Oracle's PeopleTools PeopleBook
PeopleTools 8.52: Crystal Reports for
June 2013
PeopleTools 8.52: Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft
SKU pt8.52tcyr-b0613
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Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft Preface ....................................................................................................... v
Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft ........................................................................................................................ v
PeopleBooks and the PeopleSoft Online Library ............................................................................................ v
Chapter 1
Getting Started with Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft ................................................................................. 1
Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft Overview ........................................................................................................ 1
Crystal Reports Concepts ................................................................................................................................. 1
Crystal Reports Execution Environments ........................................................................................................ 4
Crystal Reports Environments for PeopleSoft Applications ........................................................................... 6
Crystal Reports Integrations ........................................................................................................................... 7
Crystal Reports Implementation ...................................................................................................................... 7
Chapter 2
Using Crystal Reports 2008 ........................................................................................................................... 9
Understanding Crystal Reports 2008 Compatibility Issues ............................................................................ 9
Configuring Crystal Reports 2008 ................................................................................................................ 10
Specifying Crystal/Business Interlink/JDeveloper Options ................................................................... 10
Specifying the Path for Production of Crystal Reports .......................................................................... 12
Installing the PeopleSoft ODBC Driver and Crystal Runtime ............................................................... 13
Signing In to a PeopleSoft Database ....................................................................................................... 14
Creating and Formatting Reports in Crystal Reports 2008 ............................................................................ 14
Creating Reports in Crystal Reports 2008 .............................................................................................. 14
Formatting Reports in Crystal Reports 2008 .......................................................................................... 15
Modifying Default Settings in Crystal Reports 2008 ............................................................................. 16
Running Crystal 2008 Reports ...................................................................................................................... 17
Running Crystal 2008 Reports from PeopleSoft Process Scheduler ...................................................... 18
Running Standard Reports from Within Crystal Reports 2008 .............................................................. 24
Launching Crystal Reports 2008 with Microsoft Windows-based PeopleSoft Query ........................... 25
Printing Crystal 2008 Reports ................................................................................................................ 26
iv Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Chapter 3
Working with Multiple Languages ............................................................................................................. 27
Understanding How to Work with Multiple Languages ............................................................................... 27
Data Returned by the Report .................................................................................................................. 27
Report Layout and Boilerplate Text ....................................................................................................... 27
Crystal Reports Designer/Runtime Language Versions ......................................................................... 28
Language Parameter for pscrrun.exe ...................................................................................................... 30
Configuration of Crystal Reports for Multilingual Environments ......................................................... 30
Translated Report Searches .................................................................................................................... 31
Index .............................................................................................................................................................. 33
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. v
Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft Preface
This book discusses Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft.
Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft
Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft helps you generate clear and easy-to-read printed reports containing data from
your PeopleSoft applications. You can generate standard reports that are already created and saved in Crystal
Reports, or create your own custom reports.
PeopleBooks and the PeopleSoft Online Library
A companion PeopleBook called PeopleBooks and the PeopleSoft Online Library contains general
information, including:
Understanding the PeopleSoft online library and related documentation.
How to send PeopleSoft documentation comments and suggestions to Oracle.
How to access hosted PeopleBooks, downloadable HTML PeopleBooks, and downloadable PDF
PeopleBooks as well as documentation updates.
Understanding PeopleBook structure.
Typographical conventions and visual cues used in PeopleBooks.
ISO country codes and currency codes.
PeopleBooks that are common across multiple applications.
Common elements used in PeopleBooks.
Navigating the PeopleBooks interface and searching the PeopleSoft online library.
Displaying and printing screen shots and graphics in PeopleBooks.
How to manage the locally installed PeopleSoft online library, including web site folders.
Understanding documentation integration and how to integrate customized documentation into the library.
Application abbreviations found in application fields.
You can find PeopleBooks and the PeopleSoft Online Library in the online PeopleBooks Library for your
PeopleTools release.
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 1
Chapter 1
Getting Started with Crystal Reports for
This chapter provides an overview of Crystal Reports and discusses:
Crystal Reports concepts.
Crystal Reports execution environments.
Crystal Reports environments for PeopleSoft applications.
Crystal Reports integrations.
Crystal Reports implementation.
Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft Overview
Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft enables you to generate both standard and custom-printed reports containing
data from your PeopleSoft applications.
Crystal Reports has many more features than are described in this book. See your Crystal Reports
documentation for more information. You must have Crystal Reports installed to gain access to this
Note. Crystal reports in PeopleTools are language-sensitive.
See Chapter 3, "Working with Multiple Languages," page 27.
Crystal Reports Concepts
Crystal Reports has two key sets of components as it relates to PeopleSoft applications:
Report design components.
Report execution components.
The following diagram illustrates, at a high level, the components of Crystal Reports:
Getting Started with Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft Chapter 1
2 Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
High-level depiction of Crystal Reports components
Report Design Components
The Report Design Components include:
Chapter 1 Getting Started with Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 3
Crystal Reports 2008 Designer.
You first create queries using the PS/Query Designer, and then you design report layouts in the Crystal
Reports 2008 Designer application referencing the fields defined in the queries that you created.
Report Execution Components
You can run Crystal Reports in these two alternative environments:
Crystal Reports 2008 Print Engine.
Crystal Reports 2008 Print Engine is a standard execution environment requiring minimal setup and
seamless integration with PeopleTools Process Scheduler. Crystal Print Engine connects to PeopleSoft
data sources using PeopleSoft OpenQuery (Windows-based data connectivity). OpenQuery interacts with
the PS/Query execution environment, which gets data from the PeopleSoft database.
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI.
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI is an optional Crystal Reports execution environment. You can install
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI and the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI PeopleSoft Integration Kit on a
Unix, Linux, or Windows server. BusinessObjects Enterprise connects to PeopleSoft data sources using
PeopleSoft Query Access Services (QAS), a collection of standards-based web services. QAS interacts
with the PS/Query execution environment, which gets data from the PeopleSoft database.
This table summarizes the two alternative report execution technology options:
Alternative 1
Crystal Reports 2008 Print Engine
Alternative 2
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI
Seamless integration with PeopleTools Windows Process
Installed on Unix, Linux, or Windows
PeopleTools OpenQuery PeopleSoft Query Access Services (QAS) Web Services
PS/Query execution environment PS/Query Execution Environment
PeopleSoft database PeopleSoft Database
See Also
The PeopleTools Installation Guide for your database platform: Installing and Configuring BusinessObjects
Enterprise XI.
The PeopleTools Hardware and Software Guide: Supported Versions of BusinessObjects Enterprise XI and
Supported Software.
Getting Started with Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft Chapter 1
4 Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Crystal Reports Execution Environments
Depending on the Crystal Report execution environment that you use with PeopleTools 8.50 or later, and
your current Crystal Report execution environment, you may have different considerations as described in
this table:
PeopleTools 8.50 or Later, and Crystal Print Engine
Report Execution
PeopleTools 8.50 or Later, and BusinessObjects
Enterprise XI Report Execution
Scenario A: You use PeopleTools 8.50 or later, and
PeopleSoft Applications 9.1.
