19th Annual Awards Ceremony
October 20th 2016
19th Annual Awards Ceremony
October 20th 2016
Ronald Reagan Building Amphitheater
1300 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004
19th Annual Awards Ceremony October 20th 2016
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CIGIE AwArds – 2016
O  E
Presentation of Colors and National Anthem
Welcoming Remarks
E D
CIGIE Awards Program Co-Chair
Inspector General, Farm Credit Administration
Keynote Address
T H T A. C, M.D.
Former U.S. Senator, Oklahoma
Special Category Awards Presentation
A M
Acting CIGIE Executive Chair
Acting Deputy Director for Management, Oce of Management and Budget
Alexander Hamilton Award
Gaston L. Gianni, Jr. Better Government Award
Glenn/Roth Exemplary Service Award
Sentner Award for Dedication and Courage
June Gibbs Brown Career Achievement Award
Award for Individual Accomplishment
Barry R. Snyder Joint Award
CIGIE Awards Presentation
T H M E. H
CIGIE Chair, Inspector General, U.S. Department of Justice
A L
CIGIE Vice Chair, Inspector General, National Science Foundation
Closing Remarks
T H D M
CIGIE Awards Program Co-Chair
Inspector General, U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Tom A. Coburn, M.D. was raised in Muskogee, Oklahoma and graduated from Oklahoma State
University with an accounting degree. He married former Ms. Oklahoma Carolyn in 1968, and
they now have three children and seven grandchildren.
From 1970-78, Dr. Coburn was the manufacturing manager at the Ophthalmic Division of
Coburn Optical Industries in Colonial Heights, Virginia, growing the division from 13 employees
to more than 350 and capturing 35% of the U.S. market. After the family business was sold,
Coburn returned to school to become a physician, attending the University of Oklahoma’s
Medical School and graduating with his M.D. Dr. Coburn returned to Muskogee in 1983 to
practice family medicine, allergy, and obstetrics. Dr. Coburn has personally delivered more than
4,000 babies.
From 1995-2001 Dr. Coburn represented Oklahoma's 2nd Congressional District in the U.S.
House of Representatives, and was the rst Republican to hold that seat for consecutive terms.
Described by newspapers as a budget hawk, Coburn made balancing the budget a top priority.
He played a central role in Medicare and health care debates. After a short time in the House,
Dr. Coburn kept his word to serve no more than six years and returned full time to his medical
practice in Muskogee.
Dr. Coburn served as the junior U.S. Senator of Oklahoma from 2005-2014 leading the ght to
reduce wasteful Washington spending, increase accountability and transparency for all taxpayers,
restore Constitutional government, and make health care more aordable and accessible for all Americans. In addition, Dr. Coburn has fought
for the sanctity of life and private property rights. With Oklahoman independence, Dr. Coburn has successfully challenged the broken culture
of Washington; oering more amendments than any other senator to end waste and protect liberties. As a citizen legislator, Dr. Coburn
pledged to serve no more than two terms in the Senate.
19th Annual Awards Ceremony October 20th 2016
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MEssAGE froM thE ChAIr
And thE VICE ChAIr
Welcome to the annual awards ceremony of the Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency.
Today we honor members of our community who performed extraordinary work during the past year that
improved the performance of the organizations they oversee, and made our country stronger.
e approximately 14,000 sta at our 73 Inspector General (IG) oces perform, each year, thousands of
audits, investigations, inspections, evaluations, and reviews which help ensure accountability and eciency in
government operations and save taxpayers billions of dollars. It is a humbling challenge for the CIGIE award
committees to determine from such a diverse, outstanding body of work which nominations are most deserving
of receiving recognition. As you can see from reviewing the program booklet, this year’s recipients have distin-
guished themselves by performing truly challenging and innovative oversight eorts that have had a substantial
and important impact. Congratulations to each of you for your remarkable achievements, as well as for being
outstanding representatives of the entire IG community and for demonstrating through your commitment to
public service, professionalism, and an exceptional quality of work what a strong and dedicated sta we have in
the IG community.
We are extremely proud to be able to join with the IG community today in recognizing your accomplishments.
e challenges that we often face in conducting eective oversight are many, and the results are not always wel-
comed, but through your eorts the American people are better served by the organizations you oversee. ank
you for your immeasurable contributions and congratulations again on your well-deserved awards.
M E. H
A L
Vice Chair
In Remembrance
19th Annual Awards Ceremony
October 20th 2016
19th Annual Awards Ceremony October 20th 2016
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LIVEs Lost In thE LInE of duty
We would also like to recognize all OIG employees who have lost their lives while performing
their ocial duties. We salute their service to the IG community and honor their sacrice.
Agency for International Development
Oscar C. Holder
Foreign Service Ocer, Program Inspector
Sidney B. Jacques
Foreign Service Ocer, Program Inspector
A 1962 plane crash of a Royal Nepal airlines plane in the Himalayas
resulted in the deaths of Mr. Holder and Mr. Jacques.
Charles Hega
William Stanford
In 1984, a terrorist shot and killed Mr. Hega and Mr. Stanford during a
Pakistan International Airline plane hijacking in Tehran, Iran.
Robert Hebb
Rolando Barahona
A Honduran airliner crashed on approach to the airport in Tegucigalpa, Honduras,
resulting in the deaths of Mr. Hebb and Mr. Barahona in 1989.
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Paul Broxterman
Special Agent
A victim of the Oklahoma City Bombing, Special Agent Paul Broxterman was the rst HUD OIG agent killed in
the line of duty. He was in his oce at the Alfred Murrah Federal Building, which was destroyed on April 19, 1995.
Abdon Cabello
Special Agent
Abdon Cabello, a criminal investigator, collapsed and died suddenly on Monday, April 5, 1999,
during physical training at the Basic Criminal Investigator Program at the Federal Law
Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) in Glynco, Georgia. He was 37 years old.
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Department of Justice
William “Buddy” Sentner, III
Special Agent
In June 2006, Special Agent Sentner was shot and killed while executing arrest warrants on six Bureau
of Prisons correctional ocers at the Federal Correctional Institution in Tallahassee, Florida.
U.S. Postal Service
Greg R. Boss
Special Agent
On November 8, 2005, Special Agent Greg Boss was killed by an aggressive
driver in a vehicle accident while on-duty in Colorado.
Special Inspector General for Iraq Reconstruction
Paul Converse
On March 23, 2008, the International Zone in Baghdad was hit by indirect re. During one of the
attacks, Paul Converse was seriously wounded. He died from his injuries on March 24, 2008.
U.S. Department of State
Alan V. Gowing
Deputy Assistant Inspector General, Oce of Security and Intelligence Oversight
On December 11, 1997, Mr. Gowing died while leading a security oversight
inspection of the U.S. embassy in Baku, Azerbaijan.
