Sample Contract
Sample Contract for Graphic Designers
Professional Practice
Series #3
Society of
Graphic Designers of Canada
Société des
designers graphiques du Canada
Background to this Project
These Standard Terms & Conditions are the result a long and tedious
process, which has benefited from the efforts, contributions, and input
of various individuals and organisations.
This project initially grew out of workshops held by the Manitoba
Chapter of the GDC at which a draft “sample contract” was compiled
which incorporated the issues, concerns, and best practice of several
dozen designer and client participants. This draft was subsequently
reviewed by a prominent copyright lawyer, leading to further
development, consolidation and refinement. Finally, the revised draft
was reviewed and edited by a litigation lawyer. In the process of
developing these Standard Terms & Conditions, we have drawn from
precedent documents used effectively for several decades by
established design offices, and have researched parallel documents
from sister organisations in England, the USA, Germany, and
Switzerland as well as guide documents from the International
Council of Graphic Design Associations (Icograda). These Standard
Terms and Conditions have been compiled by Robert L. Peters
Legal fees were jointly donated by Circle Design Incorporated and
GDC Manitoba.
This document has been written to be understandable and to be
as “friendly” as possible, while clearly spelling out and protecting the
rights of both contracting parties. In the opinion of several lawyers
who have reviewed these Standard Terms & Conditions, this is
a solid boilerplate document. Like most things in life, however, this
document will no doubt benefit from ongoing review, refinement,
and improvement. To this end, please address comments and
suggestions to:
Robert L. Peters
c/o Circle Design Incorporated
200–72 Princess Street
Winnipeg, MB R3B 1G4
F: 204.943.9483
Electronic versions of this document are available
to GDC Members in good standing through the National
Secretariat or in the members only area of
in PDF and Quark 4.1 file formats.
Standard Terms & Conditions
This document has been developed for the Society of Graphic
Designers of Canada (GDC), forming a boilerplate for a Pro Forma
Agreement between the Designer and the Client. This document
is provided for the exclusive use of Members in good standing of
the GDC.
Why Develop Standard Terms & Conditions?
The GDC’s goal in developing and disseminating these Standard
Terms and Conditions is to assist graphic designers in improving the
effectiveness of their contractual documents—benefiting both
individual designers, as well as the graphic design profession. It will
prove useful to freelance designers, to design offices, and to schools
wishing to enhance their teaching of professional practice in the
area of graphic design.
Good Fences Make Good Neighbours
A contract is an agreement. A fundamental tool of business, an
agreement is simply a promise or a set of promises which the law can
enforce. An agreement comes into existence by one party making an
offer, and by another party accepting the offer. A written agreement is
obviously better than an oral agreement, because it is more
enforceable. The best time to enter into an agreement is at the
beginning of a project when both parties are getting along (and when
it may seem that a written agreement may not be necessary). Usually,
a good agreement between a Designer and a Client will act in a
preemptive manner, and through the formal commitment between the
two parties, both will feel a sense of obligation which may help avoid
many of the potential problems and pitfalls that can arise during the
course of a design project. In the same way that “good fences make
good neighbours,” good agreements make good Clients, or at least
make Clients be good.
Recommendations on Using These
Standard Terms & Conditions
Read these Standard Terms & Conditions carefully, and make sure
that you understand them and the implications to both you and your
Client of subscribing to them.
Be aware of liability that you as the Designer take on by the
conditions you agree to, for example, under the clause “Warranty,”
where the Client is assured that the Designer’s work is original.
Discuss your project estimate and negotiate specific details with the
Client before preparing a detailed written agreement which includes
these Standard Terms & Conditions—this allows the Client to
concentrate on the main project criteria and parameters before getting
“bogged down” in the detail of these Standard Terms and Conditions.
Do not use these Standard Terms & Conditions for complex
or long-term projects. For example, projects involving retainer-based
relationships, payment of royalties, multimedia, etc. may require a
lengthier customised agreement.