Scenario D: You use PeopleTools 8.50 or later, and
PeopleSoft Applications 9.1
Scenario B: You use PeopleTools 8.50 or later, and
versions of PeopleSoft applications earlier than
PeopleSoft Applications 9.1 that use Crystal Reports 9.
For example, a Tools-only upgrade.
Scenario E: You use PeopleTools 8.50 or later, and
versions of PeopleSoft applications earlier than
PeopleSoft Applications 9.1 that use Crystal 9.
For example, a Tools-only upgrade.
Scenario C: You use PeopleTools 8.50 or later, and
versions of PeopleSoft applications prior to PeopleSoft 8.
For example, a Tools-only upgrade.
Scenario F: You use PeopleTools 8.50 or later, and
versions of PeopleSoft applications prior to PeopleSoft 8.
For example, a Tools-only upgrade.
PeopleTools 8.50 or Later, and Crystal Print Engine Report Execution
Scenario A: If you are using PeopleTools 8.50 or later, and PeopleSoft Applications 9.1, note that:
From PeopleTools 8.50 forward, Crystal reports are delivered in Crystal Reports 2008 format.
Applications 9.1 Crystal reports are delivered in Crystal Reports 2008 format.
Custom Crystal Reports being brought forward from earlier releases need to be converted to the Crystal
Reports 2008 format using the pscvtrpt.exe conversion utility program.
See the PeopleTools Installation Guide for your database platform: "Converting Existing Crystal Reports
to Crystal Reports 2008 Format."
You should review changed behavior in Crystal 2008 for your custom reports.
Scenario B:
If you are using PeopleTools 8.50 or later, and versions of PeopleSoft applications earlier than
PeopleSoft Applications 9.1 that use Crystal 9, note that:
From PeopleTools 8.50 forward, Crystal reports are delivered in Crystal Reports 2008 format.
Delivered application Crystal 9 reports and custom Crystal reports being brought forward from earlier
releases need to be converted to the Crystal Reports 2008 format using the pscvtrpt.exe conversion utility
See the
PeopleTools Installation Guide
for your database platform: "Converting Existing Crystal Reports
to Crystal Reports 2008 Format."
You should review changed behavior in Crystal 2008 for your application-delivered and custom reports.
Chapter 1 Getting Started with Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 5
Scenario C: If you are using PeopleTools 8.50 or later, and versions of PeopleSoft applications earlier than
PeopleSoft 8, note that:
From PeopleTools 8.50 forward, Crystal reports are delivered in Crystal Reports 2008 format.
Delivered application Crystal 9 reports and custom Crystal reports being brought forward from earlier
releases will need to be converted to the Crystal Reports 2008 format using the pscvtrpt.exe conversion
utility program.
See the PeopleTools Installation Guide for your database platform: "Converting Existing Crystal Reports
to Crystal Reports 2008 Format."
You should review changed behavior in Crystal 2008 for your application-delivered and custom reports.
PeopleTools 8.50 or Later, and BusinessObjects Enterprise XI Report Execution
Scenario D: If you are using PeopleTools 8.50 or later, and PeopleSoft Applications 9.1, note that:
From PeopleTools 8.50 forward, Crystal reports are delivered in Crystal Reports 2008 format using
OpenQuery as the data connectivity.
Note. Reports must be converted by the standalone conversion program PSCRCONV.EXE to use QAS.
Applications 9.1 Crystal reports are delivered in Crystal Reports 2008 format using OpenQuery as the
data connectivity.
Reports must be converted by the standalone conversion program PSCRCONV.EXE to use QAS.
Custom Crystal 9 reports being brought forward from earlier releases must be converted by the standalone
conversion program PSCRCONV.EXE to use QAS.
One exception: If you used BOE XI with PeopleTools 8.48 and PeopleTools 8.49, your custom reports
being brought forward will run with BOE XI and PeopleTools 8.50 or greater.
You should review changed behavior in Crystal 2008 for your custom reports.
Scenario E: If you are using PeopleTools 8.50 or later, and versions of PeopleSoft applications earlier than
PeopleSoft Applications 9.1 that use Crystal Reports 9, note that:
From PeopleTools 8.50 forward, Crystal reports are delivered in Crystal Reports 2008 format using
OpenQuery as the data connectivity.
Note. Reports must be converted by the standalone conversion program PSCRCONV.EXE to use QAS.
Application and custom Crystal 9 reports being brought forward from earlier releases must be converted
by the standalone conversion program PSCRCONV.EXE to use QAS.
One exception: If you used BOE XI with PeopleTools 8.48 and PeopleTools 8.49, your application and
custom reports being brought forward will run with BOE XI and PeopleTools 8.50 or greater.
You should review changed behavior in Crystal 2008 for your custom reports.
Scenario F: If you are using PeopleTools 8.50 or later, and versions of PeopleSoft applications earlier than
PeopleSoft 8, note that:
Getting Started with Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft Chapter 1
6 Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
From PeopleTools 8.50 forward, Crystal reports are delivered in Crystal Reports 2008 format using
OpenQuery as the data connectivity.
Note. Reports must be converted by the standalone conversion program PSCRCONV.EXE to use QAS.
Application and custom Crystal reports being brought forward from earlier releases must be converted
using the standalone conversion program PSCVTRPT.EXE unless you are already running these reports
on a version of PeopleTools 8.
Application and custom Crystal reports being brought forward from earlier releases must then be
converted by the standalone conversion program PSCRCONV.EXE to use QAS.
One exception: If you used BOE XI with PeopleTools 8.48 and PeopleTools 8.49, your application and
custom reports being brought forward will run with BOE XI and PeopleTools 8.50 or greater.
You should review changed behavior in Crystal 2008 for your custom reports.
Crystal Reports 2008 is more particular than earlier versions of Crystal Reports about null values being
passed to its in-built functions.
See Also
Chapter 2, "Using Crystal Reports 2008," Understanding Crystal Reports 2008 Compatibility Issues, page 9
Crystal Reports Environments for PeopleSoft Applications
PeopleSoft applications are delivered to work with the Crystal Reports 2008 runtime environment. PeopleSoft
Crystal process definitions are configured to use the Crystal Reports 2008 print engine, and the delivered
Crystal Report definition files are in the Crystal Reports 2008 format. You use the Crystal Reports 2008
product to create and edit report definitions.
If you are using PeopleSoft PeopleTools 8.48 or later, you can optionally use the BusinessObjects Enterprise
XI (BOE XI) runtime environment to run and view your reports. With PeopleTools 8.50 or later, the Crystal
Reports 2008 designer can be used to create and edit report definitions for use in either the Crystal Reports
2008 or the BOE XI runtime environment. A PeopleSoft-supplied conversion program, pscrconv.exe, can be
used to convert preexisting Crystal Report definition files for use within the BOE XI runtime environment.