19th Annual Awards Ceremony
October 20th 2016
Special Category Awards
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ALExAndEr hAMILton AwArd
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Oce of Audits, TSA Covert Testing Team
Duane Albert
Program Analyst
Patricia A. Benson
Independent Referencer
Douglas Bozeman
Program Analyst
Kevin Dolloson
Communications Analyst
Apostolos Exarchos
Program Analyst
Elizabeth Finn
Program Analyst
Karen J. Gardner
Shelley Howes
Audit Manager
Richard T. Johnson
Gloria Medina-Ortiz
In recognition of the DHS OIG audit team’s exemplary service and commendable
achievement on covert testing of Transportation Security Administration's Passenger
Screening Technologies and Processes at Airport Security Checkpoints
GAston L. GIAnnI, Jr. BEttEr GoVErnMEnt AwArd
U.S. Department of Agriculture
USDA Rancho Investigation
Jose D. Barragan
Special Agent
Edgar Jaimez
Investigator, FSIS, OIEA, CID
Ryan Rogers
Investigator, FSIS, OIEA, CID
Hartley M.K. West
Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Attorney's Oce,
Northern District of California
In recognition of the eorts to prosecute individuals who disregarded food safety standards and misled the public about
the company's food safety practices that resulted in the recall of 8.7 million pounds of potentially contaminated beef
GLEnn/roth AwArd for ExEMpLAry sErVICE
U.S. Department of Defense
Lead Inspector General for Overseas Contingency Operations Team
Department of Defense Oce of Inspector General
Joe A. Baker
Assistant Deputy Inspector General,
Oce of Special Plans and Operations
Ronald Baldinger
Program Analyst, Oce of Special Plans and Operations
Karen Bell
Strategic Oversight Planning Director, Oce
of Overseas Contingency Operations
Rachel Berryman
Program Analyst, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Scott Boehm
Senior Technical Advisor, Oce of Intelligence
and Special Program Assessments
Leslee A.L. Bollea
Strategic Communications Director, Oce of
Overseas Contingency Operations
Jeremy S. Brown
Liaison to the Department of State, Oce of
Overseas Contingency Operations
Tammy Brown
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist, Mission Support Team
Michael S. Child
Deputy Inspector General for Overseas Contingency Operations
Bryan Clark
Program Manager, Oce of Auditing
Derwin L. Cooper
Security Specialist, Mission Support Team
Richard J. Demler
Senior Program Analyst, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Robert Dix
Human Resources Specialist, Mission Support Team
Holly Dye
Program Analyst, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Frederick J. Fair
Program Analyst, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Andrew L. Fechhelm
Associate General Counsel
J. David Gallalee
Operational Research Analyst,
Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Patricia J. Goodin
Senior Country Representative for Operation Freedom’s
Sentinel, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Joseph F. Graziano
Congressional Liaison for Lead Inspector General,
Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Christopher Grith
Senior Program Analyst, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Shayla Hassan
Program Analyst, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Deborah L. Horan
Senior Writer-Editor, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Donald M. Horstman
Operational Research Analyst,
Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
James Howell
Chief Evaluator, Oce of Policy and Oversight
CAPT Kristin E. Jacobsen
USN, Military Advisor to Deputy Inspector General
for Overseas Contingency Operations
Michael J. Kamin
Senior Program Analyst and Senior Country Representative for
Operation Inherent Resolve, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Darryl S. Kinard
Program Analyst, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
David A. King
eater Advisor for Lead Inspector General Programs,
Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Parker Laite, III
Program Analyst, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Richard J. Latham
Program Manager for Lead Inspector General, Oce of Investigations
Jacqueline F. Linville
Deployment Support Manager, Mission Support Team
Timothy McCaig
Director for Overseas Contingency Operations Intelligence
Evaluations, Oce of Intelligence and Special Program Assessments
Timothy C. McQuay
Managing Editor, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Stanley Meyer
Assistant Deputy Inspector General,
Oce of Special Plans and Operations
Kristopher F. Miltner
Chief of Sta, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Haider A. H. Mullick
Senior Program Analyst, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Stanley Newell
Deputy Assistant Inspector General, Oce of Investigations
Janice E. Nisbet
Stang and Operations Director, Oce of
Overseas Contingency Operations
Kevin T. O’Connor
Program Director for Contingency Operations
Division, Oce of Auditing
Richard Okiishi
Special Assistant to the Deputy Inspector General
for Overseas Contingency Operations
Shane J. Parker
Senior Program Analyst, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Dennis J. Peterson
Program Analyst, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Dawn R. Reposky
Program Analyst, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Michael Roark
Assistant Inspector General, Oce of Auditing
Charles P. Royce
Senior Country Representative for Operation Inherent
Resolve, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Quenton Sallows
Program Director for International Aairs, Oce of Investigations
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Timothy V. Shindelar
Senior Program Analyst, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Arielle ornton
Program Analyst, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
William Vannurden
Supervisory Auditor, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Carmen E. Williams
Program Analyst, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Cynthia Williams
Joint Program Management Director, Oce of
Overseas Contingency Operations
Warren D. Worth
Senior Hotline Investigator, Oce of Overseas Contingency Operations
Department of State Oce of Inspector General
Arne Baker
Senior Inspector
David Bernet
Senior Auditor
Laurent Charbonnet
Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Inspections
Glenn Furbish
Senior Auditor
Michael Geasley
Director, Lead Inspector General Operations - Investigations Division
Ryan Holden
Director, Congressional Relations
Tinh Nguyen
Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audits,
Middle East Region Operations
Patricia Papas
Associate General Counsel
Melinda Perez
Senior Auditor
James Pollard
Senior Auditor
William Stapleton
Overseas Contingency Operations Oversight
David Stewart
Associate General Counsel
Catherine Votaw
Co-Director, Overseas Contingency Operations Oversight
Daniel Wilkens
Director, Lead Inspector General Operations - Investigations Division
U.S. Agency for International Development Oce of Inspector General
Jessica Abenstein
Criminal Investigator
Zac Bao
Alvin Brown
Deputy Assistant Inspector General
James Charlifue
Jon Chasson
addeus Corley
Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge
Melinda Dempsey
Deputy Assistant Inspector General
Michelle Diouf
Simone Duncan
Louis Duncan, Jr.
Audit Manager
Emily Gardiner
Audit Manager
Rebecca Giacalone
Special Agent
Abdoulaye Gueye
Timothy Hart
Christopher Johnson
Eve Joseph
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Ismail Kenessy
Guy Kone
Tim Lamping
Megan Levanduski
Program Analyst
Mamesho Macaulay
Steven Meints
Special Agent
William Murphy
Jessica Pearch
Jill Randall
Donell Ries
Karla Robinson
Donna Rosa
Laura Rousseau
Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge
Jacob Rutz
Andrew Schmidt
Management Analyst
Jon Schoeld
Special Agent-in-Charge
Wilbert J. Schwinn, III
Senior Management Analyst and OCO Coordinator
Andrian Smith
Marianne Soliman
Kartik Srinivasan
Allison Tarmann
Dave omanek
David Waldron
Christopher Walker
In recognition of the distinguished achievement of the OIGs of the Department of Defense,
Department of State, and U.S. Agency for International Development for oversight of overseas
contingency operations through the congressionally mandated Lead IG framework
sEntnEr AwArd for dEdICAtIon And CourAGE
Department of Labor
Michelle Stickler
Special Agent
In recognition of performing a heroic act of bravery that warranted decisive action while in the face
of personal danger and prevented what could have resulted in the death of an individual
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National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Frank S. Chase
Assistant Inspector General for Inspections
In recognition of 38 years of outstanding leadership in inspector general operations throughout the
Department of Defense and Intelligence Community. Mr. Chase is without peer in inspection expertise
and building organizations that promote the eciency and integrity of Federal programs.
AwArd for IndIVIduAL ACCoMpLIshMEnt
Federal Reserve Board and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Khalid Hasan
Senior OIG Manager
In recognition of signicant and sustained contributions to the CIGIE, by collaborating
with the OMB, DHS, and across the IG community to update and improve the 2016 IG
Reporting Metrics under the Federal Information Security Modernization Act
19th Annual Awards Ceremony
October 20th 2016
Barry R. Snyder
Joint Award
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Federal Audit Executive Council
DATA Act Working Group 2016
Herb Addy
Treasury OIG
Keyawnia Alford
Erika Baez
Ade Bankole
Treasury OIG
George Banks
Leslie Barnett
Bobbie Jean Bartz
Pauletta Battle
Crystal Brandon
Je Brindle
Porsha Brower
Aron Brown
Bill Bruns
Horace Bryan
Treasury OIG
Sherill Butcher
Cairo Carr
Long Chen
Tony Choma
