Questions/Responses No. 1 to the
Request for Proposals (RFP) K21-0055-26O
MDJUD Master Contract for Graphic Design Services
Ladies and Gentlemen:
The following questions for the above referenced RFP were received by e-mail and are answered and
posted for all prospective Offerors. The statements and interpretations contained in the following
responses to questions are not binding on the Maryland Judiciary unless the RFP is expressly amended.
Nothing in the Maryland Judiciary’s response to these questions is to be construed as agreement to or
acceptance by the Maryland Judiciary of any statement or interpretation on the part of the Offeror asking
the question.
Question 1: Do we have to carry cyber Insurance at 10M? It will increase the cost of the hourly rate among
other things.
Response: No. An amendment will be issued to remove this requirement.
Question 2: Does the Following statement preclude businesses established less than two years? We
have 40+ years of collective design experience but our agency Pulp launched less than two years ago.
"Evidence that the Offeror has the financial capacity to provide the goods and/or services, as described
in its proposal, via profit and loss statements and balance sheets for the last two (2) years."
Response: No.
Question 3: Regarding samples, beyond the request three physical samples, can we include examples of
additional work in the proposal?
Response: Yes.
Question 4: During the pre-proposal conference there was discussion on whether to provide by job type
(e.g. newsletter, logo design) vs. job role (e.g. graphic designer). Do offerors provide pricing on both
options, or can they choose to pick one option?
Response: Offerors should provide pricing for all proposed job types and/or categories.
Question 5 Section 3.4.5.A of the RFP states, "Offerors shall address each RFP requirement in the
Technical Proposal and describe how its proposed services will meet those requirements." Are you looking
for us to respond to every section in the entire RFP or just Section 2 Statement of Work?
Response: Section 3.4.5 A refers Section 2. Please also see RFP Section 3.4.2.
Question 6: Section 2.1.1 of the RFP states, "Offerors shall submit a minimum of three (3) design
samples." Are electronic samples sufficient or do you require hard copy samples?
Response: Offerors may submit hard or soft copy samples.
Question 7: How many awards do you plan to make as a result of this RFP?
Response: Per RFP Section 2.1, the AOC intends to award Master Contracts to an unlimited number of
qualified and responsible Offerors whose proposal conforms to the specifications of the RFP.
Question 8: Are resources required to be US based?
Response: No.
Question 9: What do you mean by Fully loaded hourly rates, in the price proposal?
Response: As per RFP Section E, fully loaded fixed price includes all direct and indirect costs and profit
for the Contractor to perform the services. Indirect costs shall include all costs that would normally be
considered general and administrative costs and/or travel costs.
Question 10: In the RFP, Section 1.4 states that the period of performance is for a 3-year base with up to
two 1-year options. However, Attachment E requests pricing for the base + 4 option years. Can you
please clarify the performance period? If the former is accurate, (a) can you adjust Attachment E
accordingly, and (b) are you expecting the base rate to remain the same for 3 years, with an escalation
permitted in each option year?
Response: Please refer section 1.4 for the contract duration. An amendment will be issued updating
the Attachment E.
Question 11: Attachment E: Based on the conference discussion, I'm a bit confused about how you are
evaluating price. Since we are submitting ceiling labor rates, and the labor mix will be determined at the
PORFP level, are you still evaluating total price, or are you evaluating the individual labor rates? Please
Response: No. The proposal will not be evaluated on total price. An Amendment will be issued for
Attachment E, removing total price line.
Issued by: Sejal Lakhawala
Procurement Officer
April 13, 2021