For PeopleSoft applications, you must use either the Crystal Reports 2008 runtime environment or the BOE
XI runtime environment, which allows you to run Crystal reports on UNIX and Linux in addition to
Microsoft Windows. You cannot run a mixed environment in which some reports run using Crystal Report
2008 and some reports run using BOE XI.
See Also
The PeopleTools Installation Guide for your database platform: "Installing and Configuring Software for
Crystal Reports."
Chapter 1 Getting Started with Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 7
Crystal Reports Integrations
Crystal Reports work with PeopleSoft Query. You use PeopleSoft Query to extract specific subsets of data
from your database. You can then use Crystal Reports to format that data and present the information in an
easy-to-understand layout.
Crystal Reports Implementation
Crystal Reports implementation can be divided into the following phases:
Install Crystal Reports.
Create and save queries in PeopleSoft Query.
Create and save report definitions in Crystal Reports.
Installing Crystal Reports
If you want to design new Crystal reports, you must install Crystal Reports 2008:
Step Cross-Reference
Install Crystal Reports 2008 on your PeopleTools
Development Environment (a Windows-based
workstation) and Crystal Reports 2008 Runtime
Redistributable on your PeopleTools Process Scheduler
Server environment.
See the PeopleTools Installation Guide for your database
platform: "Installing and Configuring Software for Crystal
Creating and Saving Queries in PeopleSoft Query
Before you can generate formatted output in Crystal Reports, you need to create and save queries in
PeopleSoft Query:
Step Cross-Reference
Create and save a query to extract a selected subset of
your data.
See PeopleTools 8.52: PeopleSoft Query.
Creating and Saving Report Definitions in Crystal Reports
After you have generated and saved queries, you can create report definitions in Crystal Reports to format the
fields (columns) used in the queries:
Getting Started with Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft Chapter 1
8 Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Step Cross-Reference
Create the report definition. See Chapter 2, "Using Crystal Reports 2008," Creating
and Formatting Reports in Crystal Reports 2008, page 14.
Save the report definition. See Chapter 2, "Using Crystal Reports 2008," Creating
and Formatting Reports in Crystal Reports 2008, page 14.
Run the report. See Chapter 2, "Using Crystal Reports 2008," Running
Crystal 2008 Reports, page 17.
Note. Crystal report definitions do not contain actual data from your database, so each time you use Crystal
Reports, PeopleSoft Query retrieves the most recent data. This action ensures that your printed reports always
contain current information. However, if you want to track the changes over time, you can save the data with
a report.
Other Sources of Information
This section provides information to consider before you begin to use Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft
Other PeopleSoft sources of information include installation guides, release notes, PeopleSoft PeopleBooks,
red papers, the Updates and Fixes area of the My Oracle Support website, and PeopleSoft curriculum courses.
See Also
PeopleTools 8.52: Getting Started with PeopleTools
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 9
Chapter 2
Using Crystal Reports 2008
This chapter provides an overview of Crystal Reports 2008 compatibility issues and discusses how to:
Configure Crystal Reports 2008.
Create and format reports in Crystal Reports 2008.
Run Crystal Reports 2008.
Understanding Crystal Reports 2008 Compatibility Issues
When you upgrade to Crystal Reports 2008, consider the following compatibility issues:
Crystal Reports 2008 can run a report that is saved in an earlier version of Crystal Reports format.
However, if you save the report definition from the Crystal Report 2008 designer, the report will be saved
in Crystal Reports 2008 format and can not be opened by any version of Crystal Reports earlier than
version 9. In addition, if you open a Crystal Reports 2008 report in Crystal Reports 9, you will be warned
that the report is in a later format and certain features may not be supported.
When you run an earlier format Crystal Report in the Crystal Reports 2008 application or through the
PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, the Crystal Reports application runs the Verify Database function, which
picks up any errorssuch as missing fieldsin the report. If errors are detected, you must correct the
report before you can run it successfully.
When you run reports using the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler in the PeopleSoft Pure Internet
Architecture, they are created in the Crystal Reports 2008 .rpt format and you cannot open them using any
version of Crystal Reports earlier than version 9.
You can use earlier format report templates to generate reports; however, to ensure compatibility, you
should always create the reports in the Crystal Reports 2008 format.
See the PeopleTools Installation Guide for your database platform: "Installing and Configuring Software
for Crystal Reports," Converting Crystal Reports, Converting Existing Crystal Reports to Crystal Reports
2008 format.
If you use the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler to run Crystal Reports, do not install a version of Crystal
Reports on the Process Scheduler server that is different from the version of the Crystal Runtime
Redistributable already installed on the machine.
Using Crystal Reports 2008 Chapter 2
10 Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Crystal Reports 2008 is more particular than earlier versions of Crystal Reports about null values being
passed to its in-built functions.
To prevent errors occurring in formulas, check that the values you are passing are not null. For example,
instead of:
compare = toText({CUSTOMER_SALES.END_DATE});
chooseDate := "";
If you are upgrading from previous versions of PeopleSoft PeopleTools, your pre-PeopleTools 8.50
Crystal reports need to be converted to the Crystal Reports 2008 format.
The PeopleTools RPT Conversion utility pscvtrpt.exe is a standalone program that converts your .rpt files
from the format used in previous releases to the Crystal Reports 2008 format.
See the
PeopleTools Installation Guide
for your database platform: "Installing and Configuring Software
for Crystal Reports," Converting Crystal Reports, Converting Existing Crystal Reports to Crystal Reports
2008 format.
Configuring Crystal Reports 2008
This section discusses how to:
Specify Crystal/Business Interlink/JDeveloper options.
Specify the path for production of Crystal reports.
Install the PeopleSoft ODBC Driver and Crystal Runtime.
Sign in to a PeopleSoft Database.
Note. These configuration options are relevant only if you have installed Crystal Reports 2008.
See the
PeopleTools Installation Guide
for your database platform: "Installing and Configuring Software for
Crystal Reports," Installing Crystal Reports 2008.
Specifying Crystal/Business Interlink/JDeveloper Options
Access the PeopleTools Configuration Manager dialog box by:
1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.5x, Configuration Manager.
2. Alternatively, go to <PS_HOME>\bin\client\winx86\ and launch pscfg.exe.
The Configuration Manager Crystal/Bus. Interlink/JDeveloper tab appears.
The following example illustrates the Configuration Manager - Crystal/Bus. Interlink/JDeveloper tab:
Chapter 2 Using Crystal Reports 2008
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 11
Configuration Manager dialog box, Crystal/Bus. Interlink/JDeveloper tab
Use the Crystal/Bus. Interlink/JDeveloper tab to specify the locations of Crystal Reports executables and the
default location for Crystal Reports that are generated through PeopleSoft Query; the default location for
Crystal Reports must be a directory to which the user has write access. This tab also enables you to specify
the location of Business Interlink drivers and the JDeveloper Home Directory.
Note. PeopleSoft Business Interlinks is a deprecated product. These options currently exist for upgrade
compatibility and transition.