Catherine Chunn
Joseph Cummings
Beverly Dale
Rod Desmet
Kenneth Dion
Treasury OIG
Sanjay Duggal
Anna Elias
Christopher “Reid” Featherstone
Emily Franko
Marla Freedman
Treasury OIG
Jerey Funk
Lee Giesbrecht
Elizabeth Goebels
Elizabeth Gontarek
Sharell Grady
Cynthia Gray
Gil Hardin
Tabitha Hart
Margaret Hiatt
Sharon Huiswoud
Jennifer Hutko
Jeneba Jalloh
Treasury OIG
Daniel Jensen
Treasury OIG
Mark Jenson
Chiquita Johnson
Fred Jones
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Sophie Jones
Tracy Katz
Labor OIG
Kevin Kelly
Louis King
Michael Klausmeier
Chris Kunitz
Larry Lau
Lynn Lavelle
Marj Leaming
Addison Lee
Lori Lee
Carla Lewis
Elliot Lewis
Labor OIG
James Lisle
Treasury OIG
Deborah Maddux
Marie Maguire
eresa Malatek
Christa Martinez
Maria McLean
Treasury OIG
Mark Meehan
Troy Meyer
Alicia Mrozowski
Mark Mulholland
Kurtashia Murray
Chinero Nwaigwe
Sunday Okurume
Beverly O'Neill
State OIG
Christopher Phipps
Shellie Purnell-Brown
Laura Rainey
Steve Rickrode
Kelly Robinson
Marisa Roinestad
Dana Rooney
Kevin Ross
James Santos
Sue Schwendiman
Tom Seluzicki
Edward Slevin
Education OIG
Andrea Smith
Treasury OIG
Ashley Smith
Treasury OIG
Karmel Smith
Kelly Stankus
Christen Stevenson
Treasury OIG
Michelle Strong
omas Summers
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Bob Taylor
Treasury OIG
John Tomasetti
Treasury OIG
Victoria Vetter
Catherine Walters
David Weil
Melinda Wenzl
Alfreda White
Avery Williams
Treasury OIG
Anthony Wysocki
Carol Yates
In recognition of excellence in leading the IG community’s initial response to the DATA Act
19th Annual Awards Ceremony
October 20th 2016
Awards for Excellence
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AdMInIstrAtIVE support AwArd for ExCELLEnCE
Social Security Administration
Improving Employee Satisfaction Team
Kelly Bloyer
Assistant Inspector General for Communications
and Resource Management
Andrew Cannarsa
Public Aairs Specialist
Max Dell
Management Analyst
Joseph Ganglo
Counsel to the Inspector General
Brian Karpe
Director of Human Resources, Budget, and Logistics
Tracy Lynge
Communications Director
Christin Silver
Public Aairs Specialist
Amy M. Smith
Executive Ocer
In recognition of its outstanding eorts to improve communication from OIG leadership to sta; among
OIG employees; and between OIG and SSA employees in support of our anti-fraud initiatives
AudIt AwArd for ExCELLEnCE
U.S. Department of Agriculture
USDA Discrimination Claims Processes Audits Team
Dorothy Alley
Assistant Director
Christine Arbogast
Assistant Counsel
Dennis Boedigheimer
Assistant Director
Elizabeth Burcheld
Monica DeVaughn
Suzanne DuPont
Audit Technician
Ernest Hayashi
Eric Hermosillo
Senior Auditor
Adel Hernandez
Senior Auditor
Donte Jones
Paul Keating
Turon Kendrick
Senior Auditor
Barbara Lewis
Benjamin Lloyd
Senior Auditor
Michael Martin
Supervisory Writer-Editor
John Massa
Senior Auditor
Leigh Meyer
Senior Auditor
Andrea Minter
James Myers
Senior Auditor
Alexis Payne
Assistant Director
Donald Pfeil
Senior Auditor
omas Redmond
Senior Auditor
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
LaRoyce Reid
Brett Siefers
Assistant Director
Karen Ulatowski
Senior Auditor
Simon Yao
In recognition of outstanding eorts of the Black Farmers Discrimination Litigation and the Hispanic and Women
Farmers and Ranchers litigation audit teams to ensure the integrity of the discrimination claims processes
New Jersey High-Speed Rail
Improvement Project Audit Team
Walter Beckman
Senior Auditor
elca Constantin
Senior Auditor
Michael Kennedy
Senior Director
Todd Kowalski
Senior Audit Manager
In recognition of audit work that strengthened Amtrak’s management and
oversight of the New Jersey High-Speed Rail Improvement Project
U.S. Department of Commerce
Geostationary Operational Environmental
Satellite-R Series Audit Team
Allen R. Crawley
Assistant Inspector General for Systems Acquisition and IT Security
Matthew Katz
Richard Krasner
Senior Satellite Analyst
Frederick J. Meny
Director for Satellites and Weather Systems
Katherine A. Smith
In recognition of exemplary achievement in identifying critical weaknesses to Congress
and Department leadership concerning NOAA’s management and acquisition of the
$10.8 billion Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite-R Series
U.S. Department of Defense
Air Force and Navy Secret Internet Protocol Router Network Security Controls Audit Team
Carolyn J. Davis
Project Manager
Paul Hadjiyane
Mark A. Heim
Team Leader
Rajesh Rajendrapillai
Operational Research Analyst
Joseph Siddall
Bradley Sutera
Justin L. Symonds
Christopher Tischer
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Richard B. Vasquez
Program Director
Allison N. Wynn
In recognition of exceptional performance in the review of the Air Force and Navy SIPRNET Security Controls
Government Travel Charge Cards Used at Casinos and Adult Entertainment Establishments Audit Team
Adam Conrath
Team Leader
Travis Duling
Team Leader
Benjamin Howison
Team Leader
Peggy Hutchinson
Team Leader
Paul Knoth
William Lemmon
Team Leader
Carmen Malone
Project Manager
Rajesh Rajendrapillai
Operational Research Analyst
Joseph Siddall
Eric acker
Program Director
John Williams
Team Leader
In recognition of exceptional performance in identifying misuse and abuse of Department of
Defense government travel charge cards at casinos and adult entertainment establishments
U.S. Department of Education
SOLEX College Audit Team
William Bennett
Gregory Bernert
Nancy Buckheit
Carla McKenzie
Assistant Counsel to the Inspector General
Jerey Nekrasz
Student Financial Advisory and Assistance Team
Lisa F. Robinson
Assistant Regional Inspector General for Audit
omas Sample
Christian Vierling
Director, Student Financial Advisory
and Assistance Team
Gary D. Whitman
Regional Inspector General for Audit
In recognition of exemplary eorts in auditing and use of data analytics that identied
critical issues of interest to the U.S. Department of Education in its eorts to reduce
the risk of fraud, waste, and abuse in the Federal Pell Grant program
U.S. Department of Energy
e National Nuclear Security Administration's Network Vision Initiative Audit Team
Heather Baumgartel
Team Leader, Technology Audit Group
Julie Buel
Auditor, Technology Audit Group
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Andrew Ferguson
Auditor-in-Charge, Technology Audit Group
Todd Wisniewski
Director, Information Technology and Financial Audits
In recognition of outstanding audit work that identied signicant project management weaknesses
related to e National Nuclear Security Administration’s Network Vision Initiative
Export-Import Bank of the United States
Export-Import Bank Contracting Audit Team
Karin Beam
Courtney Potter
Project Manager
In recognition of excellence in identifying opportunities for Export-Import
Bank to signicantly improve its contracting processes
Federal Reserve Board and the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau
Audit Team for the Federal Reserve Board's
Public Release of Economic Information
Patricia Bradford
Audit Intern
Shola Epemolu
Ed Fernandez
Senior Auditor and Project Lead
John Galvin
Andrew Gibson
Senior IT Auditor
Anne Keenaghan
Project Manager
Brent Melson
OIG Manager
Lindsay Mough
Senior Auditor
Sean Newman
Laura Polly
Senior Communications Analyst
Timothy Rogers
Senior OIG Manager
Megan Taylor
In recognition of signicant contributions to strengthening the Federal Reserve Board's controls
to safeguard embargoed sensitive economic information provided to news organizations
General Services Administration
IT Contractor Preaward Audit Team
Erin Kraft
Erin Priddy
Audit Manager
Daniel Riggs
John Walsh
Heartland Regional Inspector General for Auditing
In recognition of outstanding work resulting in $123 million of cost savings on a large
General Services Administration contract for information technology equipment
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U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Generic Drug Price Increases Audit Team
Paul Chesser
Audit Manager
Kelsey Mitchell
Matthew Odom
Senior Auditor
In recognition of major contributions made in response to a congressional request
to examine generic drug price increases and their eect on Medicaid
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Oce of Audits, FPS Vehicle Fleet Operations Team
Elizabeth Argeris
Communications Analyst
omas J. Bobrowski
Donald Bumgardner
Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audits
Cecilia Carroll
Audit Manager
Peter Christopher
Independent Referencer
David DeHaven
Kevin Dolloson
Communications Analyst
Andrew Herman
Muhammad Islam
Ph.D., Statistician
Eddie Jones
Lindsey Koch
Je Mun
Paul Wood
In recognition of the DHS OIG audit team’s exemplary service and commendable eort
in auditing the Federal Protective Service’s management of its vehicle eet
Oce of IT Audits, TSA’s Airport Worker Vetting Team
Charlene Savoy
Program Analyst
Tuyet-Quan ai
Charles Twitty
Independent Referencer
Scott Wrightson
Audit Manager
In recognition of outstanding achievement in auditing the Transportation Security
Administration’s (TSA) vetting of airport workers with access to secure areas of commercial
airports resulting in recommendations for improving the vetting process
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Internal Audit Team for Overincome Families Residing in Public Housing Units
Kimberly L. Harrison
Assistant Regional Inspector General for Audit
Andrew S. Meyers
Senior Auditor
In recognition of your outstanding achievement in improving the integrity,
eciency and eectiveness of executive branch agency operations
U.S. Department of the Interior
Climate Science Centers
Stephen Gregoire
Regional Supervisor Eastern Region
Lisa Knight
Sheri Meyers
Patrick O'Boyle
In recognition of scientic tools to increase understanding of climate change and determine an eective response
to its impact on tribes and on land, water, ocean, sh and wildlife, and cultural heritage resources