Although these Standard Terms & Conditions have been carefully
researched and compiled, they are not a replacement for legal
counsel. Have your lawyer review your agreements.
These Standard Terms & Conditions are just that—a standard.
You can customise or modify this in any way you choose to suit the
individual needs or requirements of the contracting Designer or Client.
Again, you are advised to consult a lawyer with regard to modification
of these Standard Terms & Conditions.
Besides serving their primary purpose as the boilerplate for
simple but effective proposal/ agreements, these Standard Terms &
Conditions may be used in several other ways: as a stand-alone
document for reference; as a starting point for negotiation; and as a
basis for more complex, customised agreements.
Written Agreements Using These
Standard Terms & Conditions
When the Client and the Designer are ready to enter into an
agreement (usually after the design services, fees, schedule, use and
rights, etc. have been discussed) the Designer can draw up an
Agreement on letterhead, attaching the Standard Terms and
Conditions. The Designer and the Client should each sign two copies
of the document (if possible in each other’s presence) with each party
receiving a fully executed copy.
Refer to the Sample Agreement.
Alternatively, the Designer may draft a written Proposal describing the
work to be performed, fees, etc. with attached Standard Terms &
Conditions, and may ask for written acceptance of this Proposal by the
Client. Either way constitutes a written agreement between the Client
and the Designer.
When text for the Standard Terms & Conditions is incorporated into
a written Agreement (usually on the Designer’s letterhead) it must, at
a minimum, include the following elements:
Proper legal names and addresses of both Designer and Client
The date
Name of the project
(a description of work to be performed, project stages,
the number of presentations that are included, the type of artwork,
Designer responsibilities, etc.)
Client Responsibilities (a list of what the Client is to provide, or is
responsible for)
Use and Rights*
(a description of specific usage limitations, for
example: for a limited period of time, in certain media only, in a certain
geographic area only, etc. and a description of what the Client will
receive or own in the way of tangibles, for example: reflective/camera
ready art and negatives only, editable digital files, etc., and a clear
description of whether these rights and tangibles are being assigned
[sold] or licensed [leased] to the Client, etc. Note that it is important to
spell out clearly here what the Client is to receive—if not specified,
the boilerplate in the section “Copyright and Ownership” indicates that
the Designer retains all rights and all tangible materials. Most Clients
of course will not agree to this—it is important that the Client’s needs
are met, and this will vary with each Client and project type. For
example, a Client will almost always want master artwork and digital
files for a new logo, but will likely not insist on receiving digital files
for an annual report or corporate publication. Specific use and rights
need to be discussed and negotiated at the outset of a project and
stated here in order to avoid problems.)
A time schedule for the project
(a description of fees for the work described under
“Services,” what taxes are additional or included, set stages in the
project at which fees will be billed [if applicable], etc.)
(an estimate and description of expected out-of-pocket
expenses and disbursements, a specific percentage surcharge which
will be applied to cover account handling and supervision (e.g.20%),
and what taxes are additional or included)
Terms of Payment*
(a description of the advance required at the
start of the project, further specific terms of payment, etc.)
A statement of agreement between the two contracting parties
which includes the legal names of both parties, the project name, a
statement that reads “For due remuneration as detailed in this
agreement, the Designer will provide services to the Client as set out
herein. This agreement forms a part of and is subject to the Standard
Terms & Conditions attached.”, and space for the date of signing
and the authorised signatures of both parties.
* These elements are referred to specifically in the boilerplate
Standard Terms & Conditions, and must appear in a written
Agreement which incorporates or refers to the Standard Terms &
Conditions. These elements should not be renamed unless the
boilerplate is edited to reflect such renaming.
In addition to these basic elements, the Agreement could include
any additional information the Designer desires such as background
information, design criteria, an outline of project procedure, a list
of services to be performed by third parties under the supervision of
the Designer, etc., etc..
