Graphic Artists Guild Handbook: Pricing & Ethical Guidelines, 16th Edition
Client requires ongoing services such as those provided by Designer, and
wishes to engage Designer to perform such services as a subcontractor on
an ongoing basis; and Designer agrees to provide such services as set forth
herein. For good and valuable consideration, the parties agree as follows:
1. Services
1.1 Services. Designer agrees to provide to Client the design services and deliv-
erables set forth in the attached Statement of Work (“SOW”) (the “Services”).
e Services are estimated to require _____ hours of Designer’s time per month.
1.2 Revisions/Changes. e SOW reects the scope of work initially required
by Client and Designer’s time to complete such work. If Client requests addi
tional revisions, changes, or services in any particular month, Designer will
advise Client of the additional time required, and shall invoice Client for such
additional Services on a time and materials basis, at the hourly rate of $_____
per hour. Upon mutual agreement, additional SOWs may be attached hereto to
modify the Services on an ongoing basis. If additional SOWs increase the time
needed to perform the Services per month, the parties shall adjust the Retainer
1.3 Independent Contractor. Designer is an independent contractor, not an
employee of Client. Designer shall perform the Services under the general
direction of Client, but Designer shall determine, in Designers sole discretion,
the manner and means by which the Services are accomplished. Designer may
engage third-party subcontractors to perform any of the Services (“Design
1.4 No Exclusivity. is Agreement does not create an exclusive relationship
between the parties. Client may engage others to perform services of the same
or similar nature to those provided by Designer, and Designer may oer and
provide design services to others, solicit work from third parties and otherwise
advertise the services oered by Designer.
2. Compensation
2.1 Retainer. During the Term of this Agreement Client shall pay to Designer
an advance monthly Retainer in the amount of $_______.
2.2 Expenses. Client shall reimburse Designer for out-of-pocket expenses
incurred in performance of the Services for licenses to use ird-Party Materials,
photocopies, travel expenses, postage, courier, and the like.
2.3. Invoices. Client shall pay the rst Retainer upon execution of this Agreement.
ereaer, Designer shall invoice Client for the Retainer in advance for each
month, which shall be paid within ve (5) days of receipt. Designer shall invoice
Client for additional fees and expenses on a monthly basis, which Client shall pay
within thirty (30) days of receipt. Designer may invoice Client in advance for
substantial expenses, for example, licenses for ird-Party Materials, and Client
shall pay such advance invoices within the time frame requested by Designer.
3. Intellectual Property
3.1 Final Works. Upon completion of the Services each month, and expressly
conditioned upon full payment of all fees and costs due therefore, Designer
assigns to Client all rights, title and interest, including copyright, in and to the
nal deliverables comprising the nished works approved for implementation
by Client (“Final Works”). Designer warrants and represents that, to the best of
its knowledge, the Final Works are original to Designer and/or its Design Agents;
and that Designer has procured from its Design Agents appropriate agreements
as necessary to grant the ownership rights assigned to Client herein. Designer
shall cooperate with Client and shall execute any additional documents reason-
ably requested by Client to evidence such assignment. Client hereby grants to
Designer the nonexclusive right to reproduce, publish and display the Final
Works in its portfolios in all media including print and online, and in galleries,
design periodicals and other media or exhibits for the purposes of recognition
of creative excellence or professional advancement in the eld of design, and
Designer retains the right to be credited with authorship therein.
3.2 Preliminary Works. Designer retains intellectual property ownership of all
other work product and deliverables, including but not limited to explorations,
alternate or preliminary designs not selected for implementation by Client,
interim renements, and proof of concept deliverables (“Preliminary Works”),
and Client shall return all Preliminary Works to Designer within thirty (30)
days of Designers request.
3.3 ird-Party Materials. Designer shall inform Client of any need to license,
at Client’s expense, materials owned by third parties to be incorporated into the
Final Works (for example, photography, illustration, font licenses, text), and
Client shall obtain the license(s) necessary to permit Client’s use of such
materials. Client acknowledges that no rights are granted to Client for use of
third-party materials in Preliminary Works, including proof of concept deliv
erables. In the event Client fails to properly secure or otherwise arrange for any
necessary licenses for use of third-party materials, or instructs Designer to
incorporate third-party materials into deliverables, Client hereby indemnies,
saves and holds harmless Designer from any and all damages, liabilities, costs,
losses or expenses arising out of any claim, demand, or action by a third party
arising out of such use.
4. Warranties:
Designer warrants and represents that the Services shall be performed and
completed in a professional manner, and that the Work Product is original to
Designer and, to the best of Designer’s knowledge, shall not infringe the
copyright, trademark, trade secret, publicity or privacy rights, or other intellec-
tual property or proprietary rights of third parties. is warranty does not extend
to any unauthorized use of Preliminary Works or adaptations made to the Final
Works by Client.