U.S. Department of Justice
Drug Enforcement Administration's Condential Source Policies and
Oversight of Higher Risk Condential Sources Team
Jacqueline K. Bailey
Cesar A. Garcia
Program Analyst
Jennifer A. Maloney
Program Manager
Michelle M. Proesel
Assistant Regional Audit Manager
Urszula E. Salwin-Rolkowski
Carol S. Taraszka
Regional Audit Manager
In recognition of the team’s determination and resilience to overcome numerous obstacles to access necessary information
and report on signicant issues related to the Drug Enforcement Administration's (DEA) management and oversight
U.S. Department of Labor
Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s Whistleblower Protection Programs Audit Team
Rebecca Bowen
Audit Manager
Mary Louise Casazza
Assistant Director
Renata Hobbs
Sheila Lay
19th Annual Awards Ceremony October 20th 2016
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Reza Noorani
Mark Schwartz
Audit Director
In recognition of excellence for work that contributed to strengthening the Occupational
Safety and Health Administration’s Whistleblower Protection Programs to provide better
protection against employer retaliation for workers who "blow the whistle"
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NASA Oce of Inspector General Review of NASA's Response to Orbital's 2014 Launch Failure
Letisha Antone
Lead Auditor
Loretta Atkinson
Project Manager
David Balajthy
Sarah Beckwith
Ridge Bowman
Director, Space Operations Directorate
Cedric Campbell
Associate Counsel
Kevin Fagedes
Project Manager
Sashka Mannion
Robert Proudfoot
Raymond Tolomeo
Director, Science and Aeronautics Research Directorate
In recognition of exceptional achievement and outstanding teamwork reviewing NASA’s response to commercial
contractor’s 2014 launch failure of a cargo mission and its impacts on resupply of the International Space Station
National Security Agency
NSA Contract Closeout Audit Team
Stacey Morck
Nicholas Napolitano
Senior Auditor
In recognition for outstanding eorts to ensure that the Agency accurately and eectively manages funds
remaining on closed contracts as well as improve accountability over government-furnished property
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
e Security and Information Management Team
Ziad M. Buhaissi
Senior Auditor
Jenny Cheung
Ebaide J. Esoimeme
Paul S. Rades
Audit Manager
Beth H. Serepca
Team Leader
For exceptional performance in identifying information security weaknesses at the
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board that led to improvements in their cyber security
guidance and access controls over sensitive unclassied information
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
e Security and Information Management Team
Ebaide J. Esoimeme
Amy Hardin
Senior Auditor
Andrew D. Pham
Student Management Analyst
Paul S. Rades
Audit Manager
Beth H. Serepca
Team Leader
In recognition of exceptional performance in identifying information security
vulnerabilities in NRC’s Network Security Operations Center
Peace Corps
Audit of the Peace Corps' Healthcare Benets Administration Contract
Joaquin Ferrao
Deputy Inspector General/Legal Counsel
Bradley Grubb
Assistant Inspector General for Audits
Ann Lawrence
Jerey A. Lee
Judy Leonhardt
Assistant Inspector General for Audits
Snehal Nanavati
Lead Auditor
José Vega
Attorney Advisor
In recognition of the audit team's excellence in identifying serious aws in
the Peace Corps’ management of three major contracts
Small Business Administration
Audit Team for SBA’s Oversight of Loan Agents
Brian Allen
Program Analyst
Melissa Bentley
Andrea Deadwyler
Director, Credit Programs Audit Group
Luke Itnyre
Audit Manager
Ron Waller
Senior Auditor
In recognition of excellence in identifying growing risks and signicant deciencies in SBA’s
oversight of loan agents participating in its small business lending programs
Social Security Administration
Underpayments to Eligible Social Security Beneciaries
Vickie Choy
Senior Auditor
Regina Finley
Senior Auditor
Andrew Hanks
Senior Program Analyst
Daniel Hoy
Senior Auditor
19th Annual Awards Ceremony October 20th 2016
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James Klein
Joseph Robleto
Audit Manager
Jack Trudel
Audit Manager
Wilfred Wong
Audit Data Specialist
In recognition for conducting four highly successful audits that identied signicant control weaknesses in the
SSA improperly underpaying approximately 50,000 eligible beneciaries $344.6 million in payments
Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction
Afghanistan Extractive Industries Team
Christopher W. Borgeson
Senior Audit Manager
Jerome J. Goehring
Senior Program Analyst
Preston S. Heard
Senior Audit Manager
Zachary J. Rosenfeld
Senior Program Analyst
In recognition of outstanding work in identifying critical weaknesses and fundamental challenges in planning,
executing, and sustaining $488 million worth of U.S. investments to improve Afghanistan's extractive industries
U.S. Department of State
Residential Security Audit Team
Denise Colchin
Audit Director, Contracts, Grants, and
Infrastructure Division, Oce of Audits
Holly Engebretsen
Audit Manager, Contracts, Grants, and
Infrastructure Division, Oce of Audits
Meredith Needham
Management Analyst, Contracts, Grants, and
Infrastructure Division, Oce of Audits
In recognition of exceptional work in conducting an audit of residential security at overseas posts
that identied and advanced needed security measures to protect personnel serving abroad
Worldwide Protective Services Contract–Embassy Baghdad Audit Team
James Pollard
Director, Middle East Region
Operations Directorate, Oce of Audits
Mark Peterson
Audit Manager, Middle East Region Operations
Directorate, Oce of Audits
Amy Lowenstein
Management Analyst, Middle East Region
Operations Directorate, Oce of Audits
Peter Schmidt
Auditor, Middle East Region
Operations Directorate, Oce of Audits
Andrian Smith
Auditor, Middle East Region
Operations Directorate, Oce of Audits
In recognition of exceptional work in conducting an audit of the Worldwide Protective
Services (WPS) Task Order 3 for Embassy Baghdad that identied more than $20 million
in cost savings and contributed to improving the management of the WPS contract
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
Get Transcript Audit Team
Jerry G. Douglas
Senior Auditor
Lynn Faulkner
Senior Auditor
Arlene Feskanich
Information Technology Specialist
Alberto Garza
Information Technology Specialist
Gwendolyn S. Gilboy
Senior Auditor
Allen Gray
Tracy M. Hernandez
Senior Auditor
Jonathan W. Lloyd
Senior Auditor
Jamelle L. Pruden
Audit Manager
David P. Robben
Senior Auditor
In recognition of outstanding achievement by the Returns Processing and Account
Services Get Transcript Audit Group for their eorts in improving the IRS’s process
to identify and assist all victims of the Get Transcript security breach
U.S. Postal Service
Cybersecurity Functions
Tertia Allen
Information Technology Auditor
Sean Baldu
Deputy Director, IT
Michael Gross
Information Technology Auditor
Sara Schaefer
Auditor-in-Charge, IT
Ursula Sundre
Information Technology Auditor
Kimberly Ullman
Acting Audit Manager, Oce CIO
Quintin Womack
Information Technology Specialist
In recognition of the outstanding work of the USPS OIG’s IT audit team in identifying
weaknesses in USPS’s cybersecurity strategy, resourcing, and training; and recommending
improvements in response to the 2014 Postal Service cyber intrusion
Workers’ Compensation Compound Drug Costs
Christopher Albers
Special Agent
Sharlene Ash
Investigative Analyst
Monique Colter
Kathy Conklin
Information Technology Specialist
Srinivas Doodala
Data Analyst
Colleen Ehrlich
Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge
Valerie Fortney
Investigative Analyst
Baljit Gill
Teresa Gray
Deputy Director
Leann Harrier
Matthew Harris
Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge
Ed Krafsur
Information Technology Specialist
19th Annual Awards Ceremony October 20th 2016
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Michael Mashburn
Mark Pappaionou
Special Agent
Ingrid Petrakis
Special Agent
Sarah Smith
Janet Sorensen
Deputy Assistant Inspector General, Retail,
Delivery and Marketing
Beth Suebe
Provider Fraud
Carla Tate
Audit Manager
Dr. Paul West
Operations Research
In recognition of outstanding achievement in identifying and analyzing excessive and
dramatically escalating U.S. Postal Service Oce of Workers’ Compensation Program (OWCP)
compound drug costs and sounding the alarm for actions to curtail these costs
U.S. Department of Veterans Aairs
Audit of the Seismic Safety of VA's Facilities
Mario Carbone
eresa Cinciripini
Management Analyst
Clenes Duhon
Michael Jacobs
Jehri Lawson
Kristin Nichols
Management Analyst
In recognition of outstanding audit work exposing major seismic deciencies within
VA facilities, leading to a Presidential Executive Order ensuring veteran and employee
safety in not only VA but all Federal buildings with high risk seismic activity
EMpLoyEE protECtIons AwArd for ExCELLEnCE
U.S. Department of Defense
Rights of Conscience Protection for Service Members and eir Chaplains Assessment Team
Dave Barton
Team Member
Chico D. Bennett
Military Evaluator
Eleanor M. Cambridge
Team Leader
Christopher Coccaro
Team Executive Ocer
Rodolfo De La Cruz
Team Member
Phillip D. DiBella
Military Evaluator
Antonio Gonzalez
Military Evaluator
George P. Marquardt
Project Director
Erin McDonald
Team Member
In recognition of exceptional performance during the Assessment of Rights of
Conscience Protections for Service Members and Chaplains
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
EVALuAtIons AwArd for ExCELLEnCE
U.S. Department of Defense
U.S. eater Nuclear Planning Process Assessment Team
Charles C. Howell
Project Manager
David W. Hu
Sterling E. Hunter
Team Lead
Sean Mitchell
Deputy Assistant Inspector General
Chalres S. Stribling, Jr.