Text for the Standard Terms & Conditions can be formatted as part
of the Designer’s agreement template (by capturing the keystrokes of
the Standard Terms & Conditions document below), or by copying
the two page Standard Terms & Conditions pre-formatted document
onto letterhead.
Refer to the Standard Terms & Conditions.
Okay, after all that preamble, following is the Sample Agreement and
Standard Terms & Conditions.
Sample Agreement
(attach to Standard Terms
& Conditions)
Good Design Incorporated
987 Any Street
Any City, Any Province
Canada, X7Y 8Z9
Tel. 987.654.3210
Fax 987.654.0123
1 January 2008
Jane Doe
ABC Company Ltd.
123 Any Street
Any City, Any Province
A1B 2C3
Dear Ms. Doe,
Re: Design of Graphic Identity, Signage Graphics and Packaging
Enclosed please find two copies of our proposal/agreement outlining the design services as discussed at our
initial meeting on Tuesday, December 21 and as per our estimate of 2 January 2008.
Please review, sign and return the two enclosed documents to Good Design along with a cheque for the
deposit. We will then countersign the agreements and return your copy and a receipt to you for your records.
Please call John Hancock, our client services director, or myself if you have any questions.
We look forward to working with you in developing an effective, cohesive graphic identity for ABC
Company Ltd.
John Henry
Design Director
sent by courier
Sample Agreement
Good Design Incorporated
987 Any Street
Any City, Any Province
Canada, X7Y 8Z9
Tel. 987.654.3210
Fax 987.654.0123
This proposal is subject to
amendment or withdrawal at any
time prior to signing of agreement,
or acceptance of proposal in
writing, by the Client.
The Client and the Designer each
retains a copy for reference.
September 17, 1998
Jane Doe
ABC Company Ltd.
123 Any Street
Any City, Any Province
A1B 2C3
Dear Ms. Doe,
Re: Design of Graphic Identity, Signage Graphics and Packaging
ABC Company Ltd. has been in the retail whatever business for 11 years, operating out of its current location
on 123 Any Street in Any City. The business is now relocating to a European-style village mall in nearby
Generic Square. ABC Company Ltd. is an independent family run whatever business that prides itself in
delivering a quality service and offering a good selection of merchandise to its customers. The business has
a well established and loyal clientele, and is held in high regard by its peers in the whatever field.
ABC Company Ltd. wishes to develop a new graphic identity to coincide with its move to new premises, to
apply this new identity consistently to all of its visual representations, and to strengthen its visibility and retail
presence in Any City.To this end, ABC Company Ltd. is seeking the services of a graphic design firm, and in
response, Good Design Incorporated (the Designer) has prepared this proposal to provide design services to
ABC Company Ltd. (the Client).
Based on initial meetings and a preliminary assessment of existing materials used by the Client, the
Designer proposes to perform the following design services:
Phase 1 – Graphic Identity
• design of a distinctive graphic identity (logotype)
• creation of digital masters and master reflective artwork for the logotype
• development of basic standards for the graphic identity
• design of core stationery (business card, letterhead and envelopes)
Phase 2 – Signage Graphics
• design of graphics for three exterior sign panels for existing fixtures incorporating the new graphic identity
(two facade signs and a double panel on Generic Square’s free standing pylon sign)
Phase 3 – Packaging
• application of the graphic identity to four gift boxes and a cloth gift bag
• application of the identity to paper and plastic merchandise bags
Sample Agreement
Sample Agreement
Good Design Incorporated
987 Any Street
Any City, Any Province
Canada, X7Y 8Z9
Tel. 987.654.3210
Fax 987.654.0123
Project Procedure
• Initial briefing by the Client.
• Analysis and assessment.
• Preparation of design criteria.
• Ideation and concept development.
• Layout of individual items.
• Presentation of mockups to Client for review and approval.
• Preparation of production specifications and mechanicals or electronic files.
• Preparation of final proofs, for approval by Client.
• Supplier sourcing, liaison and tendering.
• Production supervision.
Client to Provide
• Thorough briefing at the outset of the project.