Crystal EXEs Path
Set the Crystal EXEs Path parameter to reflect the location of the Crystal
Reports executables, for example: C:\Program Files\Business
Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\win32_x86.
Using Crystal Reports 2008 Chapter 2
12 Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Default Crystal Reports
This option enables you to specify the default location of your Crystal
Note. If you are creating a Crystal report from PeopleSoft Query and this
path is invalid, you will receive an error message. If a path is not specified,
PeopleSoft Query tries to write the file to the language directory beneath
the directory containing Crystal Reports (CRWRPTPATH).
Use trace during execution
When this option is selected, Crystal writes the trace statements to a log file
that you specify in the Trace File field. This file is written to the
workstation's %TEMP% directory by default.
Note. When you are tracing Crystal reports through the Process Scheduler,
edit the settings in the Crystal section of the psprcs.cfg configuration file.
(This file is located in <PS_CFG_HOME>\appserv\prcs\<dbname> for
Microsoft Windows.) Change Trace=YES and specify a location for
TraceFile, supplying a full path and file name.
Specifying the Path for Production of Crystal Reports
To access the PeopleSoft Configuration Manager and specify the path for production of Crystal Reports:
1. Select Start, Programs, PeopleTools 8.x, Configuration Manager:
2. Select the Profile tab, and select a profile to edit.
3. Select the Process Scheduler tab.
4. In the Crystal Reports [CRWRPTPATH] field, enter the path to your Crystal production reports.
Note. CRWRPTPATH is a read-only directory that is intended to hold production reports.
This example illustrates the Configuration Manager - Process Scheduler dialog box and the Crystal Reports
(CRWRPTPATH) field is set to c:\ptdoc\pt85x\crw.
Chapter 2 Using Crystal Reports 2008
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 13
Configuration Manager - Process Scheduler dialog box
See PeopleTools 8.52: System and Server Administration, "Using PeopleSoft Configuration Manager,"
Configuring User Profiles; Chapter 3, "Working with Multiple Languages," Configuration of Crystal Reports
for Multilingual Environments, page 30 and Chapter 3, "Working with Multiple Languages," Translated
Report Searches, page 31.
Installing the PeopleSoft ODBC Driver and Crystal Runtime
If you have installed Crystal Reports on your Microsoft Windows-based development workstation, refer to
the PeopleTools Installation Guide to install the PeopleSoft ODBC driver and Crystal runtime. This
installation is required to successfully use Crystal Reports 2008 designer to create and run reports.
See the PeopleTools Installation Guide for your database platform: "Installing the PeopleSoft ODBC Driver
and Crystal Runtime."
You can run two copies of the same version of PeopleTools on one machine; however, we support only
one version of the PeopleSoft ODBC driver on one machine. This means that you cannot have PeopleTools
7.5 and PeopleTools 8 on the same machine and expect Crystal Reports to work with both PeopleTools
builds. For instance, you cannot get PeopleTools 7.5 Crystal Reports to work with the PeopleTools 8.x
PeopleSoft ODBC driver.
Using Crystal Reports 2008 Chapter 2
14 Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Signing In to a PeopleSoft Database
You must sign in to a PeopleSoft database before you can generate a PeopleSoft report from Crystal Reports.
When you open Crystal Reports and create a new report, Crystal Reports prompts you to sign in to a
PeopleSoft database using the Crystal Reports sign-in dialog. When you run a preexisting report, you sign in
to a PeopleSoft database using the PeopleSoft sign-in dialog. After successfully signing in to a database, you
have full reporting flexibility.
Creating and Formatting Reports in Crystal Reports 2008
This section discusses how to:
Create reports in Crystal Reports 2008.
Format reports in Crystal Reports 2008.
Modify default settings in Crystal Reports 2008.
See Crystal Reports 2008 documentation.
Creating Reports in Crystal Reports 2008
To create reports in Crystal Reports 2008:
1. Select Start, Programs, Crystal Reports 2008.
The Crystal Reports start page appears.
2. Click the Report Wizard link under the Start a New Report section.
The Report Wizard guides you through the creation of a typical report.
3. Click the + (plus) sign to the left of the Create New Connection folder to display its contents.
4. Click the + (plus) sign to the left of the ODBC (RDO) folder.
The ODBC (RDO) dialog box appears.
5. Select
PeopleSoft PeopleTools
as the DSN.
Note. When signing in to two-tier, make sure that the Server Name and other three-tier fields are not
populated in the PeopleSoft PeopleTools DSN. These will be picked up as defaults for the connection
information that you enter.
6. Click the Finish button.
The PeopleSoft Signon window appears.
7. Enter the database name, user ID, and password.
8. Click the OK button.
Chapter 2 Using Crystal Reports 2008
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 15
9. If needed, click the + (plus) sign to the left of the PeopleSoft PeopleTools folder under ODBC (RDO),
and then click the + (plus) sign to the left of QUERY to display a list of queries.
The list contains all of the queries from which you can create a report.
10. Highlight a query from the list, and click the next-in-list (>) button.
The query that you selected appears in the Selected Tables group box, indicating that it has been added.
11. You can select additional queries if necessary.
When you have completed your selections, click the Next button to navigate to the Fields dialog box.
Note. If you have selected multiple queries, clicking the Next button at this point takes you to the Link
dialog box.
12. Highlight one or more fields and click the next-in-list (>) button, or click the last-in-list (>>) button to add
all the fields from the query that you want to appear on your report.
When fields have been added, the previous-in-list (<) and the first-in-list (<<) buttons become active.
13. (Optional) Click the Next button, and select from the following dialog boxes:
Grouping: Sort records by their values in the Group By fields.
Record Selection: Select a subset of information.
The data can be filtered so that only a subset appears on the report.
Template: Select a template for the report.
14. Click the Finish button.
15. Select the Design tab or Preview tab to format your report.
Formatting Reports in Crystal Reports 2008
To format reports in Crystal Reports 2008:
1. Access Crystal Reports 2008 by selecting Start, Programs, Crystal Reports 2008.
2. Open the report that you want to format, and select the Design tab.
Using Crystal Reports 2008 Chapter 2
16 Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
3. Enter the appropriate values:
Note. In most cases, you need to enter the appropriate field type (text field, and so on) before you can
enter information.
Report Header: Enter the title of the report and other information that you want to appear at the top of
the first page.
Page Header: Enter or modify the column headings and other identifying information that you want
to appear at the top of each page.
Details: This is the main section of the report that includes the rows of data from your database.
Report Footer: Enter the information that you want in the footer of the report.
You can include a summary on the last page of your report.
Page Footer: Enter a page number or other information that you want to appear at the bottom of the
4. Select the Preview tab to preview your report.
The page orientation is portrait or landscape by default according to the number and width of the columns
that are in your query. If the query columns do not fit in landscape, Crystal Reports displays as many
columns as will fit on the page and does not display the others.
You adjust the formatting from within the print preview window. For example, you can resize headings or
recenter the report title.