omas orp
Program Analyst
In recognition of and exceptional performance in the oversight evaluation of the Department of Defense’s eater
Nuclear Planning Process. e team’s eorts were a credit to the DoD IG and the Department of Defense
U.S. Department of Energy
Identifying Systemic Weaknesses in Process and Procedures
Associated with Radioactive Materials Inspections Team
Ryan Belland
Auditor, Eastern Inspections Division
Morgan Ferguson
Project Lead, Eastern Inspections Division
Phillip Holbrook
Team Leader, Eastern Inspections Division
David Jones
Inspector, Eastern Inspections Division
Brock Kinsler
Auditor, Eastern Inspections Division
Paul Koudry
Inspector, Eastern Inspections Division
Bob Krieger
Inspector, Eastern Inspections Division
Clarence Lacy
Team Leader, Eastern Inspections Division
Carolyn Peyton
Project Lead, Eastern Inspections Division
John Platt
Inspector, Eastern Inspections Division
Michael Reber
Project Lead, Eastern Inspections Division
Marilyn Richardson
Director, Eastern Inspections Division
In recognition of outstanding work exposing challenges DOE has in properly maintaining,
controlling, and accounting for its nuclear materials, and proposing ways to eectively
manage the stockpile of radioactive materials accumulated over several decades
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Antipsychotics Evaluation Team
Eddie Baker
Program Analyst
Berivan Demir Neubert
Program Analyst
Althea Hosein
Mathematical Statistician
Rae Hutchison
Health Resources and Services Administration
Mary Kahn
Public Aairs Specialist
Kevin Manley
Program Analyst
Christine Moritz
Jessica Swanstrom
IT Specialist
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Julie Taitsman
Chief Medical Ocer
Michala Walker
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid, CMCHO
Brian Whitley
Regional Inspector General
for Evaluation and Inspections
In recognition of calling CMS to action to address the monitoring of
children prescribed second-generation antipsychotic drugs
Part D Program Integrity Team
Miriam Anderson
Program Analyst
Mandy Brooks
Program Analyst
Edward Burley
Program Analyst
Jenell Clarke-Whyte
Program Analyst
Jerey Cohen
Director, Technical Support Sta
Michael Cohen
Operations Ocer
Berivan Demir Neubert
Program Analyst
Kevin Farber
Mathematical Statistician
Robert Gibbons
Senior Program Analyst
David Graf
Director, Technical Support Sta
Darlene Hampton
Senior Counsel
Nancy Harrison
Deputy Regional Inspector General
for Evaluation and Inspections
Margaret Himmelright
Program Analyst
Mary Kahn
Public Aairs Specialist
Meghan Kearns
Program Analyst
Jason Kwong
Program Analyst
Jodi Nudelman
Regional Inspector General
for Evaluation and Inspections
Linda Ragone
Regional Inspector General
for Evaluation and Inspections
Anne Rohall
Attorney Advisor
Christopher Seagle
Director of External Aairs
Amy Sernyak
Program Analyst
Jessica Swanstrom
IT Specialist
Jennifer Trussell
Special Advisor
Stefanie Vance
Program Analyst
Christy Wells
Special Agent
In recognition of HHS OIG's multidisciplinary eort to produce a targeted data brief,
an innovative portfolio report, and coordinated investigations that brought national
attention to the vulnerabilities in Medicare Part D program integrity
U.S. Department of the Interior
Security of the U.S. Department of the Interior Publicly Accessible Information Technology Systems
eresa Beazer
IT Security Inspector
Ted Dykstra
IT Security Inspector
Jennifer Fedewa
IT Security Inspector
Jeerson Gilkeson
Director Information Technology Unit
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Margaret Wright
In recognition of the team’s exceptional performance in identifying signicant weaknesses
in and making recommendations that strengthened the U.S. Department of the Interior’s
practices for protecting its publicly accessible and internal computer systems
Peace Corps
Evaluation of the Peace Corps' Volunteer Healthcare Program
Erin Balch
Senior Evaluator
Jeremy Black
Assistant Inspector General for Evaluation
Susan Gasper
Senior Evaluator
Kaitlyn Large
Dr. George Wesley
Dr. omas Wong
Gregory Yeich
Senior Evaluator
In recognition of the evaluation team's excellence in identifying needed
improvements to the Peace Corps’ Volunteer healthcare program
Small Business Administration
Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contracting Program Evaluation Team
Melissa Bentley
Riccardo Buglisi
Director, Business Development Programs Audit Group
Brooke Holmes
Senior Auditor
Marcie McIsaac
John Seger
Audit Manager
In recognition of excellence in identifying signicant weaknesses with SBA’s Management
of the Women-Owned Small Business Federal Contracting Program
InforMAtIon tEChnoLoGy AwArd for ExCELLEnCE
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Information Technology Division
Nicolas Dipillo
Information Technology Specialist, Application Support
Craig Goscha
ITD Director and Chief Information Ocer
Aaron Nguyen
Chief Information Security Ocer/Application Branch Chief
Keith Rhea
Telecommunications and Systems Support Branch Chief
Santipong Vorabhanda
Deputy CIO
In recognition of the outstanding eorts of the Information Technology Division Team, which
timely shut down the Recovery Accountability and Transparency Board IT systems
19th Annual Awards Ceremony October 20th 2016
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U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Department of Education Oce of Inspector General FISMA Audit Team
James P. Buda
Auditor-in-Charge, Information Technology Audit Division
Joseph A. Maranto, III
Director, Information Technology Audit Division
erese M. Campbell
Assistant Director, Information Technology Audit Division
Anthony M. Romano
Information Technology Auditor,
Information Technology Audit Division
Carnelious Jones
Information Technology Auditor,
Information Technology Audit Division
Mario Jimenez
Information Technology Specialist, Information
Technology Audit Division
Elizabeth J. Easley
Information Technology Specialist, Information
Technology Audit Division
Bryon Gordon
Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Auditing
Sean Dawson
Director, Strategic Planning, Administration, and Resolution Team
Benjamin Shapiro
Assistant Counsel to the Inspector General
In recognition of the team’s exceptional and comprehensive FISMA audit work detailing the
eectiveness of the U.S. Department of Education’s information security program
U.S. Department of Homeland Security
Oce of IT Audits, USCIS Automation Team
Kristen Bernard
Daniel McGrath
Program Analyst
Swati Nijhawan
Senior Program Analyst
Frederick Shappee
Independent Referencer
Shawn Ward
Senior Program Analyst
In recognition of auditing U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services’ development of
the Electronic Immigration System, which exceeded cost estimates by 480 percent, slowed
immigration benet claims processing, and increased national security risks
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
James Akers
Manager, Application Services
Charles Cephas
Manager, Infrastructure Services
Chris Han
Director, Information Technology Services
Brian Hawkins
Systems Engineer
Dean Lefor
Management Analyst
Edwin Noell
Systems Engineer
Jerrell Perry
Systems Engineer
Terence Puls
Systems Engineer
Michael Riddle
Software Engineer
Michelle Robertson
Budget Ocer
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Connie Rybicki
Director, Resources Management
William Todd
Software Engineer
In recognition of the delivery of cost-eective, secure, reliable, and innovative information
technology solutions to Oces of Inspector General across the Inspector General community
U.S. Department of Transportation
Volpe Network Security Audit Team
Daniel F. Joplin
Project Manager
Louis C. King
AIG for Financial and Information Technology Audits
Zachary M. Lewkowicz
Information Technology Specialist
Susan E. Neill
Tim D. Roberts
Senior Auditor
Petra Swartzlander
Senior Statistician
Justin B. Ubert
Information Technology Specialist
In recognition of outstanding eorts in identifying hackable network vulnerabilities
InVEstIGAtIons AwArd for ExCELLEnCE
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Carson Helicopter Investigation
Steven Albino
Special Agent, DOT OIG
Colleen Anderson
Special Agent, Treasury OIG
Mark Brandt
Special Agent, DOT OIG
Byron Chateld
Assistant U.S. Attorney,
U.S. Attorney's Oce, District of Oregon
Jerey Gray
Special Agent, DOJ OIG
Matthew K. Manke
Special Agent, USDA OIG
In recognition of the extraordinary investigative eorts and interagency cooperation to prosecute violators who
disregarded safety standards and practices by falsifying critical documents that resulted in nine fatalities
Niantic River Bridge Replacement Project Investigation Team
William Collier
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Frank Italia
Special Agent, U.S. DOT OIG
Kimberly Kudym
Senior Special Agent, Amtrak OIG
In recognition of investigative work that identied fraudulent labor billings for Amtrak capital projects,
including a critical infrastructure project on the Northeast Corridor — the Niantic River Bridge Replacement
19th Annual Awards Ceremony October 20th 2016
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U.S. Department of Defense
James Warner Investigation Team
David Gerhardt
Special Agent
Peter Kaupp
Special Agent
Kevin Luebke
Special Agent
Steven Meints
Special Agent
Robert Petrole
Special Agent
Jerey Pollack
Special Agent
In recognition of investigative excellence in the James Warner public corruption investigation
U.S. Department of Education
Supplemental Educational Services Investigative and Prosecutive Team
Christopher Harwood
Deputy Chief, Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Attorney’s
Oce, Southern District of New York
Ben Stabile
Special Agent,
Education OIG
In recognition of exemplary achievement in investigating and prosecuting
fraud and corruption in federally funded tutoring programs
General Services Administration
Silver Star Construction Investigative Team
Gregory Billingsley
Resident Agent-in-Charge, VA OIG
Eric Bishop
Senior Special Agent, GSA OIG
Bryan Cofer
Special Agent, SBA OIG
Jennifer Constine
Special Agent, DoD OIG, DCIS
Christopher Fox
Special Agent, SBA OIG
Tristam Hunt
Assistant U.S. Attorney, District of Kansas
Todd Jourdon
Special Agent, FDIC OIG
Jeremy Sausto
Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge, GSA OIG
In recognition of outstanding investigative work on a highly complex
Service Disabled Veteran Owned Small Business case
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Project Guardian Investigative Team
Brian Anderson
Special Agent, IRS, CI
Jason Bell
Special Agent
Kenneth Benson
Special Agent
Peter Blackburn
Special Agent
Frances Borin
General Investigator
Michael J. Brown
Program Analyst
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Jeanie Chan
Director, Oce of Community Services
Melinda Chopade
Investigative Research Specialist
Lauren Christopher
Director, Division of Energy Assistance
Jordan Clementi
Program Analyst
Patrick Cogley
Regional Inspector General for Audit Services
Michael Cotter
U.S. Attorney
Teresa Dailey
Special Agent
Bryan Dake