• Appointment of a sole representative authorised to provide information, act on behalf of the Client, and
provide approvals.
• Supply of precedent materials and information on competitors, for reference.
• Specific information and plans re: signage and packaging.
• Timely input and approval as necessary.
Use and Rights
Upon payment in full of all fees and disbursements the Designer shall grant the Client unlimited reproduction
rights for all approved final designs and shall transfer ownership of camera-ready artwork, mechanicals,
negatives and reproduction specifications to the Client. Other than digital masters for the logotype and
stationery templates (which will be supplied to the Client in a suitable digital file format), all computer disks,
electronic files, software documents, fonts, and digital materials generated by the Designer in the course of
this project, and copyright pertaining to same, remain the property of the Designer.
Time Schedule
A schedule compatible with the Client’s timing requirements will be established at the outset of the project,
with project commencement contingent upon prompt acceptance of this proposal, and with anticipated
completion before the end of October, 1997. All dates and time schedules are contingent upon prompt
project commencement and timely Client input as required.
Fees are for work to be carried out and materials to be created as set out in this agreement as to Services:
Phase 1: $ 8,600
Phase 2: $ 2,400
Phase 3: $ 3,000
Fee Total: $ 14,000
Sales taxes (GST@ 5% and PST@ 7%) are additional, as applicable. Fees are based on estimates of
designer hours at prevailing studio rates. Design services beyond those outlined in this proposal are
available if/as required, and will be charged for at prevailing studio rates.
Sample Agreement
Good Design Incorporated
987 Any Street
Any City, Any Province
Canada, X7Y 8Z9
Tel. 987.654.3210
Fax 987.654.0123
The Client shall reimburse the Designer for all expenditures incurred by the Designer
with respect to this project. Disbursements and out-of-pocket expenses are billed at cost plus a percentage
surcharge of 20% for account handling and supervision. Please allow an estimated amount of $500 for
disbursements such as typography, disk output, proofs, studio materials, and couriers. Sales taxes (GST@
7% and PST@ 7%) are additional,
as applicable.
Terms of Payment
An advance of $8,265 against the total payable is required at project commencement, representing 1/2 of
the estimated total of fees, expenses and taxes ($7,000 fees. + $250 expenses + $507.50 GST + $507.50
PST= $8,265). The balance of fees are due upon receipt of invoice issued monthly for services rendered to
date, and upon completion of the project.
The Designer’s services do not include implementation or third party contracts for services such as printing,
packaging production, or sign fabrication and erection.
Agreement made as of ___________________________________, 2008
between ABC Company Ltd., (herein referred to as the Client)
and Good Design Incorporated (herein referred to as the Designer)
concerning this project referred to as:
Design of Graphic Identity, Signage Graphics and Packaging
For due remuneration as detailed in this agreement, the Designer will provide services to the Client as set
out herein. This agreement forms a part of and is subject to the standard terms and conditions attached.
ABC Company Ltd.,
per: __________________________________________________________
Good Design Incorporated,
per: __________________________________________________________
Standard Terms & Conditions
(attach to Sample Agreement)
Good Design Incorporated
987 Any Street
Any City, Any Province
Canada, X7Y 8Z9
Tel. 987.654.3210
Fax 987.654.0123
Standard Terms & Conditions
These standard terms and conditions are in accordance
with the recognised and standard practices of the graphic
design profession, and provide the basis for an efficacious
working relationship between the Designer and the Client,
and form an integral part of the agreement between the
Designer and the Client.
Professional Standing
The Designer subscribes to and abides by the code of
ethics and professional standards of the Society of Graphic
Designers of Canada.
The Designer reserves the right to refuse any project or part
thereof connected with activities or practices which the
Designer may deem to be detrimental to the general public,
to the environment, or to the reputation of the Designer or
the Society.
Use of Work
The work carried out and materials created during the
course of this project shall not be used for any purpose
other than that which is set out in the agreement as to Use
and Rights without prior approval of the Designer.