5. Select the Design tab to return to the report template.
6. Click the Refresh button to refresh your data after making changes.
7. Click the Save button to save your report.
If your reports contain numeric fields that are formatted to have single-line or double-line
borders at the top of the container, you may experience incorrect justification of numbers in the HTML
output. To resolve this issue, either draw lines above the numeric fields using the line drawing tool or insert
summary fields into a blank text object and then format the container text object to include borders above the
Modifying Default Settings in Crystal Reports 2008
You can set a number of different defaults in Crystal Reports 2008.
If you modify a query to include additional fields, you need to modify the report definition in Crystal
Reports 2008 to include the new fields in your report. To modify the report definition, select Database, Verify
Changing Default Column Headings and Report Titles
Access your report in Crystal Reports 2008 by selecting Start, Programs, Crystal Reports 2008.
Chapter 2 Using Crystal Reports 2008
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 17
1. Select the Design tab and, in the Page Header section, double-click the column heading or report title that
you want to change. (You can also click the text object and select Edit, Edit Text.)
A ruler appears above the text object and a box appears around the text. The Crystal text formatting
features (such as font, bold, italics, and so on) are available in this mode.
2. Edit the text, and then click a blank area of the report to deselect the text object.
The system displays the new text in the display window.
Note. You can make the column headings as long as you want. However, if you make them much longer
than the current heading, you will need to enlarge the text box to fit the heading.
Changing Fonts
Access your report in Crystal Reports 2008 by selecting Start, Programs, Crystal Reports 2008.
1. Open the report that you want to change fonts in the Design tab.
2. Select the items that you want to change, and select Format, Format Text.
The Format Editor dialog box appears.
3. Select the Font tab.
4. Select the appropriate font, style, size, and color.
Adding a Print Date Field
Access your report in Crystal Reports 2008 by selecting Start, Programs, Crystal Reports 2008.
1. If the Field Explorer is not already displayed, select View, Field Explorer to display it.
2. If necessary, click the + (plus) sign to the left of Special Fields.
3. Drag the Print Date field from the Field Explorer to the appropriate area of the report.
The Print Date dialog box appears where you dragged the field.
4. To modify the format of the Print Date field, right-click the Print Date box and select the Format option.
Running Crystal 2008 Reports
This section discusses how to:
Run Crystal 2008 reports from PeopleSoft Process Scheduler.
Run standard reports from within Crystal Reports 2008.
Launch Crystal Reports 2008 with Microsoft Windows-based PeopleSoft Query.
Print Crystal 2008 reports.
Using Crystal Reports 2008 Chapter 2
18 Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Note. You can use the PeopleSoft RPT Conversion utility pscvtrpt.exe to repair .rpt files when you are
experiencing problems with a report that has already been converted to the Crystal 2008 format as part of the
upgrade procedure.
See the PeopleTools Installation Guide for your database platform: "Installing and Configuring Software for
Crystal Reports," Converting Crystal Reports, Converting existing Crystal Reports to Crystal Reports 2008
Running Crystal 2008 Reports from PeopleSoft Process Scheduler
Crystal 2008 reports can be run from PeopleSoft Process Scheduler in the following ways:
As a process definition.
As part of a job.
As part of a scheduled jobset.
From an application page.
For any of these run methods, a process type and process definition must exist for each report. To run a
process definition or a job, a system process request must be created. This request creates a run control to
associate the selected items. After items are selected to be run and are queued in the PeopleSoft Process
Scheduler, Process Monitor shows the status of the processes. You can view completed reports in the Report
If you submit a process request, you can run the report on a client workstation or on a Microsoft Windows
server without having to quit the PeopleSoft system or use a third-party scheduling program. If you schedule
processes to run on a Microsoft Windows server, you can run the report at a future date and time.
When Crystal reports are run through PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, you can do one of the following actions:
1. Specify an output file name.
2. Use the default file name.
The default file name is the report name concatenated with the process instance; this name guarantees
uniqueness. You can also tie the default name to information about the process that generated the output
by using the process instance as the key to the process request table.
You cannot run alias Crystal reports from the Crystal Reports 2008 application or from PeopleSoft
Process Scheduler if the alias name contains certain characters. If your alias Crystal report does not run,
check the InvalidAliasCharList entry under the following registry key:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Business Objects\Suite 12.0\Crystal Reports\Database\. If any of the
characters in your alias tablename are listed in the entry, either change these characters to characters that are
not listed in the entry or change the entry to remove any characters that you want to be able to include in your
alias tablename. The entry must contain at least one character.
If you use PeopleSoft Process Scheduler to run a report and you select the File/XLS option, the totals may not
align with the detail columns that the totals represent. In this event, you can address these alignment issues by
following the guidelines that are available on the SAP Support Portal (
See PeopleTools 8.52: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, "Submitting and Scheduling Process Requests."
Chapter 2 Using Crystal Reports 2008
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 19
Formatting Reports in PeopleSoft Process Scheduler
You can format Crystal reports that will be run through the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler by specifying
output options for:
System settings
Process types
Process definitions
Scheduled JobSet items
Process requests
Formatting System Settings
System settings are system defaults that are related to all processes.
To format system settings:
1. Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, System Settings.
2. Select the Process Output Type tab.
3. Define the active and default output types for each process type by selecting the appropriate Active and
Default Output options.
4. Click the Save button to save your changes.
Note. The Process Output Format Settings page uses information about output types; therefore, save any
changes made to output type settings before attempting to change an output format setting.
5. Click the Process Output Format tab.
6. Define the active and default output formats for each combination of process type and output destination
type by selecting the desired Active and Default options.
7. Click the Save button to save your changes.
PeopleTools 8.52: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler
, "Defining PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Support
Information," Defining System Settings.
Formatting Process Type Definitions
Process type definitions globally define the command line, parameter list, working directory and other general
parameters for a specific process type.
To format process type definitions:
1. Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Process Types.
The Type Definition page appears.
Using Crystal Reports 2008 Chapter 2
20 Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
2. In the Parameters List field, enter the %%OUTDESTTYPE%% value for the -OT variable and the
%%OUTDESTFORMAT%% value for the -OF variable.
3. Click the Save button to save your changes.
See PeopleTools 8.52: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, "Defining PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Support
Information," Defining Process Type Definitions.
Formatting Process Definitions
A process definition needs to exist for each Crystal report that is to be run or scheduled using PeopleSoft
Process Scheduler.
To format process definitions:
1. Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Processes.
The Process Definition page appears.
2. Select the Destination tab.
3. In the Output Destination Options region, select the output options in the Type and Format drop-down list
These drop-down list boxes display only those output types and output formats that were made active on
the System Settings page. Output options set on the Process Definition page cannot be overridden on the
Process Scheduler Request page.
4. Click the Save button to save your changes.
See PeopleTools 8.52: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, "Defining PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Support
Information," Defining Process Definitions.
Formatting Scheduled JobSet Items
Jobs can be created if the user needs to run a series of processes.
To format scheduled JobSet items:
1. Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Schedule JobSet Definitions.