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Amy Daumit
Special Agent
Jerey Davis
Special Agent
Corey Dumdei
Special Agent
Forrest Duvall
Senior Auditor
Kelly Earl
Special Agent
Tricia Fields
Program Analyst
Melinda Golub
Senior Counsel
Terrance Gouger
Michael Grasso
Special Agent
Jason Grende
Special Agent, FBI
Charles Hackney
Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge
Steven Hanson
Special Agent-in-Charge
Larry Harris
Special Agent, DOI OIG
Korby Harshaw
Special Agent
Amy Hill
Investigator, Montana Public Health & Human Services
Annie Homan
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Brian Holt
Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge
Patrick Holtgrave
Special Agent
Rae Hutchison
Health Resources and Services Administration
Kory Ihnken
Investigative Analyst, U.S. Attorney's Oce
Ian Ives
Special Agent
Blair Johnston
Special Agent
Jason Keasel
Auditor, DOI OIG
Debra Keasling
Audit Manager
Mi Kim
Special Assistant, Oce of Community Services
Sherry Knaup
Supervisory Paralegal Specialist
Tracy Kreitzer
Special Agent
Karl Krieger
Investigative Analyst, USAO
Kevin Larm
Special Agent
Kelsi Larsen
Special Agent
Gregg Laster
Special Agent
Keri Leggett
Media/Law Enforcement/Victim Witness Coordinator
Ryan Lynch
Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge
Amitava Mazumdar
Senior Counsel
Conswelia McCourt
Program Analyst
Timothy Minden
Special Agent
Curtis Muller
Jane Myers
Special Agent
Kathleen Palmer
Special Agent, DCIS
Christopher Phillips
Special Agent, USDA OIG
19th Annual Awards Ceremony October 20th 2016
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Jerey Polich
Attorney, Children, Families, and Aging Division
Gabriel Rackers
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, CMCHO
Josephine Rago-Adia
Energy Assistance Program Specialist, Division of Energy Assistance
Akm Rahman
Operations Branch Chief, Division of Energy Assistance
Carl Rostad
Executive Assistant U.S. Attorney
Cathy Rothschadl-Cuka
Cory Rumple
Special Agent
Janice Samuel
Director, Division of Financial Integrity
Mae Santos
Senior Auditor
Maureen Seufert
Stephen Smith
Special Agent
David Spotted Eagle
Investigator, Blackfeet Tribe of the Blackfeet Nation
Devin Sprong
Peggy Strand
Dennis arp
Program Analyst
Adam omas
Senior Auditor
Charles omas
Special Agent
Andrea Treese Berlin
Senior Counsel
Benita Turner
OIG Coordinator, Division of
Financial Integrity (Contractor)
Paul Vaccaro
Special Agent
Michala Walker
Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, CMCHO
Joseph Waller
Resident Agent-in-Charge,
Colleen Weatherspoon
Special Agent
Ryan Weldon
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Brian Whitley
Regional Inspector General for Evaluation and Inspections
Cheryl Williams
Program Assistant,
Chris Wood
Special Agent, DOI OIG
William Young
Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge
Robyn Ziemer
Special Agent
In recognition of your outstanding work on the Project Guardian Investigation
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Miami Oce of Investigations
David A. Bybee
Senior Litigation Counsel, DOJ
Carlos Castillo
Special Agent
Christopher R. Eggeling
Paralegal, DOJ
William Johnston
Trial Attorney, DOJ
Caitlin Knowlton
Paralegal, DOJ
Jose Laureano
Special Agent
Nelson Muniz
Special Agent, FHA
Luis Negron
Special Agent
Michael O'Neill
Trial Attorney, DOJ
Christian Rodgers
Administrative Support Assistant
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Scott Savedow
Special Agent
Scott Tanchak
Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge
In recognition of your outstanding commitment, dedication, initiative and teamwork demonstrated in the
successful investigation and prosecution of twenty-ve individuals involved in single family fraud
U.S. Department of Justice
Restoring the Trust
Kathrine Ablett
Special Agent
Russell Cunningham
Senior Special Agent
eresa DeMria-Valdes
Investigative Analyst
Richard Evans
Trial Attorney
William Frentzen
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Tigran Gambaryan
Special Agent
Kathryn Haun
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Todd McHale
Special Agent
William Scanlon
Special Agent
In recognition of the successful investigation and prosecution of 2 federal agents who
stole over $1.6 million in Bitcoins during their investigation of Silk Road
U.S. Department of Labor
Massey Energy – Upper Big Branch Mine Explosion Investigation and Trial Team
Derek Baxter
Jerey Carter
Special Agent
Larry Ellis
Assistant U.S. Attorney
James Laerty
Special Agent
Blaire Malkin
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Gregory McVey
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Steven Ruby
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Debbie Watson
Gabriele Wohl
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Philip Wright
Assistant U.S. Attorney
In recognition of the team’s outstanding ingenuity, dedication, and expertise demonstrated
in the Massey Energy – Upper Big Branch Mine Investigation and Trial
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Investigation of Procurement Kickback Scheme
David Gilmer
Special Agent, AFOSI
Stephen I. Goorvitch
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Sarah Heidel
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Stephen Johanson
Special Agent, NRO OIG
19th Annual Awards Ceremony October 20th 2016
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Robert Liu
Special Agent, IRS, CID
James McWhirter
Special Agent, Defense Criminal Investigative Service
JD Vaught
Special Agent, AFOSI
John Womack
Special Agent, NASA OIG
In recognition of investigative excellence of a multiagency eort that successfully identied and neutralized
pervasive corruption within a key part of the U.S. Government’s aerospace supply chain
Oce of Personnel Management
USIS Investigative Team
Suzzette Bohmer
Special Agent
Derek Holt
Special Agent
Amy Kirby-Parker
Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge
Marysol Mateo
Special Agent
Leonard J. Sherrod, Jr.
Special Agent
Wayne VanVarick
Special Agent
In recognition of outstanding dedication and perseverance in the investigation of USIS, the largest
contractor in the U.S. Oce of Personnel Management’s background investigations program
Small Business Administration
Quantell Investigation Team
Cam M. Costello
Special Agent, IRS, Criminal Investigation
Diane Cramer
Intelligence Analyst, DOL OIG
Shubha Dahal
Special Agent, U.S. Air Force, Oce of Special Investigations
Harry M. Gruber
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Joanna Huber
Paralegal, U.S. Attorney's Oce
David Jenkins
Special Agent, DCIS
Tia M. Mace
Special Agent, SBA OIG
Judson T. Mihok
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Elaine Mylod
Formerly of DCAA-OIS
Elisa Pellegrini
Special Agent, U.S. Air Force, Oce of Special Investigations
Robert Petrole
Special Agent, DCIS
Jason Powers
Special Agent, SBA OIG
Rohan Prashad
DOL Employee Benets Security Administration
Brian C. Schaub
Special Agent, IRS, Criminal Investigation
Janet Simon
Intelligence Analyst, DOL OIG
Troy Springer
Special Agent, DOL OIG
Frank Stack
Special Agent, Army, CID
In recognition of the outstanding teamwork in a multiyear joint agency investigation
that uncovered a unique, complex and sophisticated $30 million employee benet
and Federal contract fraud scheme involving over 1,000 victims
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Social Security Administration
eresa Bray
Special Agent
In recognition of her outstanding investigation regarding a decade-long racketeering enterprise in which
co-conspirators targeted mentally disabled victims in order to steal their Social Security benets
Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction
Kandahar Aireld Base Joint Investigation Team
Timothy G. Gannon
Special Agent, FBI
Lawrence J. Gleisner
Special Agent, SIGAR
Banu Rangarajan
Assistant U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of North Carolina
Jason J. Sargenski
Special Agent, DCIS
James T. Schalla
Special Agent, U.S. Army, CID
Lloyd W. Weems
Trial Attorney, DOJ
In recognition of exceptional collaboration with federal investigative agencies to successfully detect a
fuel theft scheme leading to multiple prosecutions and $26.8 million in penalties and seizures
Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program
General Motors Corporation Investigation Team
Caroline Ashe
Financial Analyst, SIGTARP
Special Agent, SIGTARP
Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge, SIGTARP
Roland Feria
Special Agent, FBI
Edward Imperatore
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Kenneth Jacoutot
Special Agent, DOT OIG
Bonnie Jonas
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Robert Lauria
Special Agent, FBI
Special Agent, SIGTARP
Sarah McCallum
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Special Agent, SIGTARP
Brian O’Hara
Special Agent, FBI
Rae Oliver
Investigative Counsel, SIGTARP
Paru Rellan
Financial Analyst, SIGTARP
In recognition for outstanding investigation of a multibillion dollar life-threatening defective product scheme
U.S. Department of State
Coastal Security Investigation Team
Michael Speckhardt
Special Agent (Team Leader),
State OIG
Jerey Whitney
Special Agent,
State OIG
19th Annual Awards Ceremony October 20th 2016
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Benjamin Brockschmidt
Special Agent,
State OIG
Katharine Kovacek
Special Agent,
State OIG
Monique Dopwell
Investigative Analyst,
State OIG
Gene Driggers
Computer Forensics Division Director,
State OIG
Sama Zadeh
Computer Forensics Specialist,
State OIG
Spencer Brooks
Special Agent, FBI
Brian Harrison
Special Assistant U.S. Attorney,
Department of Justice
Grace Hill
Assistant U.S. Attorney,
Department of Justice
Josh Cavinato
Special Assistant U.S. Attorney,
Department of Justice
Gerard Mene
Assistant U.S. Attorney,
Department of Justice
Ron Fiorillo
Forensic Auditor,
Department of Justice
In recognition of exceptional performance identifying and resolving a global, multilevel marketing fraud scheme,
resulting in the successful criminal prosecution of four co-conspirators and a civil settlement of $1.65 million
U.S. Department of the Treasury
Jacob Heminger
Special Agent
In recognition of outstanding eorts to bring to justice eight criminal oenders involved in a scheme to
defraud the U.S. Mint and numerous Financial Institutions out of more than one million dollars
Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration
Internal Revenue Service Lost Email Investigative Team
Paul E. Arnold
Senior Special Agent
Pamela J. Combe
Special Agent
Paul R. Danley
Special Agent
Barry J. Grundy
Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge
Kevin B. Holston
Special Agent
Michael A. Jankowski
Special Agent
Anthony D. Knox
Special Agent
Anthony J. Kordich
Special Agent
Brian C. Kubas
Special Agent
Nathan P, Laframboise
Special Agent
Douglas S. Luzier
Special Agent
Kyle F. Munro
Special Agent
Trevor R. Nelson
Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge
Phillip D. Nicotra
Special Agent
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Brian M. O'Flaherty
Special Agent
James M. Papeika
Special Agent
Peter M. Rowell, Jr.