In no circumstances may work in rough form be used or
published by the Client as finished work or be used as a
basis for completion by others, without the prior written
consent of the Designer.
Copyright and Ownership
Unless otherwise stated herein, all services provided and
materials created in the course of this project by the
Designer shall be for the exclusive use and benefit of the
Client, other than for the promotional use of the Designer.
The Designer is the first owner of all work or materials
created during the course of this project. Copyright and
other intellectual property rights, and all drawings, mockups,
models, artwork, specifications, computer disks, electronic
files, software documents and all other tangible materials,
including preliminary concepts, accepted or rejected
elements, works in progress, and finished materials which
have been created or furnished by the Designer during the
course of this project shall remain the exclusive property of
the Designer unless otherwise specifically assigned in
As set out in the agreement as to Use and Rights and upon
payment in full of all fees and disbursements, the Client is
entitled to these specific usage rights for the purpose of
reproduction of approved final designs, after which all
materials shall be returned, unaltered, to the Designer within
30 days of use.
Unless otherwise stated, the Designer retains the moral
rights to all work created in the course of this project.
All intellectual property rights and materials shall remain the
property of the Designer, whether assigned or not, until all
the Designer’s invoices are paid in full.
If the Client wishes to make additional use of the materials
or ideas obtained therefrom, the Client agrees to seek
permission from the Designer and to make such further
payments as are agreed to by both parties at that time.
Rejected designs shall remain the exclusive property of the
The Designer retains all rights for use of the work or
materials created in the course of this project in any new
media or mediums which may emerge in the future.
Where copyright or other intellectual property rights are
acquired by the Client, the Designer shall, when requested,
assist in the application for design and copyright
registration. The costs of such assistance and action shall
be borne solely by the Client.
Conditions of Engagement
Fee quotations and proposals are subject to amendment or
withdrawal by the Designer at any time prior to the signing
of an agreement between the Client and the Designer.
A signed agreement or other written confirmation of contract
is required prior to the start of the project.
The Client and the Designer each represent that they have
full power and authority to enter into this agreement and that
this agreement is binding upon the Client and Designer and
enforceable in accordance with its terms.
This agreement represents the entire agreement between
the Client and the Designer, and may only be changed or
modified in writing and with the approval of both parties.
Neither the Client nor the Designer may assign or transfer
their interest in this agreement without the written consent of
the other.
This agreement shall be binding upon both parties and their
heirs, successors, personal representatives, and assigns.
The waiver of a breach of any of the provisions of this
agreement shall not be construed as a continuing waiver of
other breaches or other provisions hereof.
Schedules or time estimates are subject to change upon
notification in writing by either party.
Unless otherwise stated, the amount of written notice to be
given by either party shall be two weeks.
The Client agrees to provide any and all information having
direct bearing on the successful outcome of the project, and
to inform the Designer in writing of any portion of the project
which is confidential.
The Designer agrees to treat such information as
Standard Terms & Conditions
(attach to Sample Agreement)
Good Design Incorporated
987 Any Street
Any City, Any Province
Canada, X7Y 8Z9
Tel. 987.654.3210
Fax 987.654.0123
The Client shall pay the Designer an advance against the
total fees payable as set out in the agreement as to Fees
and Terms of Payment. This advance shall be applied to
services as performed from the outset of the project until
such time as services performed exceed the advance
amount, at which point the Client will be invoiced for
services rendered to date.
The Client shall pay the remainder of the fees upon receipt
of invoice, net 30 days on approved credit. Thereafter
interest will be charged on overdue accounts at a rate of 2%
per month.
When a project is longer than 30 days, invoices shall be
issued monthly for services rendered to date, or at set
stages in the project as set out in the agreement as to Fees.
The Client shall reimburse the Designer for all out-of-pocket
expenses and disbursements incurred by the Designer in
the course of this project as set out in the agreement as to
Expenses. These expenses shall be billed at cost plus a
percentage surcharge for account handling and supervision
as indicated.