The Schedule JobSet Definition page appears.
2. Select the Schedule JobSet Items tab.
3. Select the Output Settings tab.
4. Specify the output type and output format from the Type and Format drop-down list boxes.
5. To specify options for individual jobs or processes, expand the hierarchical view of the job and select the
output type and output format for the required items from the Type and Format drop-down list boxes.
Note. Individual jobs and processes options override the output options that are specified for the parent
job. Output options set at the job level apply to all items of that job.
6. Click the Save button to save your changes.
Chapter 2 Using Crystal Reports 2008
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 21
See PeopleTools 8.52: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, "Defining Jobs and JobSets," Defining Scheduled
Formatting Process Requests
To format process requests:
1. Select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, System Process Requests.
2. Select a run control ID and click the Run button to submit a process request and be routed to the Process
Scheduler Requests page.
3. Select the output type and output format from the Type and Format drop-down list boxes.
4. To specify output options for jobs or processes within a job, click the description of the main job to access
the Job Detail page and select the output type and output format from the Type and Format drop-down list
Note. Individual jobs and processes options override the output options that are specified for the parent
job. Output options set at the job level apply to all items of that job.
See PeopleTools 8.52: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, "Submitting and Scheduling Process Requests,"
Scheduling Process Requests.
Runtime Prompts
When you are running a Crystal report that has runtime prompts in PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture, the
prompt values need to be passed using the command line. You can do this either by hard-coding static values
in the Process Definition page or by creating a PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture page to gather values
from the users and dynamically pass them into the command line.
The number and order of the prompt values must be exact. Prompt values for the date fields must be in
YYYY-MM-DD format.
For example, if you have a report whose query prompts on business unit and you want the report to run only
for business unit BU001, you could hard-code that prompt value in quotes into the Process Definition -
Override Options page (PRCSDEFNOVRD) (select PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Processes, Override
Options) as shown in this illustration:
Using Crystal Reports 2008 Chapter 2
22 Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Example of the Process Definition Override Options page with Parameter List is set to
The resulting command line would look similar to this:
-CPOPRPSWD -I45 -RP"Employees by Department for BU001" -OT5
-OPDistribution List -LGENG -OF8 -ORIENTL "BU001"
Note. The executable program for Crystal Reports 2008 is PSCRRUN.EXE. The executable used with
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI is PSBOERUN.EXE. The command line executable changes when you
convert your reports to the Crystal XI format.
See the PeopleTools Installation Guide for your database platform: "Installing and Configuring Software for
Crystal Reports," Converting Crystal Reports, Converting Reports from Crystal Reports 2008 format to
Crystal Reports XI format.
To enable users to dynamically select prompt values at runtime:
1. Select Start, PeopleTools 8.x, Application Designer to access PeopleSoft Application Designer.
Alternatively, if you have set up a shortcut on your desktop, you can open the application from there. At
the PeopleSoft Signon dialog box, enter the Database Name or Application Server Name, (depending on
your connection type) User ID, and Password. PeopleTools opens automatically to PeopleSoft
Application Designer.
PeopleTools 8.52: PeopleSoft Application Designer Developer's Guide
, "Using PeopleSoft
Application Designer," Starting PeopleSoft Application Designer.
2. Using PeopleSoft Application Designer, create a PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture Run Control page.
3. Insert an edit box for each prompt field.
4. Click the newly inserted edit box to display the Edit Box Properties dialog box.
5. Use the drop-down list boxes to select the record and field that you are prompting on.
6. Save your changes.
7. Access PeopleSoft Process Scheduler by selecting PeopleTools, Process Scheduler, Processes, Process
Definition, Override Options.
Chapter 2 Using Crystal Reports 2008
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 23
8. Modify the process definition parameter list to include your prompt field using the format
See PeopleTools 8.52: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, "Defining PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Support
Information," Defining Process Definitions.
Note. The resulting command line would look the same as the preceding example except, instead of BU001, it
would contain the selected value.
This is an example of a PeopleSoft Pure Internet Architecture Run Control page in PeopleSoft Application
Example of PeopleSoft Application Designer - Run Control page
This is an example of the Override Options page, where you can modify the Process Scheduler Process
Definition parameter list to include your prompt field:
Using Crystal Reports 2008 Chapter 2
24 Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Example of Process Definition - Override Options page
Running Standard Reports from Within Crystal Reports 2008
To run standard reports from within Crystal Reports 2008, the system uses a query that is created in
PeopleSoft Query and a report definition that is created in Crystal Reports. All the elements are predefined;
you can only view and print the reports.
Use these steps to run standard reports from within Crystal Reports 2008:
1. Select Start, Programs, Crystal Reports 2008.
The Crystal Reports start page appears, including the My Recent Reports section that lists all recently
opened files.
2. Click any of the files to open them.
If the report that you need is not listed, click the Open File link in the list, navigate to the crystal report
that you want to open, and double-click it.
3. Select File, Print Preview or click the Print Preview button on the Crystal Reports toolbar to view the
report before you print.
When you are signed in to your database, Crystal Reports displays a print preview containing the rows of
data that will appear in the printed report. You can perform the following actions:
Select Report, Refresh Report Data, or click the Refresh button on the Crystal Reports toolbar to
refresh the data and ensure that you see the most current information.
Optionally, adjust the fields and objects in the report so that the report prints properly on your printer.
Select File, Print, Printer, or click the Print button on the Crystal Report toolbar to print the report.
Select the appropriate options in the Print dialog box and click the OK button.
Chapter 2 Using Crystal Reports 2008
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 25
Launching Crystal Reports 2008 with Microsoft Windows-based PeopleSoft
If you have access to the Microsoft Windows version of Query Designer, which means that if you have a
Microsoft Windows-based workstation set up as a PeopleTools development environment, you can run
queries directly to Crystal Reports 2008 from Query Designer. This option is not available from web-based
Query Manager or Query Viewer. However, users who do not have access to Windows Query Designer can
schedule a predefined Crystal Report to run on a Process Scheduler server, and the results can be routed to
PeopleSoft Report Manager.
You can export queries to Crystal Reports 2008 to create default reports. When you create a default Crystal
report from PeopleSoft Query, PeopleSoft Query creates a report using the file name (ACTQRY).RPT.
PeopleSoft Query uses the selected column list to define the content of the default Crystal report.
If you want to run your report directly from Microsoft Windows-based PeopleSoft Query, the query and
report names must match to use the formatting that you have created in Crystal Reports every time you print
the report. If you always update and print the report from within Crystal Reports, name-matching is not a
When using Microsoft Windows-based Query Designer, any modification to a previously saved query needs
to be saved before downloading query results to Crystal Reports 2008. A message will appear in Query
Designer reminding you to save your work to ensure accurate data are displayed.
End users should create and maintain reports in Crystal Reports. PeopleSoft Query is used to create and
maintain the queries that generate report contents.