Special Agent
William D. Seested
Special Agent
Justin J. Stephen
Special Agent
Adam C. Stickler
Special Agent
Kevin P. Trebel
Special Agent
Michele M. Uthe
Special Agent
Judson P. Wade
Special Agent
Matthew E. Zimmerman
Computer Specialist
In recognition of outstanding professionalism and unparalleled technological achievement
by the Lost Emails Investigative Team for their eorts in conducting an unprecedented
and complex investigation into the loss of electronic IRS records
U.S. Postal Service
Washington Pain Management
Keith Benderoth
Special Agent, DoD DCIS
David Gerhardt
Special Agent, DoD DCIS
Stephen Gurwitz
Senior Investigator, DoD DCIS
Kelly O. Hayes
Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Attorney's Oce, District of Maryland
Nathan Lampert
Special Agent, USPS OIG
Mason Posilkin
Special Agent, DOL OIG
Daniel Rzepecki
Special Agent, FBI
Jamila Shelton
Special Agent, HHS OIG
Jimmy Young
Special Agent, OPM OIG
Mara Zusman Greenberg
Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Attorney's Oce, District of Maryland
In recognition of outstanding collaboration by multiple agencies in combating health care provider fraud
U.S. Department of Veterans Aairs
Contracting Ocer Bribery Scheme Investigations Team
Phillip Becker
IT Specialist
David Brown
Ezekiel Buchheit
IT Specialist
Madeline Cantu
IT Specialist
Kenneth Cooley
IT Specialist
Eerem Poynter
Special Agent
Richard Wright
IT Specialist
In recognition of exceptional investigative work that led to successful public corruption
prosecutions of four former VA employees, three contractors, and one subcontractor associated
with construction contracts at several VA Medical Centers in California
19th Annual Awards Ceremony October 20th 2016
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LAw And LEGIsLAtIon AwArd for ExCELLEnCE
National Science Foundation
Dr. Montgomery K. Fisher
Director of IPARE and Senior Counsel
In recognition of Montgomery Fisher’s outstanding dedication, initiative, and eort during
a 26-year career in the National Science Foundation Oce of Inspector General
U.S. Department of Education
Education Management Corporation Investigation Team
George C. Blissman, III
Special Agent,
Education OIG
Colin J. Callahan
Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Attorney’s Oce,
Western District of Pennsylvania
Michael A. Comber
Assistant U.S. Attorney - Civil Chief, U.S. Attorney’s
Oce, Western District of Pennsylvania
Jay Majors
Trial Attorney, Civil Division, DOJ
Harley A.J. Methfessel
Senior Counsel for Information and Technology, Oce of
the General Counsel, U.S. Department of Education
Paul E. Skirtich
Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Attorney’s Oce,
Western District of Pennsylvania
Howard D. Sorensen
Assistant Counsel to the Inspector General,
Education OIG
Christy C. Wiegand
Assistant U.S. Attorney, U.S. Attorney’s Oce,
Western District of Pennsylvania
Russell B. Wol
Attorney, Oce of the General Counsel,
U.S. Department of Education
Jennifer L. Woodward
Attorney, Oce of the General Counsel, U.S. Department of Education
In recognition of the exemplary investigative eorts that resulted in a landmark $95.5
million civil settlement with Education Management Corporation for violations of the
False Claims Act and Federal and State student aid regulations and requirements
General Services Administration
Carahsoft and VMware Settlement Team
James Adams
Special Agent-in-Charge, GSA OIG
Daniel Chow
Supervisory IT Specialist, GSA OIG
Kevin Donohue
Assistant Counsel to the Inspector General, GSA OIG
Amanual Estefou
Supervisory IT Project Manager, GSA OIG
Adam Gooch
Great Lakes Regional Inspector General for Auditing, GSA OIG
Steven Gordon
Assistant U.S. Attorney, Eastern District of Virginia
Ninh Jang
Special Agent, GSA OIG
Gregory Mason
Trial Attorney, DOJ Commercial Litigation Branch
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Sara McLean
Assistant Director, DOJ Commercial Litigation Branch
Franklin Moy
Audit Manager, GSA OIG
Eugenia Ostrozhansky
Auditor, GSA OIG
Benjamin Wei
Trial Attorney, DOJ Commercial Litigation Branch
Felicia Williams
Special Agent, DoD OIG, DCIS
Keith Withycombe
Auditor-in-Charge, GSA OIG
In recognition of outstanding work resulting in the recovery of $75.5 million
from Carahsoft Technology Corporation and VMware Inc.
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Child Care Health and Safety Audit Team
James M. Barton
Audit Manager
Kathryn Benson
Senior Auditor
Nancy Bibb
Senior Auditor
Benjamin Bourgeois
Laura Caneld
Senior Counsel
Ravinder Chana
Ellen Chen
Lillian Chong
Jeremy Cyran
Senior Auditor
Sheila Davis
Public Aairs Specialist
Brenda Delasanta
Sheri Denkensohn
Senior Advisor
Alfred Gary
Delphine Hanna
Katherine Harris
Public Aairs Specialist
Maritza Hawrey
Audit Manager
Charles Hubbs
Senior Auditor
Mary Kahn
Public Aairs Specialist
Frederick Kalibbala
Tammy Levesque
Senior Auditor
Scott Levine
Senior Auditor
Carla Lewis
Director, Grants and Internal Activities
Michael Lieberman
Tommy Lin
Audit Manager
Juliet Lo
Lauren Mackin
Senior Auditor
Jose Marquez
Truman Mayeld
Audit Manager
Meagan McGlade
Diana Merelman
Senior Counsel
Claudia Miller
Senior Auditor
George Nedder
Audit Manager
19th Annual Awards Ceremony October 20th 2016
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Cheryl Oka
Constance Parks
Senior Auditor
Craig Pfeifer
Leonard Piccari
Audit Manager
John Retzlo
Senior Auditor
Talia Rosario
Marta Sanchez-Jauregui
Ulyses Santiago
Christopher Seidel
Senior Auditor
Ramon Serrano
Senior Auditor
Kevin Smith
Audit Manager
Jennifer Sobota
Senior Auditor
Eric Sorensen
Julie Taitsman
Chief Medical Ocer
Traci Vitek
Attorney Advisor
Catherine Warren
Tesia Williams
Director of Media Communications
Sylvie Witten
Audit Manager
In recognition of exceptional teamwork in producing a body of work highlighting child care health and safety
violations resulting in unprecedented media coverage and response by States to implement recommendations
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Wells Fargo Bank — False Claims Against the Federal Housing Administration Insurance Fund
James Byers
Senior Auditor
Bill Cerbone
Senior Attorney Advisor
Caitlin Clark
Clifton Cole
Director, Field Technical Support Division
Kim Dahl
Assistant Regional IG for Audit
Amber Eyster
Senior Forensic Auditor
Douglas Gibson
Senior Auditor
Michael Granatstein
Special Agent
Carrie Gray
Assistant Regional IG for Audit
Andrew Hill
Forensic Auditor
Ronald Hosking, II
Regional IG for Audit
Chris Hyun
Senior Forensic Auditor
Aaron Koch
Senior Forensic Auditor
Kela Lemer
Senior Forensic Auditor
Teresita Lirio
Senior Auditor
Seda Mangassarian
Senior Forensic Auditor
Tina Marra
Senior Auditor
John Melgaard
Senior Auditor
Sophia Patsios
Senior Forensic Auditor
Sonia Pena
Forensic Auditor
Aaron Platt
Senior Auditor
Sarah Pon
Senior Forensic Auditor
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Kimberly Randall
Deputy Assistant IG for Audit
Gregory Soames
Christeen omas
Director, Civil Fraud Division
Dan Tipton
Senior Auditor
Anne Vanderberg
Senior Forensic Auditor
In recognition of exemplary work in the investigation and resulting $1.2 billion civil settlement
with Wells Fargo Bank for improperly underwritten Federal Housing Administration loans
U.S. Department of the Interior
Deepwater Horizon Criminal Investigation Team
Amy Bouchard
Investigative Analyst
Emma Canada
Delaine Carpenter
Michael Coccaro
Former Special Agent
Cynthia Elia
Former Investigative Analyst
Lee Floyd
Special Agent
Renard Frett
Special Agent
Lynn Gannon
Resident Agent-in-Charge
Randy Hamilton
Special Agent
Laura Hast
Special Agent
Emily Hicks
Investigative Analyst
Rob Julian
Retired Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge
David Little
Former Special Agent-in-Charge
Dean Marcucci
Retired Special Agent
Letitia Mayronne
Investigative Analyst
Robert Meekins
Retired Special Agent
Patrick Murphy
Special Agent
Greg Wales
Special Agent
Megan Wallace
Former Special Agent-in-Charge
Alisa Walton
Special Agent
David Williams
Resident Agent-in-Charge
In recognition of the superior expertise and persistence in conducting the criminal investigation
of parties responsible for the eects of the Deepwater Horizon Oil Rig explosion
Oce of Personnel Management
OPM Cybersecurity Oversight Team
Matthew J. Antunez
IT Specialist
Christopher P. Bouchey
IT Auditor
Cary B. Conner
IT Specialist
Shelby K. Descoteaux
IT Auditor
19th Annual Awards Ceremony October 20th 2016
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omas A. Elchenko
Senior Team Leader
Michael R. Esser
Assistant Inspector General for Audits
Daniel Fam
Special Agent
Drew M. Grimm
Special Agent-in-Charge
Nicholas E. Hoyle
Chief, IT Systems Audits Group
Bret D. Mastronardi
Assistant Special Agent-in-Charge
Long Nguyen
Lead IT Auditor
Lewis F. Parker, Jr.