Typical out-of-pocket expenses include, but are not limited
to: typography; photostats and copies; presentation and
artwork materials; digital proofs; digital file conversions; fax,
modem and long-distance telephone charges; couriers,
postage and shipping; and travel.
Estimates for reimbursable expenses are for planning and
budgeting purposes only. The Designer shall strive to work
within stated budgets, but is not liable if expenses exceed
estimates as a result of changes to the project’s
Upon the Client’s request at the start of the project, records
of all expenses shall be retained by the Designer and shall
be made available to the Client for review upon completion
of the project.
Third-Party Contracts
The Designer may act on behalf of the Client to contract
with other individuals or companies, to provide additional
services such as, but not limited to writing, photography,
illustration, pre-press services, printing, fabrication,
programming, or manufacturing. The Client agrees to be
bound by any terms and conditions of such contracts,
including credits and usage rights, with respect to
reproduction of the materials that may be claimed by these
third parties.
Rushed or Prolonged Work
Any work required in advance of an agreed schedule or
timetable, any shortening of the contract period, or
additional fees and expenses incurred during a project due
to Client delays or extensions shall be charged and paid for
at an additional rate agreed to in advance, or, failing
agreement, at a reasonable rate to be determined at the
discretion of the Designer.
Materials Provided by the Client
• The Client shall provide accurate and complete information
and materials to the Designer, and guarantees and warrants
that all materials are owned by the Client or that the Client
has all necessary rights, including copyright and waiver of
moral rights in such materials, to permit the Designer to use
them for the project.
All copy, photographs, artwork and other source materials
submitted by the Client shall be of professional quality and
in a form suitable for reproduction without further
preparation or alteration. An additional charge may be made
when materials are submitted by the Client in such a form
which prevents them from being readily utilised.
Copy provided by the Client on disk or as electronic files
shall be readily usable. If the Client has specific
requirements for how electronic files are to be prepared, the
Client shall inform the Designer of same at the outset of the
The Designer shall return all materials provided by the
Client within 30 days after project completion and payment
of all invoices.
Client Approval
The Client shall appoint a sole representative with full
authority to provide necessary information required by the
Designer and to provide reasonable approvals.
The Client shall proofread and approve all elements of final
designs. Approval must be provided before production can
continue. Corrections, if required, shall be identified on
proofs, artwork, facsimiles, or drawings and are to be
returned to the Designers marked “O.K.” or “O.K. with
correction,” with the name or initials of the individual duly
authorised to pass on same. If a copy of the revisions is
required, a request must be made when the above
mentioned articles are returned to the Designer.
On all work where the Client assumes responsibility for
production, printed proofs, cutting copies, prototypes and
shop models must be approved by the Designer prior to
use. The Designer shall be available at reasonable times to
provide advice during the production period and for approval
of minor modifications of the project which may be required.
When the Designer is engaged in a supervisory capacity
and assumes responsibility for production on behalf of the
Client, the Client agrees to abide by decisions made by the
When the Designer assumes responsibility for production,
both the Designer and the Client shall be governed by
recognised trade standards and customs.
Standard Terms & Conditions
(attach to Sample Agreement)
Good Design Incorporated
987 Any Street
Any City, Any Province
Canada, X7Y 8Z9
Tel. 987.654.3210
Fax 987.654.0123
Revisions and Additions
Any revisions, additions, or alterations to the project
modifying the terms of the agreement as the Services to be
performed and not included in any fee specified, shall be
billed as additional services. Such additional services shall
include, but shall not be limited to, changes in the extent of
work, changes in the complexity of any elements of the
project, and any changes made after approval has been
given for a specific stage of design, documentation, or
preparation of artwork.