5. Cancellation/Delays
5.1 Cancellation. Either party may cancel this Agreement upon thirty (30) days
written notice for convenience, or upon thirty (30) days notice for material
breach of this Agreement, if the other party fails to cure the breach within that
thirty-day period. In the event of such cancellation, Designer retains ownership
of all rights, including copyrights, in and to all deliverables except Final Works
for which Client has already made full payment (retainer and any additional
hourly fees and expenses).
5.2 Delays. Client acknowledges and agrees that Designers ability to meet
Remove all language in italics before using this form.
This Service Retainer Agreement
(“Agreement”) is entered into by and between (“Client”)
“Designer”), is effective as of the last date of signature below, and
hall continue in effect until cancelled pursuant to paragraph 5 below
Graphic Artists Guild Handbook: Pricing & Ethical Guidelines, 16th Edition
schedules is dependent upon Client’s prompt performance of its obligations to
provide materials, approvals and instructions, and that any delays in Clients
performance or requests for changes to the scope of work as set forth in the SOW
may delay the Services. Any such delay caused by Client shall not constitute a
breach by Designer of this Agreement.
5.3 Kill Fee. Client acknowledges that Designer has reserved time to perform
the Services for each month, and Designer was not able to accept other work for
that month. Accordingly, in the event Client cancels or delays the Services, Client
shall pay to Designer, in addition to the retainer and expenses already incurred
through the date of such cancellation or delay, a kill fee equal to a pro rata portion
of the retainer amount for the period ending thirty (30) days following the date
of termination , unless Designer is able to secure new work for that time for the
same or greater compensation.
5.4 Force Majeure. Designer shall notify Client if Designer is unable to timely
complete the Services or any portion thereof by reason of re, earthquake, labor
dispute, act of God or public enemy, death, illness or incapacity of Designer or
any local, state, federal, national or international law, governmental order or
regulation, or any other event beyond Designer’s control, and the parties will
then discuss in good faith revisions to the schedule for completion of the
Services. Designer shall not be deemed in breach of this Agreement in such
6. Condential Information
Each party acknowledges that in connection with the Proposal it may receive
certain condential or proprietary technical and business information and
materials of the other party (“Condential Information”). Each party, its agents
and employees shall hold and maintain in strict condence all Condential
Information, shall not disclose Condential Information to any third party; and
shall not use any Condential Information except as may be necessary to
perform its obligations under the Proposal. Notwithstanding the foregoing,
Condential Information will not include any information that is or becomes
generally publicly known through no fault of the receiving party, or is rightfully
received from a third party. Client shall not solicit services directly from Design-
er’s employees or Design Agents without Designer’s prior written consent.
7. Limitation of Liability
Client shall be responsible for all compliance with laws or government rules
or regulations applicable to Clients nal products. Client shall have sole
responsibility for ensuring that any deliverables comprising trade names,
words, symbols, designs, logos or other devices or designs used by Client to
designate the origin or source of goods or services (“Trademarks”) are available
for use in commerce and federal registration and do not otherwise infringe
the rights of any third party. Client hereby indemnies, saves and holds
harmless Designer from any and all damages, liabilities, costs, losses or
expenses arising out of any claim, demand, or action by any third party
alleging any infringement arising out of Client’s use of Trademarks. e
maximum liability of Designer to Client for damages for any and all causes
whatsoever, and Clients maximum remedy, regardless of the form of action,
shall be limited to an amount equal to the total fees paid by Client to Designer
hereunder. In no event shall Designer be liable for any indirect, incidental,
special, consequential, exemplary or punitive damages arising out of or related
to the Services, even if Designer has been advised of the possibility of such
8. General
Any modications of this Agreement must be in writing signed by both parties.
is Agreement shall be construed and enforced under the laws of the United
States and the State of _____________ without reference to or application of
conict of law rules. In the event of a dispute arising out of this Agreement, the
parties agree to attempt to resolve any dispute by negotiation between the parties.
If they are unable to resolve the dispute, either party may commence mediation
and/or binding arbitration through __________________________________
___[name of local mediation/arbitration program], or other forum mutually
agreed to by the parties. e prevailing party in any dispute resolved by binding
arbitration or litigation shall be entitled to recover its attorneys’ fees and costs.
Litigation arising from this Agreement shall be brought in state or federal court,
as appropriate, within ______________________ [state, local district court]. is
Agreement, together with the SOW(s), comprises the entire understanding of
the parties hereto on the subject matter herein contained, and supersedes and
merges all prior and contemporaneous agreements, understandings and discus-
sions between the parties relating to the Services. All notices shall be delivered
in writing to the parties’ respective addresses provided below, or as subsequently
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Designer Contact Name: ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Signed: ____________________________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Client Ocer Name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Title: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Signed: ____________________________________________________________________________ Date: ________________________________________