To run a query with Crystal Reports output:
1. Launch Application Designer by selecting Start, PeopleTools 8.x, Application Designer.
2. Select Go, Query from the Application Designer toolbar.
3. Select File, Open or click the Open Query button to display the Open Query dialog box.
4. Click the down arrow to the right of the Name field to display a list of existing queries.
5. Highlight the name of the query that you want to base the report on and click the OK button.
If none of the saved queries meets your needs, you can create a new query.
6. Click the Run Query button to run the query.
7. Click the Run to Crystal Report button to run the query to Crystal Reports.
The system automatically opens the Crystal Reports application and creates a new Crystal report.
8. Use Crystal Reports to format your data, add a report title, modify column headings, and so on.
Repeated Query Prompts
PeopleSoft Query cannot supply values to Crystal Reports at runtime. Crystal Reports stores the default
values as NULL and does not allow you to change stored procedure values, so you must enter the prompt
values twice.
Using Crystal Reports 2008 Chapter 2
26 Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
When queries include prompts, you are prompted once at design time and once at runtime to enter the
appropriate values. This behavior is related to the definition of a stored procedure.
Most databases can return any number of result-set columns based solely on the input to a stored procedure.
For Crystal Reports to create a static report template, it must run the stored procedure with the default
parameter values once before it can request the definition of the result set. Because of this, the stored
procedure (the query) is run once at design time (to fill in the result set descriptions) and again at runtime (as
Note. You are prompted when verifying the database in the report. The issue is the same as the design-time
prompt followed by the runtime prompt issue just described. Enter the appropriate values after choosing to
verify the database.
See Also
PeopleTools 8.52: PeopleSoft Query, "Creating and Running Simple Queries"
Printing Crystal 2008 Reports
After running the Crystal 2008 report and saving the file, you can print the report by clicking the Print button
or selecting File, Print, Printer. As with many Microsoft Windows applications, you can choose to print the
entire report or only a few pages, specify the number of copies to print, and indicate whether you want the
copies collated.
If you want to run your report directly from Microsoft Windows-based PeopleSoft Query, the query
and report names must match to use the formatting that you have just created in Crystal Reports every time
you print the report. If you always update and print the report from within Crystal Reports, it does not matter
if the query and report names match.
If you print reports using the PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, you must have the Windows service Oracle's
BEA ProcMgr Log On value set to This Account and the specified Windows user account should have
printing permission to the printer where the reports will be printed. You must also define the appropriate
paper size in the Crystal process type definition.
See PeopleTools 8.52: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, "Defining PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Support
Information," Entering Global Definitions for Processes.
To print HTML reports from Crystal Reports, open the appropriate HTML file and print it from the browser.
Crystal Reports uses the default page setting to print the report. Sometimes the right side of the report is cut
off when it is sent to the printer, even though it appears in the Crystal Report viewer.
To change your default page settings to print HTML reports:
1. Select File, Page Setup.
2. Change the left and right margin settings to create smaller margins.
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 27
Chapter 3
Working with Multiple Languages
This chapter provides an overview of how to work with multiple languages.
Understanding How to Work with Multiple Languages
This section discusses:
Data returned by the report.
Report layout and boilerplate text.
Crystal Reports Designer/Runtime language versions.
Language parameter for pscrrun.exe.
Configuration of Crystal Reports for multilingual environments.
Translated report searches.
Data Returned by the Report
Data that is returned by Crystal Reports 2008 is fetched from the database using PeopleSoft Query; data that
is returned by BusinessObjects Enterprise XI is fetched from the database using Query Access Services
(QAS). Therefore, the data is already language-sensitive due to the automatic joining to related language
tables that PeopleSoft Query performs. No special logic is required to ensure that appropriate descriptions
from related language tables are returned in Crystal Reports output.
PeopleTools 8.52: PeopleSoft Query
, "Getting Started with PeopleSoft Query."
See the
PeopleTools Installation Guide
for your database platform: "Installing and Configuring Software for
Crystal Reports," Install BusinessObjects Enterprise XI, Understanding QAS.
Report Layout and Boilerplate Text
The Crystal Reports .rpt file contains the layout of the report and any text that is hard-coded into the layout,
such as column headings, headers, and footers. Because Crystal Reports does not provide any ability to
maintain multiple translations of this boilerplate text in a single .rpt file, you must maintain a separate copy of
the report layout for each language.
Working with Multiple Languages Chapter 3
28 Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
For use with the Crystal Reports 2008 runtime environment, PeopleSoft PeopleTools maintains separate
directories on the file and report servers within the <PS_HOME>\CRW directory that correspond to the
language codes that are available for your PeopleSoft implementation. Each directory contains the appropriate
report in the specified language if the report has been translated. PeopleSoft PeopleTools reads the report
from the directory that corresponds to the user's preferred language. If it cannot find the report there, Crystal
Reports 2008 uses the report in the base language directory <PS_HOME>\CRW. Finally, if the report is not
in the directory corresponding to the user's current language or in the base directory, PeopleSoft PeopleTools
uses the copy of the report in the <PS_HOME>\CRW\ENG directory.
For use with the BusinessObjects XI runtime environment, PeopleSoft PeopleTools maintains separate
language subdirectories in the BusinessObjects Enterprise report repository.
Crystal Reports Designer/Runtime Language Versions
Crystal Reports supports several different languages. You choose the preferred language during the install of
the Crystal Reports 2008 application. Each language version of Crystal Reports is functionally identical; the
primary difference is the language of the Crystal Reports Designer user interface. You do not need to match
the language of the Crystal Reports design or runtime engine to the language of the report that you are
creating unless you are using the Crystal ToWords function. You can overcome this limitation by using the
PSToWords or PSToWordsLoc functions.
Using PSToWords and PSToWordsLoc
PSToWords and PSToWordsLoc are similar to the Crystal ToWords function in that they convert a numerical
amount into a textual representation of that amount, as you see on checks. But unlike ToWords, these
functions are independent of the installed language of Crystal Reports Designer. After you configure the
location of the supporting .dlls, these functions appear in the Crystal Function Editor as new Additional
Configuring Crystal Reports Designer to Use PSToWords
PSToWords and PSToWordsLoc functionality is contained in three files called icudt34.dll, psicuin34.dll, and
psicuuc34.dll. These files are located in your <PS_HOME>\bin\client\winx86 directory. Unlike in prior
releases, in PeopleTools 8.51 and later you do not need to manually copy these files to your local directory
where crw32.exe is installed (for example, C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise
12.0\win32_x86). These files are automatically copied for you when you install the PeopleSoft ODBC and
Crystal Runtimes.
See the
PeopleTools Installation Guide
for your database platform: "Installing the PeopleSoft ODBC Driver
and Crystal Runtime"
Similarly, for Crystal Reports XI, you don't have to copy the files because the installation program
automatically does this for you. For Process Scheduler to use these functions in a scheduled report, you do not
need to configure anything because <PS_HOME>\bin\client\winx86 is the current directory for the Process
You can enter
directly in the Function Editor, or you can select these
functions from the list of additional functions in the Function Editor of the Crystal Reports 2008 Designer. To
confirm that the .dlls are loaded in Crystal Designer, select Help, About, More Info, and check that the three
psicu files are listed.
