
R&D4: Develop models for assessing runway
wetness, particularly the depth.
Figure 19. Example of low braking friction on a wet
grooved runway
20 40
Ground speed (knots)
Minimum friction level regulation (RCR = 5)
B737-700 overrun at KMDW
Slippery wet
RCR = 3
Braking friction coefficient
60 80 100 120 140 160
Source: NTSB, NLR
128 Appendix F — R&D
such models in an airport environment need to be developed.
The use of water lm models have been tested at airports
with some success.
Gallaway, B. M., Pavement and geometric design criteria for
minimizing hydroplaning, U.S. Federal Highway Adminis-
tration; its R&D report no. S-0929, 1979.
Gallaway, B.M., Schiller, R.E., Jr. and Rose, J.G., The Eects of
Rainfall Intensity, Pavement Cross Slope, Surface Texture
and Drainage Length on Pavement Water Depths, Texas
Transportation Institute Report 138-5, 1971.
D3.11 – Assessment of the impact of new concepts
reducing the risk of runway excursions, Future Sky Safe-
ty Project,
Accumulation of water on runway, ESDU Data Item 19005,
May 2019.
With the introduction of the Runway Condition Assessment
Matrix (RCAM) as part of the Global Reporting Format, the
need to assess contaminants on a runway has become more
critical. Many airports are looking for systems that can auto-
matically detect the runway condition (e.g., type of contam-
inant and its depth). Mobile, as well as static, monitoring
systems are currently available. However, their accuracy is
sometimes questionable and the operational limitations
are often unclear. Research is needed into the accuracy and
working of these systems. There is also a need for design spec-
ications that manufacturers can use when developing the
surface monitoring systems. Work on drafting specications
has been started by EUROCAE.
Guilhem Blanchard, Antoine Dejean de La Batie, Sébastien
Belon, Caractérisation automatisée de l’état de surface des
pistes aéroportuaires - État de l’art et perspectives, DGAC-
STAC, 2019.
Minimum Aviation System Performance Standards (MASPS)
for Runway Weather Information Systems, EUROCAE WG-
109 (to be published in 2021).
A function of the graded area of a runway strip is to reduce
the risk of damage to an aircraft running o the runway. For
this reason, airports have to comply with International Civil
Aviation Organization (ICAO) standards that dene the limits
of how much an aircraft’s landing gear can sink into the soil
in the graded area. The runway strip and graded area must
meet specic longitudinal and transverse slopes, and bearing
strength requirements. Because the graded portion of a strip
is provided to minimise the hazard to an aircraft running o
the runway, it should be graded in such a manner as to prevent
the collapse of the landing gear of the aircraft. The surface
should be prepared in such a manner as to provide drag to
an aircraft, and it should have sucient bearing strength to
avoid damage to the aircraft. To meet these divergent needs,
the following guidelines are provided for preparing the strip.
Aircraft manufacturers consider that a depth of 15 cm is the
maximum depth to which the nose gear may sink without col-
lapsing. Therefore, it is recommended by ICAO that the soil at
a depth of 15 cm below the nished strip surface be prepared
to have a bearing strength of a California Bearing Ratio (CBR)
value of 15 to 20. The intention of this underlying prepared
surface is to prevent the landing gear from sinking more than
15 cm. This requirement is tested under dry surface conditions.
Aircraft veer-o accidents have shown that in many cases,
the gear collapsed when running over the graded area of the
runway strip when it was wet from rainfall. The relatively low
shear strength of unpaved runway surfaces when wet limits
aircraft loads imposed on the runway. There could be a need
to develop graded areas which do not have this shortcoming.
Research in this area is therefore recommended.
M. Crispino et Al. “Soil Improvement of Runway STRIP and
Runway End Safety Area (RESA) through an Innovative
Methodology. Proceedings of the First Congress of Trans-
portation and Development Institute, 2011.
Aerodrome Design Manual, ICAO Doc 9157.
The objective is to enhance ight crew awareness of the air-
craft energy state during approach and reduce the need for
late go-arounds.
Current systems such as head-up guidance systems (HGS) can
have a positive inuence on a ight crew’s situational aware-
ness and risk perception, thereby improving decision-making.
The use of an HGS for all approaches may help the pilots in
their decision-making as well because most HGS provide
R&D6: Research ways to improve graded
area of wet runway strips to mitigate the
damage to aircraft when veering o a runway.
R&D7: Research and develop functions that
provide additional ight path and energy in-
formation (such as ight path vector symbol-
ogy) in order to help the ight crew to better
anticipate and maintain stability at the gate
and below.
R&D5: Explore the accuracy of and develop
new automatic runway condition monitoring
Global Action Plan for the Prevention of Runway Excursions 129
for a 3-degree slope indication, indicate the ight path and
have a guidance line for the touchdown point. Using HGS
for all approaches may assist the pilots in ying stabilised
approaches. This is especially true for visual approaches when
no vertical guidance (e.g., instrument landing system, preci-
sion approach path indicator, visual approach slope indicator)
is available. Most HGS systems also have a feature that shows
the runway remaining after touchdown.
Note also that some synthetic visions systems incorporate
similar energy management cues on head-down displays
such as the primary ight display (e.g., ight path vector, ac-
celeration and speed cues, ight path reference line, runway
distance remaining).
Where such systems are not already available or the technol-
ogy has not matured to the required technology readiness
level, such systems should be developed and made available
to operators. Evaluations of the benets of such functions
should be performed based on in-service data and experience
when/where available.
Numerous runway excursions are related to unstable ap-
proaches. Some ight deck systems such as the runway
awareness and advisory system (RAAS) already provide aural
and/or visual alerts when stabilised approach criteria are be-
ing violated (e.g., too fast, too high). Other systems such as
the runway overrun awareness and alerting system (ROAAS)
provide instantaneous information, such as predicted stop-
ping points, to the pilots. These systems typically function
at altitudes below 1,500 ft. Earlier awareness of such con-
ditions beginning at the start of the descent would lower
the number of unstable approaches. The objective is to
reduce the risk of unexpected energy/trajectory conditions
(leading to possible go-arounds) when approaching landing
decision gates. R&D eorts should be conducted to develop
a real-time strategic awareness and alerting function to
enable appropriate energy management throughout the
descent (from top of descent) and approach, upstream of
the ROAAS/RAAS protection domain. This function should
ideally account for current and predicted energy conditions,
air trac control (ATC) change requests, winds conditions,
etc., and provide path adaptation and conguration man-
agement cues, and alerting when unsafe landing conditions
are predicted.
The system should assist in timely planning and predicting
an optimized trajectory, taking into account the current en-
ergy and trajectory state and the ATC change requests, and
giving guidance to the crew to anticipate future sequence of
actions for energy dissipation on this optimized prole (e.g.,
conguration change).
R&D8: R&D eorts should be conducted to
develop on-board real time stabilised approach
monitoring (upstream of ROAAS function at
higher altitudes e.g., Flight Level 200). Such sys-
tems should ensure that they are harmonized
with other systems such as ROAAS and the
runway awareness and advisory system (RAAS).
© EUROCONTROL - May 2021
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Organisations that supported the initiative