The Designer shall keep the Client informed of additional
services that are required, and shall request the Client’s
approval for any additional services which cause the total
fees to exceed the fixed or estimated fees set forth in this
Storage and Access
The Designer shall retain and store all final electronic files,
finished artwork, drawings, and specifications for which
specific reproduction rights have been granted, for a
minimum period of 12 months after completion of the
project. Upon expiration of this period, all such materials
may be destroyed by the Designer, upon reasonable
notification to the Client. The Designer is not responsible for
information or materials lost or destroyed due to disk failure
or other unforeseeable hazards.
The Client shall have reasonable access to all stored
materials for the purpose of review, and shall pay the
Designer a reasonable fee for de-archiving or retrieving
materials, should expenses be incurred.
No modifications or alterations to any designs or other work
created by the Designer shall be made without written
consent of the Designer. In the event that reprints are
required, these shall not differ in any way from the originals
supplied without the written consent of the Designer. Any
modifications or alterations shall be carried out by or under
the supervision of the Designer and shall be paid at a rate
agreed to by both parties in advance.
Design Credits
The Designer shall be entitled to claim authorship of a
design, and a published or manufactured work shall bear a
credit to the Designer at the discretion of the Designer. The
Designer’s consent in writing shall be obtained before the
Designer’s name is reproduced in any finished product or
otherwise published by the Client.
Samples and Copies
The Client shall provide the Designer with a reasonable
number of samples, specimens, or photographs of each
printed or manufactured design. These samples shall
represent the highest quality of work produced.
The designer shall have the right to use samples and make
copies for publication, exhibition or other promotional
The Designer warrants that the work provided to the Client
by the Designer is original. The Designer agrees to
indemnify the Client in the event of any claim based on the
breach of this warranty.
The Designer is not responsible for errors or omissions in
any work produced as per the Client’s “O.K.”. No financial
responsibility is assumed by the Designer for errors or
damages resulting from such errors.
The Client will indemnify, defend, and save harmless the
Designer against any claim, damages and expense, actions
or causes of action arising from or prompted by the use of
any material supplied to the Designer by the Client or its
All property belonging to the Client or its agents which is
handled and stored by the Designer shall be done so at the
Client’s own risk.
The Designer is not responsible for delays in delivery
caused by acts of God, strikes, fires, floods or any other
similar circumstances beyond the Designer’s control.
Either party may request that any dispute arising out of this
agreement may be submitted to binding arbitration before a
mutually agreed upon arbitrator. The arbitrator’s decision or
award shall be final.
This agreement shall be terminated if either the Client or the
Designer commits a breach and fails to remedy the breach
within 14 days of receiving written notification from the other
party specifying the breach and requiring its remedy.
On termination or postponement of this project, or any part
of it, for any reason, the Client shall pay the Designer for the
work completed to date, together with all expenses incurred.
Any advance of fees will be credited against the amount
In the event of termination, the Designer shall retain the
copyright even if the fees agreed to in advance have
included the assignment of the copyright.
Applicable Law
This agreement and all terms and conditions shall be
governed and construed in accordance with the laws of
Canada and the laws of the province of the Designer’s
principal place of business.
This document has been written to be understandable and to be
as “friendly” as possible, while clearly spelling out and protecting the
rights of both contracting parties. In the opinion of several lawyers
who have reviewed these Standard Terms & Conditions, this is
a solid boilerplate document. Like most things in life, however, this
document will no doubt benefit from ongoing review, refinement,
and improvement. To this end, please address comments and
suggestions to:
Robert L. Peters
c/o Circle Design Incorporated
200–72 Princess Street
Winnipeg, MB R3B 1G4
F: 204.943.9483
Electronic versions of this document are available to GDC Members in
good standing through the National Secretariat or in the members only
area of in PDF and Quark 4.1 file formats.
Formatted: January 2008
Society of
Graphic Designers of Canada
National Secretariat
Société des
designers graphiques du Canada
Secrétariat national
Arts Court, 2 Daly Avenue
Ottawa, ON K1N 6E2 Canada
Infoline: 613.567.5400 or 1.877.496.4453
Fax: 613.564.4428