Chapter 3 Working with Multiple Languages
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 29
Syntax for PSToWords and PSToWordsLoc
The syntax for PSToWords is PSToWords(number,places), where number is a numeric amount and
places is the number of decimal places or precision to print. For instance, PSToWords(12.345,2)
prints twelve and 35 / 100.
The syntax for PSToWordsLoc is PSToWordsLoc(locale,number,places), where the locale
parameter specifies an International Organization for Standardization (ISO) language or locale code. For
instance, PSToWordsLoc("es",12.345,2) prints doce y 35 / 100. For examples of ISO locales
that are used in PeopleSoft products, see the following cross-references.
See PeopleTools 8.52: Global Technology, "Adding New Languages," Determining PeopleSoft and ISO
Codes for Your Language and PeopleTools 8.52: Global Technology, "Controlling International Preferences,"
Using Browser Language Settings to Determine the Sign-in Language.
Converting Entities to Characters
Crystal Reports is Unicode-enabled, except in Application Protocol Interface (API) function calls. To work
around this limitation, PSToWords and PSToWordsLoc return any non-USASCII characters as HTML
decimal entities. To convert these entities to Unicode characters, you need to include a report custom function
in your .rpt file. In Crystal Reports Designer Formula Workshop, create a new Report Custom Function called
PSToUChar and paste in the following code:
Function (StringVar instring)
local StringVar outstring := "";
local NumberVar i;
local StringVar curtoken;
local NumberVar toklen;
local StringVar widechar;
//Convert Entities to ChrW
for i := 1 to (Length(instring)) Do
curtoken := mid(instring,i,2);
toklen := instr(i+2,instring,";")-(i+2);
if curtoken = "&#" then widechar := chrw(val(mid(instring,i+2,toklen)));
if curtoken = "&#" then outstring := outstring + widechar;
if curtoken = "&#" then i:=i+toklen+2;
if curtoken <> "&#" then outstring := outstring + mid(instring,i,1);
A report-defined function enables you to define a function to be saved within the .rpt file. The syntax for this
function is
The largest number converted to words is 999,999,999.999 for most languages. Numbers higher than that
amount, or where the encoded string of words would exceed 254 bytes, appear as digits rather than as words.
Working with Multiple Languages Chapter 3
30 Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
Because Thai words for numbers often exceed the 254-byte limit when encoded as entities, you can use the
special locale x-th instead of th to return the Thai characters without encoding them as entities. Using the
special locale allows a longer string to be processed, but requires a server with a system default locale set to
Thai. The syntax for Thai processed in this way is: ToWordsLoc("x-th",number,places).
Language Parameter for pscrrun.exe
PeopleSoft Process Scheduler uses the pscrrun.exe process to run Crystal Reports 2008. The process's
language code parameter specifies the language directory that pscrrun.exe uses to fully qualify the report
path. Unlike Structured Query Reports (SQRs), pscrrun.exe searches for a separate Crystal Reports file for
each translation of the report. The language directory parameters are needed because each language-specific
report is stored in a separate language directory. If the report is not found in the language that is specified by
the parameter, pscrrun.exe looks in the default, base-language directory.
Typically, the language parameter is passed to pscrrun.exe from the run control that is associated with your
Crystal report.
Note. The executable program for Crystal Reports 2008 is PSCRRUN.EXE. The executable program for
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI is PSBOERUN.EXE. The command line executable changes when you
convert your reports to the Crystal XI format.
See the
PeopleTools Installation Guide
for your database platform: "Installing and Configuring Software for
Crystal Reports," Converting Crystal Reports, Converting Reports from Crystal Reports 2008 format to
Crystal Reports XI format.
See Also
PeopleTools 8.52: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler
Configuration of Crystal Reports for Multilingual Environments
The PeopleSoft system allows you to use a single Crystal Reports server for all languages. The following
features support this functionality:
Unicode support
Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft products support Unicode.
Locale formatting
Locale formatting is based on the user personalizations of the user who is scheduling the report, not the
formatting set on the report server. If you do not want locale formatting to be based on the user
personalizations of the user who is scheduling the reportfor example, if the user wants to preserve the
date or time formatting that is hard-coded in the report filethen use the -LX0 parameter to disable locale
ToWords functionality
The ToWords function (used in printing checks) is supplemented by PSToWords, which can support any
PeopleSoft-supported language instead of just the language of the installed version of Crystal Reports.
Chapter 3 Working with Multiple Languages
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 31
See Chapter 3, "Working with Multiple Languages," Crystal Reports Designer/Runtime Language Versions,
page 28.
Translated Report Searches
To call up translated production reports in the correct language, the Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft
application performs the following steps in this order:
1. The -RP parameter specifies a path and report name, including the .rpt extension.
If the report exists, the Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft application selects the report. If the report does not
exist, the search for the report fails.
2. The -RP parameter specifies a path but does not specify the full report name, including the .rpt extension.
Crystal Reports looks for translated reports based on the path in the -RP parameter as follows. If the
report is not found in any of these directories, the search fails:
a. The Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft application appends the language code, as defined by the -LG
parameter of the command line, to the path that is set in the -RP parameter and searches for the report.
b. If the report does not exist, the application appends the language code that uses the preferred language
as specified on the user's machine to the path that is set in the -RP parameter and searches for the
c. If the report still does not exist, the application appends the language code that uses the base language
as defined for the PeopleSoft system to the path that is set in the -RP parameter and searches for the
d. If the report still does not exist, the application searches for the report using the path that is set in the -
RP parameter.
3. The -RP parameter is not specified.
Crystal Reports 2008 looks for translated reports based on the CRWRPTPATH environment variable as
follows. If the report is not found in any of these directories, the search fails:
a. The Crystal Reports for PeopleSoft application appends the language code, as defined by the -LG
parameter of the command line, to the path that is set in the directory that is specified by the
CRWRPTPATH environment variable and searches for the report.
b. If the report does not exist, the application appends the language code that is the preferred language as
specified on the user's machine to the path that is set in the directory specified by CRWRPTPATH and
searches for the report.
c. If the report still does not exist, the application appends the language code that is the base language as
defined for the PeopleSoft system to the path that is set in the directory that is specified by
CRWRPTPATH and searches for the report.
d. If the report still does not exist, the application searches for the report using the path that is set in the
directory that is specified by CRWRPTPATH.
BusinessObjects Enterprise XI searches for translated reports in the BusinessObjects Enterprise report
repository in the same way.
Working with Multiple Languages Chapter 3
32 Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved.
See PeopleTools 8.52: PeopleSoft Process Scheduler, "Defining PeopleSoft Process Scheduler Support
Information" and Chapter 2, "Using Crystal Reports 2008," Specifying the Path for Production of Crystal
Reports, page 12.
Copyright © 1988, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All Rights Reserved. 33