mobile app:
User Guide
Downloading the PerfectServe practitioner mobile app
1. Download the PerfectServe practitioner app or tap on the
App Store and search for “PerfectServe.”
2. Tap “Get” to begin the installation process.
3. Once installation is complete, tap “OPEN.”
4. To ensure the best possible experience, tap “OK” when asked
to “Accept Push Notications.”
Log in to the PerfectServe practitioner app
1. Sign in using your PerfectServe username and password.
If you do not have a PerfectServe username and password,
contact your PerfectServe administrator.
2. You will be prompted to change your password and set a PIN
during your initial login.
3. Next, you will select an identity verication question.
4. Finally, enter your personal mobile number and tap “Save.”
All personal information will remain condential and secure,
neither shared nor sold. View our privacy policy here for
complete details.
5. You are now live on the PerfectServe practitioner mobile app.
User Guide
Version 1.0
See the top 5
things you can
do with the app!
©2015 PerfectServe Inc. All rights reserved. PerfectServe
is a registered trademark and PerfectServe Synchrony™ and Problem Solved™ are trademarks of PerfectServe, Inc. 2
Notication conguration
1. PerfectServe will notify you each time you receive a new
message. The standard notication sequence is as follows:
Immediate notication of new message.
Repeat message notication 15 minutes after the message
is received.
Second repeat message notication 30 minutes after the
message is received.
Phone call 45 minutes after the message is received.
2. For the best experience, we suggest “Alert” notication styles
on iPhone.
Open your iPhone Settings.
Tap “Notications.”
Tap “PerfectServe.”
Choose “Alerts.”
3. To change your PerfectServe notication sound, open the app
and tap “Settings” in the main menu.
Tap “Push Notication Sound” and select your
preferred sound.
After nalizing your choice, tap “Save” in the upper
right-hand corner.
All PerfectServe notications will now use that sound.
If you check the message at any time during this sequence,
subsequent notications will cease.
©2015 PerfectServe Inc. All rights reserved. PerfectServe
is a registered trademark and PerfectServe Synchrony™ and Problem Solved™ are trademarks of PerfectServe, Inc. 3
1. Conversations are where all your exchanges can be accessed.
Open Conversations to see a list of your existing conversations
or to start a new one.
2. Along the left-hand side of the screen are icons that designate
message or sender type:
3. To start a new conversation, tap the new conversation
button in the lower right-hand corner.
Choose the individual or group with whom you would like to
start a conversation.
Follow the prompts to ensure you
reach the correct recipient.
Type your message.
Attach photos or voice memos
by tapping the paper clip.
Tap “Send.” You are now securely
connected to your colleague(s).
At the top of your message bubble
you will nd the date and time you
sent your message. At the bottom,
you will nd the Read/Unread status
of your message by the recipient.
designates an individual
designates a group
designates a hospital
designates a practice
designates a team alert
©2015 PerfectServe Inc. All rights reserved. PerfectServe
is a registered trademark and PerfectServe Synchrony™ and Problem Solved™ are trademarks of PerfectServe, Inc. 4
1. Contacts provides a complete list of all individuals and groups
within your directory.
See all of your colleagues in one place.
Contact or create a new group.
Select and see your favorites.
2. To create a group, tap “Groups” in the Contacts tab.
Tap the “+” symbol in the upper right-hand corner. Type a name
for your group.
Start typing a name or hit the “+” symbol to select the
colleagues you want in your new group and tap
Add Selected.”
You have now created your new group.
How Im reached
Here you can modify your personalized
communication algorithm. Tap on “How
I’m Reached” and select the algorithm
you want to modify. For example:
Tap “DocLink.”
You are planning to be out of
town this weekend and do not
want to be notied of messages.
Simply tap on Saturday and
select “Unavailable Secure
Voice and Text.”
Not only will you not receive messages, but anyone
sending you a message will be informed that you are
currently unavailable.
©2015 PerfectServe Inc. All rights reserved. PerfectServe
is a registered trademark and PerfectServe Synchrony™ and Problem Solved™ are trademarks of PerfectServe, Inc. 5
On Call
This allows you to view who is currently on call, instantly change
who is covering call or update your on-call schedule to reect your
time off. The changes take effect in real time.
If available, you are able to automatically trigger a different
communication routing process based on your current status
(e.g., in surgery, in the hospital or with patients).
In Settings you can change your push notication sound, review
your devices and change your password or PIN.