Deputy Assistant Inspector General for Audits
Ann E.W. Stoehr
Senior Team Leader
Scott N. Terry
IT Auditor
Norbert E. Vint
Acting Inspector General
In recognition of dedication to safeguarding government-held data and tireless eorts to
improve the security of the IT systems that support OPM's programs and operations
Small Business Administration
UFC Aerospace Prosecution Team
Keith Feigenbaum
Attorney, DLA
Glenn Harris
Trial Attorney, DOJ, Commercial Litigation
Branch, Civil Fraud Section
Adam Kaplan
Assistant Counsel to
Ellen London
Assistant U.S. Attorney
Bryan O'Toole
Special Agent, DoD OIG
Juan Parra
Special Agent, U.S. Air Force,
Oce of Special Investigations
William Passannante
Paralegal, U.S. Attorney's Oce
Cesar Santos
Special Agent, SBA OIG
Lowell Tenpas
Team Lead, Procurement Fraud Division, U.S.
Air Force Materiel Command Law Oce
Mara Trager
Assistant U.S. Attorney
For protecting the integrity of government-wide small business contracting programs
U.S. Department of Transportation
National Highway Trac Safety Administration's
Eorts to Identify Safety Related Defects Audit Team
Mitchell Behm
Assistant IG for Surface Transportation Audits
Jaydeep P. Borwankar
Project Manager
Brian L. Chapman
Senior Analyst
Michael J. English
Senior Analyst
Wendy M. Harris
Program Director
Kenneth Jacoutot
Special Agent
Betty A. Krier
Program Director
Christina Lee
James E. Lonergan
Senior Analyst
Arturo C. Loya
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Tyrone J. Sharpe
Senior Economist
Olivia L. Starr
Senior Analyst
In recognition of multidisciplinary work which had a positive impact on the Department
of Transportation’s ability to identify and investigate vehicle safety defects and to
deter corporations from concealing critical vehicle defect information
U.S. Department of Defense
Contractor Disclosure Program Evaluation Team
Anthony Black
Investigative Review Specialist
Mark Boyll
Associate General Counsel
Pamela Edwards
Audit Tech Specialist
Felicia M. Logan
Investigative Review Specialist
Marticia Lynch
Investigative Review Specialist
Frances Lynn McCormick
Project Manager
Lisa M. McGill
Investigative Review Specialist
Christopher Middleton
Special Agent
Jae Park
Investigative Review Specialist
Ronald J. Schlarman
Special Agent
James R. Yingling
Special Agent
In recognition of the innovation, creativity, and commitment to implementing a Congressionally
mandated initiative to deter fraud in government contracts and to improve the resultant
coordinating and oversight responsibility of the DoD and the OIG Program
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Operation Hire Up Team
Ebony Brock
Human Resources Specialist
Rhonda Coachman-Steward
Director, Human Capital Division
Rosa Cooper
Administrative Ocer
Dorothy Harris
Director, Budget and Administrative Resources
Laura Kordish
Deputy Regional Inspector General
for Evaluation and Inspections
Lyndsay Patty
Program Analyst
Denise Simpkins Fuller
Human Resources Specialist
Kimberly Smith
Supervisory Human Resources Specialist
Jaime Stewart
Deputy Regional Inspector General for
Evaluation and Inspections
Michael Wheeler
Human Resources Specialist
In recognition of the OIG Operation Hire Up team’s groundbreaking eorts to improve
the selection of highly qualied analysts across the CIGIE community
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Special Inspector General for Afghanistan Reconstruction
Quarterly Report Team
Michael Bindell
Subject Matter Expert/Economy Writer
Solange Toura Gaba
Management Analyst
Clark Irwin
Senior Editor
Vong Lim
Visual Information Specialist
Jennifer Manzullo
Data Analyst/Writer
Olivia Paek
Visual Information Specialist
Emmett Schneider
Financial Analyst/Funding Writer
Deborah Scroggins
Deputy Director of Research and Analysis
Daniel Weggeland
Subject Matter Expert/Governance Writer
Genevieve Wilson
Senior Auditor
Joseph Windrem
Deputy Director of Research and Analysis
In recognition of excellence in providing a sustained source of comprehensive data and analysis and independent
and objective analysis needed by Congress to oversee $113 billion for the U.S. reconstruction eort in Afghanistan
U.S. Department of Transportation
Chicago Center Fire Audit Team
Audre Azuolas
Technical Writer-Editor
Mitchell N. Balakit
Senior Information Technology Specialist
Kevin Dorsey
Program Director
Matthew Hampton
Assistant IG for Aviation Audits
Louis King
Assistant IG for Financial and IT Audits
Teklay G. Legese
James F. Mallow
Project Manager
Kevin M. Montgomery
Senior Analyst
Andrew A. Olsen
Senior Auditor
Erik A. Phillips
Senior Analyst
Tim D. Roberts
Senior Auditor
Robert A. Romich
Program Director
Amy N. omas
Project Manager
In recognition of outstanding eorts in identifying contingency plan and security protocol
deciencies due to a deliberately started re at a Chicago air trac facility
19th Annual Awards Ceremony
October 20th 2016
19th Annual Awards Ceremony October 20th 2016
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CIGIE AwArd noMInAtIon rEVIEw pAnELs
A special “thank you” to all of the Review Panel members
Administrative Support, Employee Protections, Government Ethics, Law and Legislation,
and Multiple Disciplines Categories Awards for Excellence Panel
Robert Norris
National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency
Kathy Buller
Peace Corps
Susan Ruge
Oce of Personnel Management
Doris Wojnarowski
Department of Homeland Security
Audit Awards for Excellence Panel
Mark Zabarsky
Department of Commerce
David Frost
Federal Housing Finance Agency
Stephen Dingbaum
Nuclear Regulatory Commission
Stephen Ryan
National Security Agency
Evaluations, Management, Special Act, and Information Technology Categories Award for Excellence Panel
Terri Beatty
Tennessee Valley Authority
Deborah Holmes
Department of the Interior
Sandra Lewis
Department of State
John Budzynski
U.S. Postal Service
Investigations Awards for Excellence Panel
Alan Boehm
National Science Foundation
James Adams
General Services Administration
George Dorsett
Charles (Chris) Gregorski
Special Inspector General for the Troubled Asset Relief Program
Special Category Awards
Michael Horowitz
Department of Justice
Allison Lerner
National Science Foundation
Mary Mitchelson
Corporation for Public Broadcasting
Paul Martin
National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Kathleen Tighe
Department of Education
Daniel Levinson
Department of Health and Human Service
Carl Hoecker
Securities Exchange Commission
Kathy Buller
Peace Corps
David Montoya
Department of Housing and Urban Development
Phyllis Fong
Department of Agriculture
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Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Lynne McFarland
Federal Election Commission
Elizabeth Dean
Federal Credit Administration
A resounding “thank you” to those who assisted in the preparations for the Awards Ceremony
Farm Credit Administration
Ava Bell
Sonya Cerna
Kathy Gallo
Tori Kaufman
Tammy Rapp
Elizabeth Dean
U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development
Michael White
Maura Malone
Kit Tam
Mary Jean
Cheryl Stadel-Bevans
David Montoya
Council of the Inspectors General on Integrity and Eciency
Mark Jones
Tracy Brown
Brett Wilson
Paola Merino
Roxsand Devese
Beth Leon
Kelly Prillaman
Tara Rodas
Michael Diavolikis
Amanda Freeman
Atticus Reaser
David Gross
Douglas Holt
Chanda Binkley
Cover photo: Jillisa Hope Milner
19th Annual Awards Ceremony
October 20th 2016